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13 hours ago, Hollow said:

the Warhammer vibe has always been for things to be so ludicrously awful that they become funny

I would agree with this sentiment more if 40k hasn't been trying to be more serious and stoic than funny. If that's what AOS was doing it'd be fine. TBQH as an American, I think part of the new seriousness of their Grimdark IS because of the American audience; anti-heroes and "sympathetic" villains have been a thing for a while, on top of America loving its war movies. I know y'all are weirdly pessimistic over there, but I wonder if wanting more light and hope is more about age rather than nationality. There are plenty of Americans who want 40k to be the serious 'grimdark' it's become.

edit: part of our point is that the darkness of these settings will hit harder with light to illuminate it; being all darkness is bland and eventually feels derivative.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I would agree with this sentiment more if 40k hasn't been trying to be more serious and stoic than funny.

Beat me to it lol. Since I joined the game 40k has been taken very serious by both the community and GW. Even the Orcs have been given a much darker side with their human farms.

And I prefer the nobledark setting of AoS with Sigmar himself being a pretty big departure from the God Emperor. Just not sure how much faith I would put into GW into not going the lazy route and just copying and pasting from one to another.

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Ork human farms are all fine but where is the story of the plucky escape! Rag tag bunch of slaves rebel and blow up the ork production before their daring escape. Being 40k though they'd get picked up by an interrogator and all be made into corpse starch on a hive world

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Just not sure how much faith I would put into GW into not going the lazy route and just copying and pasting from one to another.

this is ALSO why I think the IPs should diverge from each other more than they take inspiration; how much of a "signature" aesthetic inevitably becomes corporate laziness? Especially for a company that is adamant about retaining their 40% profit margin?

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42 minutes ago, CDM said:

Ork human farms are all fine but where is the story of the plucky escape! Rag tag bunch of slaves rebel and blow up the ork production before their daring escape. Being 40k though they'd get picked up by an interrogator and all be made into corpse starch on a hive world

See, your story sounds great. These orks are, for some unknown reason called "shock value", trying to domesticate humans (and everything THAT entails) when Ork skin is probably tougher than human leather ever could be...

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I'd be honest....cities becoming multi-species imperial guard is kind of intriguing and interesting.
Having a motto against the other 3 grand alliances (i'd have used demons tbh but fiend sounds the same) makes senses: the crusades want to reclaim the realms for the order pantheon and fight every threats posed by chaos,Nagash or destruction\beasts.

@Baron Klatz IIRC reclaimed were all the people that did not worshipped chaos during the age of chaos and resisted them,chaos taint (unless some cases like Tornus and stormcasts reforging) can't be "undone" so they would be the first target to be eliminated during a crusade\expansion probably.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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2 hours ago, CDM said:

Being 40k though they'd get picked up by an interrogator and all be made into corpse starch on a hive world

I know this is a joke, but this totally 40k to me. The plucky escape, heroism, and fighting against the odds, only to escape into the arms of the waiting imperium, who are even worse! 

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I'd be honest....cities becoming multi-species imperial guard is kind of intriguing and interesting.
Having a motto against the other 3 grand alliances (i'd have used demons tbh but fiend sounds the same) makes senses: the crusades want to reclaim the realms for the order pantheon and fight every threats posed by chaos,Nagash or destruction\beasts.

it DOES sound interesting, if the cosmopolity is reinforced and not shifted to humans being the main players. Chaos ostensibly winning the Realms means basically all Cities need to defend themselves at a moment's notice. there's a lot more design room for keeping duardin, aelves, and humans living together--and more lore room for a pantheon of worship too, which I think is something that also stands-out for Order lore.

I like the use of the term "fiend", since we had Seraphon being called order/star daemons, I really enjoy the idea that maybe AOS daemons are not all evil? or at least, not all of them are CHAOS daemons. "Fiend" inspires images of Chaos daemons either way too. "Wraith" seems a bit specific comparatively, since Nagash commands all kinds of undead. We also have an example of a good wraith in that little blurb from a farmer in Shyish.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I like the use of the term "fiend", since we had Seraphon being called order/star daemons, I really enjoy the idea that maybe AOS daemons are not all evil? or at least, not all CHAOS daemons.

