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4 hours ago, Aleser said:

Maybe something like theseย 



This is what I want from Kurnothi and Sylvaneth. A 'Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe' faction with lots of big fantastical fey creatures.

2 hours ago, madmac said:

I mean, expectations for Kurnothi were set with Skaeths Wild Hunt all the way back in 2019. And reinforced with the release of Cursed City in 2021. These are real miniatures GW has released and continued teasing Bestial wood elves as a real thing for four years now. If they continue to disappoint with Sylvaneth releases that's on GW more than the community.

You cannot convince me Cursed City was 2 years ago. You cant. Time doesnt move that quick.

1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Just a quick mockup but I've been thinking about a heavily converted IDK force like this and even replacing sea beasts with those fantastic new tyranid models.ย 

Just an idea at this point.ย 


Mate if they released these I would be all over Idoneth like an Ogor at a Halfling Buffet!!

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Depending on the faction, I really don't mind single hero releases. If the faction is complete, a new hero can be a super fun tool to play around with. The Harbinger of Decay was amazing. The Rabble-Rowza/Trugg perfectly fit too. The curseling and scinari enlightener were a great and necessary model update and addition to a faction that is not in need of a grand expansion.

Complete-ish armies like SCE, StD etc could really benefit from some heroes. Giving us some named non-hammers Stormcast could really benefit the army. A hamilcar model for example would be a great hero to receive without adding too many more models to the range. Or Callis and Toll for CoS.

What I do mind, is when factions that clearly need range expansions get only 1 hero and nothing else for an entire edition. Luckily we seem to be going away from that, but we'll have to see for armies like FS, KO, IDK and OBR if that trend holds.


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By the way, haven't we had at least a few cases, recently, when the Rumour Engine the week before the preview, showed a kit that was unveiled on that show? Just makes me think that whomever that spear belongs to, we'll see that kit on Saturday. And following the mentions in Danwbringers books, I think I'd actually go with Khorne on that one.

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4 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

By the way, haven't we had at least a few cases, recently, when the Rumour Engine the week before the preview, showed a kit that was unveiled on that show? Just makes me think that whomever that spear belongs to, we'll see that kit on Saturday. And following the mentions in Danwbringers books, I think I'd actually go with Khorne on that one.

Trogg king antlers was one I remember.ย 

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7 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

By the way, haven't we had at least a few cases, recently, when the Rumour Engine the week before the preview, showed a kit that was unveiled on that show? Just makes me think that whomever that spear belongs to, we'll see that kit on Saturday. And following the mentions in Danwbringers books, I think I'd actually go with Khorne on that one.

the Claws of Karanak were also teased by the rumor engine a few days before they were revealed in full. So there is a precedent for models teased so close to a reveal show, to then be shown off.

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33 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

By the way, haven't we had at least a few cases, recently, when the Rumour Engine the week before the preview, showed a kit that was unveiled on that show? Just makes me think that whomever that spear belongs to, we'll see that kit on Saturday. And following the mentions in Danwbringers books, I think I'd actually go with Khorne on that one.

Another engine rumour that was quickly resolved was that of the control screen (a nod to Warhammer World buildings) of the Genestealer cult Nexos. It was resolved less than a week after it was revealed (2018). Or the vanari auralian warden crest in just 3 or 4 days (2020).

Most rumour engines take a long time to solve, but that's not an absolute rule (I'm not even sure GW has set any rules for that ^^).

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14 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I know we just had a โ€œDonโ€™t worship everything Whitefang likesโ€ moment on here but them liking this post now has me hopeful we could be seeing a Tornus the Redeemed Venator model. ๐Ÿฅน

yeah if Stormcast get anything that isn't a revamp, they really do need Reclaimed-specific Stormcast in some form (character or unit)

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8 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

The last Destro unit for third edition is the Kruleboyz Underworlds warband that is rumored that It is gonna be released during winter. After that, Destro would wait until next edition


If true and it ends up being an alternate swampcalla type mini then could this be its back skull they're so fond of?...


