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39 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I assume they all died, afaik thanqol is only alive because he was in an extra dimensional warp prison when the world blew up(read as, he had a plastic model)


43 minutes ago, Luperci said:

It'd be nice to get a named character for each major clan, is thanqol the only named character in the whole army right now? I don't know about skaven lore have there been any recurring characters in recent campaign and lore books

Queek was killed by the dwarfen high king of the mountain

As for the rest of the heroes.

not really much is known about them surviving or dying.

except for ikitt.

we do know that he survived the end times, although the story that mentions him also mentions how he is for some reason hide-sneaking from the horned rat trying not to get caught.

also he has lost his memory somewhat and can only recall that he loved in another world and had a different name than the one he is currently using.

so very unlikely will see any of those characters returning……

although I guess skrolk might be a possibility, after all while definitely mortaly wounded by…. Saurus with the spear, he was saved by the verminlord corruptor that accompanied him and his army to the end time fight against the cold blood-things.

So maybe a named verminlord corruptor of some sort will be introduced👐🏻

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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44 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Flesh-Eater Courts fluff piece/interview. Some interesting stuff there about Ushoran's loyalty to Nagash and the art is great.



no idea if the picture will be connected to the story but the environment looks like a twisted throne room/treasure vault, so maybe Astreia Solbright will find the Summer King in the next Dawnbringers book -and then try to kill him?

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

The corvus cabal are by far my favourite warcry warband aesthetically speaking. I'd love an expansion to that range. Check out those bird skulls. images(1).jpeg.1ab595cdc13ed5265d6e392813078ce8.jpeg

Lots of bird skulls in Tzeentch and Darkoath as well. Could be any of those… or Destruction. Impossible to say at this point. Corvus Cabal are cool minis indeed!

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Chaos? Ogres? FEC? Take your guesses. The presence of the broken tusk makes me inclined towards something Destruction though.


A bunch of severed heads tells us literally nothing in Warhammer, might as well be a skull icon or an oversized weapon. Honestly this could be AOS, 40K, Necromunda, Bloodbowl or even Baby's first Kill Team.

Which is why I am 100 percent confident that it is Chaos Dwarves. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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49 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Flesh-Eater Courts fluff piece/interview. Some interesting stuff there about Ushoran's loyalty to Nagash and the art is great.



Maybe GW should just ask FromSoftware to make a Dark Souls AoS game at this point. The setting would actually fit that idea pretty well. We only need to feed the players the game‘s story in a really confusing, item-descriptions-way and everyone would cheer as AoS‘s setting isn‘t that strongly defined anyways outside of a couple key cities/landmarks. Then make all npcs die at the end or near the end…that‘s kinda grimdark too. The nexus where the player goes to invetween the worlds/realms is Azyr. Dying gets explained by being reforged which makes total sense, they don‘t even need to come up with a new kind of undead group or have some god stop people from dying. 

I‘m a genius, really! 



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Oh and let me add to the praise of the warhammer community article. Hot damn, flesh-eater courts are hard to not love - it‘s getting more difficult with every single line I read about them to not create my own noble crusade! I think I might get Ushoran to paint and see how much I enjoy that. Perhaps a small force is a good idea… gotta take a look if I can create a small elite force with FEC

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54 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Flesh-Eater Courts fluff piece/interview. Some interesting stuff there about Ushoran's loyalty to Nagash and the art is great.



I know we’ve taken to joking that Fromsoft has been an increasingly strong influence on Warhammer art and mini design….. boy am I glad that is the case! Seriously Ushoran looks like he just walked out of an Elden Ring dungeon and decided that the filthy tarnished/stormcast need to go! 

I find it interesting that the most duplicitous vamp in Fantasy’s novels has been warped into a loyal slave of the god he never wished to worship. Time will tell if that’s actually true, but I’d think it would be pretty grimdark if it was truly the case. “The War of Red Errantry” is a great title for a crusade, and every post by GW for the update makes me want to start an army of these fellas. Finally, the idea of Neferata sending her “elegant” vampires into the cannibal courts of Ushoran in an attempt to influence him just makes the part of me that love black comedy giggle.

