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Everything posted by Wraith01

  1. Remember we just use the rules we want. Except in tournaments when you use the rules the organizers decide to use.
  2. I like the idea! Seams like a nice way to play smaller games.
  3. Yes, but not until other armies get their battletomes updated. This is the cycle of Warhammer books, they are only good for a few months until changes start piling up. It's part of Warhammer being a living, changing game.
  4. Literal. as in: What You See Is What You Get.
  5. I have 3 Stormcast armies (Warrior Chamber, Vanguard Chamber and Sacrosanct Chamber) at 2k each. But the army I've played the most is Blades of Khorne (2k Bloodborne and 2k Deamons; with 1k Slaves to Darkness to mix in). Then I have 2k+ of Disciples of Ttzeentch, 2k+ Nighhaunt and 1k Fyreslayers.
  6. I hope they do pure Deamon Warbands. I'd love to add some modern dynamically posed Bloodletters to my Khorne armies!
  7. Those new models look awesome! I wonder if those are all the models we are getting in the starter set? 6 Iron Golems from Chamon with a Raptorix 8 Untamed Beasts from Ghur with a "Goat-Lion thing" and a few Chaos Furies ...plus some terrain... Seams like a good deal (depending on the price, of course).
  8. I don't care for any of those. Happy with all the new stuff and looking forward to the future of AoS.
  9. They probably had some eggs that finally hatched.
  10. Sadly, no new units. Therefore my Fyreslayers are staying as a Skirmish Warband. (I only have a Start Collecting kit, the Chosen Axes, a Doomseaker and a kit of Hearthguard that I just ordered when I got hyped with the announcement of new stuff coming.) I don't like repeating the same models over and over, specially with so few differentiation between them. Fyreslayers really need a few new units, specially cool new cavalry and behemoth (I'd personally like some females too). Though I will be buying the Forge and Endless Spells, just cause they look super cool! Might get the new book... but probably not.
  11. Reading a lot of "Anvil" and "Hammer" and I only tenuously grasp it. Can some one educate me on the concept, please?
  12. Update! I just added Karanak, 5 Flesh Hounds, 6 Skull Crushers, a Skull Canon, Bloodmaster and Skulltaker to my Khorne army. Can't forget the Alar and Judgments of Khorne! Though, sadly, I still haven't bought the Bloodthirster and really want Skarbrand now. I've also got the Fyreslayers start collecting and Warhammer Underworlds warband... I have most Underworld Warbands, even though I don't play that game.
  13. I really hope by the time they give a date for the new Fyreslayers Battletome they announce a few new units for the army. I want some cavalry (Vulkites on baby Magmadroths), a new behemoth and some ladies.
  14. I love everything they have shown! Can't wait to see what comes in the Starter set. I really hope all the non chaos mini's are new and interesting like what they have shown so far.
  15. Dude, Khorne got nerfed! We have to wait and see what works but almost all their old buffs and stuff is gone or significantly reworked. Anyway You've been dying to the old Khorne so you must not have had enough shooting and magic. Since Khorne didn't get the thing it needed most, speed, invest in spells and ranged units so you can kill them before they get to you.
  16. I have enough models to reshuffle and make it work. I can't wait to get the book and read it all. Nerfing Khorne could also have something to do with the overall narrative of AoS, Khorne has lost his grip on the Mortal Realms. Nagash is the main bad guy right now and Slanesh is probably going to come back and probably ascend in power.
  17. I really hope the good outweighs the bad. Blades of Khorne didn't need any Nerfs, they needed stuff to counter shooting and magic; probably faster movement too. Can't wait to see what else the book has to offer.
  18. I'm hyped! I love the look of everything they showed in that video and can't wait to find out more. Buying that starter set and probably all the warbands too...
  19. Hyped!!! Can't wait to pre-order it all. Though I'm also a little sad we didn't get a stand alone Khorgorath kit and a different looking Bloodsecrator.
  20. All they need is for GW to make all new models for those forces and establish them as basically new factions.
  21. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they flesh out the Mortal Realms and when it is set in the timeline. The cover is very exciting. I love the Mixed Grand Alliance: Order party.
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