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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Plus it is all that we saw from the trailer and the Dark Seer that Whitefang hinted.

Also, 40 Clan Rats? Isn't it a bit too much?

Yes, I think so. It would much more sense to have 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin.

plus a couple or 3 weapon teams .

I would include even a master moulder along rat ogres.

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1 hour ago, TreelordRecent said:

There’s actually more differences than I first thought!

I think that the downside of having revamped liberators is a lot of people who are into stormcast already have a ton of them. People into skaven already have a lot of clan rats. It seems to reduce the appeal of having multiples of the starter box.

It's aimed at new folk plus "look new shiny" affect as well. However, I'm not a fan of the libs. For me the sacrosanct in 2.0 were the best stormcast. I appreciate we've seen 1 mini but I really loved the sacrosanct aesthetic.

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2 hours ago, Luperci said:

I'm hoping outside of the 4th release box we see something for the sacrosant and vanguard chambers, maybe new vanguard palladors to follow the new ruination lord. It'd be cool to have ruination chamber stormcast lead warriors from other chambers like that

I would honestly love to see Thunderstrike or Ruination Palladors. I am a big fan of Sacrosant as well so having evocators, incantors etc as well would be wonderful.

2 hours ago, Hollow said:

Apart from all the obvious practical reasons why SCE are the poster boys of AoS, I like them as a concept. I think warriors from across the realm who are chosen by Sigmar and stolen from Nagash at their point of death, only to have to fight and die again and again and again... cool. Sure there is a Saturday morning cartoon level of depth to it all but Warhammer has always been a bit like that. 


I agree. At a glance they don't seem like the most interesting faction, but delving in to them and their confliction with their identity, fear of losing who they were with each death and despite being eternal they sacrifice a part of themselves piece by piece. It's part of why I like the Sacrosant chamber as well so much since a bunch of them are trying to find a way to essentially save them from their own reforging errors to prevent things such as the Ruination chamber or simply trying to grasp who they were in life. There is a moment in one book involving a Daughter of Khaine revealing some of a Stormcast's past to themselves and the effect it had on the Stormcast really shook them and brought a lot of confliction and yearning and it was interesting to see such mortal reactions from these mighty beings.

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2 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I feel like at this point, if you have more than like, 30 units and don't need a full-on refresh, you shouldn't be getting much new for at least a bit (Warcry and Underworlds excluded, although the S2D could take a break on the first for a while and several armies could stand to go a while without an Underworlds band but that's neither here nor there) until most other factions have caught up (Excluding SoB because Hyper-Elites don't play by the same rules as everyone else and will always be smaller). You should be getting your old stuff replaced, but beyond that, you have enough stuff to go a bit without a major overhaul or another wave.

SCE are a little bit stuck as one of the starter factions. I think they want one of the factions to be an easy beginner option hobbywise. I’d argue that overall SCE are actually pretty medium to paint WELL, but petty easy to get painted acceptable. Back in the day, just basecoating ret gold and doing a wash of flesh shade for all the gold, then some simple block colours makes a playable paint job. I think there is a real risk when starter sets don’t have an easy paint/play option. My understanding is that isle of blood (which I own and am painting now) was a really lovely looking set containing two popular factions that underperformed at least in part due to both of them being hard to paint and not the most beginner friendly.

i feel if you don’t have SCE as one of the starter options you might want to have something similar, like slaves to darkness, or iron jaws. 

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After a day thinking about I think i finally realize why i had such a lukewarm reaction to the reveal. They picked the most mid unit and possibly the awkward model to showcase. Like i understand that Liberator are the infantry model of SE but the fact that they pick that unit who been redesign to be a vindicator carbon copy (and put it in comparison) doesn't really generate hype


also the pose doesn't really convoy any sort of movement or fighting stance more like he waddling then the Fatcast itself. Compare to the @SG Warhound 1/6 leaked image 


Honestly feel like they would have put out the new Persecutor or even those Ruination paladins there be more to look forward. that or just put out a preview of the skaven to boost more interest 

just aside it seem almost every one is see (reddit/4chan/Dakdak) in agree that it would been better if they kept the pteruges

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46 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

After a day thinking about I think i finally realize why i had such a lukewarm reaction to the reveal. They picked the most mid unit and possibly the awkward model to showcase. Like i understand that Liberator are the infantry model of SE but the fact that they pick that unit who been redesign to be a vindicator carbon copy (and put it in comparison) doesn't really generate hype


also the pose doesn't really convoy any sort of movement or fighting stance more like he waddling then the Fatcast itself. Compare to the @SG Warhound 1/6 leaked image 


Honestly feel like they would have put out the new Persecutor or even those Ruination paladins there be more to look forward. that or just put out a preview of the skaven to boost more interest 

just aside it seem almost every one is see (reddit/4chan/Dakdak) in agree that it would been better if they kept the pteruges

I disagree with almost all of this. First of all you don't start the hype train with your best thing. Even then this model has generated plenty of interest. The liberator video already had more views than the Abraxia video on YouTube. I like the  relatively neutral pose. I'm not sure why you think he's waddling. This is a model that looks like it could actually walk, rather than getting his pteruges (thank you for that word ) caught on everything. I much prefer the chainmail. I I'm painting some Vindictors right now and   it's also much easier to paint. 



