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Warhammer - The Old World

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Lovely replies and insights, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ย it's always fun to read other people's histories in the game and feelings. I'd agree on the AoS realms being hard to imagine. I've tried to base all my armies in Ghyran and head canon reasons for them to interact and work together. Just finding a decent map of it is hard enough, let alone one that is fleshed out.ย 

Exciting times ahead.ย 

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I'm going to just bounce around between projects as the mood takes me as well, I'm not banking on having a 2000 point Old World army ready by the end of next year or anything. There is always potentially AOS stuff round the corner that can appeal as a palate cleanser.

I have a longstanding ambition to collect a Nuln Empire army with heroes and champions that are references to characters from the really fun Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay run I did in 2019-20 with a really good group. But painting loads of infantry in black will either be a) super easy to get through or b) get deathly boring and require a break.

I had a lot of High Elves and Dwarfs in the 90s, and if the Dwarf army set is good I'd be tempted to do a small dwarf force in the Zhufbar teal and gold scheme from Total Warhammer, but both of those armies' 8th Ed miniatures grab me a bit less than the 4th-5th era ones that were a bit more idiosyncratic, so it kind of depends on the quality and quantity of new stuff they get. Will also probably eventually succumb to the temptation go Orcy, especially if they get a good new warboss/shaman on wyvern kit.

Holding off on buying much Bretonnia stuff in view of the above; I think most of the new stuff is tremendous and will probably buy bits and pieces just to paint or use as knight/wizard characters in dungeon crawlers. But an army box of the old models would end up in the pile of shame indefinitely. Assuming there's not much than Brets and TKs around in Feb, the release will probably be a bit anticlimactic as I have no personal interest in TKs and don't want to buy the rulebook separately if there'll probably be an army box I actually want bundled with it later in the year.

I do think the game might start out in a bit of a weird place in terms of heavily front-loading two armies which are a) theoretically among the least popular from the game's first run b) not necessarily super-central to peoples'ย  conception of the Old World and c) heavily reliant on shifting a lot of the oldest, worst looking miniatures.

Just wondering if there will be a lot of people in the same boat as me that are like "this is great, but also you're not selling anything I actually want for months"

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5 hours ago, Freypal said:

I'm wondering how other people are planning to balance AoS and ToW? I got back into Warhammer a few years ago. In my childhood I played WFB and 40k. On returning to the hobby, obviously WFB had been blown up and so I got into AoS and really enjoy it. It's been interesting seeing how the setting has developed over that time.ย 

I don't plan to stop collecting or playing AoS but I just can't ignore the pull of the old world either. My large dwarf army can finally return and I always craved a bretonnian army so that's my launch box sorted. I'm finding though I'll have a lot of crossovers with my collections... Cities of sigmar humans and bretonnians. Cities of sigmar duardin and dwarfs. Gloomspite and orcs and goblins. I guess my AoS choices were trying to recreate what I had in WFB!

I'll likely end up trying to use some models in both formats but it kind of feels a bit strange to be doubling up and I'm not sure how I'll end up splitting my hobby time. Has anyone else thought about this? Or just accept I'll have twice as many armies now ๐Ÿ˜‚

im with you,as you i collected aos armys with fantasy units(dwarfs,dark elfs,high elfs,wanderer,humans,vampire).


i intend use my disposesed as dwarfs(but i gonna need buy this starter box to get warriors and quarrelers),also i gonna buy the empire starter to fill my humans of city,i bougth 3k of dok this last black friday because i got two battleforces to get wyches and cauldron for old world.....and only getting morathi i got a dok army also haha.


i gonna use my minis im both aos and old world,just with movement trays nobody gonna complaim about the round bases

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Yeah the intense focus on Brets and a side order of TK isnt doing it for most of my group either, with long experience of Specialist games approach, last time we talked about it everyone was just planning to wait until they finish releasing it to bother.

