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Can someone explain me the « love » of chaos dwarves?

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3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

It just need one mad little rat in a wheel to destroy-evaporate your  plan-scheme

🙀🤬 I knew it!!! My plans were flawless!!!😡🤯🤬

I will find you and I will flood your sorry broodnests with molten lead and make an exhibition out of your sorry clan „Pompeii style“ 

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22 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

C'mon, post your Hashut's followers, driven by endless greed and with no regard for the harm they cause. That is, does anyone have some cool chorf armies to share?

All I have painted so far


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This is a recreation of what a Babylonian city might have looked like. Now, imagine this picture, but you add smoke from furnaces that never stop building weapons of mass destruction, thick smog clouding the ziggurat from view and the wailing of slaves who are ushered up the ziggurat's stairs to be sacrificed to the bull-headed deity Hashut. These dwarves are so brutal they not only have enslaved Orcs, they attempted to biologically engineer a new sub-species as a servile race (the Black Orcs). This, of course, failed miserably as the Black orcs had a real 'Orctacus' moment and rose in rebellion, only the betrayal of their hobgoblin allies preventing the destruction of the Chaos Dwarven race. Black Orcs escaped to populate the Orcs & Goblins army book instead.

You can imagine how those snippets of lore and going through the map of the Old World, it was all of course very exciting to imagine! I got into them long after Chaos Dwarves had disappeared from the store shelves, in late 2000s/early 2010s, during my teen years. Might be a case of something being unattainable being more interesting and the lack of lore (compared to then-current WHFB armies) giving more room for imagination to run wild. I did end up with second-hand big hats that I cherish, and ended up buying the Tamurkhan book so I could 'legally' field them - even if it mostly was against my mates and requiring borrowing some of their Chaos miniatures to get me to paltry 1000 points!

The Chaos Dwarves are unquestionably, unredeemably evil - but they are an evil not often seen in Warhammer. They are almost a modern, industrial evil. Yes, they have their own slave-empire carved out, but they aren't raiders in the same manner like Dark Elfs or expansionist like Chaos or Nagash. They are the Fantasy equivalent of the military-industrial complex or modern megacorporation, albeit even more extreme. Need weapons to invade the realms of man, elf and dwarf? No problem, Chaos Dwarves will supply them to you, for the right price.

Obviously, and I shouldn't need to even say this, but people who love Chaos Dwarves don't love irl what Chaos Dwarves are, in same manner people who play as Soulblight aren't irl machiavellian blood-sucking aristocrats. But Chaos Dwarves are a really interesting faction who are kind of unique to Fantasy and AoS both. They are dwarfs, who are objectively the best fantasy race (jk jk) and are dwarven flaws pushed into the extremes. The justification for their absolute hatred for their dwarven kin, which was mentioned earlier in this thread, isn't compelling because it provides moral absolution for all the evils the Chaos Dwarves commit, but because it makes them more 'human' (for the lack of a better word!). It intrigues many of us because it shows how the Chaos Dwarves perceive themselves, how they rationalise themselves and their descent to evil, which is a really interesting! Hashut is intriguing, being a 'fifth Chaos god' (or a really clever Greater Demon) and the bull aesthetic is just icing on the cake. Reminds me of how Orcs in Moria started worshipping the Balrog of Morgoth, except this time it's steampunk dwarves making industrial revolution with blackjack and demons.

The Chaos Dwarves also win on the 'rule of cool' by wearing big hats, have the babylonian/sumerian aesthetic and are dwarves, which automatically makes them extra cool.

Oh wow, this got quite long...what can I say, I just love Chaos Dwarves a lot. I hope we'll get them in TOW at least, if not in AoS.


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Chaos Dwarves are what you'd get if Khazad Dum submitted to the Balrog and enslaved Azog, then fought for Sauron in the final battle with fire-daemon-lobbing cannon powered by possessed steam engines besieging Minas Tirith. It's a faction you'd hate, but also love to hate, just like the Uruk Hai

And that to me just sounds like awesome personified

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8 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Hashut would be proud of the flying bull

Thx mate, but that one needs some tweaking...I went for XXXtra Detail, without the hardware or the software adjustments 😅 the Full smithy (that’s the top piece with „lava“ flowing out) still looks rad 

Whole „Ishar Gate“ on the plate now, in 25% for planning purposes.

Legion of Azgorh Gaming table is planned in my basement 😈

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One of the reasons why I like Chaos Dwarfs is the aversion of the standard Dwarf archetype.

Dwarves in fantasy media tend to be the samey, so any averison to the archetype always stand out to me even if its just dwarf but evil (which the chaos dwarfs are more then that).

