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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Im going to sound like a massive pessimist but if that box costs more than £90 Ill let out a laugh so loud itll wake Behemat from death.

Yeah I'm hoping £100 at most, but only because that will mean it will be £80 (and I presume the Dragon won't be much less than that) from Wayland and I have a horrible feeling it is the outer reaches of possibility, it will probably be a fair bit more.


Oh well, I am expecting disappointment on this so can only be pleasantly suprised I guess.

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16 hours ago, Elarin said:

One of my sources believes that the Old World pre-order will be on the 20th of January with the release on the 3rd of February. The Flesh-eater Courts models and the latest Dawnbringers book should be on the shelves on the 27th of January. It is not my regular, most reliable source; though, so I'm not 100% certain that it's true 

Unfortunately, it is almost certainly incorrect - I'm sorry for the confusion :( However, both Flesh-eaters Courts and the Old World are still coming in January - just these dates are wrong

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6 hours ago, Elarin said:

Unfortunately, it is almost certainly incorrect - I'm sorry for the confusion :( However, both Flesh-eaters Courts and the Old World are still coming in January - just these dates are wrong

I heard that ToW is coming on Friday, not in Saturday, but maybe is for the resin kits only.

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19 hours ago, Marcvs said:

Maybe ToW is also (partially) justified by just "occupying a space" and keep people into the GW-ecosystem, by providing a rank and flank game and stopping even remotelly potential competitors (KoW, ASOIAF, Conquest) from getting bigger. In this sense, it wouldn't need to be a money making machine, just kind of pay for itself.


Exactly. After killing Warhammer, GW probably came to the conlusion that they gave their smaller competitioners a huge gift and boost.

Now that GW is again offering a rank and file game, based on their immense popular IP. It will lure a certain amount of players back to the GW umbrella and maybe bring some new players in. The previews I have seen are looking really good. It seems better than it ever was.

I think it's very clear that AoS has a much higher priority than ToW, although I think for GW that in the end it doesn't matter if collectors/players switch from AoS to ToW or vice versa. Solong if the money goes in their pockets. Ideal scenario for GW is that people play both and increase their monthly spending 😂

I will buy some of those older GW mini's just because I want to support it, but in the end the core of my army will be 3d printed. I will probably buy most of the new stuff except the dismounted Bretonnian knights. Imo they are ugly.

The most important part for me is that the rules and Warhammer world are again alive and will receive support. Even if it means at best only one campaign book each year and a handful of releases. I don't care. A friend of mine who I played years Warhammer with and now mostly play co-op CRPG's with, will again start with Warhammer. We will probably play 1-2 times per month a Warhammer battle, this combined with 1-2 AoS evenings per month with another group of friends is only win-win for me. 😉

I only see positive things about it. GW finally found a way to do AoS justice with their sculpts, I have high hopes for the Skaven update, Dawbringers StD or Darkoath, hopefully a proper Idoneth second wave somewhere in 4th edition and I am really looking forward to AoS 4th edition + starterset.

This combined with the return of the game I really, really loved. Only wins here. 😍

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40 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I will buy some of those older GW mini's just because I want to support it,

This is a terrible way of thinking. Thats like if GW added a donate button to their webpage and people just clicked that. 

If you dont like the minis dont buy them simply because.

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On 12/15/2023 at 2:06 AM, Hollow said:

100% not going to have resin mixed in with army boxes. A whole host of reasons why, including manufacturing and legal guidelines. I'm also continually surprised that people don't seem to understand that tooling for plastic kits costs 10's of thousands of pounds. GW isn't going to make a plastic kit unless they are fairly sure they will at least see a return on investment. Gdubs are not going to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on tooling for half a dozen Bretonnian characters when it is only 1 of 9 planned factions. 

I also personally think that the aversion to resin is completely overplayed. It's a great material that allows for so much to be done. I think a lot of the "hate" just comes from hate-wagon jumping frankly. I could understand if we were talking about large blocks of infantry, but a few character models? Fine by me. 

They can make molds for limited run stuff like Underworlds, store anniversaries and event minis.

Other companies can also make plastic molds for limited run, and are then cheaper per model.

Not that resin is awful, but one of the advantages GW has over printing is not dealing with resin dust from sanding. Plastic models are also easier to customize than purchased resin minis.

Purchasing a resin model at GW prices is only a little better than buying a lead containing metal model at GW prices.

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14 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

This is a terrible way of thinking. Thats like if GW added a donate button to their webpage and people just clicked that. 

If you dont like the minis dont buy them simply because.

He wants the system to succeed. A general donation would not indicate support for TOW.

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15 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

This is a terrible way of thinking. Thats like if GW added a donate button to their webpage and people just clicked that.

But it's not. You are buying something. 

I think a lot of people are underestimating just how popular the Old World IP is. Total War Warhammer has sold over 40 MILLION copies. 

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12 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

They can make molds for limited run stuff like Underworlds, store anniversaries and event minis.