Ive got a bit more of the keen bug, but you cant buy the armies i want so ive indulged my long urge to get a landsknecht army and im painting them up as marienburgers, i can always potentially reinforce them with my Stirlanders who all got rebased to round a while back if i need to :D

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I have full armies of Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Dwarf and Chaos Dwarf, and vampire counts from the wfb days, and honestly a lot of my gloomspite and cities armies should work without any hassle so I'm more or less ready to go mostly with whatever compendium rules they put out for the non focused upon forces.

I'd like to support the game, but I'm not going to be affording big army boxes in January, and much as I love the Tomb Kings dearly I don't need a whole armies worth of more derpy old skeletons. More Usabti would be good though!


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5 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

I have full armies of Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Dwarf and Chaos Dwarf, and vampire counts from the wfb days, and honestly a lot of my gloomspite and cities armies should work without any hassle so I'm more or less ready to go mostly with whatever compendium rules they put out for the non focused upon forces.

I'd like to support the game, but I'm not going to be affording big army boxes in January, and much as I love the Tomb Kings dearly I don't need a whole armies worth of more derpy old skeletons. More Usabti would be good though!


I currently own skaven and dark elves as finctional old world armies.

in theory the dwarfs I own in my cities army could work as well, yet with no battleline troops sustaining my army, I donโ€™t think I can play a legal dwarfen army, unless those 40 ironbreakers I own can be played as troops rather then staying specialist units.

the other two Armies I own are gloomspite gitz and vampir count of which I think I should be able to use them all.

Especially since I got inspired to rework the ghorgon model the vamps have into what I think could be called a vampire lord on nightmareIMG_2622.jpeg.d7c3ba948335f723b1653852b957f71c.jpeg

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48 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I currently own skaven and dark elves as finctional old world armies.

in theory the dwarfs I own in my cities army could work as well, yet with no battleline troops sustaining my army, I donโ€™t think I can play a legal dwarfen army, unless those 40 ironbreakers I own can be played as troops rather then staying specialist units.

the other two Armies I own are gloomspite gitz and vampir count of which I think I should be able to use them all.

Especially since I got inspired to rework the ghorgon model the vamps have into what I think could be called a vampire lord on nightmareIMG_2622.jpeg.d7c3ba948335f723b1653852b957f71c.jpeg

That looks great!

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Ok I do understand that releasing everything at once would be problematic but I am kinda surprised they are not releasing the trebuchet. Which was featured on every Bretonnian photo since they announced them. Also I hope the questing knights will make comeback. They are probably the best of their models.

Also whyโ€ฆ..why did they redone the transfer sheet? Now there are almost only those white hammersโ€ฆ.

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Yes, for Bretonnia only Trebuchet, Green knight, Questing knights and king on hippogryph are missing. Curious when they will be available for order.

Impressive release. I hope they have enough stock. I waited almost a decade for this. It would suck to not get all those reference cardsย ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.

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3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Yes, for Bretonnia only Trebuchet, Green knight, Questing knights and king on hippogryph are missing. Curious when they will be available for order.

Impressive release. I hope they have enough stock. I waited almost a decade for this. It would suck to not get all those reference cardsย ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.

That's true. There's a little line between happiness and total anger for those waiting so long for the game to come back. I hope you all get what you want.

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5 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I currently own skaven and dark elves as finctional old world armies.

in theory the dwarfs I own in my cities army could work as well, yet with no battleline troops sustaining my army, I donโ€™t think I can play a legal dwarfen army, unless those 40 ironbreakers I own can be played as troops rather then staying specialist units.

the other two Armies I own are gloomspite gitz and vampir count of which I think I should be able to use them all.

Especially since I got inspired to rework the ghorgon model the vamps have into what I think could be called a vampire lord on nightmareIMG_2622.jpeg.d7c3ba948335f723b1653852b957f71c.jpeg

More images please :)

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11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

There's a little thing I was hoping for with the release of TOW that we didn't end up getting, it's an animated trailer like what HH and the new editions of 40k and AoS got.

You have to be at least 10.000 years in the future to deserve an animated trailer.

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