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About this blog

A blog to show my painting and journey as an AOS hobbyhero. My Celestial Vindicators have arrived and they're angry.

Entries in this blog

Games Night

Since my first post I have been able to finish the bases on my next set of models. These Liberators have been done for a while but required a bit of sprucing up with another layer of Liberator Gold and a their bases painted. This unit of Liberators are led by a Prime named Sulla that has held the line admirably in several key battles. Get them in cover holding objectives and they can be hard as nails. Not very deadly but a good line unit. When I get my next unit of liberators, Grand hammers will



First post

My first post on TGA, Yahoo! I am a massive geek who loves wargaming, superheros, fantasy and science fiction. I live in Madrid and the AOS scene is slowly growing here. My friend, my girlfriend and I are going to be starting a local club soon but 9th age is much beloved by our local game shops clientèle and Infinity very popular too. I have been especially in love with age of Sigmar since I first tried playing it in Canterbury a year ago, it is so easy to get into and games are fun and has load



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