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15 hours ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

I’m skeptical that we’ll get Gitmob. If there is another grot faction, I think it will be more creative than Gitmob. Grot sky pirates would be my wish but I think any Mad Max version of grots would be great to give Destruction a technological faction.

Guess I feel like Gitmob is too vanilla and Middle Earth for AOS, and GW is therefore less likely to invest in them.


15 hours ago, Luperci said:

I expect if it happens it'll be like SBGL or LRL, a clear replacement of the old stuff but with new ideas. Maybe we see stuff like the snarlfang riders but multiple grots on a bear, or a giant wolf avatar like fenrir from norse mythology. I think it'd be cool to see a frazzlegitz/gitmob/hobgrot khaganate faction with some kinda aos twist.

Gitmob had enough wacky stuff to fit into AoS (pump wagons, doom divers). They just need to play those elements up a bit, and drop the boring elements.
The light of hysh apparently makes them extra clever, so they could push the crazy contraptions a bit further, and I imagine they'll play the nomadic element up way more.
Everything needs to be mounted, so chariot mounted artillery platforms (doom diver is a must), return of pump wagons, and some extra spice.

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2 hours ago, bethebee said:

I don't think spiders are leaving; they already had the perfect chance to do it and already squatted one of the old models.  What I think they'll do is likely refresh/expand them to better fit gitz in a medium-sized wave.

This post is definitely not Whitefang like-bait.

Oh we're not?

Then CoS dwarf will be coming 4th edition


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9 minutes ago, Vagard said:

My thoughts:

  • I thought upping the scoring to 6/4 from 3/2 was wierd but I don't hate that every battleplan is designed to have a max score of 50 points. I like this. Although I very much agree that events should just treat all 5-0s as being first place, and we should be comfortable with multiple 1sts.
  • Battle tactics 🤮 Extra 🤮 on border War. Either table your opponent or be better at doing backflips. BTs are worth more than the primary unless you cap the home objective (I really hope we actually see BTs soon and they're different than the 3e ones)
  • Suggested Terrain Layout: I absolutely love this, its a massive improvement. having a suggested terrain layout also helps when you write BTs/GSs that care about terrain placement.
  • Seasonal honor guard: Seems like it might be boring, which is good for the first season of an edition.
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Battlepacks/plans article is up.

heavy weight to battle tactics, which I as a battle tactics hater don't like.

Core rule battleplans are 4 rounds, which sounded like a good/exciting move to me, making games shorter & thus more likely to complete, but actual tournament/generals hadnbook plans are still  rounds so bleh.

Edited by Sception
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I can see a kroot style release for Gitz but I wouldn’t hazard a guess if it would focus on either Gitmob or Spiderfang.

Gitmob getting the Snarlfang unit out of the blue can be taken account as a teaser for more of them, but Spiderfang loosing a resin hero and feeling that this is the best time to update them when they could have retire them already is also an argument for them as well.

hels it can even be to flesh out the Troggoth side a bit more. 

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7 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@Ganigumo I do hope everything is not mounted. I'd like some foot troops as well. 

Also I like the "boring" aspect of just normal grots. 

I think they'll still be part of gitz, so from a strategy perspective thats moonclan's gimmick.

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2 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Glad to see grand strategies getting the boot, as they were basically the 'strategy of what I was going to do anyway'.

sadly battle tactics are as if not even more important than they were before.  I know they're a convenient and remarkably effective balancing lever for the devs, but in terms of the raw gameplay experience I kind of hate them in 3e.

Will have to wait for the specific battle tactics article (later this week?) to see if they've somehow changed them for the better, but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by Sception
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5 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Glad to see grand strategies getting the boot, as they were basically the 'strategy of what I was going to do anyway'.

I would have much preferred to keep those and see the battle tactics go.

But then again, I played the whole 3rd ignoring both, so it's not the end of the world.

