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What if the roumor engine is related to beasts of chaos? Like a long shot RE but it will not be the first one. All the marks on the skull and the stone could match with them

EDIT : Or maybe a warcry terrain tho

Edited by Vagard
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5 minutes ago, Vagard said:

What if the roumor engine is related to beasts of chaos? Like a long shot RE but it will not be the first one. All the marks on the skull and the stone could match with them

EDIT : Or maybe a warcry terrain tho

Skulls with horns and chaos runes fits better with beastmen than anything else, honestly. Granted the last definitely beastmen RE ended up being Warcry terrain, but BoC getting a Dawnbringer hero doesn't feel impossible.

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23 minutes ago, Vagard said:

What if the roumor engine is related to beasts of chaos? Like a long shot RE but it will not be the first one. All the marks on the skull and the stone could match with them

EDIT : Or maybe a warcry terrain tho

The shape of the big bones could even match chorfs xD

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5 hours ago, Snarff said:

Unfortunate (yet understandable) that it's going to be heroes. The game looks awesome, and I'll definitely spend some time on it, but there's just no factions that really interest me there. The four factions picked are understandable and awesome nonetheless, but I was hoping to see some more in future DLC. FS or KO, IDK, Ironjawz, etc.

there will most likely be more factions down the line. it took DOW1 an entire expansion pack to add a 5th faction.

DLC being heroes is a good sign IMHO. it means any new factions will NOT be half-arsed

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

While we may not be getting any Warcry stuff, this is still a stacked preview! Place your bets now ladies, gents, and everything in between!


Teasers for future factions (probably chaos)

release date


Dawnbringers IV

Flesh Eaters preview

Chorfs (man can dream)


No clue


more single hero units and codexes

Horus Heresy

Assault Squads, Mark III weapons kits, new named character

Kill Team

Night Lords upgrade sprue


Aranthian Succession finale, plus plenty of new gangers/cultist kits.

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4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The triangle is the old dark speech rune for DH and appears on the forehead of the herd stone.  The more complex rune as pointed out already is on the Chaos Space Marines transfer sheet and doesn't line up with any fantasy runes, but assuming this isn't a 40k rumor because of how crude it looks then the rune could be a combination of the runes for GU, BH/B, and I/EE in some order.  That said I don't think GW has actually fleshed out the writing system well enough for that to be true. 


I'll assume beasts get nothing forever and be pleasantly surprised some time in the next decade lol.


Edit: Fun aside that skull tied to a skull is also a pretty good "crude representation" of a bloodletters head.

Edited by The Red King
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3 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

While we may not be getting any Warcry stuff, this is still a stacked preview! Place your bets now ladies, gents, and everything in between!


Teasers for future factions (probably chaos)

release date


Dawnbringers IV

Flesh Eaters preview

Chorfs (man can dream)


No clue


more single hero units and codexes

Horus Heresy

Assault Squads, Mark III weapons kits, new named character

Kill Team

Night Lords upgrade sprue


Aranthian Succession finale, plus plenty of new gangers/cultist kits.

Rumours I've heard about TOW says TK and Bretonia, then 6 months after if sells goes well, Orcs vs Empire. So my guess is only TK for this one.

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5 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

While we may not be getting any Warcry stuff, this is still a stacked preview! Place your bets now ladies, gents, and everything in between!


Teasers for future factions (probably chaos)

release date


Dawnbringers IV

Flesh Eaters preview

Chorfs (man can dream)


No clue


more single hero units and codexes

Horus Heresy

Assault Squads, Mark III weapons kits, new named character

Kill Team

Night Lords upgrade sprue


Aranthian Succession finale, plus plenty of new gangers/cultist kits.

Chorfs/scions of kragnos/malerion(one last big faction release of 3rd) I expect to see teased in the christmas/new year reveal if it's real. I'm really interested to see if the night lords kill team is real though, personally very doubtful. New mk 3 doesn't need separate weapon kits for HH because the base kit has vambraces you slap on the mk 6 upgrades. Maybe HH gets plastic melee weapons to coincide with the assault squads though.

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Underworlds Destruction warband. There were rumours of a Kruleboyz warband but I'm hoping we finally get a plastic butcher. 

AoS FeC reveal but only a teaser for the summer king himself. 

Book 4 2 heroes and confirmation of a book 5 next year. 

Kill team vespids. 

Old world Tomb kings but annoyingly not a full reveal. 

Underworlds new vehicle

Horus heresy plastic assault marines

40k Kroot and the last necron character. The one from the boo


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Just now, Chikout said:

Underworlds Destruction warband. There were rumours of a Kruleboyz warband but I'm hoping we finally get a plastic butcher. 

AoS FeC reveal but only a teaser for the summer king himself. 

Book 4 2 heroes and confirmation of a book 5 next year. 

Kill team vespids. 

Old world Tomb kings but annoyingly not a full reveal. 

Underworlds new vehicle

Horus heresy plastic assault marines

40k Kroot and the last necron character. The one from the boo


tau codex is one of last spring codexes on the roadmap so definitely not kroot time yet I don't think. The codex after necrons is Dark Angels so maybe there's a tease for that but it's still a spring release

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26 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

While we may not be getting any Warcry stuff, this is still a stacked preview! Place your bets now ladies, gents, and everything in between!


I think we'll only see Flesh-Eater Courts for AoS, because they're having to cram seven systems into a one hour slot. Dawnbringers IV I reckon we'll be waiting for a bit longer, especially since we've still got 5-7 months until AoS 4.0 which is time enough to put another book or two out. If they hadn't stretched out the CoS reveals like they did I might be more optimistic they'll show everything, but it'll depend on how big the wave is and if any existing stuff (sans the post-AoS releases like the Archregent and Herald) is carrying over.


Destruction-themed Daughters of Khaine? A third Ironjawz team designed with the new 'Ardboys in mind? We've had Gloomspite, Bonesplitterz, Kruelboyz and Ogor themed warbands in the last couple of years, so probably not any of those. Maybe Spiderfang will be a wildcard team (ALA Snarlfangs were) and resolve that one ancient Rumour Engine?

The Old World:

Tomb Kings half of the new stuff seems a given, probably with a full reveal of what the starter set will contain. A few resin Heroes, a plastic Lord and new unit. 


Who cares. Okay, fine. Dark Angels and Orks are the next two armies for a codex on the roadmap. So probably something for them. More cynically, just the Dark Angels since Valrak went on a while back now about them getting a bunch of new units. 

Kill Team:

Bookies Favourite is Vespid isn't it? Lets go with that.


Assault Marines, Command Squad and whatever the Mystery Winter Army reveal is.


Enforcer Venator. 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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FEC for AOS is definitely the safe bet, but my guess is that they will be receiving one of those book + new minis bundle boxes, and they will only show the models from that boxset in this preview, holding off the full range till the main release (presumably in January at this point).  We might see the next Dawnbringers bits, I guess, but I feel like they might sit on that till next year too, they've still got a few months to fill before they start ramping up the new edition hype train.

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