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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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The other thing I'm really considering this edition is grieving legion because once again, bounty hunters going away is huge.

Chainrasp have a less than 1 inch base so they can make single lines. 3 blocks of 20 is 60 inches of wall around their deployment.

For fun here's the list I'm thinking of. It's got double battalion for extra enhancements, don't have the list with me right now so sorry the names are off.

With this list you can get 9 units teleported (3 underworlds, 4 via boat n harrow, 1 spell, 1 GC ability). You can set up a wall around their deployment, then position your heros 2 inches behind that wall for pile into combat fun. Depending on what they have you can change what you put down. Banshees can be objective grabbers while you have them pinned or swap them for some spell protection. Palisade will stuff up shooting and they'll have a hard to getting away from it while pinned in. Lady O + Kurdos messes with their CP. And boat man and harrow have the utility of taking a unit each somewhere else if you need to jump back out.

  Allegiance: Nighthaunt - Procession:  Grieving Legion -

 Leaders Awlrach the Drowner (170) General

Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (210)

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340)

Spirit Torment (120) with arcane tome (5+ ward) and come back to life on a dice rolle

Spirit Torment (120)  With GC teleport and -1 to wound artifact

Dreadblade Harrow (130)  mortal on charge

20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1

20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1

20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1 

4 x Myrmourn Banshees (100)

4 x Myrmourn Banshees (100) 

Endless Spells & Invocations Prismatic Palisade (30)  Total: 1980 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 104 Drops: 11

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On 1/23/2023 at 5:45 PM, Rors said:

The other thing I'm really considering this edition is grieving legion because once again, bounty hunters going away is huge.

Chainrasp have a less than 1 inch base so they can make single lines. 3 blocks of 20 is 60 inches of wall around their deployment.

For fun here's the list I'm thinking of. It's got double battalion for extra enhancements, don't have the list with me right now so sorry the names are off.

With this list you can get 9 units teleported (3 underworlds, 4 via boat n harrow, 1 spell, 1 GC ability). You can set up a wall around their deployment, then position your heros 2 inches behind that wall for pile into combat fun. Depending on what they have you can change what you put down. Banshees can be objective grabbers while you have them pinned or swap them for some spell protection. Palisade will stuff up shooting and they'll have a hard to getting away from it while pinned in. Lady O + Kurdos messes with their CP. And boat man and harrow have the utility of taking a unit each somewhere else if you need to jump back out.

  Allegiance: Nighthaunt - Procession:  Grieving Legion -

 Leaders Awlrach the Drowner (170) General

Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (210)

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340)

Spirit Torment (120) with arcane tome (5+ ward) and come back to life on a dice rolle

Spirit Torment (120)  With GC teleport and -1 to wound artifact

Dreadblade Harrow (130)  mortal on charge

20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1

20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1

20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1 

4 x Myrmourn Banshees (100)

4 x Myrmourn Banshees (100) 

Endless Spells & Invocations Prismatic Palisade (30)  Total: 1980 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 104 Drops: 11

The issue is Nighthaunt have much better options for alpha pinning. I'm also skeptical of 20 blocks of Chainrasps holding up. I had a lot of luck with a block of 30 with Nagash... but had I run a block of 20 they'd have been dead. I had a Spirit Torment as well. 

Also, I just don't thing Greiving Legion is good compared to the other subfactions. It doesn't have the utility of Emerald Host, doesn't open up battleline options, doesn't increase your damage, and even if it works; it creates a NPE for your opponent. I was high on it when I first read the book, but am not anymore. 

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4 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

The issue is Nighthaunt have much better options for alpha pinning. I'm also skeptical of 20 blocks of Chainrasps holding up. I had a lot of luck with a block of 30 with Nagash... but had I run a block of 20 they'd have been dead. I had a Spirit Torment as well. 

Also, I just don't thing Greiving Legion is good compared to the other subfactions. It doesn't have the utility of Emerald Host, doesn't open up battleline options, doesn't increase your damage, and even if it works; it creates a NPE for your opponent. I was high on it when I first read the book, but am not anymore. 