It does look very similar to the Vindictors. 

Stormcast are an army that I think should have a fairly unified look to them. There's definitely an argument that this should have been a dual kits, but I'm hoping this kit will come with plenty of bare heads and a different banner. 


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8 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

I'm kind of impressed that they managed to make the Stormcast helmet design even worse. 

I guess they wanted more of a divergence from the original model which is fair, but that face ain't it.

First rule of GW-Club: All models can use more spikes.

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36 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I disagree with almost all of this. First of all you don't start the hype train with your best thing. Even then this model has generated plenty of interest. The liberator video already had more views than the Abraxia video on YouTube. I like the  relatively neutral pose. I'm not sure why you think he's waddling. This is a model that looks like it could actually walk, rather than getting his pteruges (thank you for that word ) caught on everything. I much prefer the chainmail. I I'm painting some Vindictors right now and   it's also much easier to paint. 



It does look very similar to the Vindictors. 

Stormcast are an army that I think should have a fairly unified look to them. There's definitely an argument that this should have been a dual kits, but I'm hoping this kit will come with plenty of bare heads and a different banner. 


I guess it come from expectation of 10th edition 40k reveal first the new Terminators rather then say the Sternguard or Infernus squad. Agree to disagre on the pteruges as there some model that have done them better without having be oversize but still easy to paint like the Knight-Questor


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48 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I disagree with almost all of this. First of all you don't start the hype train with your best thing. Even then this model has generated plenty of interest. The liberator video already had more views than the Abraxia video on YouTube. I like the  relatively neutral pose. I'm not sure why you think he's waddling. This is a model that looks like it could actually walk, rather than getting his pteruges (thank you for that word ) caught on everything. I much prefer the chainmail. I I'm painting some Vindictors right now and   it's also much easier to paint. 



It does look very similar to the Vindictors. 

Stormcast are an army that I think should have a fairly unified look to them. There's definitely an argument that this should have been a dual kits, but I'm hoping this kit will come with plenty of bare heads and a different banner. 


as long as they don't keep making more line foot infantry until we end up like current 40k marines it's ok that they coexist. Also lovely blue on that armour

Edited by Luperci
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Random thought. There's some rumours in TOW rumour thread which include:

"Various Forge World units, including the skin-wolves, firmer [sic], gore-bull BSB and the peryton, will be returning. It was stated specifically that the chaos mammoth will NOT be returning."

I figured that the Mammoth would be a shoe-in, being very popular in Total War. (Honestly, they're the main reason to play Norsca for me.) So the fact that they're not coming back is weird... unless...

Darkoath Mammoth coming in AoS 4.0?

Edited by LordSolarMach
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4 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

Random thought. There's some rumours in TOW rumour thread which include:

"Various Forge World units, including the skin-wolves, firmer [sic], gore-bull BSB and the peryton, will be returning. It was stated specifically that the chaos mammoth will NOT be returning."

I figured that the Mammoth would be a shoe-in, being very popular in Total War. (Honestly, they're the main reason to play Norsca for me.) So the fact that they're not coming back is weird... unless...

Darkoath Mammoth coming in AoS 4.0?

I'm not so sure about the whole list especially the "yeah guys we're bring back Vampire counts" it honestly sound wishlist-ly. Especially since VC is literally just Soulblight with all the discrepancy between the two are made to other death factions  (before anyone says it no Soulblight still focus on the Dracula vampire in addition to the other new bloodlines)

I guess Darkoath mammoth would look sweet. No mention of the Rouge Idol or Colossal squig im sure destruction fans would like to see those

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5 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Just reposting this here, in case it might stir our resident rumor-oracles from their ancient slumber... Stolen from reddit, in turn taken from some Discord server: 


I don't think any of this is reliable. Some of it is probably solid guess work but noone even knows what the next faction is or what new models are coming. The other rumours we've had have mostly proven false. Did anyone predict Youngrim? It looks like they've got things sealed up pretty tight over there. 

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If the stormcast side of the box is ~25 models, what haven't we seen yet?

10x Liberators (5 shield + 5 dual)

3x Prosecutors

3x Ruinator bladeguard

Ravenclaw mounted lord

Bookcover foot lord

Probably 1-2 other foot heros

That still leaves around 5-7 models. I wonder if the final unit(s) are redesigns or new?

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On 3/30/2024 at 7:12 AM, Sception said:

Yeah, warcry's a good game, very fun, but it's appeal isn't the same as what Mordheim offers.

That said, you really don't need GW support for mordheim.  Where Warcry is a pick up / bring and battle game, and thus needs some amount of current support to stay relevant, Mordheim is a campaign game where you need a regular group of pals to play with, and if you have that then the old Mordheim rules work just fine.  Get together for a weekend, order some pizza, pull up the rules online, cut & scotch tape the empty pizza boxes into ruined building terrain, and play some games on the kitchen table.  Even when it comes to minis support, if you have enough people to play a mordheim campaign, chances are one of them can get access to a 3d printer.

while you're right, thats true of literally every GW game. 

