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Let's chat : Blades of Khorne!


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4 hours ago, Karol said:

I have seen the money cost of normal lists and it blew my mind to be honest.

Welcome to warhammer since...probably 2007? I think thats when the costs started to really climb! I got in 40k when apocalypse dropped and that started the arms race of costs methinks. Man I miss those old battalions/battleforces. When you could get 15 tactical marines, 5 scouts, 5 assault marines, and a rhino for $90 msrp (so before online or store discounts), it didn't seem so bad. Now a days, good luck trying to get a 30 man horde of vulkite berserkers!

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9 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

Welcome to warhammer since...probably 2007? I think thats when the costs started to really climb! I got in 40k when apocalypse dropped and that started the arms race of costs methinks. Man I miss those old battalions/battleforces. When you could get 15 tactical marines, 5 scouts, 5 assault marines, and a rhino for $90 msrp (so before online or store discounts), it didn't seem so bad. Now a days, good luck trying to get a 30 man horde of vulkite berserkers!

Welcome to the any nerd hobby of today, really! I come from the Magic the Gathering background and any cost of gaming hobby doesn't surprise me anymore tbh. 

But a question to previous poster, is there a much point to rank the most point efficient units? I feel you get most out of Letters and Blood Priests when combined with max unit size and/or battalions?

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7 hours ago, Karol said:

Ok, I will try that.  Are reavers considered bad units vy the way? I thought that big 20-30 man units were in general considered good. the dude that taught me how to play has huge swarms of skins in every of his order lists.

Reavers are fine. They just don't quite have enough oomph or staying power to be your main front line assaulters. They have a few other roles they can play though. 

Cheap battleline with (usually) 3 attacks each and rend always come in handy at some point! 


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1 hour ago, MOMUS said:

at would people say are the most point efficient units in the BoK book?

1. Bloodletters

2. Priest

3. Skullreapers

4. Flesh hounds

5. Khorgorath 

Depends on the context, but a Letterbomb (30) in normal games or a Khorgorath in smaller games would be right up there. Mind you, I've had games against Seraphon where my Letterbombs have withered instantly and done nothing due to that army's crazy prejudicial rules and bonuses against Chaos Daemons...

I've also had games where a single Slaughterpriest has determined the outcome of the entire battle due to his game-bending Blood Bind. 

Skullreapers (or Khornemowers as I call them) at 140pts were insanely good value. Less so at 180, but they are still fearsome and one unit can devastate a whole army if the Trial of Skulls gets going. I hope this year's GHB settles them at 160, but maybe I'm being optimistic...

Anyway, sorry for ranting. Just love talking Khorne haha... 


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30 bloodletters and bloodsecrators are by far the best units of the army

Khorgorath are just behind. 8 wound and a 4+ save for 80 pts is nice. 5 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2 is insane. For 240 pts, you can have 3 of them, 24 wounds, 4+ save, 15 (18 with bloodsecrators) attacks 3+/3+/-1/2. Swords kurnoth hunter wish they were as good. Plus they are fast, do a nice bravery debuff... i would play 6 of them if it wasn't the same mini.

Slaughterpriest are very good in gore pilgrim. Outside of it... meh. Averagely good, but not that much.

I think Wrathmongers are nearly an auto-take in any army. They can do many thing, from killing monster to support your units, and your opponent WILL have to plan around them. Efficient, beautiful models, and make the game more interesting

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Played two more games today. One against skin heavy lizardman, and the other against free people. The first one I don't remember much, but I got tabled. The other one was more interesting, I was suprised how much shoting they have. I survived the shoting and killed his musket line, but he counter charged me with a duo of monster generals and my already battered blood warriors did not survive that. Last two turns was my heros runing away in every direction and trying to not get killed. I lost, but the game was real fun. Tomorrow am playing against the stormcast list and against the tzeench player again, although he said he would bring a different lists with cultists this time. I am thinking about converting the reavers from shade spire in to something useful. Am using the leader as my khorn lord, and I cut the ax from one of the guy and replaced it with chains in to a sort, which would give me a bloodstoker. No idea what I will do with the other 3 dudes maybe the missing slaugther priests or I do some head swamps with blood warriors to make them look like wrathmonger/skullreapers.   This way at least some of the money would be saved.



Khorgoraths are only in the big starter or from bitz stores?

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maybe we will see it soon....

BTW, i am still searching for the perfect 1500 point Khorne army. does anyone have any sucess with any perticular build?

Someone suggested a gorepilgrim with a single maxed Warrior unit with a stocker and a aspiring deathbringer but i am a little bit sceptic.

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That dragon has to be a very big model. It dwarfs the slanesh demon, and I have seen it in real life and it really big.

Not fully in to the whole AoS 2.0 meta, but we are happy that people won't shot other units in melee right?

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I'll be back posting walls of text again when we know more of the new edition. To be honest I havn't been here as active because I was waiting for this.

Meanwhile, Dragon looks cool with his pillar-cane. The rider should have been more armoured though. Nothing we can't fix offcourse!

