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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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21 minutes ago, Jator said:

So how does everyone interpret this? Can I have two WLC and two Doomwheels at 2000 points or just one of each? You can guess my preference is the former, so I want to be sure my bias aren't tricking me.


Sin título.jpg

It’s either or imo. Otherwise. They woukd have listed voth with a separate 0-1

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1 hour ago, Jator said:

So how does everyone interpret this? Can I have two WLC and two Doomwheels at 2000 points or just one of each? You can guess my preference is the former, so I want to be sure my bias aren't tricking me.


Sin título.jpg

You can take either a doomwheel or WLC per 1000 points so at 2k you could have 2 doomwheels or 2 WLC or 1 doomwheel and 1 WLC. 

Not sure how it can be read as another way it's pretty clear it's 0 - 1 per 1000 points. 

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3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Are magical weapons that don’t have a weapon type considered to be hand weapons?

If it's like 6th edition I would assume not. Does turn being hand weapons mean anything rules wise though? I believe the party parry rule is no more.

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1 minute ago, JerekKruger said:

If it's like 6th edition I would assume not. Does turn being hand weapons mean anything rules wise though? I believe the party parry rule is no more.

Would be effected by rules like Chaos Ensorcelled Weapons, Orc Choppas, etc I guess. 

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48 minutes ago, GerryB21 said:

only one of the enchanted arrows are magical.


I meant the "bow of loren" and "asyendi's bane" or whatever. The two magic weapon bows they have. They specifically say "counts as asrai longbow" (I presume so they work with their special arrows rule) so I assume if they wanted other magic items to count as hand weapons they would say so?


I strongly dislike the whole "your unit only has a primal hatred of men (Foe render) if it's using a single basic hand weapon." I guess their emotional support great weapons calm them down? And everybody knows a man with two knives is supposed to be happy. (And the same applies to enscorcelled weapons, murderous, etc.)

Edited by The Red King
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So I decided to field the Dark Elf Army. I‘ll bring along a Bloodwrack Viper to put onto the 5“ template if I manage to cast it. I am pretty much fielding all my painted Dark Elves (only the Sorceress lacks color xD)

btw: YEAH I did not realize I had painted up that many models :D


and thx for the feedback so far!

I‘ll put the Assassin into the Witches? 🤔

should I split the Witches? (They have the rend 1 banner)

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4 hours ago, Jator said:

So how does everyone interpret this? Can I have two WLC and two Doomwheels at 2000 points or just one of each? You can guess my preference is the former, so I want to be sure my bias aren't tricking me.


Sin título.jpg

I'm gonna say one of each per 1000pts. It could be read either way. That's how I'm gonna play it anyway. With the 25% points restriction on Rare you could only ever fit in 2 cannons and 1 wheel anyway. And if the Empire can be rockin' 6 grand cannons and 2 steam tanks, I think the old world can handle a extra doomwheel/cannon. 

Btw, I would also ignore that moronic limit on assassins, engineers and priests. It's something they added in the last minute before releasing the pdfs and they clearly messed it up. Until they give us an errata I'm gonna ignore it. 

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The first batch of Txarli Factory bases & unit trays have arrived from Coveted Forge. The arduous process of re-rebasing my Tomb Kings can now begin!

These are the plain top design, pre-fited for 5x1mm disc magnets (which I purchased from Apex Magnets). If you have a 3d printer you can purchase the print files from Txarli Factory. If, like me, you do not have a 3d printer, then you can purchase them printed from Coveted Forge for a reasonable price. The prints are high quality, & the packing was efficient & secure, using environment friendly packing material.  Pre-modeled bases in several styles are also available, which was tempting, but these were cheaper, plus I want them to match my existing AoS bases for some limited crossover use.  It only took a couple weeks for this lot to arrive, which was faster than expected, though I suspect I got my order in just before the Old World rush, so if you place an order right now it might take longer.

I'm very happy with these & will be ordering more soon. If you're looking for basing options for The Old World, Coveted Forge def has my recommendation.


Some minor nitpicks: the 25mm squares are just a tiny bit shorter than the larger bases.  Not a problem, but if you stick a unit filler on a 50x50 or 50x75 in the middle of a unit of 25x25s, the filler's base will sit ever so slightly higher than the rest.  Also a few of the bases had some plasticy fibers around some of the edges.  Again, no big deal, but you might want to rub the edges on some sandpaper to clean everything up.  It's still less cleanup work than the old gw plastic bases with the sprue nubs.

Edited by Sception
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Hello friends, I am here to beseech you for wisdom. 

A friend of mine wants to run some goblin wolf chariots but isn’t keen on the models so has been brainstorming using Thunderwolf cavalry with some goblins riding on top. Apart from the snarlfang riders, does anyone have any suggestions for where to get these goblins?

