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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I highly doubt we will have more new miniatures anytime soon.

From the warcom posts I saw Duke Gastille, the Red Hand of Brionne on one of his first introductory posts using the classic mini where the rider has a falcon.

Old World Development Diary – On Bases and the Barons of Bretonnia - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)


So if we follow that pattern I would say we would have him using some sort of classic mini.

The other option would be one of the three builds that the new pegasus lord has:

Warhammer Day Preview – The Kingdom of Bretonnia Revealed - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)



Imo it would be represented by this last one.

All of the above would leave us well covered in terms of representing him.

Dang! I feel the same to be honest, but deep down I just want to see a new King on Hippogryph model so bad I am looking for signs where I shouldn't.. :( 

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1 hour ago, Morathi is my Goddess said:

It's pretty disgusting. I was very keen to start Tomb Kings but won't be at these prices. Will use my dark elves to play Old World instead.


I expected this, but still, OUCHIE OUCH. Hmm. I still kinda want the Bret box, but might just end up buying rules and bases to rebase and repaint my Orcs and Gobbos. Since the Big Launch Box isn't a FOMO box, at least I can squirrel away money for it.

Unrelated, but does anyone want a spare kidney?

Edit: OK, well, GW does know how to sink my hopes. I think it might be better for me to a) just get rules and bases in the interim for my O+G, then b) save money/acquire kidneys for the eventual HE/Dwarf releases. I know for a fact I have like, four high elf mages (3 on foot, one mounted but missing horse) so that'll easily pump points and lean into Saphery.

Edited by Taerg Ad Ywons
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15 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

😟 what currency is that?


i actually thought I’d heart that those boxes came ay a price range of 250euros + a bit more for the tomb kings box

Australian Dollars. For euros is 206 the Bret box and 230 the TK one.

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I'm curious to see what will come for skavens on the free pdf rules. Mostly to see if the misfire personalized tables come back with a bang, if slaves will return, or if they'll include some of the FW stuff. Oh, and, will Ikit Claw be there?. But be aware that stormfiends will most likely not have rules for TOW, btw.

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7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Aussie prices are expensive... It's almost like they are on the other side of the world with a higher per capita GDP than the UK. ;)

Uff, I… this truly is sad.

2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I'm curious to see what will come for skavens on the free pdf rules. Mostly to see if the misfire personalized tables come back with a bang, if slaves will return, or if they'll include some of the FW stuff. Oh, and, will Ikit Claw be there?. But be aware that stormfiends will most likely not have rules for TOW, btw.

Yeah those misfire charts have been missed.

as for stormfiends, I doubt they’ll be back.

same could be said for characters like Queek headtaker, Tretch craventail, deathmaster Snitch, and the named master moulder (not throt though).

After all they weren’t norm back then.

although character like Ikitt could and hopefully will see a return. After all he was the one who took skavenblight in Morskittars name.

he is one of the skaven characters that we actually know existed back then.

personally I’d love to say the same thing about thanqoul. But his past live and age is just unknown.

as For throt. I am not certain if he existed back then. He doesn’t get mentioned but at the same time we have stories where he has access to the drug that can make a skaven lives for centuries and longer

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This is from FB old world group (which has it apparently from Reddit).

If that photo is real, what does it mean? According to rumours the next 2 armies were OnG and Empire in the summer. So we can assume that Dwarves might be released in the next winter if not later. But Isn’t it too soon to have photos of dice floating around the net if they should be released in a year?


Edited by YoghurtKobold
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As for the Dwarf Dice. I could see them getting through all 9 factions in 2024. I could see Dwarfs coming with O+G in Spring, HE and Chaos in Summer, Beasts and Woodies in Autumn and Empire for Christmas. 

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15 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

This is from FB old world group (which has it apparently from Reddit).

If that photo is real, what does it mean? According to rumours the next 2 armies were OnG and Empire in the summer. So we can assume that Dwarves might be released in the next winter if not later. But Isn’t it too soon to have photos of dice floating around the net if they should be released in a year?



Last Valrak rumors was O&G vs Dwarfs but he did not mention the time of release


O&G vs Empre in summer was a Hastings' rumors 

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20 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

This is from FB old world group (which has it apparently from Reddit).

If that photo is real, what does it mean? According to rumours the next 2 armies were OnG and Empire in the summer. So we can assume that Dwarves might be released in the next winter if not later. But Isn’t it too soon to have photos of dice floating around the net if they should be released in a year?

GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now.

In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long.

When you think about it, if GW are planning on re-releasing armies in pairs (like Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia) it actually makes the Summer rumour more suspect. There's not enough armies on the list for them all to be 1v1 pairings, and the Empire being in the middle of a civil war - as well as their recent surge in popularity due to Total War - makes them the most fitting faction to drop on their lonesome.

  • Dwarfs vs Orcs & Goblins
  • Wood Elves vs Beastmen
  • High Elves vs Warriors of Chaos
  • Empire (vs Empire)
Edited by Clan's Cynic
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16 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

This is from FB old world group (which has it apparently from Reddit).

