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10 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I think the most fascinating aspect of the cities reveal is that everyone has that one unit so far that feels a little strange, out of place or isn't up their alley. For me so far they have all been hits, but at the same time they retain that strange AOS feeling of the culturally uncanny... namely there is something just a little unfamiliar in terms of the cultural referent. An anachronistic element or a sign of high fantasy that abstract from the familiar. Stranger Critters for Critters and Keys on bases are a great example of how these break from the historical but also feel at home in medieval tapestry or manuscript or the manticore being typically associated with Chaos and destruction now a centrepiece for an order army is another way they challenge expectations.

I actually think seeing these models contextualized by battle hardened Irobreakers and cut throat corsair mercenaries will make them look all the better. The second you see that massive Ogor standing behind a shield wall, the improvised turret will look much cooler as you realize the Ogor is providing the unit with muscle but also a higher vantage point of the battlefield.  

This makes me more hopeful that we will be able to combine heroes and individual models to units like in 40k for 4th edition.

Ok, this has changed my opinion. That is gonna look SWEET on the battlefield!

I hope there's unit leaders too mate, amazing addition again to 40K imo.

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24 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Ok, this has changed my opinion. That is gonna look SWEET on the battlefield!

I hope there's unit leaders too mate, amazing addition again to 40K imo.

If I run Cities I am really thinking I might lean into the Last Alliance side of things and mix in Aelves and Duaridn with Stormcast to make a true soup army and then make the Men at arms suitable Marauder proxies to really get the most out of the army from a hobby perspective while also saving some money in the end. 

I am learning 40k with Necrons so right now the idea of running any unit without a hero in it feels weird and I am looking at my Slaves to darkness and wondering would Varanguard get to lead knights and I am very excited about that possibility lol

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Love them - in my top 3* ! I was a bit unsure after the Manticore Lady reveal (I know, minority here), but today we are clearly back on track.

Can't wait for the CANNON

*My personal ranking, from best to just-less-best : 

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  1. Freeguild Cavaliers
  2. Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy
  3. Freeguild Fusiliers
  4. Freeguild Steelhelms
  5. Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
  6. Alchemite Warforger
  7. Tahlia Vedra, Lioness Of The Parch


We're doing tier lists now? How could I not...

  1. Freeguild Fusiliers
  2. Alchemite Warforger
  3. Freeguild Steelhelms
  4. Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
  5. Freeguild Marshal with Relic Envoy
  6. Tahlia Vedra
  7. Freeguild Cavaliers

I absolutely love the Fusiliers, and so far they honestly take the cake for me for coolest unit. I'm curious if we'll see any accessory bits in the kit, like extra gunpowder bags or little critters.
The Warforger is a really cool combination of Metal Wizard and blacksmith, and really gives something visually different to a battleline.
Steelhelms are just a solid infantry kit, really curious to see how interchangeable bits like arms in the kit (and other infantry) are.
The Fusil Major looks absolutely incredible combined with the Fusiliers, and the crow's nest is one of the whackiest (and awesomest) things I've seen in Warhammer.
The Marshal is a solid Hero, although imho the pistol option is a bit clunky.
Tahlia Vedra is cool, although big monsters aren't really my cup of tea, and I'm not sure if we are getting a generic build option in the kit.
And for the Cavaliers, I've never been into knights. They also don't look uniform enough for my tastes (I know that's the point with knights), although actually having the kit in hand and having the option to paint them in a unified scheme might change my mind once the Launch Set comes out.


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17 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

If I run Cities I am really thinking I might lean into the Last Alliance side of things and mix in Aelves and Duaridn with Stormcast to make a true soup army and then make the Men at arms suitable Marauder proxies to really get the most out of the army from a hobby perspective while also saving some money in the end. 

I am learning 40k with Necrons so right now the idea of running any unit without a hero in it feels weird and I am looking at my Slaves to darkness and wondering would Varanguard get to lead knights and I am very excited about that possibility lol

This sounds AWESOME!

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17 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

This sounds AWESOME!