I won a game against fyreslayers using blocks of 20 chainrasp with grieving legion last week. 5/5 save and minis 1 to wound makes them fairly hefty to lift. They were all dead by end of turn 3 but I was also so far ahead on points by owning the objectives that it didn't matter.

Grieving legion preventes him from retreating anything for rally in those early turns but in hindsight the same list would have been better in emerald host.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty quiet around here lately, but I had my first game with Nighthaunt against my friends Blades of Khorne. Also my second game in a while and first with the new GHB.

My army:


Scarlet Doom, Feed on Terror

KoSES: General, Spiteful Spirit, Soulfire Ring

Reikenor: Seal of Shyish

Guardian of Souls: Shademist, Arcane Tome

Spirit Torment

Spirit Torment

2x20 Bladegheist Revenants

2x10 Chainrasps

5 Hexwraiths

Spirit Hosts

His army:


Goretide, Day is Ours

Aspiring Deathbringer

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage


Scyla Anfingrimm


20 Blood Warriors
10 Blood Warriors
5 Flesh Hounds
10 Skullreapers
5 Wrathmongers
5 Wrathmongers
10 Bloodreavers

I had my Bladegheists in Galletian Veterans with a Magnificent, and he had both Blood Warriors, Skull Reapers, and one unit of Wrathmongers in Galletian Veterans and a Command Entourage. We played Only the Worthy which was quite fun.

My thinking with my army was to have a fast flank on the left, and try and get the charges with the BGs and uses the Spirit Torments to support them and the Guardian as well. Note that the Kruciator here is proxied for my other Torment because my second didn't come in yet.



I chose who goes first and gave him first turn. Not much happened, he just moved up but didn't deploy for a battle tactic so got three points.

Turn 1 for me, I took out the flesh hounds on the left, but to wound with my KoSeS is rolled three 1s and a 2 so couldn't get an extra wound, and he took 3 back from Scyla. I did use Spiteful Spirit which took out the Flesh hounds and did three wounds to Scyla. I was worried here that my KoSeS might die, so I took the double which might have been stupid.


So, here's what I'm waiting for, big charge on my right with the BGs into the 20 Blood Warriors... Really dumb move. I forgot about Gorefists, but I do know they fight on death. With 51 attacks I caused 9 mortal wounds to myself, I did 8 to him on the charge. I did take out another 11 blood warriors making it 15 total, but his fighting on death, even with -1 to wound took out my entire unit. Just so many attacks, like 4 or 5 each. Was not expecting that! Reikenor killed his Slaughterpriest, KoSeS killed Scyla and healed to full. I got Battle Tactics and 5 points each turn.


His turn, basically charges my screens, but gets his other Blood Warriors into my other unit of BG. Bloodthirster charges Reikenor and does one wound, hah! Damage goes back and forth but I'm losing my 'Rasps on the right with one left, although I don't think he charged the left unit yet. BGs and BW trade damage. He can't take the point on the right because I had my GVs on it. So he gets a couple. I think it's around 10-5 for me.

Roll for turn and he gets the double.


Bad for me. He kills Reikenor in the hero phase with Blood Tithe, moves the Thirster up rather than at the KoSeS and Wraiths. I healed three BGs and CRs.

He gets a 12" charge with the Thirster into my BGs, Skullreapers into my Spirit Hosts(think I redeployed the 'Krulghast' Spirit Torment). Reavers charge my KoSeS.

BGs still had a 5+ ward so lived through the combats with I think 2 remaining. KoSeS and Wraiths take out the Reavers so he's up to 8 wounds. I think the Wreathmongers had charged the Hexwaiths but maybe killed one. He didn't get his Battle Tactic and got another couple points. I think it was around 10-8 at this point.