If that photo is real, what does it mean? According to rumours the next 2 armies were OnG and Empire in the summer. So we can assume that Dwarves might be released in the next winter if not later. But Isn’t it too soon to have photos of dice floating around the net if they should be released in a year?


Those were the same rumours that said tomb kings were getting a chariot and mummies. I doubt those orc and empire rumours are true. 

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14 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Quick answer before i break down "defensive" but the good v evil stupidity is a key symptom of it, i had written it off as yet another weird need to justify why they grouped forces like they did, becuase they could have just called them "Defenders and Invaders" and it wouldnt have gotten peoples backs up, but now theyve doubled down on their ****** weak reasoning for some reason in this article rather than moving on.

Like, the Bretonnians are vastly more evil than the tomb kings (who are lets remember all victims of Nagash, not skeletons by choice) in how they treat their people and the Wood elves slaughter almost anyone foolish enough to come near them, mess with the Bretonnians religion and sometimes just ride out to do a bunch of murders for lols.

And thats just the low hanging fruit! The Border Princes all build their castles on generations of corpses :P

I think you are hitting the nail on the head. Woodelves being a great example. Nobody in the old world is a good guy. Its literally just an arbitrary way to sort the factions into two books. 

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12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:
  • Dwarfs vs Orcs & Goblins
  • Wood Elves vs Beastmen
  • High Elves vs Warriors of Chaos
  • Empire (vs Empire)

Tin foil hat on. What if the position of shields on ToW logo is showing us not only the natural enemies but also the pairing of foes in future releases? 

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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now.

In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long.

When you think about it, if GW are planning on re-releasing armies in pairs (like Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia) it actually makes the Summer rumour more suspect. There's not enough armies on the list for them all to be 1v1 pairings, and the Empire being in the middle of a civil war - as well as their recent surge in popularity due to Total War - makes them the most fitting faction to drop on their lonesome.

  • Dwarfs vs Orcs & Goblins
  • Wood Elves vs Beastmen
  • High Elves vs Warriors of Chaos
  • Empire (vs Empire)

Yes , the pairings are likely the ones we see in the ToW symbol , so Empire stand alone/civil war 



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I could definitely see Empire having a seperate release on their own with a civil war type deal. I reckon we'll see quite a few minis with them, considering the article discusses new (old) technologies and contraptions from this period. 

The Dwarf dice are exciting to see as it's nice to see future releases have already been planned out at least. 

The battle report has been published through Warhammer plus if anyone has yet to watch it. Just about to sit down myself with some painting! Can't wait. 

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35 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now.

In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long.

When you think about it, if GW are planning on re-releasing armies in pairs (like Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia) it actually makes the Summer rumour more suspect. There's not enough armies on the list for them all to be 1v1 pairings, and the Empire being in the middle of a civil war - as well as their recent surge in popularity due to Total War - makes them the most fitting faction to drop on their lonesome.

  • Dwarfs vs Orcs & Goblins
  • Wood Elves vs Beastmen
  • High Elves vs Warriors of Chaos
  • Empire (vs Empire)

If in the end Duardins are coming soon would be interesting how the overlap between AoS and TOW works in the end, because presumably for TOW you would need the same minis but at larger prices, so their box should have the same but a bit cheaper in comparison... maybe the end of ed faction is the dispossessed renewal?

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39 minutes ago, cyrus said:


Last Valrak rumors was O&G vs Dwarfs but he did not mention the time of release


O&G vs Empre in summer was a Hastings' rumors 

Well, that "Hastings" over there at War of Sigmar probably isn't the same guy from Warseer time, as he is usually quite wrong.

On the other hand, Valrak Rumors + Dwarfen Dice = I trust the next TOW release is Orcs & Goblins vs Dwarfen Kingdoms next in 2024.

I'm also taking from the last TOW Lore article that we could see Chaos Warriors before they got to the Siege of Praag (which is "not anytime soon" and got me worried for my black armored barbarians) ...

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2 hours ago, Garrac said:

I'm curious to see what will come for skavens on the free pdf rules. Mostly to see if the misfire personalized tables come back with a bang, if slaves will return, or if they'll include some of the FW stuff. Oh, and, will Ikit Claw be there?. But be aware that stormfiends will most likely not have rules for TOW, btw.

Oh, I'd love to see Ikit during that era, maybe before the "Claw"? 

2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

personally I’d love to say the same thing about thanqoul. But his past live and age is just unknown.

I remember reading on his trilogy that he was 80 (or it was 40?) Years old, too young to be around at this time. Nothing they can't retcon, but I doubt they bother.

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now.

In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long

They could re-release the Battle for the Skull Pass like they have done with the Battle for Macragge.

1 hour ago, YoghurtKobold said:

Tin foil hat on. What if the position of shields on ToW logo is showing us not only the natural enemies but also the pairing of foes in future releases? 

Those are some cool looking pairings and make perfect sense, I'd be all for it.

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25 minutes ago, Jator said:

They could re-release the Battle for the Skull Pass like they have done with the Battle for Macragge.

I was surprised they hadn't done that to be honest. I was at least expecting Island Of Blood, with those models being much more 'modern' in design. I guess the "Space Marine Cocaine Fund" was running a bit low for their liking.

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