Funny part is that I am leaving it up to fate, I am planning on trading my half of Leviathan on Facebook and will be looking for demons or cities and which ever I get I will make my next project. I am leaning more towards demons as they will work alongside my Chaos knights and can be run in AOS and 40K.  If I don't get any interested parties then I will be painting my Marines in rose colours (even found some cool waterslides for nails), and theming them as Dark Angel propagandists that act heroic to take the publics eyes away from their more nefarious wetworks operations... so the bases will be covered in skulls to juxtapose their heroic images lol

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There are a few armies that when looking at the individual units they can feel weird and out of place, but when seeing them on the table top together it all clicks. I find OBR and Sylvaneth to be like this. Cities is definitely in that category and it looks amazing 

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Honest Wargamer noticed the article states, "The Cities of Sigmar Army Set will be your first opportunity to start a Dawnbringer Crusade force or garrison army from one of the many valiant cities" Seems a bit specific on the wording, wonder if Crusaders will be one of sub-factions you can pick, alongside just a City? 

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3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I think the most fascinating aspect of the cities reveal is that everyone has that one unit so far that feels a little strange, out of place or isn't up their alley. For me so far they have all been hits, but at the same time they retain that strange AOS feeling of the culturally uncanny... namely there is something just a little unfamiliar in terms of the cultural referent. An anachronistic element or a sign of high fantasy that abstract from the familiar. Stranger Critters for Critters and Keys on bases are a great example of how these break from the historical but also feel at home in medieval tapestry or manuscript or the manticore being typically associated with Chaos and destruction now a centrepiece for an order army is another way they challenge expectations.

I actually think seeing these models contextualized by battle hardened Irobreakers and cut throat corsair mercenaries will make them look all the better. The second you see that massive Ogor standing behind a shield wall, the improvised turret will look much cooler as you realize the Ogor is providing the unit with muscle but also a higher vantage point of the battlefield.  

This makes me more hopeful that we will be able to combine heroes and individual models to units like in 40k for 4th edition.


1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

Not a super huge fan of them from my initial impression, but next to the war-hulk and from a different angle they have grown on me.




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2 hours ago, Asbestress said:

We're doing tier lists now? How could I not...

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  1. Freeguild Fusiliers
  2. Alchemite Warforger
  3. Freeguild Steelhelms
  4. Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
  5. Freeguild Marshal with Relic Envoy
  6. Tahlia Vedra
  7. Freeguild Cavaliers
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I absolutely love the Fusiliers, and so far they honestly take the cake for me for coolest unit. I'm curious if we'll see any accessory bits in the kit, like extra gunpowder bags or little critters.
The Warforger is a really cool combination of Metal Wizard and blacksmith, and really gives something visually different to a battleline.
Steelhelms are just a solid infantry kit, really curious to see how interchangeable bits like arms in the kit (and other infantry) are.
The Fusil Major looks absolutely incredible combined with the Fusiliers, and the crow's nest is one of the whackiest (and awesomest) things I've seen in Warhammer.
The Marshal is a solid Hero, although imho the pistol option is a bit clunky.
Tahlia Vedra is cool, although big monsters aren't really my cup of tea, and I'm not sure if we are getting a generic build option in the kit.
And for the Cavaliers, I've never been into knights. They also don't look uniform enough for my tastes (I know that's the point with knights), although actually having the kit in hand and having the option to paint them in a unified scheme might change my mind once the Launch Set comes out.


For me it's...

1) Freeguild Cavaliers
2) Alchemite Warforger
3) Freeguild Marshal/Relic Envoy
4) Freeguild Fusiliers
5) Tahlia Vedra
6) Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
7) Freeguild Steelhelms

Overall I like everything except the Steelhelms. Strangely I think the Fusiliers by themselves look good despite sharing a lot of design cues. I think the coats of the Fusiliers just do something to dramatically improve the silhouette, plus their rifles don't look weirdly oversized for them the way the Steelhead weapons do.

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Was curious and went thought the pieces that they teased. After a quick game of Where's Waldo most of them have been revealed already. The only big one left being that two handed axe, that skull one, and the shields/axes (most likely an alt for the cavalry and infantry).

A lot belonged to the cavalry and I would not be surprised that most of the remaining stuff would also be options for them. We know they have the big cannon rumored. So it will be interesting to see how much they have left for the faction.



Edit: Missed the middle shield.

Edit 2: Missed the entire Cult of Wheel pic lol! Most of it not shown. 

Edited by RyantheFett
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34 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Was curious and went thought the pieces that they teased. After a quick game of Where's Waldo most of them have been revealed already. The only big one left being that two handed axe, that skull one, and the shields/axes (most likely an alt for the cavalry and infantry).

A lot belonged to the cavalry and I would not be surprised that most of the remaining stuff would also be options for them. We know they have the big cannon rumored. So it will be interesting to see how much they have left for the faction.