Chaos daemons are made from the chaos gods essence,doesn't make senses "good chaos daemons"....still order "daemons" would have made senses also in whfb considering the order deities (alluminas\arianka and so on) that were enemy of the chaos ones.
Daemons is an all catching term to some extent like the greek Daimon in such cases (as Seraphon starborne).

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2 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Chaos daemons are made from the chaos gods essence,doesn't make senses "good chaos daemons"....still order "daemons" would have made senses also in whfb considering the order deities (alluminas\arianka and so on) that were enemy of the chaos ones.
Daemons is an all catching term to some extent like the greek Daimon in such cases (as Seraphon starborne).

Yea my bad, I edited my post for grammar! I meant

I really enjoy the idea that maybe AOS daemons are not all evil? or at least, not all of them are CHAOS daemons.

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

IIRC reclaimed were all the people that did not worshipped chaos during the age of chaos and resisted them,chaos taint (unless some cases like Tornus and stormcasts reforging) can't be "undone" so they would be the first target to be eliminated during a crusade\expansion probably.

True. A better way to have put it would be those tribes on “the brink” of chaos with them remaining resistant but could still be pushed or have been transformed by the corrupted realmscapes(like some of God-Eater’s Son reclaimed with odd physiologies like spitting poison) that they need to be saved before they fully commit to chaos and are lost.(a Far cry from the Imperium who would’ve taken one look at such changed tribes and destroyed them with the “saving” being they died pure for the Emperor)

Darkoaths might also register as on several occasions their yet-to-be-decided devotion to the dark gods have seen them temporarily allying with Order.


Also agreed on some earlier comments about “AoS should continue making it’s own path” as it’s Noblebright nature is very refreshing for the Warhammer universes.

Like it’s dark but you can easily get events like the Iliatha Lumineth who mastered magi-tech cloning and created them to such an extent that they were using it instead of natural childbirth and doing surreal stuff that a single aelf was doing with dozens of themself which started to cause a major backlash empowering Slaanesh and getting their nation overrun by daemonettes. 

When I read that I braced myself for the inevitable warhammer “welp we went to the extreme with this cool thing and suffered. Better lock it all away and call it a forbidden thing never to be touched and always seen as a possible thing that could help save us one day if we actually learned”.

But nope, Lumineth instead do this remarkable thing alien to the warhammer franchise called “learned from the mistake and just regulate the cool thing and can continue building off it”.  So they still clone but limit it to very few, usually a twin, and are one of the most populated Lumineth nations with burgeoning cities.(and even doubled down on supporting childbirths again through Alarielle & Life Realm worship so they cover both advantages)

Similar to other Brighter stuff we see from things like Kharadron changing/breaking outdated rules or traditions for better success with all parties involved in the transaction to even Seraphon knowing they can not do everything themselves so there’s a story where a Slann gets sick from a Shyish energy leaking into their void-ship and the Skinks beam up a Lord-Relictor to ask his help in healing their master.

1 hour ago, EntMan said:

Are there any lore hints of a Seraphon aligned city? (Comparable to Living City for Syvaneth, Tempest Eye for Kharadron)

Excelsis, they’re near a major Temple-city and have a sizable Skink city district.

Relations were already good but during the Siege of Excelsis it was a Starpriest that convinced the ruling council to hold steady against the millions strong Waaagh and Kroak saving the city that have made very solid ties to the lizardfolk.

“The Skinks here have been bemused by the sudden outpouring of generosity from the citizens who have lost so much, yet have still brought many small offerings to their temple in gratitude for Lord Kroak’s recent assistance in saving Excelsis.”


11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Yea my bad, I edited my post for grammar! I meant

I really enjoy the idea that maybe AOS daemons are not all evil? or at least, not all of them are CHAOS daemons.

