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7 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I hope this wasn’t today’s “reveals for the Mortal Realms” 🤞🏻 

I think it probably was. I don't think there is anything else left to reveal from book 2 and I don't think they'll want to show off book 3 until book 2 is out. The only other possibility is the scenery. Still it would be nice to be surprised. 

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16 hours ago, Goatforce said:

I don't know, did Chaos Dwarfs "not work"? Their mainline armybook was an extremely long time ago, and their updated rendition was as a FW army that was ridiculously expensive even by WH standards. I am not sure the cancelation of either of these things is indicative of a new plastic Chaos Dwarf range being something people wouldn't buy.

Well, I‘d really welcome being wrong.👍  I liked CD back then - not enough to collect them but they were interesting. I just feel like there‘s a chance they‘ll at least start as a mini-faction under slaves  (and it’s not like slaves need more units anyways) but that might be because they used to man the hell cannon… 

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5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I wouldnt stick to much to the Dawnbringers lore for the next spring army. Broken Realms had nothing to do with Soulblight Gravelords if i remember correctly.

I do think Kurnothi gets a small wave with Dawnbringers. Thinking about some avatar of Kurnoth and units of glade guard and wardancers equivalent + some hero to unlock battleline. I would love a supplement for Sylvaneth including wild riders too.

The defeat of Nagash and the civil war between Neferata and Mannfred could be considered as the first step for Soublight Gravelords but, yeah your are right, the current campaign has the equal chances to lead a new army or not.


1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

As a question from someone that has no clue about novels. Has this happened before? I mean, did we have in the past novels that lead into such a "surprise" release like would be Gholemkind into CoS?

I would never follow the novels as indication for future releases, even they show units and factions end up with real miniatures. I mean, writers can be very imaginative and GW usually allow them to write new concepts. 

I think in the novels as the universe expanded of AoS but nothing else.

58 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

A bit... dissapointing. No Swampcalla, no Mirebrute or Snatchaboss... There are Dominion still around and Stombringer will bring a lot of units for a cheaper price 😱

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35 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I think it probably was. I don't think there is anything else left to reveal from book 2 and I don't think they'll want to show off book 3 until book 2 is out. The only other possibility is the scenery. Still it would be nice to be surprised. 

Possible KO hero, seeing as they're seemingly going to get an Army of Renown with book 2

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48 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I hope this wasn’t today’s “reveals for the Mortal Realms” 🤞🏻 

They still have to show off the real trogg king model right!?.. 

Like that's not the actual one and it's just a joke?...

Right, Geedubs?.. 


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1 hour ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I hope this wasn’t today’s “reveals for the Mortal Realms” 🤞🏻 

They are usually pretty descriptive in their sunday articles, so I would personally expect one more thing. No idea what it could be, though. Maybe the completed Dawnbringer buildings we are all expecting, or something completely out of left field like that Blacktalon unit a few weeks back.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Not a fan of Trugg mate?

Is there a word that asserts more no than no?😄

When mollog was first shown as our first glimpse into a new trogg, the dankhold, I really liked the design. Not so much the mutation part but the base creature design was on point. 

Then the actual danhold dropped and the subtle changes were just too silly for me especially the facial anatomy. 

Then Trugg drops and just when I thought it couldn't get worse... boy was I wrong. 

Imagine your love of gargants and finally seeing them only to realize it's bottom levels of the abyss nothing like what you hoped for.  

Just my opinion. If you like it I'm happy for you. 

I just feel like it's a below subpar design from the leading mini juggernaut of the wrld. Like, very subpar. 

I'm sketching over the pic to see if I can make it more to my liking. 

Here's what I have so far. I've toned down a bunch of "too busy" bo jangles and am tweaking the facial anatomy. Giving him the foppy ears like mollog. I may still get it if I think I can make it closer to this. 

Still a WIP. 


I know it's minor so far but I really really hate the dankhold head design. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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