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9 minutes ago, Colgado said:

If the stormcast side of the box is ~25 models, what haven't we seen yet?

10x Liberators (5 shield + 5 dual)

3x Prosecutors

3x Ruinator bladeguard

Ravenclaw mounted lord

Bookcover foot lord

Probably 1-2 other foot heros

That still leaves around 5-7 models. I wonder if the final unit(s) are redesigns or new?

Just riffing off your list

10x Liberators (2x Primes (maybe these dual-wield), 8x shield or 2x Primes + 2x dual-wield + 6x shield)

3x Prosecutors (1x prime)

3-5x Ruinator blade guard (1x prime)

1x Foot hero, Knight-something, ruination chamber related. Will call them Knight-Ruination.

1x Raven/griffon mounted lord. I think this one will be the cover lord.


My theory is that the "Knight-Ruination" will be equipped with something like (or with) a Redemption cache (like Sequitor Primes) and act like a "clean-up" hero for when the Ruination chamber die. Yes. the souls can't be reforged, but maybe Sigmar is able to grant some sort of peace/after-life/rest for what is left of the warrior's soul. I hope.

Alternative: who wants to leave behind soul debris? Sigmar assigns soul cleaners to leave no trace.

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22 minutes ago, Colgado said:

If the stormcast side of the box is ~25 models, what haven't we seen yet?

10x Liberators (5 shield + 5 dual)

3x Prosecutors

3x Ruinator bladeguard

Ravenclaw mounted lord

Bookcover foot lord

Probably 1-2 other foot heros

That still leaves around 5-7 models. I wonder if the final unit(s) are redesigns or new?

I'm thinking we are more in line with 21 models same as dominion

10x Liberators - (Balanced BY 10x Vindictors in Dominion)

3x Prosecutors - (Balanced By 3x Praetors)

3x Ruination Bladeguard - (Balanced By 3x Annihilators)

Ravenclaw Mounted Lord - (Balanced By Yndrasta)

Book Cover Lord - (Balanced By Lord Imperitant)

2x Knight Heroes - (Balanced By Knight Arcanum & Knight Vexilor)

if we end up going larger in number I think it will be through making the x3 Ruination Chamber Characters a x5 group like you would most paladin groups (hence maybe we get to 23 models)(if we went 26 or 27 then I'd think that prosecutors become a unit of 6 and that Lord on the front of the book gets a griffhound)

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4 minutes ago, IronVIke said:

2x Knight Heroes - (Balanced By Knight Arcanum & Knight Vexilor)


Damn, good point regarding these two. So...

1x Ruination chamber wizard/casting type

1x Ruination chamber physical type

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6 minutes ago, king.del said:

My theory is that the "Knight-Ruination" will be equipped with something like (or with) a Redemption cache (like Sequitor Primes) and act like a "clean-up" hero for when the Ruination chamber die.

That’ll probably be a revamped Lord-Relictor(as it’s the Relictors job to safeguard Stormcast souls) to replace the original one(based off Ionus) that in the box acts as Ionus’ adjutant in bringing those broken souls to the Black Tower for a mysterious purpose(probably bound lightning gheists)

My gut feeling is he’ll take up those 2 guesses knight slots so he’ll be the last big reveal as a powerhouse necromancer-Paladin priest to go with the Death themes of the Ruination.

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There is a chance that Ruination book lord is a Lord Celastant. Maybe an alternate building for Vandus/ generic Lord Celastant. 

Agree as well Lord Relictor would make sense given one of the original heroes, their important abilities regarding tethering the souls of the fallen and they are often alongside Lord Celastants in lore.

Though that being said Ravenlord was leading the forces so they may be a new type of Celastant themselves so there is a chance book guy is a Lord Castellant which are accompanied by gryph hounds that would be an extra model towards the 25.

Just personal preference but I feel a Knight Azyros would fit pretty nicely guiding forces through the Skaven taint with their lanterns and thematically alongside the Prosecutors.

Edit: Looking at the picture for the guy currently on the Warcom 4th edition article that looks like book guy he does have an hourglass hanging from his waist like a Lord Castellant does and his axe is close to the halberd. There is a chance it is halberd with the spike pierced in to the ground.

Edited by Vaellas
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The real question is the scenery. How much of it will there be and does that mean fewer models? I could imagine a couple of sprues of scenery and a similar number of models to the Soul wars box. 

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2 hours ago, Colgado said:

If the stormcast side of the box is ~25 models, what haven't we seen yet?

10x Liberators (5 shield + 5 dual)

3x Prosecutors

3x Ruinator bladeguard

Ravenclaw mounted lord

Bookcover foot lord

Probably 1-2 other foot heros

That still leaves around 5-7 models. I wonder if the final unit(s) are redesigns or new?

If what they said in the video is true, we could see fewer models because the box would include scenery.

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