No more pics as I'm wracking my brain on how to win. Healed 2 BGs, Hexwraiths went 24" to his back objective, KoSeS moved down to charge the remaining BW, he kills my left Spirit Torment in the hero phase, all Chainrasps are dead, Spirit Hosts are dead. I get four points as I hold two and get my battle tactic. KoSeS and the BGs kill the remaining BW. If i can get a double here I've got a decent chance of getting some more points as I have 14 VP to his 8ish.

He gets turn four with his second six for turn. Skull Reapers and Thirster charge my BGs and KoSeS. He doens't get his tactic again because somehow the remaining BGs live with one remaining from the attacks as it was his general, he needed to kill them with it. Skullreapers take care of the last one and sadly the KoSeS goes down to a million MW, but he did have 9 wounds at the end. I positioned the remaining Spirit Torment and Guardian so that he couldn't focus one down and couldn't take the point but they take a couple wounds. I couldn't get a battle tactic but get two points, score is 16-10 for me. If I get the double I could get 18 total for a tie...

He rolls a one for the turn...

I roll a one!

Called it there, 18-16 for Khorne if we played it out.

Thoughts: Khorne isn't a great match up for Nighthaunt. I have a much better time using my IDK or Fyreslayers, but Nighthaunt is my #1 army now so will be getting a rematch sometime with them! All those attacks with no rend is really a counter to ethereal. Lots of splash MW and fighting on death, yikes.

My first game so I forgot some things and didn't position exactly right, in that i didn't get the +1 to wound for the initial BG charge... which maybe mattered.

Shouldn't have taken the double, and then getting doubled 2 to 3 hurt very bad. Could have eeked out a tie, but that's how it goes.

What I'd do differently:

No Reikenor, play much more passively and let him come to me. I really think Emerald Host would help at taking down his buff heroes and maybe chip away at the BT if i rolled a 3+ to get 3 units with the ability. I'm not 100% sure though because Heroic Recovery, but it at least makes him use an action on it.

Vanishing Phantasms! As you can see he turtles up pretty well and it's very hard to get at his heroes without shooting, so being able to keep at least a unit of BGs and a ST able to come in from the rear would really mess up his castle, and I did really enjoy the Hexwraith's mobility. I didn't use Vanishing Phantasms this game as I just didn't think it would matter. Never again! I really enjoyed the KoSeS and would like to use him again with maybe two units of Hexwraiths, but I'm not sure if he fits.

Using smaller units against Khorne also fed him Blood Tithe points and that allowed him to fight in the hero phase twice, which was big. I wasn't impressed with the Chainraps, but I may try a block of 30 with -1 to wound and a 5+ ward on them next game to hold the line while I spread my army out.


TLDR: lost a close game but got tabled. Didn't roll great(some saves rolls were like, 10 dice failing 8 but that happens). Lots of no rend attacks is a good counter to Nighthaunt, and Mortal Wounds. Definitely more fragile than  was expecting. If you got this far, thanks for reading!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you put Hexwraiths bodies on Black Knight horses or is the additional armor connected to the knights somehow? I would like my Hexwraiths to be armored is the reason.


Edited by Bayul
​​​​​​​Already answered on Discord.
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Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to nighthaunt and I could use some help.

Next week I'm starting a Path to Glory campaign and so I need a 600 points list. I've only ever played two games with nighthaunt so I have no idea what's good yet, and so I don't know which of these two ideas is better. Pleases note that they're mostly based on stuff I already own or can easily get and also aren't meant to be super powerful, while also being good enough to give me some chance of winning. Also, I'll decide the artifact and command trait later, for now I just need to know what units I want. Anyway, said lists:

Emerald Host

Guardian of Souls (150)

3 x Spirit Hosts (130)

10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)

10 x Dreadscythe Harridans (160)


Emerald Host

Guardian of Souls (150)

10 x Chainrasps (110)

10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)

10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)


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  • 1 month later...

