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Id personally love to see those godawful early Stormcast redone to current standards, its essentially what every 40k box has done since forever after all to some extent so there is plenty of precedent, even the Primaris stuff is just replacing the hobbit marines somewhat obliquely.

And obviously Skaven, Skaven really need a solid wave of stuff to pull the range out of the 90's (THE NINETIES) in places and a starter followed by the usual ETB etc etc would do a big step towards that. 

Though isnt the pattern leaning towards Order v Order for the 4th starter? :P

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8 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Id personally love to see those godawful early Stormcast redone to current standards, its essentially what every 40k box has done since forever after all to some extent so there is plenty of precedent, even the Primaris stuff is just replacing the hobbit marines somewhat obliquely.

And obviously Skaven, Skaven really need a solid wave of stuff to pull the range out of the 90's (THE NINETIES) in places and a starter followed by the usual ETB etc etc would do a big step towards that. 

Though isnt the pattern leaning towards Order v Order for the 4th starter? :P

Yeah, although those rumours about possible resculpt liberators, means I will never finish the old ones I got with the first starterset. 🙂

For skaven I still have the ones that were in the Warhammer 8th edition starter box and I think another plastic set of clanrats. I even bought the metal sling upgrade pack. Imo, the skaven clanrats and stormvermin are still fantastic sculpts, same as a couple of characters. Hopefully the new clanrats will fit scale wise / aesthetic wise the current plastic clanrats / stormvermin. 

It's the eshin / plague / skryre part + rat ogres/ rats than need asap a huge upgrade.

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Not sure if this was hint, maybe we will get human followers too, something like Gnarlspirit pack but for order side. Also it can just be more sylvaneths we know with maybe 1 multi kit and rules for army of renown like IJ pigs with Outcast keyword so Drycha amd Spites go alongside them.


Edited by Aleser
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1 minute ago, Aeryenn said:

Even a warband for Kurnothi will be much appreciated but I would buy full Kurnothi 2k points day one if GW releases it. Same goes for Dark Aelves.

Take in mind that to build a themed army, you don't need a lot of units.

Look at Kharadrons, we are already buying 2k points of the same repeated 2 units to play with our awesome and non-broken Expedition Force: Grundstock gunhaulers and grundstock thunderers.

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21 minutes ago, silverstu said:

I'm honestly not expecting anything beyond a warcry set for Kurnothi and maybe Kurnoth himself. bUt wait and see, not sure  anything for them will appear until the last book- the culmination of the rite of life. 

I think they will be in third book, FeC and Summer king will be "big" thing in last book.

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27 minutes ago, silverstu said:

I'm honestly not expecting anything beyond a warcry set for Kurnothi and maybe Kurnoth himself. bUt wait and see, not sure  anything for them will appear until the last book- the culmination of the rite of life. 

Personally think it's now or never for a Kurnoth return story wise. Makes sense that the rite of life can  bring him back. The ghyran crusade is heading north into unexplored areas lore wise so who knows what they will find.


10 minutes ago, Aleser said:

I think they will be in third book, FeC and Summer king will be "big" thing in last book.

Yep the little hints in the books are pointing to this. 


7 minutes ago, EntMan said:

When are we expecting the third book? 🌳🦌

October preview and November release is my guess 

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15 minutes ago, Baz said:

Personally think it's now or never for a Kurnoth return story wise. Makes sense that the rite of life can  bring him back. The ghyran crusade is heading north into unexplored areas lore wise so who knows what they will find.

I wouldn't say now or never: future storylines could lead to their introduction in the lore. That said, now seems like a good time so fingers crossed.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Take in mind that to build a themed army, you don't need a lot of units.

Look at Kharadrons, we are already buying 2k points of the same repeated 2 units to play with our awesome and non-broken Expedition Force: Grundstock gunhaulers and grundstock thunderers.

Not many, but not few either. Fyreslayers still look like an army of clones.

I own more than 2k points of Kharadrons and don't have any unit repeated more than twice. 2 Arkanaut Companies, 2 Thunders, 2 Endrinriggers and 2 Gunhaulers. Every other unit I own only in single copy.

The problem starts when you are forced to take a unit more than two times and there's no really way around it.

PS. I really enjoyed last Sylvaneth story and how Drycha treated her human "allies" 🙂

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10 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I own more than 2k points of Kharadrons and don't have any unit repeated more than twice. 2 Arkanaut Companies, 2 Thunders, 2 Endrinriggers and 2 Gunhaulers. Every other unit I own only in single copy.

We are talking about themed armies. Like kurnothi. That's why I only talk about Grundstock Expedition Company.

If you have 2 thunderers and 2 gunhaulers, good look with 1400p of foot heroes then... I hope that Kurnothi don't become the same.

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I've completely missed reading the likes and rumours around the next AoS starter box 😂

Oooo so potentially new sculpt SCE Vs Skaven?! That sounds exquisite.

Oh maybe the Screaming Bell RE is a new Screaming Bell sculpt just for the box set? I thought it was weird at first because imo the Bell/Furnace kit is a beautiful sculpt that I didn't think needed prioritising over other older metal/plastic sculpts, but as a 'special edition' version for the box set, I could definitely see that.

If the box set had new Rat Ogres and Jezzails, that would blow me out of the water.

Edit: Nevermind 😂😂, I thought the Screaming Bell RE was unsolved, I think its one of the Gorger weapons.

Edited by Black_Templar_Lad
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36 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I'm not sure what do you mean?

The KO army of renown only allows you to take two units and heroes. You pretty much have to take at least three units of thunderers or Gunhaulers. 

This is relevant to Kurnothi since the most likely way for them to be presented is as their own army of renown. Since Whitefang has let us know that Kurnothi is just anyone who worships Kurnoth, we could get a single new hero in charge of an army of Hunters. 

The dream is a larger kit, a cavalry kit, an infantry kit and a hero each with multiple builds like the big pig but unfortunately I do think that is in the realm of dreams for now. 

As for 4th edition, I'm very intrigued by the skaven side. The one thing I hope is that we don't get clanrats again. The old sculpts hold up decently well and a repeat of the 8th edition box would not be mind blowing. 

I love to see an Eshin themed box with a couple of units of runners and some all new stuff. 

On the Stormcast side I'm not sure what would get me excited. I currently have about 4000 points of which about 3000 are painted and I'm pretty happy with what I've got. I don't know what they  could add, maybe some larger war machines and a new Prime as a centrepiece. That could be pretty cool. 

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12 minutes ago, Aleser said:

To be fair third book doesnt need to have armies of renown. First did have regiments instead. Maybe warbands of renown will be a thing in third 😂

Yeah, but the concept of having themes armies seems good to me. It's their execution that I'm not a fan.

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So please could someone remind me what hints @Whitefang has given about Sylvaneth/Kurnothi?

They've stated that Kurnothi can be anyone who worships Kurnothi, not just Sylvaneth or Aelves.

If I remember correctly they've said something is coming up for Sylvaneth. But have they said specifically it'll be Kurnothi? And if it's part of Dawnbringers?

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