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22 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

Was supposed to come out with Intact Dawnbringers buildings, now scrapped due to margin costs. 

Hopefully it’ll come out one day as the Incarnate looks amazing. 

Ummmmm.... Okay...

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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Had the same thought. I just really hate that i still dont know if my armies are safe from the chopping block. Bonesplitterz and maybe Spiderfang (at least the incarnate) are also part of that story and i really want to know if they are safe. But we still have more Dawnbringers to go and hopefully we will get index updates for 4th so we can rest assured. I will focus on the good stuff we got for the moment. 

Does anyone know if the new IJ wave

Also sorry for the negativity yesterday, had a bad week.

Hope things pick up for you mate.

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Unpopular opinion maybe but I'm all for a strong divergent aesthetic between AOS and TOW (as I love both settings and aesthetics).

What I want from 4th edition is consolidation of the lore, geography and general feeling of the setting. For exemple I recently re-read the Malign Portents short stories with the new Cities of Sigmar models and general look in mind. We need a cohesive look for our universe, even more so now that TOW exists again. 

Beast of Chaos will always remain in the AOS Setting as "Chaos Mutants" anyway, even if they get removed as a playable AOS (the game) Army - just as they exist in 40k (with models in Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress, Necromunda and Kill Team - not just a whole 40k army).

Spiderfangz, Gitmob, Bonespliterez, Dark Elves... Those I'm not sure. Ogors and Gloomspite Gitz have the potential to get even more AOS-ified, so no problem from their side. Gloomspite though are iconic both for TOW and AOS, just like Slaves to Darkness (which got a new Range for AOS and an apparently re-released 7th ed. WFB range for TOW).

BTW did I say we need a map of Azyr and some intact Azyrite Buildings ? 

@Whitefang back me up I'm fine with scenery in Starter Set (I guess not in Launch Box ?) but then current Starter Set already contains such buildings...

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5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Could this mean they are planning to continue the seasons of war series after production continues? It was just such a weird release. I think the lack of information about the contents of the book really hurt the sales. After all this time i still dont really get what its about. It seemed like an expensive box u needed to buy to play Krondspine.

It could explain the move for Warcry boxes to separate the terrain from the other good stuff. I think good terrain pieces will sell themselves if they are good enough. I also think Krondspine would have sold better if it got released sooner, i still really like the concept and the model imho looks great.

My point is, could they be thinking about selling a Season of War book a new incarnate and new terrain separately. I think if GW moves away from focussing on a single realm it could be the case. This season involved a lot of realms and it was better for all players in the end.

One key for the terrain sales imo is the price. Their big boxes are noticeably expensiver in comparison with most of the big boxes that comes just with minis.

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14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

One key for the terrain sales imo is the price. Their big boxes are noticeably expensiver in comparison with most of the big boxes that comes just with minis.

Also my problem with the Thondia box was that i wanted parts of it. The price was so high though that i just couldnt afford it. A book + incarnate would have been enough for me.

Edited by Gitzdee
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9 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Beast of Chaos will always remain in the AOS Setting as "Chaos Mutants" anyway, even if they get removed as a playable AOS (the game) Army - just as they exist in 40k (with models in Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress, Necromunda and Kill Team - not just a whole 40k army).

This. This right here. Even if the name of their army changes, even if you wouldn't be able to play a full Beastman army with its own BT - they'll always be there. Even if that means being a subfaction in StD. 

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47 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

One key for the terrain sales imo is the price. Their big boxes are noticeably expensiver in comparison with most of the big boxes that comes just with minis.

Thondia box (terrain and Krondspine) is made in China.The delays and increase of costs had make that this stuff is not that profitable than before It was.

We have a problem with all the Made in China kits like faction terrain and endless spells since one or two years.

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48 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Also my problem with the Thondia box was that i wanted parts of it. The price was so high though that i just couldnt afford it. A book + incarnate would have been enough for me.

If 3 of the scenery pieces wouldn't come with the Stormbringer collection and/or I would have been interested on picking the box prior to its first or second price raise I would have bought it. In the end I picked up the Aqualith and the Incarnate because it is, indeed, a quite expensive box. Even those two separate are expensive, but having most of the scenery for 10,99 is enough to pass on that big box.

