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Will aelves become their own grand alliance?

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Latest fluff seems to suggest Teclis and Alerielle are unhappy with Sigmar. We also have older fluff suggesting Malerion was plotting against Sigmar in some way.

Furthermore, if all the rumoured aelf factions are released we'd have the following list: Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin, Sylvaneth, Old Dark, High and Wood elfs that still have kits (aelves), Malerion aelves and Hysh aelves. 

That's six unique battletomes as possibilities, more if they don't soup the older kits. 

This would leave Order as Stormcast, Free People, Fyreslayers, Dispossessed, Kharadron, Seraphon. Also six factions. 

From a gameplay perspective it would also make all the grand alliances must closer in size than they currently are. It also perhaps makes it easier to balance without ending up with order soup (like Imperium soup in 40k) eventually ending up as very powerful.

So what does everyone think? Is this a real possibility? 

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I'd be surprised to see it happen "gameplay-wise", but story-wise it wouldn't be terribly surprising.

It's fun to think of what the title could be for this Grand Alliance though.  Grand Alliance - Aelves.  Grand Alliance - Pointy Ears.  Grand Alliance - Fancy Boys.  

I like it :D

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No, it would be like adding 6th color to MtG - it could be done but what's the point. This "GA: Aelfkin" would overlap thematically with other GA and be redundant. Remember that being angry at Sigmar doesn't exclude you from GA: Order. Alarielle is still angry at him, Malerion and Morathi  secretly scheme  against him and if Grimnir would be alive he would definitely get angry at him (because he sees insults everywhere as his brother said). GA: Order is not "Sigmar and friends" it's "we want to get rid of Chaos, defend against Gorkamorka and don't want to become undead". 

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While there is a huge Elf salad in Order, i dont think the factions overlap that much.  Just like the 3 Dwarf factions, the Elven lines are very different and unique in their ways.

Lorewise the sentence  that Teclis is gathering an army with ancient martial orders and spirits os Hysh sugest a mix of the old and new.  I belive the same will aply to Malerions forces.

Wanderers may see a release soon considering the rumor engines regarding then. Perhaps using the beast lord "theme".


About the original question, i dont think GW actually care with diferent sizes of things. In 40K there is pretty much more Imperium than all xenos combined and in AoS Stormcasts have more models than the Whole Destruction GA 🤣

Make a new GA would be a huge rules overhaul and i dont think GW is willing to go that way.

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2 minutes ago, michu said:

No, it would be like adding 6th color to MtG - it could be done but what's the point. This "GA: Aelfkin" would overlap thematically with other GA and be redundant. Remember that being angry at Sigmar doesn't exclude you from GA: Order. Alarielle is still angry at him, Malerion and Morathi  secretly scheme  against him and if Grimnir would be alive he would definitely get angry at him (because he sees insults everywhere as his brother said). GA: Order is not "Sigmar and friends" it's "we want to get rid of Chaos, defend against Gorkamorka and don't want to become undead". 

That is actually very precise.

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New armies of course. As I said GA: Order is not something you sign up to - it's an artificial classification of factions opposed to Chaos, Destruction and Death that doesn't require closer ties. You can be an enemy of Sigmar (or just not liking him) - as long you don't worship Chaos, Nagash or wander with Gorkamorka's hordes you belong to Order. 

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37 minutes ago, xking said:

 Sigmar is the strongest Ally, I don't think they'll make the same mistake that led to the age of Chaos.

In Teclis' defense, it's not like he has a history of destroying the world because his plans didn't work out and he thought he knew better than anyone else what...to...do...



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27 minutes ago, xking said:

Also most of the aelves live in sigmar's cities .

I'm not sure if this is true, either way, it's why we have allegiances for the cities. I rather like this, I feel it's more likely for those residents to primarily identify with the city than with the faith, although I'm not dissing the possibility of a civil turmoil because of it. 

GA: Order is fine, they're not a monotonous force. 

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32 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Follow up question... 

If not a new grand alliance then what is the narrative pay off? So for example we got endless spells and nighthaunt from malign portents. Where is the story about sigmar losing allies going? 