Plus the Iron Daemon an evil daemonic train pulling artillery is the kind of silly I love in warhammer. Choo-Choo.

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13 hours ago, pseudonyme said:

It’s in the title. It is not sarcastic I promise, I just want to understand why the love as I know almost nothing about them.

Right beardless one... are you sitting comfortably? ... good, we'll begin..

Firstly as has been pointed out they are Dwarfs - that, beardling should be enough.

But you need to know where they came from... some history beardling...

They were the dwarfs that in the world that was were lost to the chaos wastes.  They were assumed lost, nothing came for them, nothing serached for them.  In their hour of need Hashut took them in his embrace.

Chaos dwarfs are a dark mirror of their dawi kin.  Stubbornness, determination, craftsmanship and industry was twisted into a need to enslave and dominate everyone and everything they came into contact with.  Tainted by chaos and poisoned by malice, they remain dwarven in so many ways: oaths and loyalty, grudges and kinship are as solid as iron, mercy and weakness however are intolerable and destroyed.  Unlike other chaos kin, they won't blindly run to their deaths or wail and prostrate to their gods, not for them the savegery of beastmen and cultists, or the intrigue and vicoius aggression of skaven.   Instead the Dawi Zharr are consumed with a grim cold cruelty, greed and calculated brutality.

Infused with magic, hatred, and cruelty, and they are powerful mages.  The sorcerer prophets and the daemonsmiths bend magic to their will, but being dwarfs they are smiths of unparalleled artifice as well.  Like their dwarven brethren they are smiths of metal and stone, but also of daemoncraft, and the art of binding daemons to their will and forcing them into subjugation to serve in weapons and armour.

In the early days of warhammer it was the chaos dwarfs who gave the chaos warriors their chaos armour, and daemon weapons.  It was the daemon smiths who dragged daemonstuff kicking and screaming into the shackles of armour and blade.

However, like all dwarfs, they were never meant to wield magic, and so the daemonsmiths suffer the curse of stone.  Eventually turning to an immovable living stone statue as the price for channelling magic.

Zharr Nagagrund was the largest and most powerful of the plain of Zharr citadels, ruled by Astragoth.  the whole of Chaos dwarf industry is fuelled on slavery.  Blood for Hashut, and slaves for the mines and the forges.  All races are game, but ideally humans and goblinoids are preferred. Ogors and orcs were ideal heavy labour, and survived longer in the poisonous air and ash choked plains of the shattered lands.   In return they traded for service and for manufacture.  In fact, the maggot lord Tamurkhan offered any living thing captured as slaves in lieu of payment for their services.

Naturally thre were a few hickups along the way...

There was an experiment that went.. er.. a bit wrong.  The intent was to create a new super slave, they already posessed tens fo thousands of orc and goblin slaves. However, they were fractious and not that efficient, lacking the intelligence of human slaves or the stamina of an ogre slave.  a hybrid was required- they needed slave stock to fight with, powerful warriors with the stamina and intelligence to be obedient and subservient.  They came to realise that their new orc breed was far too indipendent of will and had far too much a brutal clarity of purpose to make a good slave - dark skinned, hulking and far stronger and bigger.  To all intents, black orcs were warhammer's answer to the Uruk Hai.

Needless to say they revolted, Zharr naggrond became the battleground, and although victorious that experiment has never been repeated needless to say.


So... the empire wasn't perfect, and in the fartest corners of the blasted lands and ash sea sat the black citadel.

The black citadel was to all intents and purposes the Dawi Zharr penal colony and Military outpost.  It was the place for exile, and removing political threats and opponents of the Zhar Naggrund elite, or simply those that had... failed.

The black fortress was also home to the infernal guard, and their collective name was known as the Legion of Azgorh.


The legion of Azgorh's infernal guard are made up of Dawi Zharr who have suffered some stain of dishonour or failure.  Knowing failure under the eyes of a sorcerer, failing to control slaves, or even a furnace that has exploded through overuse.  It doesn't matter, but the result is always the same.  The infernal guard offers the solace and anonymity of repaying their shame.

An infernal guard give up his name and past kinships, his face is seared shut underneath a red hot mask of iron and bronze.  Only if they achhieve glory is the mask torn off, and the title of castellan bestowed - the world seeing his face once more, scarred and burnt.






Daemon Engines

Chaos dwarfs love artillery... no, they really love artillery, and they love it so much that they share the love with others - namely daemons, who they bind into servitude into their engines of war.

