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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. Nope, only battle lines are thralls or eels!
  2. Makes me wish they still had a sigisvald miniature! I could imagine using him as the chosen leader, two warriors with mirror shields and a bunch of mauraders. It looks fun as heck to try!
  3. Even just fortifying the gate to the realm of death is a small victory. They didn’t raze the varanspire (which was pretty obvious considering it is the symbol of chaos in the realms) but, they cut off one avenue of invasion and secured it with souls that can’t be broken or corrupted (I think). And as you said, Nagash still has his entire realm to conquer. Who the hell knows what else could try and conquer it. I am just happy the skeletons didn’t get screwed over by skaven again.
  4. Over powered rules can only get ya so far 😉 i expected this outcome, since they cannot have chaos being pushed out of the Eightpoints completely, considering how they have a whole new game system that revolves around it. I do like the idea of katakros having tested the Eightpoints can come up with a better strategy now, and believe it or not i’m Happy that a third party didn’t intervene. Sometimes, I think it’s a great story when it’s just one side versus the other with no interference. It helps to avoid some of the tiring tropes I found in 40k (Orks versus imperium, but surprise chaos is here for some reason!)
  5. I wonder how much the azyr store / ebook is going to be. I been finding that I like how cheap those are compared to paper backs, so may as well pick it up if it’s fun!
  6. Well, Going off of stuff that could be fun, and it depends on what kind of eidolon she painted up, this is the best I could think of: Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin LEADERS Volturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (360) UNITS 1x Akhelian Allopexes (100) - Razorshell Harpoon 10 x Namarti Thralls (130) 10 x Namarti Thralls (130) TOTAL: 1000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0 WOUNDS: 48 LEADERS: 2/6 Didn't add enclave or relics, but this is the skeleton I could think of for a list. If you have the eidolon of the sea, then you could take out the allopex and put Lotan in for the thralls. Don't ask me how it plays at all, but that's not what it's about is it?
  7. Honestly I think it would make more sense for Nagash to start trying to scour skavenblight in some way. Maybe start funneling nighthaunt souls and dead walkers into an gnawhole. It’d be A massive siege, endless rats versus an endless amount of the dead... and finally stop having the ****** be untouchable.
  8. the Only fear I have with a possible Teclis is that it would stop us from getting a second centerpiece model. I would really like a captain or lord on a monster a bit more than Tyrion, seeing as how we can build our own narrative heroes in this sense compared to having a singular god model. In fact so far the only heroes we have seen are ‘named characters’ which is a little worrisome for people who want to forge their own narrative.
  9. I know when I'm playing my deepkin the last thing I want is to have a bunch of oiled up half naked barbarians charging my eels turn 1 before I have a chance to maneuver. This seems like it would be a really good combo that I both love and absolutely hate to see. I think having the lord or any hero with them anyways would be good, even if he technically doesn't make it into combat. Gives them a chance for inspiring presence or the re-rolling 1's command ability to go off as well ( wider area of affect if he's the general) adding more to the carnage. and if they're a unit of 40 they have twice the chance for exploding 6's. Edit: I just realized this is an invaders host too. That means that 1 of your 3 generals can be aggro with these mauraders, and still have an 18" bubble for the purposes of re-rolling 1's to hit. That's fairly brutal.
  10. Well in slaanesh I don’t know how many buffs they need. They have +1 to hit natively, -1 rend natively, and if you don’t skimp out on the unit size they will be getting 2 extra hot rolls on every single 6 that they roll, which could boost their damage even more. Put a chaos lord on foot behind them / in reserve as well, and you can have them pile in and swing twice during the combat phase... that’s terrifying. the other slaanesh one we saw where they share the charge roll could be great with mauraders as well. Get a big unit of chaos knights or warriors alongside a marauder unit, let the marauder unit charge first and share the dice roll with the chaos warriors for some sweet long bomb charges.
  11. Eh I agree that tyrion should be Babysitting hanging out with his bro. I believe that the more armies the better, and I think that in time we'll get more human models, whether it is a zealot faction in the same vein as flagelents and priests or more advanced soldiers. I personally think that tyrion deserve his own army, whether "chambers" of the lumineth or not, but I would just want them to come out and see what they have thought of. I want to see the full power of light with these guys! that goes double for Malekith, that edgy ******. I want to see shadowy dragon elves! anyways, anyone else want to see some out there magic? Every time I think of earth based magic I think of stuff like the reality bending of Doctor strange or Inception. Something strange and able to shape reality as the elves fight, even if it is in a limited area. The deepkin already have magic like the aethersea, so it isn't too far of a possibility to see them bend reality to a certain extent. Especially Teclis. I just don't want to see the standard "I shoot rocks" kinda thing.
  12. I honestly think that the Zenith of the Luminith would be all light based stuff, considering where the sun is in our universe. I could be wrong, but it makes the most sense why wind and zenith would be separated. I am eager to see more, though!
  13. short answer: no. Games workshop laid the ground work with having 4 aelven gods all hanging around and doing important stuff, and I believe they need to get all of those story lines wrapped up. Aelves have been the most popular armies after all, and humans have gotten a lions share of models in warcry, stormcasts and chaos. It's also some of the best fiction in all of AoS right now (imho) and I am excited to seeing and collecting more aelven models as time goes on.
  14. The place where slaanesh is kept is already a miniature realm, almost like the eight points is. If any of the aelves are smart it’s peobably the single most fortified position they have! The only thing they could worry about is if slaanesh broke free himself, and that would never happen! i almost wonder if these spirits of Hysh would have some way of protecting the aelves souls, maybe making a tower nexus that the spirits guide back to hyish and protect?
