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Everything posted by PainfullyMediocre

  1. The model is stunning, the different aesthetic makes sense as he is a literal ancient demigod that Orruks and Ogors follow around for a good scrap, not a continuation of any of the existing races, something else that is currently alone. I was a bit worried they'd end up going with a Father of Beasts trope where he is tied to everything primal, instead it looks like he is a primal wrecking force that Destruction looks at as a good example to emulate/one up. Hopefully they do something with Gordrakk and Kragnos, either infighting or trying to outdo each other and leading great forces to try to one up the devastation. Its going to be interesting painting him up so he matches my Orruks and Ogors though, that'll be fun. Ruleswise, short answer is dunno lol. With no points and melee profiles to look at all we can say is it could be amazing, could be ******. With 18 wounds and a 2+, he can tank a FLOSH with Brand of the Svard and Metalcruncher on the charge, so he can take a hit. If he is just a straight up ally then his warscroll has to offer more than a Mawkrusha/third Mega/FLOSH etc. If he has more buffs than +1 bravery we've got some combos, if he can benefit from faction buffs, keywords and alleigance abilities then that'll be awesome as it would open some weird build options, like imagine him with a warpaint save and ignoring ethereal and aftersaves in Bonesplitters, or benefitting from the moon if it bothers to show up. If we get a Legion of Kragnos/different GA:Destruction which ties the armies together. Whatever happens, i'll be getting the awesome model and bunging it into all my armies to see what sticks. Bring it on!
  2. This isn't strictly true, Space Marines had a glut of new kits delayed after their codex dropped, with rules and pictures in the codex. Its a bit poor form for GW to do this as soon as they have. I don't mind the idea of supplements and out of codex model and rule releases, but they work better later on in a game's life as a way to pick up flagging factions as an edition creeps on.
  3. Tyrion and Malerion are both listed as Dramatis Personae despite not appearing in the book, so that could be a whole conflict in and of itself. I was really disappointed by this book, Morathi was so much better as it had a few layers, this felt more like an A plot warporn B plot "oh this will have vague consequences maybe"
  4. I'm pretty sure he was just repeating rumours he has heard. He did say this wasn't confirmed, just a rumour.
  5. WIP of the first 3 Gruntas, the other 3 aren't too far behind.
  6. These are looking good, those Wardokks are a good idea, the bonfire on the last one is clever.
  7. They are just a paragraph of additional rules inside the Sons of Behemat book, they use the Warscrolls of whatever type of Mega Gargant they are.
  8. Ghost Gruntas sound amazing, do you have any pictures of them? The looseness of the setting is a blessing and a curse. Its nice having wriggle room for your own ideas, but so much of it feels wishy washy. I've tried to get into the AoS lore, i'm working from AoS 1 to present day and its clear they didn't have a plan for the first year or so. GW got lucky when the community took a lazy oversight and rolled with it. Its nice having a setting where you have Gods and Monsters brawling over ancient relics and sites of arcane power, but also where you get smaller stories that still feel impactful. There was a short story about the fall of Anvilguard, with a company of Freeguild being saved by Corsairs that don't trust Morathi, I bet none of those mentioned will turn up again, but thats what made it good. Its a relatable story about nobodies in a setting where literal Gods literally walk about and fight.
  9. Thanks I was going to use a regular Mawkrusha, but as all the other models are converted it felt wrong, so I went for something totally different. I've got the last 2 Goregruntas almost ready for painting, hopefully I can get them done for the end of March.
  10. Hey all, I decided to switch to Destruction as my main faction when COVID hit, so I figured i'd need a place to put up the photos of what I've done, mainly to stop me from carpet bombing the club chat with every small bit of progress I'll start with my latest army, my Ironjawz. I converted 30 Ardboyz from Blood Bowl orcs with savage orruk weapons and headswaps from Brutes, 40k and Savage Orruks so they matched the Brutes and Savage Orruks better (for when I run Big Waaagh). They were converted slowly as a break in between painting Savage Orruks, but I managed to get 30 Ardboyz, 15 Brutes, 3 Warchanters, Mawkrusha and a Megaboss on foot painted in 2 months which is not something I usually do The Battle Tortoise has taken a load of time to get finished, but I'm well chuffed with it. I've got 6 Goregruntas in the works based on Dragon Ogor bodies and Hydra heads, Blood Bowl Black Orcs as riders. My aim for March is to get these finished but I'm in a bit of a hobby lull this month.
  11. I don't know if this will help, I can get a pic of them next to each other tonight, but here he is next to a Warchanter. edit: I converted my Ardboyz from Blood Bowl Orcs and spare savage Orruk weapons, they match the Brutes a bit better and look less elite but still badass.
  12. Thanks, i'm definitely going to steal this idea.
  13. Wow! Those models are stunning, but the bases top them off perfectly! Where did you get the jungle plants from?
  14. This whole army is so well done, i'm blown away by the amount of work that has gone into all of it.
  15. You could stack it with the Vanguard Raptors with the multi shot attacks as they reduce enemy charge ranges too.
  16. They scale okay, they're small but not too much so.
  17. The two hand weapons, boar boys, Shaman, Big Boss and archers could be used as Savage Orruks, I'm not too sure if they'd fit, but if you could fit the Chariots onto 90x52 bases (I think thats the right size) you could use them as Gore Gruntas. Just explain what is what, most of it should be self explanatory. Have a go with Orruk Warclans, Big Waagh lets you use the Savage Orruks and Ironjawz sides in one army.
  18. Are three Beastclaw Start collecting sets a decent start to an army? edit: Too weak willed, i've ordered 3
  19. I think the Karkadrak is significantly smaller, I can check for you tonight.
  20. Thats good to see, that pile in artefact looks like its ripe for shenannigans.
  21. Ah, my bad (copied the units over on Warscroll builder.
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