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3 hours ago, Moya said:

I'm gonna say one of each per 1000pts. It could be read either way. That's how I'm gonna play it anyway. With the 25% points restriction on Rare you could only ever fit in 2 cannons and 1 wheel anyway. And if the Empire can be rockin' 6 grand cannons and 2 steam tanks, I think the old world can handle a extra doomwheel/cannon. 

Btw, I would also ignore that moronic limit on assassins, engineers and priests. It's something they added in the last minute before releasing the pdfs and they clearly messed it up. Until they give us an errata I'm gonna ignore it. 

I agree that the list feels somewhat more restrictive than needed. Assasins at the very least should be on their own 0-1/1000 limit without having to compete with warlocks or priests, who do open your options for units and warmachines.


3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I can see now what you mean but I still think what I said is the correct interpretation. 

For now I will err in the side of caution and take the more restrictive interpretation. I still have plenty of funny stuff to deploy within my collection.

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1 hour ago, Bolfrig Bearhide said:

Hello friends, I am here to beseech you for wisdom. 

A friend of mine wants to run some goblin wolf chariots but isn’t keen on the models so has been brainstorming using Thunderwolf cavalry with some goblins riding on top. Apart from the snarlfang riders, does anyone have any suggestions for where to get these goblins?

If you are fine with them being night goblins then squig hopper/bounders are goblins holding on to something with one hand. It doesn't seem too difficult to add fur to the bit of squig they are holding on to.

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9 minutes ago, Jator said:

I agree that the list feels somewhat more restrictive than needed. Assasins at the very least should be on their own 0-1/1000 limit without having to compete with warlocks or priests, who do open your options for units and warmachines.


For now I will err in the side of caution and take the more restrictive interpretation. I still have plenty of funny stuff to deploy within my collection.

Yeah, I usually like to play a classic mixed skaven army so the number of cannons/wheels etc doesn't really affect me. And after looking at other armies, it's probably the one or the other version that is correct. It's still a bit restrictive and not very thematic if someone would like to do a pestilence or skryre army.

I've been playing wfb since they dropped the 4th ed starter box and I've never in my life seen such a limiting and un-thematic rule as that assassin/warlock/priest one. GW will have a 1500pts tournament. For Skaven, that would mean you loose access to 1/3 of all units in your army. If you take 2 assassins in a 2000pts army (not totaly unresonable, right?) you would loose access to 50% of your army and all low level spell casters. Insanity, and more importantly not very fun.

As I said previously, I'm gonna ignore that rule till they give us an errata. 

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I got to play the first game. It was awesome. We played 1000 points, I had wood elves against Dwarfs. I had two units of archers, small units of dryads and wardancers, 15 eternal guards (without shields as I noticed during the game that they need to be bought separately :)), unit of glade riders, riding noble and a lvl2 wizard. Dwarfs had 15 longbeards, 8 rangers with shields, 15 or so slayers, 2 individual gyrocopters, king with bearers and a battle standard. I lost, quite badly :) Dwarfs are the army I played the most 6th edition along with Lizards, so it was nice to see them in action as well.

Some initial thoughts:

  • It plays very much like 6th, there are some notable differences, but it felt like playing 6th edition
  • Fall back in good order changes the dynamics dramatically, my eternal guard lost combats against the longbeards by 6 and 7 and still held for next rounds due to this. For the dwarfs with their ld9 it is even better (or would have been, had I won some combats...). This will impact cavalry and other "shcok charge" units as they can be counter charged next turn. I find this an excellent addition. It's also a stealth outnumber bonus as double unit strength counters this.
  • There was also one quirk that I hadn't realized earlier. If you flank an unit and it falls back in good order, you (likely) lose the flank charge for the next round as the withdrawing unit moves first.
  • 4+ save is a (very) good save, I couldn't budge the rangers even by charging them simultaneously to flank with dryads and front with wardancers (S3 against T4 followed by 4+ save is tough). On the other hand, in general the lighter armour for expensive cavalry will also have an impact as even archers will be dangerous for them.
  • Close order heavy infantry was very difficult to handle for the elves, you can't break the ranks and are always one behind in combat res from the start
  • Skirmishers for dwarfs is a great addition
  • Elven spearmen are still elven spearmen :D
  • 90 degree free pivot is a lot worse than free reform for the fast cavalry
  • Spells were not easy to cast, ranges were short and having the mage in an unit limited the targets, but I don't think the game gave a good indication on how they actually work. lvl4 mage looks to be annoying for dwarfs.
  • Archers were good, volley fire is a great addition (skirmishing crossbows were also good)
  • Initiative didn't matter that much, elves got to strike charging dwarfs simultaneously, but mostly it is still charger who strikes first (besides special rules such as great weapons and strike first)
  • Banners are worth taking more as they are cheaper and give less points (and due to fall back in good order, you don't always lose them). This is also a great thing.