Quick question guys, I have over 2800pts of nighthaunt, I have pretty much everything in 20s or 40s, Black Coach, all heroes, etc. but I don't have Harridans, nor Hexwraiths 


I'd like to expand my collection but I would choose only one of those. Which one is the most useful to complement everything else I alrdy have?

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2 hours ago, Jabbuk said:

Quick question guys, I have over 2800pts of nighthaunt, I have pretty much everything in 20s or 40s, Black Coach, all heroes, etc. but I don't have Harridans, nor Hexwraiths 


I'd like to expand my collection but I would choose only one of those. Which one is the most useful to complement everything else I alrdy have?

Harridans are mostly useful if you go with the subfaction that makes them battleline, but Hexwraiths have utility everywhere--I'd definitely go with Hexwraiths.

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Harridans are very subfaction dependant:

  • In emerald host, where you don't have any subfaction rules pushing you towards or away from any unit in particular, the various semi-elite melee 'infantry' nighthaunt units - bladegheists, grimghasts, and harridans - are largely interchangeable, so you could field a unit or two of harridans.  In practic, though, you're kind of pushed towards grimghasts for melee ghosts since they're battleline and their 2" melee reach means you don't have to worry about the 3e coherency rules.  In the end you maybe field one unit of harridans if you like how they look, but you probably don't take any.
  • In Grieving Legion you want to outnumber, so you want to take chainghasts for their small bases or grimghasts for their 2" reach so you can still get most of them in combat even when fielding 20 or more in a unit.  Harridans don't really fit in here.
  • In Scarlet Doom you want to spam bladegheists.  Harridans don't fit in here, either.
  • In Quicksilver Dead you specifically want to spam harridans.  4+ units.

So basically, you probably aren't fielding harridans unless you want to play quicksilver dead, in which case you need a bunch of them.  Kind of frustrating that way, because there's not really any point to adding a unit or two to an existing army.


Hexwraiths are a different story.  No subfaction specifically encourages or discourages their use mechanically, and no other unit in the army really does the same thing they do in terms of being extremely fast to grab objectives or just body-block enemy movement lanes - especially if you get stuck with priority on the first turn.  For this reason, pretty much any nighthaunt army would appreciate a 1 to 2 units of hexrwraiths, if they can afford them.  But that's a pretty big if, since they're almost never the first priority for your army so you'll often find yourself running out of points before you can field any hexwraiths at all.  So basically they're a 0-2 choice regardless of subfaction imo, though I suppose spamming all hexwraiths is an option for emerald host at least.

Notably, while they're not currently associated with the emerald host mechanically, hexwraiths are tied to the emerald host in the narrative, so it's possible that future nighthaunt battletomes may introduce mechanical ties that could result in a situation like with the quicksilver dead and harridans, where you spam them in the associated subfaction and don't run them at all otherwise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello fellow nighthaunt players. I’m just wondering if anyone has much experience playing with Krulghast crutatior? I have a friendly tournament coming up and I have 150 points left to spend so I’m considering including it in my list. I know it tends to get quite positive reviews, but I’m wondering if its damage reduction ability is worth spending 150 points on or if it’s actually quite situational, as Krulghast doesn’t do much else. My alternative is using Knight of shrouds (mounted) and giving it spiteful spirit and soul fire ring for the mortal wound pulse, but that can be tricky to pull off. He does have a decent attack profile though and he’s fast for objective grabbing. Free all out attack 1/battle round is also nice. 

Edited by TechnoVampire
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I always used to give my Krulghast Arcane Tome to make it more worthwhile, but now that's just a waste of an artefact. It is a useful piece, especially if you're running a death star, running a cohort of heroes, or just running something you want to be able to take some punches. I'd lean with it over the Knight of Shrouds. It also has a shooting attack, which is nice if you are running Harridans. 

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1 hour ago, Neck-Romantic said:

Hello all. Haven't posted in a hot minute as I moved across the country.


Did we ever get updated rules for the Mourngul for the new edition?

