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Flesh eaters

dawnbringers my guess is dok character and lady of ruin chaos girl, though my dream of boob snek lord continues for hedonites


chaos bikers


either vespid or the rumoured night lords vs dark eldar mandrakes


destruction warband though could be dok


assault marines (though would love sabres in plastic) and maybe a new campaign book, could see a tease of new army


finale of the arc, would be funny time to add spyders

Old world

Hoping for most of tomb kings reveal, though I am kind of just expecting a centerpiece show, the last two rules reveals have been more hype than the model reveals tho

Edited by MothmanDraws
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3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Is there any bones to this morghast hero talk or just speculation? 

Seems more likely the wings might be for the tomb king on dragon rumor which does indeed have some weight to it. 

The rumor engine was either one hell of a fakeout or it’s literally just a Morghast. The speculation is on the Hero part, but the OBR are candidates for a wave 2.

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I’d like to have a necropolis stalker - sized winged unit or hero. But a single morghast hero is the best educated guess at the moment, altough OBR need more units than heroes. Like unit with missile weapon (its the real « regular » army of the Death so…)

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My 2 pennworth from elsewhere:


40k - 5 minutes - Orikan. 

Killteam - 5-10 minutes - next box - if they show box 2 then I'd assume we'll see the scorpions/ scouts on pre order announcement this Sunday OR a new rulebook?

AoS - 10 minutes - the courtly kings of the flesh eater court

WHU - 5 minutes - random warband, zero idea what.

ToW - 10 minutes - TK + reveal when it's releasing?

Necromunda - 5 minutes - next campaign book?

HH - 10 minutes - Assault marines + Solar Auxilia

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54 minutes ago, El Syf said:

Quite looking forward to the night lords, hope they aren’t overly busy and the helms may be usefully for some soulblight kitbashing.

I'm looking forward to this first CSM upgrade sprue but I genuinely dread it will be attached -- for the KT box -- to the current Warp Talons kit (with the old body proportions). This would leave us with the same-ish wacky situation as with the bespoke Necron KT: an upgrade sprue introduced for models not in line with the current design paradigm of its faction rather than such an introduction along a redesigned kit.

Edited by Preppikoma
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47 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

I'm looking forward to this first CSM upgrade sprue but I genuinely dread it will be attached -- for the KT box -- to the current Warp Talons kit (with the old body proportions). This would leave us with the same-ish wacky situation as with the bespoke Necron KT: an upgrade sprue introduced for models not in line with the current design paradigm of its faction rather than such an introduction along a redesigned kit.

I would think it being an upgrade for chosen or legionaries again more likely than raptors/warp talons. Either way though I really don't think the current raptors/warp talons are that bad, I used to have a csm army in 8th with the new legionaries and some raptors and they hold up pretty well, you can mix shoulder pads and helms between them too if you want to blend the minor aesthetic differences together.

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I would think it being an upgrade for chosen or legionaries again more likely than raptors/warp talons. Either way though I really don't think the current raptors/warp talons are that bad, I used to have a csm army in 8th with the new legionaries and some raptors and they hold up pretty well, you can mix shoulder pads and helms between them too if you want to blend the minor aesthetic differences together.

Yeah, they don't look that bad and do sport some nice bits. Still, they look quite dated next to Haarken Worldclaimer.

On Chosen or another Legionaries: that might work. My 'dread' with Raptors/Warp_Talons results from the rumours of 'taking [this] KT season to the sky', which are AFAIK also from Valrak.

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10 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

I won't argue with the tactile experience of metal models, but compared to modern plastics they're horrendous - just been putting together an Isengard army with metal Lurtz and the Siege ram and man is it a horrible experience - mold lines so deep you have to gouge out or fill with putty .5mm deep, little burrs and pour lines that are in really obvious places and make them uncomfortable to pick up before they've been filed down. The Siege ram operators straight up won't stick to the log because the contact points are so borked, so going to have to break out more milliput... all the while the detailing just isn't up to snuff compared to today's models

Much of that is less a problem with metal and more a problem with bad models.

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36 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

Much of that is less a problem with metal and more a problem with bad models.

For sure, MESBG sculpts are notoriously bad, a lot of them made by trainees and new members of the team from what I've heard. They do still hold a special place in my heart as it's what got me into GW years and years ago but I wouldn't fancy building and painting any these days.

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28 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Still having the 'all battletomes updated by the end of this year' pledge in mind, so wondering now what are the chances that the FEC might get a launch box like Cities with the special edition book in it now, and then the regular release after New Year?

I think we still have chance,
online preview on 17/11

we have 30k epic and KT box not release yet, minus this week for one of these.

so it could be..
next week pre-order & release data
1. 19/11 & 09/12
2.26/11 & 16/12

one for KTor30K , or for FEC Armybox 😍

if true, it'll be best Xmas gift ever!

Edited by Greene
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22 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Still having the 'all battletomes updated by the end of this year' pledge in mind, so wondering now what are the chances that the FEC might get a launch box like Cities with the special edition book in it now, and then the regular release after New Year?

November release schedule is now full with Admech/Necron codex and then ( finally) Legions Imperialis. 

December is normally focused on Xmas gifts and shopping, and maybe some exclusive commerative models .

So  January is most likely release window for Fec 

If Fec will get a armyset as Cities, Seraphon and Std , then we could have something like this:

January: Fec Armyset 

February: Dawnbringers book 4

March : Fec full release 

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8 hours ago, boyadventurer said:

Dunno if it was already brought up, but I only just saw that the Blacktalons are push fit. Maaaaaaan that's an expensive box for 5 push fit models.

Clever webstore update no longer says if its push fit/multipart and no sprue pics either.

I don't think the sprue pics is a change made on purpose, more a side effect of the web replacement that needs to be fixed.

Edited by Ejecutor
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