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Excellent piece on the FEC background. I like the reminder that the delusion can be more than “Bretonnian stand-in”, and can stretch to include nature loving monastic pacifists like Gristlegore, or the sun-worshipping priesthood of Blisterskin.

Cool to see Varshorn make a return too, some good explicit anti-Nagash civil war stuff there.

Also this:

One trick is to think about what the knightly equivalent would originally have been, as the titles adopted by the ghouls are often perversions of Ushoran’s original courtiers. The moniker of the devoted steward Livbelcé has been denigrated over the years into the odious Lord Liverbelch. Crakmarrow? Never heard of him; surely you’re referring to the noble Duke Krakmarra, one of our liege’s most worthy hunting companions? 

is exquisite.


Edited by sandlemad
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26 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Maybe GW should just ask FromSoftware to make a Dark Souls AoS game at this point. The setting would actually fit that idea pretty well. We only need to feed the players the game‘s story in a really confusing, item-descriptions-way and everyone would cheer as AoS‘s setting isn‘t that strongly defined anyways outside of a couple key cities/landmarks. Then make all npcs die at the end or near the end…that‘s kinda grimdark too. The nexus where the player goes to invetween the worlds/realms is Azyr. Dying gets explained by being reforged which makes total sense, they don‘t even need to come up with a new kind of undead group or have some god stop people from dying. 

I‘m a genius, really! 




Firelink Shrines vibes!

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3 hours ago, Hollow said:


I have heard similar things before and it's why I think the AoS design studio would do well to really explore and define the realms further. The 8 realms should matter a lot more than they currently do. Rather than have an edition focused on a singular realm, it would be cool if an edition spent around 4 months "in" each realm releasing factions, battle tomes, books, scenery and narratives appropriate for each. 

4 months is too quick. But each GHB could focus on a different realm, instead of a different part of the same realm for each edition. At that rate we’ll never learn about the different realms.

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53 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Finally, the idea of Neferata sending her “elegant” vampires into the cannibal courts of Ushoran in an attempt to influence him just makes the part of me that love black comedy giggle.

I also loved this note. I think it plays wonderfully into the idea of damsels I was requesting — I could see them all perceiving Neferata’s handmaidens as our damsels of old; otherworldly priestesses to a mysterious Lady. That the court might hang on her every word as prophecy or wise council just makes it all the sweeter when you imagine why Neferata has dispatched her beguiling no-good-doers there in the first place. I could collect a FEC army with a Lahmian “damsel” right now just thinking about it 😅

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36 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

4 months is too quick. But each GHB could focus on a different realm, instead of a different part of the same realm for each edition. At that rate we’ll never learn about the different realms.


Season of war Thondia was great. The GHB is great. However, I think I'd like to see these combined more into the yearly thing. A larger book with new rules and battleplans alongside the lore of a region or realm is the best of both worlds. 

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I’d also love a reimagined Tomb Kings army but made from ghouls! A Bliskerskin offshoot in Hysh, whose delusion and “culture” has been influenced by the whispering of a Lahmian at Neferata’s behest. Some cruel joke of hers. Slavering Tomb Guard. Monstrous carrion! Abhorrents dripping in Nehekharan-inspired finery: gold death masks and ancient wrappings. Those new bat cavalry mounts pulling chariots. A twisted Sphynx, huge and bald and covered in Ghouls like ticks… 

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1 hour ago, dmorley21 said:

4 months is too quick. But each GHB could focus on a different realm, instead of a different part of the same realm for each edition. At that rate we’ll never learn about the different realms.

I was just thinking in terms of a 3-year edition cycle. Spend the first 6 months of the launch (The second half of 2024) in one realm, cycle through 3 in 2025, 3 in 2026 and spend the first 6 of 2027 in an 8th realm before launching the next edition. It would mean that each realm would have some time in the sun each edition. 

30 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Season of war Thondia was great. The GHB is great. However, I think I'd like to see these combined more into the yearly thing. A larger book with new rules and battleplans alongside the lore of a region or realm is the best of both worlds. 