Deathshrieker rockets are daemons bound into rockets, that when fired, basically hunt around the battlefield seeking their target.  if it's not there, they go find another :)



And who can forget the mighty hellcannon? - feed it with bodies and bones, and it fires a balefire gobbet.  And if that's not enough, then if you set it loose, the daemon in the machine goes off rampaging.  These used to be popular in warriors of chaos armies where you could rent one from the Dawi Zharr in return for slaves.



As well as slaves, the daemonsmiths bound fire daemons into physical bodies, the Kdaai.  largest of them was the Kdaai destroyer, which never made it to AoS.. boo.

Rather than summoning daemons, which are practiacally uncontrollable and not that easy to deal with, which of course is what a stupid human would do, the priests of hashut found it better to ensalve them into weapons, armour, war machines and constructs.  Kdaai were half daemon, half raging magma fire and birthed in the boiling blood fo hashuts sacrifices, given form and contained in a framework of articulated iron and rune stamped bronze.




Big hats

Everyone with a big hat owes it to these little guys.  You don't get anywhere in the world without having a big hat... Teclis, Nagash, Every stupid elf, they all got big hats. Chaos Dwarfs started the big hat craze.






Couple that with giant bull centaurs, and flaming bulls made of magma and wrath in the form of the Bale Taurus, and dear @pseudonyme...


That is why we love the Chaos Dwarfs :)


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For me there are quite a few factors.

Firstly I do really like the dwarves in general, and so I was always going to be intrigued by their evil cousins.

Secondly the Babylonian aesthetic is really neat. You get lots of different takes on dwarves, but most of them end up being basically some variation on Vikings. That's cool, but kind of overdone. With the Chaos Dwarves, its like someone at GW looked at history, and said "who else had massive beards". And the answer of course is the people of ancient mesopotamia. Those ringleted beards come straight from carvings of ancient kings receiving tribute. There are some in the British Museum, which are really cool, and which I'm sure the designers referred to. Take a look at the guys carrying the bomb for the earth quaker canon. They basically could have walked right off one of those carvings! When I saw those little guys, with the almost ritual approach to their canon, it really appealed to both my love of history and archaeology, and my sense of humour. Its like brining forth the holy hand grenade, with much pomp and ceremony.

But they didn't just give the dwarves an ancient Persian look, they wove it into the entire fabric of the range, with the monsters are all Lamassus and flying bulls, the centaurs etc. Those are all real mythical creatures, but not ones which you see very often, so there is an element of novelty there.

Lastly there is the steampunk aspect. I've always been fond of that, so while the FW range is a big departure from the more arcane look that came before, it appealed to me for completely different reasons. i had to get an Iron Daemon. Its just such a cool design, and the magma cannon is lovely too.

The lore has already been discussed a lot, and as others have said, its great. They are paradoxically a sort of Lawful chaos faction, which appeals to me. They have a twisted reflection of dwarf culture. I find a lot of the villainous factions in warhammer to be a bit one note. Its all about hordes of rampaging barbarians, whether they are orcs, beastmen or humans. I much prefer the more civilised evil factions, where there is more to invest in as a hobbyist. The fact that they have magic, and that it turns them to stone the more they use it is just the icing on the (evil) cake, and the idea of binding daemons is a really interesting one which its surprising warhammer hasn't done more with really.

Last but not least, who doesn't like to root for the underdogs? The fact that they had been neglected and abandoned gives the whole range a certain mystique. I actually got into them a few years after the Legion came out, during a time when they arguably had the most support they'd had since their 90s hayday, but still it appealed to me to have a rare and unusual army, and to back a faction which needed more love. That made them an interesting challenge to collect. I couldn't just go and buy the kits, and have them all in a few months. I had to save up for pricy forge world models, and scour ebay for good deals on the oop ones. That made collecting them feel like much more of a victory than if I'd just gone and bought them new.

Here is my legion, the old Big Hats are a noble infantry division called the High Guard of Azmantar. They are the sons of nobles, holding to traditions of service and sorcery. They have their antique canons, maintained with much ritual. The oldest of their number rides a Magmadroth, because the Dwarves of Fire should really have huge magma dragons. I also gave them a corrupted Anvil of Doom, and used bloodbowl players as a conclave of chanting magicians summoning the Balewind Vortex! They have to keep chanting to keep their Sorcerer prophet Zarados the Inordinate aloft.
The Legion of Azgorh units are the Hammers of Gaghool heavy artilliary division. They are from the industrial underclass of the chaos dwarf society. They have the biggest centaurs to manhandle the massive steampunk war machines into place, and their armour is less fancy and more practical. They also use enslaved minotaurs in keeping with the bull theme. They also have gargolyes since they can take those in Kings of War. I converted a maulerfied into a Kadaai destroyer too!