Haha, what timing. Just today it was officially moved into Legends and no longer matched play legal. This decision was leaked to some people a while ago, so not surprising on the whole.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello my spooky friends!

Ever since they have been released, I have exclusively played the Kruleboyz - including tournaments - but due to them being rather weak and also quite one-dimensional I am looking for a second army to collect and play until my Boyz get a proper tome... which brings me to the Nighthaunt.

I have been reading quite a bit and got a fundamental understand of the army and how it works but one thing I still have trouble understanding is what heroes to pick.

From my perspective - and a bit of theory crafting - Spirit Torment, Guardian of Souls and Krulghast Cruciator are usually an auto include (one way or another). Also I could see an Lord Executioner working well (e.g. with tunnel master). Some people recommend Lady O but just looking at her profile I find her kinda, mediocre? Or what is your experience, does she perform well?

Also I love the Black Coach, the profile is also a bit so-so but the model is absolutely gorgeous!

And another question regarding the bodies, since I have not yet played NH, what is a good body count for the troops? Coming from 40k (Necrons) I know that you usally want a bigger block of like 20 models (e.g. Chainrasps) to have enough staying power because 10 die to quickly. Is this the case?

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16 hours ago, SevenXes said:

Hello my spooky friends!

Ever since they have been released, I have exclusively played the Kruleboyz - including tournaments - but due to them being rather weak and also quite one-dimensional I am looking for a second army to collect and play until my Boyz get a proper tome... which brings me to the Nighthaunt.

I have been reading quite a bit and got a fundamental understand of the army and how it works but one thing I still have trouble understanding is what heroes to pick.

From my perspective - and a bit of theory crafting - Spirit Torment, Guardian of Souls and Krulghast Cruciator are usually an auto include (one way or another). Also I could see an Lord Executioner working well (e.g. with tunnel master). Some people recommend Lady O but just looking at her profile I find her kinda, mediocre? Or what is your experience, does she perform well?

Also I love the Black Coach, the profile is also a bit so-so but the model is absolutely gorgeous!

And another question regarding the bodies, since I have not yet played NH, what is a good body count for the troops? Coming from 40k (Necrons) I know that you usally want a bigger block of like 20 models (e.g. Chainrasps) to have enough staying power because 10 die to quickly. Is this the case?

A few things:

First off, Nighthaunt are actually not in a great spot right now even though that still seems odd to me. They'll be a step up from Kruleboyz for sure, but don't expect them to be able to go toe to toe with current heavyweights. 

The Guardian of Souls is Nighthaunt's only generic wizard and Nighthaunt really want their spells to be operating at full capacity, so it's close to an auto include. Plus it's +1 to wound bubble is quite nice. Spirit Torments are also quite nice for the rez they provide. Olynder can be great, I've run her and had her be my MVP - ditto the Black Coach. But it's hard to justify their points in this army. I'd say you can justify Olynder, but the Coach is really hard to justify. Still, as I said, it can do some work. 

As for unit size, you really either want to go full MSU with tiny units, or you want to max units in my mind. 20 ghosts just isn't enough to withstand any serious targeting, but becomes a major point sink. A unit of 30 can withstand quite a bit - especially if they get Shademist and a 5+ ward an are backed up by a Torment. The goal of Nighthaunt as built is to always be charging (ABC) though, and the more units you charge with the better, so minimum units are also good. 

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  • 4 weeks later...


So the rules for the new ghb if not the points are out, how do we feel about them?

Fighting in 2 ranks going away is a big deal for us and I feel like it really hurts scarlet doom and quicksilver dead - MSU which plays the new missions pretty well, or a big blob of reapers with hoarfrost support seem like the best builds now potentially.

I'm not sure where I stand on the andtorian loci - whether to lean into it and take 2 gos + reikenor for three semi decent casters with MoM, primal dice and candles. Seen some talking about going 0 wizards due to the usual super casters still threatening to unbind everything but that locks you out of hoarfrost and makes several missions harder for you.