At least there’s two nice examples in the older stuff. “Ship Rats” have Kharadron trade with a oriental-flavored mountain top Chamon city that built itself around a daemon that got bored with all the killing in the Age of Chaos and gave peace a chance so they now worship it and in “Court of the Blind Prince” there’s a quick mention of a ocean floor empire of daemons that broke connections with the dark gods and hide beneath the churning primordial magics of the seas making them more neutral.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Crazy awesome to see an actual gargoyle creature go with all the icons.

Love how weirdly baroque the rest look and I think the first arch-knight has an snarling animal faceplate? By Ornstein we need more of those.

The bombard unit being also a wall is really sweet too with the whole gunner aesthetic that they’re a moving fortress of walls and panels together.


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I am so far dissatisfied.

mostly because of the racial rules. The army concept is built around working together:survive together.

Great cannon: not like an ottoman bombard, at all

”not assassin” weird since the current assassin isnt replaced and doesn’t need to be, wasted slot

medic and soul grabber: pick a lane, neither is really unique and isn’t anything the army could have used. 2 wasted slots

wizard smith, oddly specific when the mage kit should have been updated

would rather have seen general on horse to go with cavalry, updated generic multi wizard kit, updated greatsword kit

hopefully there’s still room for a new GS kit… and a Votann size rules faq

Edited by Mandzak-Miniatures
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It would’ve been cool if it looked closer to the Ottoman bombard from Age of Empires3, I agree. I also wonder if the Whisper Blade is a low key new take on Witch Hunters for the future?

But in all I like what I see. The faction is really doing it’s own thing with just the right amount of gothic & 40k spices thrown in to the Mortal Realms curry.

Lastly, look at the very bottom monk’s head and the line he shaved down it. Is that supposed to symbolize an upside-down hammer? 😆


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4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

The bombard unit being also a wall is really sweet too with the whole gunner aesthetic that they’re a moving fortress of walls and panels together.


This model makes me change my whole opinion of the whole range. A fortified army armed with guns and cannons moving towards the foe with snipers towering above it on the shoulders of an ogor must look so awesome on the tabletop.

Edited by Gitzdee
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Lots of these models look like they could be from a GA Death army. I wonder if this hints at the direction the narrative is going? Could be either closer alliances between the living and the dead in reclaiming the Realms from Chaos and Destruction.

Or maybe renewed beef between Sigmar and Nagash about who gets the departed's souls?

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So, all the old Warscrolls stay the same (not necessarily a given), we should now know all of the 54 of them.


    1. • Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage
    2.  Freeguild General on Griffon
    3. • Battlemage on Griffon
    4. • Dreadlord on Black Dragon
    5. • Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage
    6. • Sorceress on Black Dragon
    7. • Steam Tank with Commander
    8. • Assassin
    9. • Battlemage
    10. • Black Ark Fleetmaster
    11. • Cogsmith
    12. • Runelord
    13. • Sorceress
    14. • Warden King
    15. • Doralia ven Denst
    16. • Galen ven Denst
    17. • Haskell Hexbane
    18. • Hexbane's Hunters
    19. • Flagellants
    20. • Bleakswords
    21. • Darkshards
    22. • Dreadspears
    23. • Ironbreakers
    24. • Longbeards
    25. • Black Ark Corsairs
    26. • Black Guard
    27. • Dark Riders
    28. • Drakespawn Chariots
    29. • Drakespawn Knights
    30. • Executioners
    31. • Gyrobombers
    32. • Gyrocopters
    33. • Hammerers
    34. • Irondrakes
    35. • Scourgerunner Chariots
    36. • Celestial Hurricanum
    37. • Kharibdyss
    38. • Luminark of Hysh
    39. • Steam Tank
    40. • War Hydra
    41. Steelhelms
    42. Cavaliers
    43. Fusiliers
    44. Marshall
    45. Alchemite
    46. Thalia Vedra
    47. Warhulk
    48. Ironweld Great Cannon
    49. Arch Knight
    50. Pontifex
    51. Soul Shepard
    52. Whisperblade
    53. Great Herald (with Mascot Gargoylian?)
    54. War Surgeon

I am making the assumption that the Mascot Gargoylian does not get their own warscroll but shares it with another hero like the Relic Envoy and the Marshall.

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