This could certainly be another way of approaching it. (Although it would mean 8 years before each of the realms were covered if you only focused on one) Perhaps an annual book combining Season of War/ GHB but with a lore section for each of the 8 realms contained within? 

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45 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I’d also love a reimagined Tomb Kings army but made from ghouls! A Bliskerskin offshoot in Hysh, whose delusion and “culture” has been influenced by the whispering of a Lahmian at Neferata’s behest. Some cruel joke of hers. Slavering Tomb Guard. Monstrous carrion! Abhorrents dripping in Nehekharan-inspired finery: gold death masks and ancient wrappings. Those new bat cavalry mounts pulling chariots. A twisted Sphynx, huge and bald and covered in Ghouls like ticks… 

@The Brotherhood of Necros I was thinking of doing the same thing, though mine would be in the style of Akhenaten's reign mixed with Coptic Egypt: a formerly polytheistic society that now worships one god..... and that god is Nagash! Since TOW has been proclaimed to be coming in early 2024, I was thinking of taking the new crypt guard and giving them the khopeshes of Tomb Guard kit, the varghulf courtier a helmet/mask taken from the "face" on the howdah of the new Tomb-Dragon, and giving the morhbeg knights the spears and hoods (the cobra bits) from the necropolis knights. The idea being that they think they're a dynasty that never died, but in reality they're the remnants of grave robbers and colonists who've been breaking off pieces of statuary to "reclaim" their lost glory.

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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1 hour ago, dmorley21 said:

4 months is too quick. But each GHB could focus on a different realm, instead of a different part of the same realm for each edition. At that rate we’ll never learn about the different realms.

Imo this just means the scope of the game is just to big if you expect each realm to get it's own rules, artefacts, spells and etc.. it will either take to long to get there or the change to a next realm will come to quickly.

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5 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's always subjective of course, but when someone gives an answer like this, I'm curious how much they've read. Lethis is one of the more interesting cities in the realms. It is the beachhead of Sigmar's effort to build a kingdom in the realm of death, the home city of the Anvils of Heldenhammer and was the prison of Katakros. It has history that has actually played out in the course of the game.

I also find the realm of death fascinating as it was essentially the Discworld's afterlife before Nagash took over. Now the entire realm is gradually being consumed by a mini blackhole in its centre. That's way more interest to me than any location in the old world but as you say it's all subjective. 

not only this, but again: most of us devoured WHFB as teenagers, where we had all the time in the world to absorb all of this.

We cannot ever get that back unfortunately, and so AOS lore may always feel 'off' for a bunch of us. I don't think that's the game's fault at all, even if GW could always improve their narrative and worldbuilding approach to the Mortal Realms. If I think about the archetypes of AOS, like sky pirate dwarves and soul raiding sea elves... teenaged-me would have gone absolutely NUTS over this, probably moreso than I did with WHFB*. But I'm not a kid anymore :(

*Lizardmen are what really got me into that setting, and I do think AOS made their premise even more interesting as Seraphon even as an adult.

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1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

Excellent piece on the FEC background. I like the reminder that the delusion can be more than “Bretonnian stand-in”, and can stretch to include nature loving monastic pacifists like Gristlegore, or the sun-worshipping priesthood of Blisterskin.

Cool to see Varshorn make a return too, some good explicit anti-Nagash civil war stuff there.

Also this:

One trick is to think about what the knightly equivalent would originally have been, as the titles adopted by the ghouls are often perversions of Ushoran’s original courtiers. The moniker of the devoted steward Livbelcé has been denigrated over the years into the odious Lord Liverbelch. Crakmarrow? Never heard of him; surely you’re referring to the noble Duke Krakmarra, one of our liege’s most worthy hunting companions? 

is exquisite.


This part also feels mmmmmmmmmmmm Foreshadowy

"The Lord of Masks is now free, but at least Ushoran’s madness keeps him loyal and true. And he is entirely, completely mad – no doubt about that. If that weren’t the case, imagine what he might be getting up to, when your back was turned?"