Perhaps an escalation:

tentions grow until a battle among Stormcasts and Aelfes erupt. This will be a short outburst of violence until they see reason and a common cause (VS Death/Chaos) maybe even Dispossessed will be the voice of reason.

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30 minutes ago, Kamose said:

In Teclis' defense, it's not like he has a history of destroying the world because his plans didn't work out and he thought he knew better than anyone else what...to...do...



Well, to be honest, nobody manages to have a plan work in Warhammer. Nagash is basically a Scooby Doo vilain.

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1 hour ago, michu said:

Poster-things steal-taking the rightful place-place of-of beard-things.

nobody should be more-more thickheaded and sturdier than the loved beard-things.

much better at dying, 

yes-yes, gives fleshy meat when kill-slayed.

Much better to eat swallow than-than undead poster-things.

beard-things better suited-equipped for-for mountain battle, to kill-kill vermin.

make-make better targets then-then hated poster-things.

the great horned rat has-has  spoken, beard-things will come, 

beardthings will take-take back-Back their city-burrows.

all has been visioned-seen, 

and plans-Plans have been plan-shemed.

Yes-yes, they all will die-Die.

and soon we will feast-eat on their-their bones. 

More-more  meat for Skreech,

more-more beards to collect,

better and more-more cunning Clawlords will scurry-rise!

Soon we will rise-take Sigmars throne, kill-slay the storm-things,

take-take what is rightfullly ours!!! 

<high pitched laugh-chitter with 13voices cracking in the air>

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I really like the idea to be honest. Lorewise we already have a huge selfish motif behind the Daughters and the Idoneth which in general are so fixed on their own goals, that people are unhappy to call them an order faction. This fits quite well to the fact that there is a certain touch of chaos to them. They are like a hybrid faction. They fight for themself, not for order. A huge ammount of Aelfes is tainted by Slaanesh, the God who earns most of their hatred. They are an destructive force that often can be compared to a force of nature or something similar. Also they deny Death, some Aelfs even steal a part of Nagash´s Soultithe.

An Great Alliance of Aelfes would be a nice addition to the game lorewise, would clean up some loose threads, would set again a new design perspective and theirfore differ from generic fantasy, and would also keep the playerbase happy as their is again something new in the releases + a cleaned up mess which remains from AoS 1.0 Armybuilding.

Althrough it would require a better name. Great Alliance of Arrogance maybe?

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I really hope not. Sure, there is a marked difference in factions like idoneth and storm casts when compared together, but being united against chaos just feels like a better choice. It gives us a reason why there can be mirror matches of Order armies even if they are united against chaos. Having Teclis and sigmar have their spats is fine, but when there is a magical arms race where a scheming faction or two can get their hands on super weapons I think there is bigger fish to fry.

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4 hours ago, Souleater said:

I love Elves. I am obsessed by Elves in whatever game or background...but I really want to see other races get a slice of the cake instead. 

To be fair, the whole Elfapalooza problem only exists because GW fragmentation on the AoS transition.

I dont know their intention but other than DoK, none of the former elves received any kind of suport.  Wanderers lost a bunch of wood elves models to Sylvaneth and for some reason Darkling Covens has a small list of traits. That is it.

Even players have been waiting any rules from GW since 2015 and considering Skavens, a unique Warhammer concept only got its book this year, i still have hope that they will eventually reach us, but it is painfull.  So far we do not know if the current 44 Models beeing sold on the "Aelves" fold in the Website are gona get chopped or not, and a Battletome would make people relax quite a while.


My opinion (and hope) is that the current High elves go to Hysh, the Dark ones go to Uglu and Wanderers get their release (i am pretty sure it is no far given the rumor engines).

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Some of the aelven factions really could get squatted or folded into grouped up factions. Wanderers and Scourge Privateers could support their own books and have the most defined lore I think. Phoenix Temple and Swifhawk Agents could be combined into one book as well. 

Eldritch Council, Order Draconis and Lion Rangers could do with being combined into the Hyde army with certain units being squatted.

Same goes for Order Serpentis, Darkling Covens and Shadowblades all going to Ulgu. 

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