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Now this is where it gets wishlist interesting...




Why is this so exciting? 

Some of you might be old enough to remember a game called dreadfleet...

Well over on chaosdwarfs online I found this jewel...  The black Kraken Chaos Dwarf Daemon engine boat from dreadfleet :D



In Scourge of fate we have Chaos dwarfs who have set up in the varanspire

In Warcry: The Iron Promise by josh Reynolds we have the iron golems being contracted by a chaos dwarf to do some pest control.

In the novel Wulfric he goes to the ash plains and faces a daemonsmith, fighting him in a daemonic steam driven battle suit.

I so desperately want them to be a thing again, and in the mortal realms of AoS they can be turned into something really special with unlimited possibilities. 

Go on GW, give me my legion back in plastic with tons of other stuff that never made it into reality the first time around, like the Destroyer. :)


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And as the Life teaches us, GDubs will slight you, try to crush your will and drain your resources, lesser races like the Bretons have crumbled and succumb to madness, but not us...

*rousing Aragorn speech, but with evil madness in it

not today!!! Not ever!!!

Someday, when the devils of GDubs are in dire need of cash, they will bend their knee and give us our due


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Stop! I cannot, I will not, bow to Hashut...

Seriously, let this thread be a testimony to the enthusiasm we feel over the old chorfs.

Many sculpts can be re-used, and they have room to add either more infernal-industrial creation, re-imagined chorf warriors (infernal folks were a subfaction), or even more chaos spawned hybrids.

Do it, GW! :P

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7 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

Stop! I cannot, I will not, bow to Hashut...

Hashut does not want you to bow...

he wants you to forge something gorgeous and then go on a field trip and blast-burn-blow up some fools with it, then tow their sorry butts back to the citadel and they will do all the bowing and scraping for you or they’ll taste the whip

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4 minutes ago, Honk said:

Hashut does not want you to bow...

he wants you to forge something gorgeous and then go on a field trip and blast-burn-blow up some fools with it, then tow their sorry butts back to the citadel and they will do all the bowing and scraping for you or they’ll taste the whip

and now we will have hobgoblins and wolf riders again - god bless you morruks and direchasm wolf rider warbands 

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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18 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

Stop! I cannot, I will not, bow to Hashut...

Seriously, let this thread be a testimony to the enthusiasm we feel over the old chorfs.

Many sculpts can be re-used, and they have room to add either more infernal-industrial creation, re-imagined chorf warriors (infernal folks were a subfaction), or even more chaos spawned hybrids.

Do it, GW! :P

Your words betray you.. you may tell yourself it is not so, but your soul has already kneeled.

Lets get the slave pens ready and the furnaces stoked.


PS. I've run out of likes but I'll be back...

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6 hours ago, Greybeard86 said:

I loved all of them, but I think the not-so-goofy ones are a bit better for modern standards.



FW did some nice sculpts for hats considering the heroes and some warmachine's crew, updating the idea but still having top hats.

The infernal guard was a bit "too plaon" but the lore idea of a "reverse slayer" situation that makes them still fighting for the citadel while still making a vow that respect the idea of dwarvish honor is great.

Also being a "special city" type of army the Azgorh one leaves the main component of the dawi zharr armies undisclosed(save for things like Bull-centaurs).

Still i prefer the vull centaur of the first FW artworks,more dwarvish and less bull.

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21 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Probably their aesthetic and uniqueness (after the fact they are dwarfs).
The idea of mesopotamian\iranian chaos dwarves seems "original enough" without just playing on the old "duergar" fantasy trope.
Still they play on the dwarf worst traits and exaggerate further, without seeming just evils , with their added quirks and things like the whole Hashut cult (that seems really different from other chaos gods).
Also their story is interesting as they continued with the dwarven mindset but tried to avert their doom with a pact forged in damnation.
There was an interesting quote in the Wrfp 2nd edition tome of corruption:
"Where was Grimnir when our warriors were dying? Where was Valaya when our children sickened? When we called out for aid in the deep places where we delved, it was not Grungni who answered our call, but mighty Hashut who delivered us in our time of need. Who are the real traitors here? Our kin who abandoned us to madness and death or we who only sought to survive against the forces of Chaos? One day there will be a reckoning and it will be the Sons of the Father of Darkness who will have the victory, not the weak willed spawn of the pathetic Ancestor Gods."

Also Hashut is 100/100 Chaos God. 

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