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

This part also feels mmmmmmmmmmmm Foreshadowy

"The Lord of Masks is now free, but at least Ushoran’s madness keeps him loyal and true. And he is entirely, completely mad – no doubt about that. If that weren’t the case, imagine what he might be getting up to, when your back was turned?"

Forget the quiet ones, it’s the fools/madmen you gotta truly worry about. You never truly know what they’re thinking until you find out that they’ve staged a coup.

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3 hours ago, MitGas said:

Maybe GW should just ask FromSoftware to make a Dark Souls AoS game at this point. The setting would actually fit that idea pretty well. We only need to feed the players the game‘s story in a really confusing, item-descriptions-way and everyone would cheer as AoS‘s setting isn‘t that strongly defined anyways outside of a couple key cities/landmarks. Then make all npcs die at the end or near the end…that‘s kinda grimdark too. The nexus where the player goes to invetween the worlds/realms is Azyr. Dying gets explained by being reforged which makes total sense, they don‘t even need to come up with a new kind of undead group or have some god stop people from dying. 

I‘m a genius, really! 



Wouldn’t even need a full new game.

just do Elden Ring Dlc crossover with part of the Lands Between being between the Realm of Metal and their world as the Silver Way connects them across the cosmos.

Erd Tree Grace even looks like Aether-gold trails.



But anyway yeah the art and lore article are fantastic! 👌 

(really wish I had more reactions than 2 to give today 😭 )

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2 hours ago, Jetlife said:


Season of war Thondia was great. The GHB is great. However, I think I'd like to see these combined more into the yearly thing. A larger book with new rules and battleplans alongside the lore of a region or realm is the best of both worlds. 

The problem is, how much we can learn of each realm if we are there just for 6 months? I prefer this approach, three years exploring one realm, with another one (two in this case) for the campaign.

Just they started with the most boring one xD

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They really are knocking it out of the park with this fec release.  The lore, the art, the models, the flavor & tone, just really great work all around.  I suppose they could still drop the ball on the rules, but even if they did it would hardly matter, as we're due for a new edition update soon anyway and faction rules & points get tweaked multiple times a year these days.

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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

The problem is, how much we can learn of each realm if we are there just for 6 months? I prefer this approach, three years exploring one realm, with another one (two in this case) for the campaign.

Just they started with the most boring one xD

I'd prefer year long GHB seasons with both narrative campaign and matched play rules in different sections of the same book, or separate books released together.

Each new yearly season would also see a box release with a table board, a few pieces of matching terrain (at least one new piece, but the rest could bring back some of the better older stuff to save dev time), and seasonal gimmick models if any.  Like the thondia box, only not quite as many pieces and at a slightly lower price point.  That way there's always a terrain box available that matches the theme of the current season for new players to build up their tables.  The same box could serve a matching war cry season.  Let seasons jump around so over time we eventually get boards & terrain for all the realms.

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Anybody know who did this artwork? I really hope they do a print version, I really want one framed! This release just keeps giving. Incredibly excited for the book and full release.

I also know it’s a silly  question but any chances Ushoran comes with some slightly different option, like a change in the left hand or a Head with a different expression's like be’lakor or Angron. Not criticism  in any way, I like the build from the shown photos. Just curious if more of these slightly convertible character kits are becoming more mainstay. 

Plastic Kroak, Plastic Angron, Monstrous Plastic Ushoran, And each of the Primarchs receiving 2 Heresy Kits - We’re truly living in the Golden Era of Warhammer. I’m surprised this wasn’t reinforced more during the Warhammer celebration a couple months back. GW has really met some milestones which deserve to be gloated and celebrated. I think they undersell themselves sometimes especially when it comes to establishing Scifi fantasy lore and then bringing those Characters to miniature form.

My nerves and my wallet tingle in anticipation at what they do with Morghur, Malerion and the Chaos Dwarfs. But this Ghoulish release has me distracted for quite some time .


Fanboy Rant #2 Over. 



Edited by Kronos
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