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On 11 May 2018 at 11:33 PM, Roark said:

Depends on the context, but a Letterbomb (30) in normal games or a Khorgorath in smaller games would be right up there.   

The context is tournament comp for the BoK book, 2000pts level.

I think those are the key units that you would want to restrict to varying degrees without making the army unplayable.

As @ledha stated the bloodsecrator is powerful but I kinda think it's a crucial part of the BoK army - also I never see more than one. Maybe a comp bonus for BoK armies that didn't include it?

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I did not expect them to ever finish the dragon.

Either way, it's probably only for true collectors.

Knowing the older pictures, it is a chunk of resin which will cost a fortune by FW standards. You can probably get a new 2k army for the same price, which I personally would prefer than sinking so much into a single model.

For collectors or big games he surely is a treat.

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2 hours ago, MOMUS said:

The context is tournament comp for the BoK book, 2000pts level.

I think those are the key units that you would want to restrict to varying degrees without making the army unplayable.

As @ledha stated the bloodsecrator is powerful but I kinda think it's a crucial part of the BoK army - also I never see more than one. Maybe a comp bonus for BoK armies that didn't include it?

Hmmm... comp...

IMHO, comp bonuses should be for no Gore Pilgrims, no Letterbombs, definitely one for no Bloodsecrator (that's almost inconceivable). These are our main "crutches" if you will.

Comp bonuses maybe for fielding Bloodcrushers, all Slaves to Darkness troops marked Khorne, or all Mortals (less so).

We don't really have anything that busts the game or is super-overwhelming IMHO, apart from a maximum Murderhost (which is covered by "no Letterbombs"). Gore Pilgrims isn't even OP. It's just a very handy battalion that limits the weaknesses of some of our stuff (Portal range, Slaughterpriests' iffy prayer rolls).

Khorgoraths are very good value for 80, but certainly not necessary. It would be pointless to comp them. We love our hordes.

FYI, double Bloodsecrator is just a contingency thing now. They don't stack. Funnily enough, my latest list has two. You can't underestimate their worth to us though. Jesus...

Anyway, this is just my opinion. I hope you get others to chime in.

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21 hours ago, kozokus said:

He really is on this big round base, different from other Bloodthirsters.

Tbh this one also looks better with the regular Bloodthirsters but whatever, I used the ovals too. Bigger bases have their pros and cons :) 

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Excited to see what comes for us in this next edition, praying GW aren't lazy and give us a Khorgarath kit and not just a rebox of the easy build model, I want to run 6 so bad!

as for rules we seem to know, not shooting into combat is going to drastically help us with certain match ups.

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1 hour ago, JonnyTheKing said:

Excited to see what comes for us in this next edition, praying GW aren't lazy and give us a Khorgarath kit and not just a rebox of the easy build model, I want to run 6 so bad!

as for rules we seem to know, not shooting into combat is going to drastically help us with certain match ups.

Wasn't it not shooting out of combat?

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On 5/12/2018 at 2:48 AM, Karol said:

Not looking for a tier 1 list, I got in to AoS only because the parents from my dorm roomates didn't take the models when they were picking up his stuff. Aside for the lord, secrator and slaughter priest everything else I got for for free. I have seen the money cost of normal lists and it blew my mind to be honest. I will think about some way of getting a more slaughter priests, and the whip guy from somewhere.   I expected to get some units this week, but my parents bought spire starter instead of something useful.

Lol you sound pretty ungrateful for that. The good news is that since the spire ot Dawn is sold out. You can easily eBay that stuff for more than it cost. It's like the only way to get some skaven plastic models.

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3 hours ago, Riavan said:

Lol you sound pretty ungrateful for that. The good news is that since the spire ot Dawn is sold out. You can easily eBay that stuff for more than it cost. It's like the only way to get some skaven plastic models.

I don't know what you mean by ungratful. The dude died and the parents didn't pick up the models, so I took them. If you mean my parents, then they were suppose to give me a birtday gift, it also happens to be on the same time as my confirmation  so am already - gift less. They bought shade spire with the money I got from my grandparents, uncles and god parents. I can't really use the game for anything, other then using the khorn models as proxies, and from what I have been told by the few people that play the game around here, the starter set is unplayable in normal games. And considering that that makes up both my summer hobby stuff, and eats my next 4-5 months of money, it is natural to be a bit jaded.

As ebay goes, I would like to use. We have a polish version of it and there is olx here too, but the number of people playing shade spire in Poland is very small, and all those that do already have the starter set. If people are looking for anything it is single cards, or stuff from the expansion sets. As it not being sold there is a whole wall of it at my store. 2 of the starter sets and 2-3 of each expansion, so I don't see how it could be hard to get.

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5 hours ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

I read it as shooting out of combat.

Which is a real blow if you have skull cannons and want to play for the second shot by causing wounds with the gnashing maw.

Obviously if thats the case they will alter it somehow, they already stated in that video that a couple of warscrolls will get tweaked.

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