Edited by Jamopower
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8 hours ago, Bolfrig Bearhide said:

Hello friends, I am here to beseech you for wisdom. 

A friend of mine wants to run some goblin wolf chariots but isn’t keen on the models so has been brainstorming using Thunderwolf cavalry with some goblins riding on top. Apart from the snarlfang riders, does anyone have any suggestions for where to get these goblins?

If your friend can wait, we should eventually see a release of Goblin Wolf Rider mob. Otherwise, sadly it's either Snarlfang or some Night Goblin sculpts from Gloomspite Gitz.

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As my Bretonnian box and the books have not arrived yet I have been thinking about what to build as a second army, both so I can switch things up from time to time and to lend out for people to use if they want to try a game. I have a bunch mortal Chaos so Warriors it is I think.

I have available:

  • The Christmas box (10 Warriors, 5 Chosen, 5 Knights, Lord on big mount, 3 Ogroid things)
  • Most of the Krone guys from AoS1 launch (5 Warriors, 10 light infantry, 1 Battle standard, 1 Lord with pet)  
  • Lord on Lizard thing from a while ago (or most of him I think, not too worried if I can’t find him/use him as I have the lord from the Christmas box)
  • Wharmammer + Sorcerer 

I have on order with my local independent:

  • Vanguard Slave to Darkness (10 Warriors, 5 Knights, Lord on foot, chariot)
  • Box of Chosen (5 Chosen)

Also considering Khagra's ravagers as a source of additional Hero characters / sorcerer

Would a Fomoroid Crushers work as a giant or is he to small?


So with the above models in mind I was thing something along the lines of the following in terms of unit composition/equipment.

  • 1 Lord on demonic mount to join the Knights
  • 1 Korne battle standard bearer (using the AoS1 guy) – join unit on foot that has mark of khorne
  • 1 chariot / hero on chariot (horse or beast thing?), would this be good for a magic caster?
  • 10 Warriors with hand weapon and shield – Full command
  • 10 Warriors with halberds and shield – Full command
  • 15 Chosen/Warriors with great weapon – Full command, thinking of using the 5 korne AoS1 warriors and spares parts to convert them to great weapons
  • 10 Knights/Chosen Knights with lances

The 10 Aos1 Korne light infantry guys could be marauders I guess, but not fussed, they may also end up as some jackles for my world eaters

The tree Ogrid things I guess can become Chaos Ogers, or maybe dragon ogers depending on size, or ally in relevant beast man unit??

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1 hour ago, Trokair said:

Would a Fomoroid Crushers work as a giant or is he to small?

Saw these photos on Facebook the other day, he's a lot smaller than the plastic giant but not too far off the older giant model which is returning to the range soon (likely on the 50mm base option for giants). Could put him on a tactical rock if you want to match the height of the older giant more closely but it's not a big difference IMO...



Edited by Gareth 🍄
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3 hours ago, Trokair said:

As my Bretonnian box and the books have not arrived yet I have been thinking about what to build as a second army, both so I can switch things up from time to time and to lend out for people to use if they want to try a game. I have a bunch mortal Chaos so Warriors it is I think.

I have available:

  • The Christmas box (10 Warriors, 5 Chosen, 5 Knights, Lord on big mount, 3 Ogroid things)
  • Most of the Krone guys from AoS1 launch (5 Warriors, 10 light infantry, 1 Battle standard, 1 Lord with pet)  
  • Lord on Lizard thing from a while ago (or most of him I think, not too worried if I can’t find him/use him as I have the lord from the Christmas box)
  • Wharmammer + Sorcerer 

I have on order with my local independent:

  • Vanguard Slave to Darkness (10 Warriors, 5 Knights, Lord on foot, chariot)
  • Box of Chosen (5 Chosen)

Also considering Khagra's ravagers as a source of additional Hero characters / sorcerer

Would a Fomoroid Crushers work as a giant or is he to small?


So with the above models in mind I was thing something along the lines of the following in terms of unit composition/equipment.

  • 1 Lord on demonic mount to join the Knights
  • 1 Korne battle standard bearer (using the AoS1 guy) – join unit on foot that has mark of khorne
  • 1 chariot / hero on chariot (horse or beast thing?), would this be good for a magic caster?
  • 10 Warriors with hand weapon and shield – Full command
  • 10 Warriors with halberds and shield – Full command
  • 15 Chosen/Warriors with great weapon – Full command, thinking of using the 5 korne AoS1 warriors and spares parts to convert them to great weapons
  • 10 Knights/Chosen Knights with lances

The 10 Aos1 Korne light infantry guys could be marauders I guess, but not fussed, they may also end up as some jackles for my world eaters

The tree Ogrid things I guess can become Chaos Ogers, or maybe dragon ogers depending on size, or ally in relevant beast man unit??

They make great minotaur.

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