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2 minutes ago, Souleater said:

What might we see in a potential’ Dawnbrigner box? Has to be Ushoran, but might he get paired with more new stuff such as some of the court?


I suspect they would all be released separately later on, but higher cost.


I have the feeling it would be either no boxes or that GW has some sort of secret saved to give us a surprised with boxes for some other armies.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I have the feeling it would be either no boxes or that GW has some sort of secret saved to give us a surprised with boxes for some other armies.

Hopefully the latter. Also we have had an Ossiarch rumour engine, and OBR were keeping Ushoran contained, would be really strange if they didn't at least get something.

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17 minutes ago, Souleater said:

What might we see in a potential’ Dawnbrigner box? Has to be Ushoran, but might he get paired with more new stuff such as some of the court?


I suspect they would all be released separately later on, but higher cost.


Only one Dawnbringer box for another Death faction is the most plausible bet

Edited by Nezzhil
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Quick question: can you still make mixed GA forces? A friend and I thought about starting a mixed Death army, it could suck in game but it would be fun to paint...I think that''s no longer an option but I thought I'd ask. Ushoran calls to me... also he reminds me that I should finally play Dark Souls 3. Only played Bloodborne and Elden Ring. 😇

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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

All factions will be getting a large centerpiece named character at some point. It has always been one of the big selling points of AoS to have literal gods or demigod tier characters (like Ushoran) walking the battlefield, hanging out with their followers and wrecking the guys of the opposing army list. We're at a stage were the vast majority of AoS armies have at least one of those, even if they're not literal gods like Alarielle, Teclis, Nagash, Kragnos. You have your Kroak, Belakor, Vedra, Krondys, Gobbsprakk, the Avatar of Mathlann, named greater demons, etc. Ushoran is just the last in line. 

GW knows those models sell (just look at the proliferation of Primarchs and Primarch tier characters in 40k (think Gaz, Silent King) that I think the armies still missing those (FS, Beasts, Ogors) will have one at some point. Maybe even redo the End Times Mortarchs at some point (a pet dream of some of you here). (Btw I count the Ironclad as one such models since KO having a (demi)god tier character would go against their lore).

I cannot wait to see which character Ogors will get. We really have only 2 named major characters, one for Gutbusters with Globb and the other Braggoth Vadruk for Beastclaw Raiders.

The majority of BCR kits are quite new and I doubt they will recieve many updates besides the Yehtees but if they do Braggoth Id hope to see him on an even bigger creature like a Frost Mammoth!!

43 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Hopefully the latter. Also we have had an Ossiarch rumour engine, and OBR were keeping Ushoran contained, would be really strange if they didn't at least get something.

Maybe they will release a Morghast Hero thats been tasked to bring Ushoran back in...


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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Lady of Ash
Squat vehicle

Police Quad

Age of Sigmar
FeC Battletome + Key Abhorrant + Judge Death + Cardinal + Ushoran + Ghoul warriors + Ghoul Bats + Vargwulf
FeC ArmyBox
Dawnbringer: 4

2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)

Krule warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Khan Biblio-Shaman

Warhammer 40k
Adeptus Mechanicus + Tallman + Combat Patrol
Necrons + Imotekh + Overlord + Orikan + Combat Patrol

Dark Angels + Guard Deathwing + Asmodai
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 
Scouts vs Scorpions
Alpha Legion


Old World
Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer + Unicorn hero + foot Standard Bearer + foot knights + lord on pegasus + maiden + old kits
Tomb Kings Hero + Dragon

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    

Epic HH
Dire wolfs
Support box (Deredeo, Leviathan, Tarantula & Rapier)
Fast Attack pack
Drops Dread
Land Raiders
Super-heavy Storm
Auxilia transport

Cleaning for the next year. A very good week

Just some amendments, it's Nightlords not Alpha Legion for Kill Team and you can probably add Crusade: Pariah Nexus, Genestealer Cults, Adeptus Sororitas and redacted codex to the 40k list as they were announced to

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10 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

These are a decent enough design but my brain just cannot buy into how they can fly at all. 

They maybe jump really high ? Or like a flying squirrel ?  

I buy it anyway. If the terrorgheist can fly, these things can too.

Edited by Harioch
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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:
  Révéler le contenu caché

Lady of Ash
Squat véhicule

Police Quad

Age of Sigmar
FeC Battletome + Key Abhorrant + Judge Death + Cardinal + Ushoran + Ghoul Warriors + Ghoul Bats + Vargwulf
FeC ArmyBox
Dawnbringer : 4

2 Warbands (Ordre contre Mort)
2 Warbands (qui sait)

Krule Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Khan Biblio-Shaman

Warhammer 40k
Adeptus Mechanicus + Tallman + Patrouille de Combat
Nécrons + Imotekh + Overlord + Orikan + Patrouille de Combat

Dark Angels + Garde Deathwing + Asmodai
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Tuez les scouts de l'équipe contre les Scorpions Datacards Alpha Legion 



Paladin bretonnien de l'Ancien Monde  + Porte-étendard + Héros licorne + Porte-étendard à pied + Chevaliers à pied + Seigneur sur Pégase + Jeune fille + anciens kits
Héros des Rois des Tombes + Dragon

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Sabot-Noir    

Epic HH
Dire wolfs
Boîte de support (Deredeo, Léviathan, Tarantula et Rapier)
Fast Attack pack
Drops Dread
Land Raiders
Super-heavy Storm
Auxilia transport

Nettoyage pour l'année prochaine. Une très bonne semaine

forgot the executionner

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30 minutes ago, Souleater said:

Meanwhile over in 40K-land: ‘here are some more space marines in very static poses’


AoS is truly blessed in the way designers seem able to add character and joy to the models.

Yeah. Although those new deathwing are ace and those space marines probably keep the light on at GW. But the guys sculpting for AoS are doing an incredible job!

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31 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Yeah. Although those new deathwing are ace and those space marines probably keep the light on at GW. But the guys sculpting for AoS are doing an incredible job!

I do wish AoS got more recognition, feels like everytime I bump into someone who's into the hobby it's 40k

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13 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I do wish AoS got more recognition, feels like everytime I bump into someone who's into the hobby it's 40k

Apparently AoS fans didn’t exactly cover ourselves in glory  in Valraks stream of the reveals. I didn’t see it but apparently some AoS fans went rather nuclear!

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