You missed these, a lot of which haven't been shown. Q99h7XatDG3ElJA82.jpg.e14e008dbd98278b0bbc8551a4ef67ed.jpg

I'm very curious what the cult of the wheel minis end up being. 

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17 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

The Maw-Grunta is a multi-kit, I think they mentioned 3 build options at one point. Probably a named character, a generic leader, and one thats just a behemoth.

Yes , but if I remember correctly they made a comparison with stegadon

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33 minutes ago, Ragnar72 said:

I think we must have seen nearly all the human things by now?. Dwarf and aelves are missing completely.

I wouldn't hold out much hope for any dwarves or elves being released as part of this release. I get the feeling it'll be entirely human, with perhaps some exceptions for a character or two.

I'm guessing we're still going to get a more traditional wizard and an engineer, and perhaps one more unit, although what that unit find be in not sure. Oh wait, new Flagellant equivalents of course, can't have a crusade without some crazy people wearing sackcloth and being themselves with deadly weapons can we.

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37 minutes ago, Ragnar72 said:

I think we must have seen nearly all the human things by now?. Dwarf and aelves are missing completely.

Could be it's only really humans that are getting an update this time to scale them up and differentiate them from the upcoming Empire and Bretonnia new/re-releases.

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36 minutes ago, Ragnar72 said:

I think we must have seen nearly all the human things by now?. Dwarf and aelves are missing completely.

Dwarves and Elves are not the focus of this refresh. Expect only human models.

During first reveal stream they were kind of evasive on the question "Will there be only humans in this release?". They said "Not only, but mainly", so many people got their hopes up about the other standard Cities races. But I think it's pretty clear they probably just had the Ogre in mind when they were talking about this. I would say: At most hope for a Dwarf on the Cannon kit.

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10 hours ago, Captaniser said:

Not a super huge fan of them from my initial impression, but next to the war-hulk and from a different angle they have grown on me.



Is that metal chest from an existing terrain/kit or it's new stuff?
I've never seen it before

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2 hours ago, Ragnar72 said:

I think we must have seen nearly all the human things by now?. Dwarf and aelves are missing completely.

I can imagine getting a warcry box or similar unit like the old chaos warbands were it's mostly humans and a few extras, like how Spire Tyrants has a Chorf and a Beastman, and Iron Golem has a Chorf and a chaos ogre 


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11 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Honest Wargamer noticed the article states, "The Cities of Sigmar Army Set will be your first opportunity to start a Dawnbringer Crusade force or garrison army from one of the many valiant cities" Seems a bit specific on the wording, wonder if Crusaders will be one of sub-factions you can pick, alongside just a City? 

I think they mean you pick a city, and your army can be a Crusade originating from that city or a garrison army from that city (so no real rules difference).

Of course, there would be a lot of opportunity for making your own city still, or a crusade that is going to attempt to establish a new city.

Although I'm not going to play CoS (normal humans are not my power fantasy, even though I love the multi-species cosmopolitan AoS take on them), Dawnbringer crusades are perfect as Path to Glory settings. The concept and the models (which are SO much more beautiful and more fitting to Free Cities than the empire ones) really allow you to make a 'your dudes' army that looks like it fits in AoS without pretty heavy kitbashing. I love it.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

I think they mean you pick a city, and your army can be a Crusade originating from that city or a garrison army from that city (so no real rules difference).

Of course, there would be a lot of opportunity for making your own city still, or a crusade that is going to attempt to establish a new city.

Although I'm not going to play CoS (normal humans are not my power fantasy, even though I love the multi-species cosmopolitan AoS take on them), Dawnbringer crusades are perfect as Path to Glory settings. The concept and the models (which are SO much more beautiful and more fitting to Free Cities than the empire ones) really allow you to make a 'your dudes' army that looks like it fits in AoS without pretty heavy kitbashing. I love it.

Might be a Scions of the Storm/Stormkeep kind of deal.

If Cities is designed like most 3rd ed Battletomes, we will probably get just one special rule per city. The choice between Crusade/Garrison might then give us a secondary rule we can pick.

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2 hours ago, Ragnar72 said:

I think we must have seen nearly all the human things by now?. Dwarf and aelves are missing completely.

It's gonna be 99% humans in this wave, and the aelves and dwarfs will remain in the lore and army list, but they'll be represented by WFB minis rebased for AoS. We'll have to wait for a 2nd wave to see true AoS Cities aelves/dwarfs. Which is something I'd like to see : it would be cool to see true AoS dispossessed and scourge privateers. Maybe even elven freeguild troops.

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