Edited by Vasshpit
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4 hours ago, HollowHills said:

GW hate IDK and won't ever give them new kits.

I read that in Kanyeโ€™s voice.


Would be lovely for GW to have another pig push on Godlike Characters like they did with Broken Realms. The Kroak/Kragnos/Beโ€™Lakor release was so exciting.ย 

Really hope to see another God Return, I also wonder if I keep hoping for Malerion or realise he never actually made it out of the World that Was and has been a figment of Morathiโ€™s imagination this whole time out of guilt.

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Depending on the faction, I really don't mind single hero releases. If the faction is complete, a new hero can be a super fun tool to play around with. The Harbinger of Decay was amazing. The Rabble-Rowza/Trugg perfectly fit too. The curseling and scinari enlightener were a great and necessary model update and addition to a faction that is not in need of a grand expansion.

Complete-ish armies like SCE, StD etc could really benefit from some heroes. Giving us some named non-hammers Stormcast could really benefit the army. A hamilcar model for example would be a great hero to receive without adding too many more models to the range. Or Callis and Toll for CoS.

What I do mind, is when factions that clearly need range expansions get only 1 hero and nothing else for an entire edition. Luckily we seem to be going away from that, but we'll have to see for armies like FS, KO, IDK and OBR if that trend holds.


As a StD player, I would prefer resculpt Marauders instead of a random foot hero. We have seen enough heroes for almost all armies. It's time to give us new units or re-sculpts of units, but not a random foot hero that likeย @madmacย said doesn't really add much to the game.

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Depending on the faction, I really don't mind single hero releases. If the faction is complete, a new hero can be a super fun tool to play around with. The Harbinger of Decay was amazing. The Rabble-Rowza/Trugg perfectly fit too. The curseling and scinari enlightener were a great and necessary model update and addition to a faction that is not in need of a grand expansion.

Complete-ish armies like SCE, StD etc could really benefit from some heroes. Giving us some named non-hammers Stormcast could really benefit the army. A hamilcar model for example would be a great hero to receive without adding too many more models to the range. Or Callis and Toll for CoS.

What I do mind, is when factions that clearly need range expansions get only 1 hero and nothing else for an entire edition. Luckily we seem to be going away from that, but we'll have to see for armies like FS, KO, IDK and OBR if that trend holds.


I mean no army is every really complete, it not like StD and Stormcast are going to stop getting big releases because their roster are already huge, A lot of release are base on popularity and that why there a disparity exist to the unpopular armies

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6 hours ago, Baz said:

So this image was there just beforeย  warhammer fest preview last year where they showed off the spite bugs. Definitely was a teaser. Think we might have seen something similar in yesterday's pic. Maybe something more like a mini wardroth beetle rider.ย 



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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

If the faction is complete, a new hero can be a super fun tool to play around with

I know that it's not a popular opinion, but I still think that AoS is way behind to have a complete army.

If SCE need to lay siege, they will have a lot of problems with just a bunch of Bolt Throwers... they don't even have a dreadnaught-like unit /facepalm

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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

I know that it's not a popular opinion, but I still think that AoS is way behind to have a complete army.

If SCE need to lay siege, they will have a lot of problems with just a bunch of Bolt Throwers... they don't even have a dreadnaught-like unit /facepalm

There are some that are a lot more complete than others though, and really don't large waves the coming edition. Moreso referring to those

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I was thinking how sad I would be if Kurnoth only got one hero and then I realized, how cool would it be if the Sylvanth/Kurnothi hit the ground running and we get Kurnoth in a box with Kurnoth hunters. Setting up the release of the Kurnothi as a sub faction for next edition.ย 

Then for the final book we get Morghur as the big bad and set up Beats of Chaos for the following edition.ย 

Like everyone else I would much prefer a new unit, but I will say that Trugg and big pig were a lot cooler than the many infantry heroes we have been getting.ย 

Edited by Neverchosen
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