  15. I cannot believe I forgot the second artifact! thank you, but I think I am at a loss of what else to add. Yea, I can see the range issue being tricky. in my experience most armies I see requires a turn to run forward, but I either havn't played enough games or havn't played enough armies. I see trying to bait the enemy to move forward by largely staying still, but I can see your points on both the double turn and the bridge. I took the block of 40 dreadspears because I guess I wanted to try for the horde bonus, but I see all your points. I would be looking more towards maybe running 1 block of 20 spears and 1 squad of ten? I want to try and bubble wrap as much of my army as I can, but I see your point on making the squad way too large.
  16. You know the timing is weird for this whole event, according to the article. Archeon finally thinks he knows where the aelven gods hid Slaanesh, and suddenly Katakros invades the eight points? look i'm not saying the Varanspire was an inside job, but the two events are lining up fairly well in order to keep slaanesh away from the main stage... who knows, maybe teclis is back to the trickery he shown during the end times, Or Malerion has a deal with Nagash... who knows?
  17. What up my Wizards? I decided to try and do a Darklings coven hallowheart list for fun, and I really think I like it and want to try it. Problem is don’t know how well it would actually do Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar - City: Hallowheart LEADERS Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280) - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Ignite Weapons (Hallowheart Wizard) - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Roaming Wildfire Sorceress on Black Dragon (300) - Darkling Sword - Artefact : Whitefire Tome - All Spells Battlemage (90) - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Crystal Aegis (Hallowheart Wizard) - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Sear Wounds - City Role : General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less) - Mortal Realm : Aqshy Sorceress (90) - General - Command Trait : Veteran of the Blazing Crusade - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Warding Brand (Hallowheart Wizard) - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Elemental Cyclone UNITS 30 x Darkshards (300) 30 x Black Guard (420) 40 x Dreadspears (320) BATTALIONS Whitefire Retinue (140) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN / COMMAND POINTS Emerald Lifeswarm (50) The idea deal I have is pretty simple. Celestial hurricanum casts ignite weapons on the dark shards while buffing their to hit rolls, unleashing an unholy amount of dakka at 2+ / 3+ with rerolls thrown in here and there. Black guard and sorc on dragon would be the aggressive team, running up the center to cast close combat spells and hit things hard, while the dreadspears help to protect the dark shards and bubble wrap the squishy heroes from deep strikers. The wizards would be putting mortal wounds down on juicy targets and help soften things up for the dark shards to finish, and I have emerald life swarm there to help bring back guys who may have died.
  18. @Gecktron which one got in the top brackets? And which is the anvil guard and hallowheart? I went to that damn website a few times and I couldn’t find the results before.
  19. Man, I really want to know more about how deep the emotion drain goes. I know in other threads the idea of them turning into Vulcans (essentially) where talked about, but I want to know how deep it is. Do they feel happiness, however brief? Anger? Passion? Are there remnants of emotion or are they completely gone? How would their allies feel about it? Would this extend to nobility squabbles and house politics, or would they be above that? and would their society be the same way? And would an elf that is drained of emotion have emotions the same as a human would, or would it be even less? I have so many questions.
  20. I got a lot of eldar Vibes myself, but then again I got the same for the idoneth two years ago so we'll see how they grow. I like that more armies are becoming enamored with their version of realmstone. It's not just the skaven, and armies like the Ossiarch Bone reapers and kharadrons are more focused on realm stuff. I find it cool. Plus, the downside of their realmstone, of making them perfect both physically and mentally is different to the slaanesh excess stuff enough to make me happy. I wonder how stories of them will go in the future, seeing a hero lose enough emotion to become a tyrant in his goals would be fascinating. Would they become little more than automatons? or would they just even more upstuck aelves? Or would they just become Star Trek Vulcans. I really want more insight for how they fight and how they are empowered. And, I am surprised their magic is more geologically based rather than light based. I need to know more!
  21. Speaking of warcry, I really hope these guys get a booster pack for that game. I think they could be interesting, and the potential elites be be a fun add. I just hope they have a loremaster type wizard. there is so many cool stories that could be done with a wandering wizard swordsman in this setting outside of that wanderer guy.
  22. not all the time. Remember the enemy can still move too, and sometimes the battle works out where you have to get stuck in at an opportunity and "Waste" high tide, or your opponent does a charge and you hadn't spaced your guys out properly and he manages to tie everyone up. it sucks a lot, but when it works it feels really, really good!
  23. All I know is I think I have a recipe for gold / copper down pretty well, and I plan on having every weapon like that. (white primer, Averland Sunset Yellow base, Hasut copper / Dwarf bronze, agrax earthshade over the weapon. it gives a nice reddish copper / gold that would be great on a weapon.) Other than that, I am torn on colors. I think I will wait for more info before I start planning, but I love purple so 90% sure i'm going to have it somewhere. Other than that, I'm sure that apothecary white contrast could work wonders, or I could do the same with my idoneth and use a strong shade like Celia Greenshade to stain it a nice colour.
  24. Unless I'm as blind as tyrion, I cannot find the rules of one in the gaming book. But, I believe that this is kosher. He gave the units extra attacks by spending CP's, only picked out the same units he was buffing. All in all I say he got the perfect high tide, and I commend him for his forward thinking! And yea, turn 3 can be absolutely brutal if you plan for it. I nearly killed katakros from full wounds to zero on a hide tide with a unit of six eels, and it was only a misread debuff that stopped that (and ****** amazing death saves from my opponent.)
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