Yes, and they are making plastic kits. Most likely 20+ plastic kits, they are making more plastic kits than any other Specialist game apart from LOTR, PLUS resin. More plastic kits than the Horus Heresy. 

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This seems to me to be a slow build to get the game re-established and judge demand. Based on the End Times stuff selling out I think its going to do well. Personally I'm very excited at the chance to get my Dwarf army out again and add to it, I've played and collected with it for over 30 years so the attachment is strong and I'd love the chance to buy some new dwarf kits and some of the older models [hoping for some made to order metal longbeards]. My old gaming buddy currently only build lego with his kids but I mentioned Warhammer coming back and his eyes lit up, I reckon there's a chance to get him back playing and I'm also guessing he could be tempted by new AoS Skaven.

AoS and ToW compliment each other, they fill different niches and there is the potential for plenty of crossovers so I think both systems will get stronger as a result of ToW's release.

As my old Warseer buddy Harry used to say BRING IT ON! 

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1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

I'm sure there are plenty of Total War players that are also wargamers. 

On another note, happy ghoul day everyone, I'm impatiently waiting for the postman to bring me my army box! 

I know I am one, Total War is what got me back into the hobby after 15-16 years.

My delivery of it has been delayed unfortunately, but not a big deal, it will arrive eventually!

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7 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

They can make molds for limited run stuff like Underworlds, store anniversaries and event minis.

Other companies can also make plastic molds for limited run, and are then cheaper per model.

Not that resin is awful, but one of the advantages GW has over printing is not dealing with resin dust from sanding. Plastic models are also easier to customize than purchased resin minis.

Purchasing a resin model at GW prices is only a little better than buying a lead containing metal model at GW prices.

Apparently the moulds they use for the limited run plastic models don't last long at all, which serves their purpose for something like an Anniversary model, but long-term they'd have to replace it so often that it wouldn't be viable and is more expensive than resin moulds (which still break pretty quick, but is cheaper all around). 

The price of a resin character and a plastic character have been narrowing steadily. The resin Necromunda Squat characters are actually cheaper than some of the plastic Votann HQs now, despite being about the same size. Kind of crazy that, but here we are.

The main advantage resin still has is that it's still the better material for detail. Now, whether or not GW/FW actually take advantage of that (cough the new Librarian) is a different story, but the potential is there.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Imo Total War playerbase won't move into minis.

i dont know about totalwar playerbase,but thanks to totalwar i change my point of view of some armys and thanks to totalwar i ended loving armys that years ago i didnt like and i tougth i never was going to play.

in especific thanks to totalwar i bougth 4k of vampires soulbligth(that i gonna use as vc in old world also) and 7k points betwen dark elfs of citys and dok that i gonna use as dark elfs in old world.

before totalwar i was a fanboy of clean armys as dwarfs and high elfs and i hated(or disliked) dirty armys as vampires or spiky stuff as dark elfs,but after play hours in totlwars with vc and dark elfs i started to love them.

so i dont know if totalwar gonna bring new players,but for sure have make me start two huge armys

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Imo Total War playerbase won't move into minis.

It is a massive advert for the game. Even though it might not be a direct funnel (as in all of them) there are definitely people who will start to consume both lore and gameplay vids. Channels like PancreasNoWork, for example, is probably notice an upswing in views since he taps into both.

In the end it is going benefit fantasy tabletop in general (AoS especially since is a continuation of the setting) because a new game lives and dies on remaining in the minds of people. TOW definitely got that going for it.

This is why I am so hoping for a successful AoS game which makes people wanna nerd out on the setting and get into it.

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11 minutes ago, Doko said:

i dont know about totalwar playerbase,but thanks to totalwar i change my point of view of some armys and thanks to totalwar i ended loving armys that years ago i didnt like and i tougth i never was going to play.

in especific thanks to totalwar i bougth 4k of vampires soulbligth(that i gonna use as vc in old world also) and 7k points betwen dark elfs of citys and dok that i gonna use as dark elfs in old world.

before totalwar i was a fanboy of clean armys as dwarfs and high elfs and i hated(or disliked) dirty armys as vampires or spiky stuff as dark elfs,but after play hours in totlwars with vc and dark elfs i started to love them.

so i dont know if totalwar gonna bring new players,but for sure have make me start two huge armys

If GW actually made all the cool stuff that's in TW:W maybe people would jump over more. I was hoping cathay and kislev would get full new armies based on the initial previews but it doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon

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8 minutes ago, Luperci said:

If GW actually made all the cool stuff that's in TW:W maybe people would jump over more. I was hoping cathay and kislev would get full new armies based on the initial previews but it doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon

It will probably happen at some point (like the new TK bone dragon). The advantage of a GW game is that they are able to play the long game. Ideally anyways :D

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Been thinking that looks like this two RE are related between them, right?



We had doubts about the sword been AoS, but looks like 40k in addition to this shield like shaped item.

The best guesses I've seen are that the sword is for Dark Angels (Upgrade Kit), and the banner is for Imperial Guard (Krieg). 

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