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Everything posted by Sttufe

  1. Fair point, but I think it should be reinforced that TopHatAndHorns Co. owns the bull icon in it's entirety when placed on a rather large and overbearing hat, and I believe that a lawsuit may be in order, as dictated in Artycle 3, Amendment 2 of the Kharadron Code.
  2. Very nice, I cannot wait to see what you do the SoB, as the gargant already looks really great!
  3. That looks very good, I would say to get an inlaid look of a symbol hysh, use something, probably foam core or or something like that, make a physical symbol of hysh, 3d printed and sanded might work, cut it out of greenstuff if that doesnt work, and then press it into the foam core and make some kind of imprint. pour plaster over it, and you should have a plaster rectangle, preferably the size of the temple, and with a textured symbol of hysh coming out of it, possibly lying in front of the statue of Teclis. Basically make a a jig with the symbol of hysh pressed into the bottom to make a floor with the hysh symbol in the bottom. This is all theoretical as I have no experience with plaster or mold making, but it might work 🤷‍♂️
  4. uh huh, and what are your other researchers working on.... 🤔
  5. Yeah I think we should try to aim our stories at around 1-3 pages, giving longer stories and shorter stories some leeway.
  6. Hey, KO are Grungni dwarves thank you very much. Not much of it but as close as your gonna get most likely.
  7. Also going through and counting comments as who would be interested in writing/reading: @JPjr (of course) - 1 - Apathy er, Neutral @flamingwalnut - 2 - HOMEBREW @Sttufe - 3 - HOMEBREW NEON @JustAsPlanned - 4 - HOMEBREW @Kalebkhaine - 5 - HOMEBREW NEON @Nacnudllah (and NEON something?) - 6 - HOMEBREW NEON @Kirjava13 - 6 - HOMEBREW @Clan's Cynic - 7 - HOMEBREW @MarkK - 8 - Neutral And if we take likes as those who would come: @Moldek - 9 - Neutral @Velys - 10 - Neutral So a decent starting point in terms of people. Hopefully as this thread picks up steam we can get more people participating. Total so Far: NEON: 0 HOMEBREWNEON: 3 HOMEBREW: 4 Decided in favor of HOMEBREW: Votes to follow in something.
  8. Makes sense to me, seems like something that the skaven would do.
  9. Well, technically, he is the biggest MONSTER, just, ya know, not the biggest monster. If this is true I will be even more hopeful for King Brodd to come, as that would be quite nice.
  10. I am pretty sure this is a thing, and if you want to see it you should go the Greywater Fastness thread in the cities subforum
  11. Very nice, good execution of a very unique concept.
  12. I support this. Have polls to decide our island within the archipelago, as Ghur is a rough middle ground, where you can put in things which would normally infringe on other realms would not be too out of place in this realm. Especially if we could get @Nacnudllahto help us get the whole thing going and at least in some way semi-related to NEON and less of just a collection of stories present only here on TGA. HOMEBREWNEON
  13. I must be wizard, with such power of future sight 😜
  14. I get a feeling that this is going to turn into a much longer series very quickly. I think I found an ok sized one, it may be a bit small, from Mantic. The Ironbelcher can be assembled as an organ gun, and the bombard looks relatively close tot he cannon. I couldn't find anything for the other dwarf war machines sadly. Without the crew you can get the organ gun in plastic (it also is a dual kit): https://www.manticgames.com/games/kings-of-war/dwarfs/plastic-frame-dwarf-ironbelcher/
  15. Actually in that left hand circle is looking like a rather large, heroic, armored figure, holding a sword of some kind. Not the same silhouette as the mountain spirit, but of similar size you take into account elevation and how far back it is.
  16. Ok, so lets say that I were to begin a LoA army sometime within the next year or two. What would I want to buy with the models now and is there a chance that they will release a new Chaos dwarf faction for GW plastic within that time? Obviously I would like to know more about the whole what I should get now in terms of troops.
  17. Not a troll, I learned something new today, do not worry. I was unaware of the fact the seldom can be used as an adverb without using the customary -ly, however that is in fact correct. Sorry bout that, figured it was gone already and nobody would notice. It is seldom used in that particular sentence structure, appearing more often near the beginning of the sentence.
  18. Ah I would show pictures, but what would I show with a backlog as small as mine? (and no I am not showing my freezer)
  19. Yeah, the horses were legitimately the only thing I was surprised by in the Lumineth reveal. The cow stuff I had expected as big unusual hing, but those were a total surprise. I could see some cool stuff coming but I dunno, I feel like the terrain is gonna receive the same reaction as the cow mountains. Edit: Looking at the initial image, I think that we may see an updated ale guzzler kit to make a little bit more diverse.
  20. I think the way GW runs it that there would be like a terrain piece as like a temple that the giants didn't build, but just kind of squat in. They are trying to rebuild it, keyword try, but it is mostly destroyed.
  21. I heard that the compressor is gonna be the most expensive part, so I will go see what that one entails. Ouch, I will see what else I can find.
  22. Sadly the cannon with barnacles was on the SoB, so I don't think that one is included.
  23. Yeah if they revisit IDK I would love for them to expand the current Order ranges to the same amount of models as the other Grand Alliances. I know, I know, those other ones already had models and not many new ones have been added, but I would still like for the various "new" factions in Order and other alliances be brought up to 20+ warscrolls. Not kits, just warscrolls.
  24. That's what I have been telling everyone!
  25. Well then, i suppose what am I looking for in terms of compressors? I have looked around on various site but I do not know what the various pressures and nozzle size mean.
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