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Just now, Acrozatarim said:

Glad to see grand strategies getting the boot, as they were basically the 'strategy of what I was going to do anyway'.

On the contrary I'd much rather than GS than BT.
Battle tactics are really weird narratively. I get the use case of having a secondary scoring system, and tying it to things that aren't things that you do anyways to win the game is an extra challenge, but so much of it feels like busywork and intentionally making "bad' strategic decisions to score points.

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If battle tactics have to stick around, I'm glad their scoring is less convoluted than 40k's secondaries. Hopefully the tactics themselves are better designed too.

Underdog bonuses seem like just that: a nice little bonus. Cool to have, potentially helpful, not at all game-breaking.

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48 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:


The Scuttleboss does get removed along with Bonesplitterz. 

I do hope this signals a Spiderfang refresh. That would be very much needed, the whole subfaction is only 3 kits and 1 gets removed. I can see the Arachnarok staying. I could see Spider Riders updated along with a brand new hero (a named hero would also be very welcome) and maybe a new unit to round out the subfaction. A unit of half transformed spidergitz or some kind of web shooting unit. This could also be a great new home for the Spider Incarnate.

Since they removed entire faction from the game , I’m not 100% sure anymore that spiderfang will stay . 

maybe gitmob will replace spiderfang range and once gitmob are released spiderfang will be gone .


like maybe chaos dwarfs will take the place of BoC ? Who knows why they removed them 

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2 minutes ago, The_Tallest_Ork said:

If battle tactics have to stick around, I'm glad their scoring is less convoluted than 40k's secondaries. Hopefully the tactics themselves are better designed too.

Underdog bonuses seem like just that: a nice little bonus. Cool to have, potentially helpful, not at all game-breaking.

Hopefully they don't overtune the underdog bonuses. I despise nexus collapse because of how sandbagging is the optimal strategy.

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11 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

On the contrary I'd much rather than GS than BT.
Battle tactics are really weird narratively. I get the use case of having a secondary scoring system, and tying it to things that aren't things that you do anyways to win the game is an extra challenge, but so much of it feels like busywork and intentionally making "bad' strategic decisions to score points.

They removed GT and described BT as Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s equivalent to secondary objectives. We’ll have a whole article on changes to battle tactics soon!

This leaves some hope that the whole BT concept has been reworked. A small hope, obviously, as the designers seem to be very fond of BTs, but still.

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+++ MOD HAT +++

Just tidied up a few posts - apologies if yours was one of them.

You all know what's expected of you on TGA, please keep this in mind before posting.  Additionally to remind - this is an AoS forum, if you wish to talk about non AoS things like TV shows and actor casting, please can you take it elsewhere, especially if what you're posting is likely to cause controversy.

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I'm maybe not a tournament specialist, but this article wasn't very clear to me... I.e. it's just like now but simpler ? Glad GSs are going away, tbf. 

That said, can't wait for the article on Battle Tactics, Matthew Ross we are looking at you on this very issue ! Show your skills :P

EDIT : 1-year GHB Season Rules + suggestion on how to place scenery on Battleplan Maps : GOOD

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Which has been the biggest retcon so far?

Changing the entire Necron Lore from one edition to the next is up there. They went from mindless machines lead by the remnants of space gods to scheming space Egyptians enslaving the remnants of their space gods.

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The scenery suggestions are nice, but I'm very worried about the terrain rules.  I'd love to have some simple but intuitive rules for basic terrain like forests, walls, hills, ruins, water features, defensible buildings, letting people use their own terrain in a way that makes sense.

But I'm worried we'll instead get a bunch of hasslesome and arbitrary rules for specific weird terrain feature models that GW sells, or pretends to sell (but is perpetually out of stock), or used to sell (but never will again), similar to the stronghold rules from the recent dawnbringers book, which in no way generalize to the sort of generic terrain that most game stores, even most warhammer stores, typically have available for players to use.

Edited by Sception
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