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About this blog

A newbie trying to learn the ropes whilst painting up his first army, the Stormcast Eternals of the Celestial Vindicators. 

Entries in this blog

Sunday Project

G'day guys After having struggled to find any time to paint during the second part of this week I finally found some around Sunday afternoon.  So I decided I would try something that I had never managed before. To paint a miniature in one sitting.  Originally I had planned on painting my unit of Decimators next but having seen Lohke's awesome Darkoath Chieftain I was inspired to paint up my own Silver Tower model. The Knight-Questor. The model is great fun to paint. Enjoyed it eve



If at first you don't succeed...

Hey guys, I figured I would start this blog by showing of where I got started and where I ended up after experimenting with the color scheme, different techniques, brushes, brands of paint etc.  Sadly I never took any pictures of these initial trial and error runs and most of the models I painted were stripped afterwards to match with the scheme I finally settled on. But I'll include a picture of the one unit that was saved and simply retired rather than stripped and redone.  This



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