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3 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

But boy are they still moaning about it. On every GW social media post, AoS or otherwise.

Fairly, too. They had communicate they would do quarterly battlecrolls. The last one was September. It’s really difficult for people who have dropped a lot of money to attend a tournament not even knowing what the rules will be. It’s also hard on TO’s. 

As always, communication is key. Had they just announced mid Feb for this one, people would be fine. It’s the not knowing.

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20 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

But boy are they still moaning about it. On every GW social media post, AoS or otherwise.

It was the same for 40k.

It seems to be the new fashion to throw a tantrum because you don't get what you want straight away. As if the world was going to stop turning because we were a day late... Meta-competitive thing, coupled with social networks, seems to me to bring out a lot of negativity in players' behaviour.

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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Btw, I expected more angry people when realising there weren't any battlescrolls yesterday

That's all my twitter feed was yesterday. I'm pretty sure most people there are doing it for the memes though

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2 minutes ago, Draznak said:

It was the same for 40k.

It seems to be the new fashion to throw a tantrum because you don't get what you want straight away. As if the world was going to stop turning because we were a day late... Meta-competitive thing, coupled with social networks, seems to me to bring out a lot of negativity in players' behaviour.

While the internet is full of over reaction, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect GW to release their updates at the same time each year, especially since they promised they would. If someone is a month late on a deadline in almost line of work, you can be sure that the client will be more than a little angry. 

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With talk about production in China being cut, I don't blame GW. Maybe this will provide some perspective.

Companies honestly cannot trust their IP to most companies there, because they do not have a business and cultural concept of copyright. There are literal lawsuits over Chinese companies producing counterfeit Chevy and Apple products, or even creating fake Apple stores.

GW would rather have the less consequential items be produced there, so it is harder for someone to start making recasts of Space Marines en masse. This clearly hasn't worked out well.

One of my previous jobs was with a Chinese owned/partnered company, and it was SUPER shady. Picture faked Kosher certificates and wondering if the product really was what they claimed it to be. Quality control (even on food ingredients) was minimal at best (literal dead lizards in packaging), factories were rationing power under the directive of the Government, and there was always chaos and excuses for everything being delayed.

Having to work with suppliers on the other side of the world is frustrating, and even a friend in the tool and die industry said they have to x-ray incoming product to make sure it isn't hollow on the inside.

GW wanted endless spells, printing and terrain off their production plate. I don't blame them. A company cannot always produce everything. But, they have unfortunately been burnt repeatedly on this. Remember the Sylvaneth 2.0 book being delayed by months?

I'm not trying to bash Chinese manufacturers. There are some VERY good companies there. But contractor factories are super shady. There is a reason the upcoming incarnates and terrain have disappeared.

I work in the surgical supply industry now. Most surgical supply manufacturers (think tables, lights etc... for an OR) have things written into contracts NOT to sell to China. Literal lives would be on the line with counterfeit equipment that was sold cheaper with cut corners.

This is all to say, I think we will ONLY see single piece terrain from here on out. GW cannot produce everything and forays into outsourcing have not worked well for them.


*Edit formatting and a weird typo*

Edited by ERHanmer
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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

While the internet is full of over reaction, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect GW to release their updates at the same time each year, especially since they promised they would. If someone is a month late on a deadline in almost line of work, you can be sure that the client will be more than a little angry. 

But has GW given a specific date for the release of the dataslate/battlescroll (I don't follow these things closely as I'm not interested in competitive stuff) ?

If so, I can understand in a pinch. Otherwise it still seems overreacted to me.

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I work in the tabletop industry and unfortunately the cost of doing business overseas is only going up and without an increase in quality or service. I know I've heard of a US company trying to get a factory built locally to produce plastic minis and that would be huge as a lot of companies here are looking for other venues other than relying on production in China. 

GW cutting Chinese production makes a lot of sense and especially with them building a new factory as well it seems like they have a plan on continuing the same output... eventually. 

The big question is does GW still get books made overseas or is that done in the UK now? 

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