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2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Modders have already had to jump in 2 times in 2 pages, you can tell there is a drought of leaks

All our leakers are missing and the cadence of articles from gw is terrible, so people just start random discussions.

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13 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book.

“Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.”

Would be great for Back Library stories as well!

You actually get to see these Goblin slave-trader caravans in depth in the Skarsnik Fantasy novel. Skarsnik gets captured by them and eventually manages to rise in power until he can kill the Boss and take it over for himself. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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48 minutes ago, Ragest said:

All our leakers are missing and the cadence of articles from gw is terrible, so people just start random discussions.

Many of the times it is not that random, more like speculative talks about the future, but then those conversation ends up derailing xD

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37 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book.

“Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.”

Would be great for Back Library stories as well!

If I had to predict a Gitmob release they probably dive into their Mongolian aesthetic. Iconic units like the wolf chariots and pump wagons variants are probably the bulk of the plastic units being released. From the limited lore we know about Gitmob, we probably have a Gitlord hero at minimum.

since its been theorized that they sort of the opposite of Gloomspite Gitz and worship the Evil Sunz as sort of the counterpart to Da Bad Moon. Knowing the design teams like having some 40K design cues, they probably homaging stuff from Ork Speed Freaks and White Scars but for Grots lol

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

I didn't think about it in that way, but yeah, it would make a lot of sense. Use this edition as a "reset" to establish the game closer to its "final form" and then put the marketing machine to work in all kind of ways.

finally got my  hands on some Dawnbringer books and was shocked at how little new artwork there was. Plenty of awesome dioramas by the studio team, a lot of which had older (WHF) models in them.

Soulbound has also been delaying some releases if I remember @Baron Klatz saying so. Champions of Chaos and the Ancient Empires supplement come to mind.

These plus the way 4e is being marketed as #NEWAOS #AOSREFORGED is making me think/hope that AOS is going to get a deluge of new art that it deserves.

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30 minutes ago, novakai said:

If I had to predict a Gitmob release they probably dive into their Mongolian aesthetic. Iconic units like the wolf chariots and pump wagons variants are probably the bulk of the plastic units being released. From the limited lore we know about Gitmob, we probably have a Gitlord hero at minimum.

since its been theorized that they sort of the opposite of Gloomspite Gitz and worship the Evil Sunz as sort of the counterpart to Da Bad Moon. Knowing the design teams like having some 40K design cues, they probably homaging stuff from Ork Speed Freaks and White Scars but for Grots lol

If we're talking gitmob, im going to build on your anti-gloomspite wavelength and suggest that Gitmob would be a great place to see the Grotbag Scuttlers that were mentioned a handful of times

Get real weird with it; more weird than "Kharadron scraps held aloft by squig balloons" 

If Gloomspite is "below" emphasize that Gitmob is "above!" I'd love to see air and land vehicles, calvary like Snarlfangs, and unique goblin troops now that the "vanilla" goblins are firmly a TOW thing. I'd love a fantasy goblin Evil Sunz Clan/Kult of Speed. Spin it out of captured Gholem/Kharadron fortresses and make a destruction "weird science" faction to compete with the Skaven and Chorfs! With all their antagonists taking their respective slice of the "crazy machinery!" pie, surely Gholems and Dispossessed would need to respond with their own toys!

Edited by Pizzaprez
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1 hour ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book.

“Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.”

Would be great for Back Library stories as well!

Them combined with Grotbag scuttlers should focus as a sunworshipping-fast moving grot army.

The ramshackle goblin part wiould be ramped up to eleven possibly drawing cues from old O&G siege weapons and the 40k grot committee that had similar vehicles:

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I would love it if gitmobs got broken out into a separate faction!  Having different "flavors" of a fantasy race is always so fun.  I know people joke about aelves having 4 factions, but I would love to see 4 different "flavors" of goblin too!  And duardin!  And Orruks! All of them :D

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2 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

If we're talking gitmob, im going to build on your anti-gloomspite wavelength and suggest that Gitmob would be a great place to see the Grotbag Scuttlers that were mentioned a handful of times

Get real weird with it; more weird than "Kharadron scraps held aloft by squig balloons" 

If Gloomspite is "below" emphasize that Gitmob is "above!" I'd love to see air and land vehicles, calvary like Snarlfangs, and unique goblin troops now that the "vanilla" goblins are firmly a TOW thing. I'd love a fantasy goblin Evil Sunz Clan/Kult of Speed. Spin it out of captured Gholem/Kharadron fortresses and make a destruction "weird science" faction to compete with the Skaven and Chorfs! With all their antagonists taking their respective slice of the "crazy machinery!" pie, surely Gholems and Dispossessed would need to respond with their own toys!

But then the same logic could be applied. If vanilla goblins belong to TOW, vanilla duardins belong to TOW as well, so no toys for them :(

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I think it'd be cool to see a grot faction that interacts with cities more, aside from just stealing their glass bottles like GSG. Kinda like star wars jawas where they pick up battlefield debris and sell it back to humans.

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1 hour ago, Luperci said:

I think it'd be cool to see a grot faction that interacts with cities more, aside from just stealing their glass bottles like GSG. Kinda like star wars jawas where they pick up battlefield debris and sell it back to humans.

Sell scrap to humans. 

Stab humans in the back. 

Take back scrap. 


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My Gitmob wishlist:

- Chariots

- Chariots

- More Chariots

That’s it really, just chariots. With ballistas or catapults even.

Oh and some snotlings. Gonna need a pump wagon to go with them.