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Everybody mentioned new coherency rules? 6 models = 5 models. Great rule for our bodyguards.

Also - look out made unmount heroes immune to shooting > 12".

Price drops are always sweet.

Great changes!


Edited by Ranzou
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On 7/10/2023 at 2:39 PM, Jabbuk said:

I was wondering where do you guys go to get the latest Nighthaunt discussions? This place seems fairly dead and I'd like to hear some opinions on the new GHB. Is there another source you guys follow?

I'd like to know this, as well. I've been out of the game quite a while and it is...confusing...looking at the changes and updates right now.

But, to throw in my severely uneducated opinion on all of this:

  • Unit Coherency: We have a fair few units this applies to (before losing models), those being Hexwraiths (5), Spirit Hosts (3), Craventhrone Guard (5), Chainghasts (2), Glaiveraith Stalkwers (4), and Myrmourn Banshees (4). Of those, only Spirit Hosts and Chainghasts can be reinforced and still benefit from this change.
    • Functionally, I don't see this doing a ton for us. Spirit Hosts can be reinforced once and 6 of those guys is a very good screen that you have more positional options for now. But, you'd never reinforce Chainghasts more than once, if at all, and it doesn't make throw-away units like Glaivewraiths any better. If Glaivewraiths could ingore this rule at 8 models you'd finally have a use for them.
  • Rally: So this is now capped at no more than 10 returned wounds. Did anyone ever get this CA to do more than that? Seems to help safeguard our middle-style plays and open up more options for non-MSU. Nighthaunt still wants to be MSU for the slot machine, but you could potentially Rally half a reinforced unit of Spirit Hosts back.
  • Look Out, Sir!: Okay, love this. How could you not? Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed and Reikenor, sorry, you are omitted from this, but all of our other heroes are now immune from being pot-shot from across the board? We're less hero-reliant than we were last edition, but --let me check my AoS app...yep, Olynder is still only 7 wounds-- even Lady Olynder is invisible to enemy fire from 12" out. This helps you by giving you time to position your army before our heros are wiped out.
  • Arcane Tome: Nerf! This is a nerf. Can't give it to our Wizards anymore. Can only cast Arcane Bolt, some other spell that's uselss to us, or an endless spell.
  • Points update: Any time we get a points benefit like this is a good thing. Kind of. The idea of point cost changes is to balance an army when considering other matchups, and this suggests that since the last retooling we're now underpowered again across the board. Enough so that we got sweeping changes to points to try to shove more models into the field. Take that however you will.

These I can follow relatively easily, but as someone who played one singular game in the last handbook and now we have Andtor, I'm more than a little confused on things like Andtorian Locus or Primal Magic.

And what's Regiments of Renown? Are they slowly bringing back warscroll battalions? As merceny groups?

Edited by EnixLHQ
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On 7/10/2023 at 6:39 PM, Jabbuk said:

I was wondering where do you guys go to get the latest Nighthaunt discussions? This place seems fairly dead and I'd like to hear some opinions on the new GHB. Is there another source you guys follow?

AoSCoach discord server is the most active place I have found so far, lots of good discussions on the Nighthaunt channel.

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29 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

AoSCoach discord server is the most active place I have found so far, lots of good discussions on the Nighthaunt channel.

Agree with this. There's also two Nighthaunt Discord servers and a Facebook group. I shifted to playing Sylvaneth last winter and all the faction forums on here seem to be dying a bit. Most people seem to use Discord, Facebook, or Whatsapp (I've never used that). 

Overall, I was shocked to see how poorly Nighthaunt during the last GHB. Personally, I dislike playing them as while retreat and charge is really powerful, it's very time consuming for a horde army and I don't play enough to get quick at the game. 

I think there's power now in a hero focused list now that you can fully screen heroes with Spirit Hosts and that the named heroes all got cheaper. One of Nighthaunt's problems remains that they really rely on spells, but pretty much don't have ways to cast them anymore. Primal dice will see that their casting is even more limited IMO. 

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