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Everything posted by Markus

  1. If painting 'em gold following the tutorial is something you enjoy power to you! You're painting for your own enjoyment and not that of others after all.
  2. Aye, agree with the others. The head swap does look good, I prefer it to the original really.
  3. Markus

    Tree Lord Ancient

    Was just sat browsing the galleries when this beauty appeared. Every picture like this makes the urge to grab a box of Sylvaneth for my next army so much stronger. Looks great mate, really neat.
  4. Markus


    Just like I said in a post a minute ago, the model is one of my absolute favorites. I thought I exclusively enjoyed the Ironjawz in a bright and vibrant color scheme but you've changed my mind 'cause I thoroughly enjoy this look.
  5. I do prefer the skin to lean towards blue rather than green so I am deffo a fan of these. Be good to see them all finished later. Gj
  6. Great movies aside, mini looks good mate. I'd be chuffed if I could do that speedily.
  7. Show me the box.. What was in the box..? WHAT'S IN THE BOX!? Sorry, had to be done.
  8. Markus


    That is one sweet setup. Been looking at investing in a few paint racks myself.. Can't say I am not a tid bit envious right now. ^^
  9. Markus

    Sunday Project

    Tackar, tackar! Yeah, you guys are probably right. I'll keep it as it is, no need to change anything. Saves me a bunch of time as well not having to touch up what I have previously finished.
  10. Player Location: Sävar, Sweden Name: Markus Contact: PM me on the forums or Markus-lang@hotmail.com
  11. Markus

    Sunday Project

    Cheers mate, appreciate the comment. Been thinking about making the highlights a bit brighter but maybe you're right. Perhaps less is more
  12. G'day guys After having struggled to find any time to paint during the second part of this week I finally found some around Sunday afternoon. So I decided I would try something that I had never managed before. To paint a miniature in one sitting. Originally I had planned on painting my unit of Decimators next but having seen Lohke's awesome Darkoath Chieftain I was inspired to paint up my own Silver Tower model. The Knight-Questor. The model is great fun to paint. Enjoyed it even though I got carried away whilst building him and forgot to paint him in sub-assemblies. So the decision to leave the inside of the cloak white wasn't purely aesthetical. Since I was restricted to poor lighting and my phone camera the other pictures I took of the back were blurry I discovered once back at my PC so decided against uploading those. The cloak is red though just like the leather straps. Kept the inside of it white, felt like a bit too much red if I hadn't. Still undecided about the bases but I made a new test one and it turned out alright I think. Might actually get to finish all the bases soon enough. Anyway, that's about it really. Hopefully I'll have some more time to paint this upcoming week. Looking forward to having a unit of Decimators on the table. Until next time, Markus
  13. Looks fantastic mate, I'm well impressed.
  14. Just got my own dracoth primed and ready. Some great inspiration here before I start painting, cheers mate!
  15. I see Celestial Vindicators.. I like, comment and subscribe instantly. You've done a great job painting 'em and I'm sure Lokhe will be giving you bonus points for the creme white shields. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them
  16. Stunning job mate. That axe is beautiful. And just like Lokhe I'm loving all these different takes on Sylvaneth we're seeing right now.
  17. Ah, yeah. That makes a lot of sense to be fair. Both the basing and the collective effort to put it all together. Always great to see what others have done for their bases, I've yet to decide myself what I would want to do with mine so I'm keeping an eye out for some inspirational stuff. Only just realized as well, I've got the Knight-Questor in my drawer waiting to be assembled and painted. I really enjoyed the model, always thought SE would look good with proper cloaks so was an instabuy on Ebay when I first saw him. Giving him a go might push me into getting the rest as well.
  18. I'll see if I can't get a picture of the back next time I post an update. Looking at the work of others is half the fun right now for me, If I had tried to just go about painting without any pointers I think I would have quit before my 2nd layer was on. ^^
  19. Pfft... One can never wear too many skulls! Been real tempted by the box, if you keep posting more of these guys looking that good I might just have to get one. I particularly enjoy the sword, well done mate. You going to leave the base as is or have you got something planned perhaps?
  20. The thought had passed my mind, aye haha. I still have a bag of roughly 20 more helmet and a pack or two of shield, if 40k ever comes calling I'm ready. The shields I've considered, the back of the shield is white with gold trim for example. Never tried it but I've got some left over shield so I might give it a go later see how it looks. Appreciate the feedback by the way, It's probably the main reason I setup an account on here. Just painting in a vacuum is fun but having a second opinion is really valuable. So cheers!
  21. Hey guys, I figured I would start this blog by showing of where I got started and where I ended up after experimenting with the color scheme, different techniques, brushes, brands of paint etc. Sadly I never took any pictures of these initial trial and error runs and most of the models I painted were stripped afterwards to match with the scheme I finally settled on. But I'll include a picture of the one unit that was saved and simply retired rather than stripped and redone. This was the very first unit I picked up and painted. As you can see I tried to go for a kind of hoplite look giving them Corinthian helmets and round shields. I was also planning on adding spears rather than swords but I could never find any suitable ones and my attempts at modelling/altering the ones I had ended up in a few spectacular failures. It was good practice non the less I suppose. I apologize about the poor pictures and lighting, I tried to create a makeshift light box. It's better than nothing but I'll see if I can't purchase one or make an improved version of mine in the near future. I was never really happy with the paint job either, sure It was my very first attempt at this but It just seemed sloppy to me and I knew I could do better. And there was also the matter of the colors themselves. I had envisioned a really bright almost sky blue turquoise. Similar to what I thought I had seen in some of the pictures from the GW website and box art. So I asked the staff at my local gaming store how I would best go about painting the Celestial Vindicators. They recommended a color scheme from one of those painting guides GW sell, and that seemed good enough to me so I got started with a base of Sotek Green and a few other colors. It looked decent enough, but far from that very vibrant and bright turquoise I was going for. Back to the store I went and pretty much grabbed every hue of turquoise I could find. After about 4 or 5 test models I settled on one I was pleased with, done with the Light Turquoise from Vallejo Model Color on a white primer rather than black. This is what that looks like, the model isn't entirely done, his tabard and the grip of the hammer are examples of places I still need to finish up. So this is where I am right now, about done with my 10 liberators from the starter set that I got cheap on ebay. I've also painted up a Heraldor that I picked up at the store for no reason what so ever, he looked sweet on the box and I grabbed him. The joy of not knowing how stuff plays is that I can just purchase whatever I fancy without worrying too much about viability in matches. The unit of 4 liberators along with the Prime from the previous pictures is also when I discovered that humidity and priming don't go together very well. I spent a good hour just scrubbing them trying to remove the primer that had clogged up the entire models. I got a lot of it of but you can still see how the edges and lines are not as crisp as they should. I think I managed to recover to the point where I don't mind it from a far, I'll definitely play them and enjoy it without thinking about it. I think I'll end it there, need to get some painting done whilst I have some time to spare. I'll see if I can't get an update out soon-ish to post either a picture of everything together, a step by step or perhaps my experiments with bases so far. If you managed to get through my wall of texts 'till the end.. I'm impressed. Cheers! Mark
  22. Was just deciding whether I should pick up a box of Decimators or not. Seeing these guys made up my mind. I have to have a unit. Great job on 'em mate, top notch.
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