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4 hours ago, novakai said:

If I had to predict a Gitmob release they probably dive into their Mongolian aesthetic. Iconic units like the wolf chariots and pump wagons variants are probably the bulk of the plastic units being released. From the limited lore we know about Gitmob, we probably have a Gitlord hero at minimum.

since its been theorized that they sort of the opposite of Gloomspite Gitz and worship the Evil Sunz as sort of the counterpart to Da Bad Moon. Knowing the design teams like having some 40K design cues, they probably homaging stuff from Ork Speed Freaks and White Scars but for Grots lol

It’s my hope that with the Old World around and older kits becoming available Age of Sigmar can finally be its own thing without relying on nostalgia-bait and WHFB glow up’s.

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Them combined with Grotbag scuttlers should focus as a sunworshipping-fast moving grot army.

The ramshackle goblin part wiould be ramped up to eleven possibly drawing cues from old O&G siege weapons and the 40k grot committee that had similar vehicles:

Aaaaah I've never seen this art before; how cool! Stuff like this and the grot tanks from 40k is the vibe. The realms are so big and insane that they could do absolutely anything with the concept of a "daytime goblin" and if TOW is going to bogart whole races and factions I doubt they're going to just do "common goblins" which is sorta cool

3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

But then the same logic could be applied. If vanilla goblins belong to TOW, vanilla duardins belong to TOW as well, so no toys for them :(

Dispossessed are a placeholder as far as I'm concerned. They're rereleasing the old night goblin kits because the idea of having *any* cross system models makes some GW dude sweat through his shirt. If they survive a substantial "not Fyerslayers or Kharadron" Duardin wave I'll be genuinely shocked.

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16 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Aaaaah I've never seen this art before; how cool! Stuff like this and the grot tanks from 40k is the vibe. The realms are so big and insane that they could do absolutely anything with the concept of a "daytime goblin" and if TOW is going to bogart whole races and factions I doubt they're going to just do "common goblins" which is sorta cool

Dispossessed are a placeholder as far as I'm concerned. They're rereleasing the old night goblin kits because the idea of having *any* cross system models makes some GW dude sweat through his shirt. If they survive a substantial "not Fyerslayers or Kharadron" Duardin wave I'll be genuinely shocked.

That one GW dude is a hypocrite, since pretty much everything in Killteam and Warcry is usable in their main games.

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22 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

That one GW dude is a hypocrite, since pretty much everything in Killteam and Warcry is usable in their main games.

I'd love an extended interview with that one dude because whatever their justification is I don't think it's reasonable tbh. It feels out of step with everything they are doing the time period of the first two AoS editions

If the Scaremonger does succeed in putting the fear of the sun into the night goblins via a mask and hallucinations... Would the sungrots bully the cavegrots? Make fun of 'em for living in dank basements and eating junk food? Could be a fun dynamic if daygrots were jock bullies; that's a dynamic mostly present in the Orks and Grots of 40k and fantasy O&G but pretty absent in AoS. It'd be fun to have the Grots bullying each other for a change

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4 hours ago, Fracas said:

My Gitmob wishlist:

- Chariots

- Chariots

- More Chariots

That’s it really, just chariots. With ballistas or catapults even.

Oh and some snotlings. Gonna need a pump wagon to go with them.

Chariots and wagon could be like all the Ork Buggie, so many different versions and flavors of them

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9 hours ago, Luperci said:

I think it'd be cool to see a grot faction that interacts with cities more, aside from just stealing their glass bottles like GSG. Kinda like star wars jawas where they pick up battlefield debris and sell it back to humans.

I like the concept. They could even follow the Dawnbringer Crusades, being able to hide from their attackers somehow, and then recover the scrap from the battles.

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6 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Im kinda shocked to see that i made this 1,5 year ago XD. I would still like to see a desert theme with new Gitmob.


Also imagine these but Gitmob and add a bigger catamaran version.


I would go even deeper, something like the bug from the back where a beetle is carrying a whole caravan, but with the worms, as you posted. I like the worm theming for the desert and bugs are kind of the Sylvaneth thing:


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59 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I would go even deeper, something like the bug from the back where a beetle is carrying a whole caravan, but with the worms, as you posted. I like the worm theming for the desert and bugs are kind of the Sylvaneth thing:


Oh Roving clans!

on a side note, silent people should look like the Necrophage from that game.

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8 minutes ago, novakai said:

Oh Roving clans!

on a side note, silent people should look like the Necrophage from that game.

The fact that they use also the corpses of the bugs as their buildings is also pretty interesting. Could see something similar for AoS pretty easily.

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21 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

I'm more hoping for an overhaul of the spiders aesthetic to match the concept art:

Gloomspite Gits concepts for Age of Sigmar. Sneaky photos taken at the recent Open Day by a mystery grot appreciator.
Gloomspite Gits concepts for Age of Sigmar. Sneaky photos taken at the recent Open Day by a mystery grot appreciator.

That way we get new weird looking cave squig-spiders with moonclan riders and some scuttling grots like the ones from Silver Tower. Definitely felt like a direction they explored and abandoned.

Gitmob can get a tome, take the wolves and get the cool stuff like doom divers and all that back.

Sneaky Snufflers
Sporesplatta Fanatics
Squig Herds
Dankhold Troggoth

Only two models left from this piece of art. *wink*

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

I would go even deeper, something like the bug from the back where a beetle is carrying a whole caravan, but with the worms, as you posted. I like the worm theming for the desert and bugs are kind of the Sylvaneth thing:


Shu'gohl, or the crawling city is a city of sigmar in Ghur build on the back of a massive crawling worm. It featured in two black library novels so far.

Edit: That Roving Clans picture makes me want to do another run of Endless Legend.

Edited by PraetorDragoon
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