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Completely off topic I'm aware, and self indulgent. But you can enter the GW completion to win a bunch of new Nids or Spacecast Eternals even if you didn't buy Leviathan. You just have to email GW with at least 150 words on why you like either Tyranids or Space Marines. I got a bit carried away doing this and thought some of you fine TGA folk might enjoy my musings. Spoiler tagged so not to cause clutter for those not interested 😀 (Mods please feel free to delete this post if it's not appropriate)





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36 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Big cannon lets go!

I'm not familiar enough with the subtleties of English language, but do you think there is an allusion to artillery and/or a firing unit in the use of the term "cracking" ?

I also bet that's what we'll get tomorrow (at least something that attacks from a distance).

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A thought just occurred to me - does the reveal of Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch give us any indication that the Aqshy crusade will be the one to succeed?

I can see an argument both for and against - why make such a centrepiece model for the failed crusade, but also it could also be a great plot twist and give her a great narrative for seeking redemption in 4.0 and beyond. What do others think?

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

"Next week on Warhammer Community we’ll have a cracking reveal of new miniatures for the Cities of Sigmar"

Yay! Plural miniatures 😀

I'm really glad the reveals are starting to pick up! Maybe we could actually see the Launch Set in early-mid August 😛

And Fusiliers would be just amazing! Or a cannon (with the plural being the crew)! Or anything gunpowder!

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48 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I'm not familiar enough with the subtleties of English language, but do you think there is an allusion to artillery and/or a firing unit in the use of the term "cracking" ?

I also bet that's what we'll get tomorrow (at least something that attacks from a distance).


As in... cracking, skulls?
More ogors confirmed!

(Most likely just good old British slang, but could also be the cracking sound from gunpowder?)

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On 7/9/2023 at 6:54 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

Nothing for pre-order AoS related, but confirms another Cities reveal next week (probably tomorrow).

Oh and two new Black Library shorts with Gotrek and Blacktalon respectively.


It is list time!!!


NEW Core rules

Age of Sigmar
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry + Foot Marshall + the Not-Ogor + Alchemist + Manticore + Fusiliers
Cities Armybox
Mistery book Winter
Dawnbringer: Orruks?
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4

Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
Scenary outside + Old warbands
3 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)
Krule Monsta-hunta

Skaven Pestilens
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Decurion Lanius
Plastic Lancer
Two more Knights
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War

Warhammer 40k
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum Minska
Starters sets (intro, basic and ultimate) and other starter content
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Marines from Agastus
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 
Votann + Beastmen warbands + scenary outside

Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Old World
Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    
Fatty Nurgle Star
Ivan the bones

Epic HH
The box

If they are gonna shown various kits that implies that the Armybox could come very soon

Edited by Nezzhil
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5 hours ago, EntMan said:

Completely off topic I'm aware, and self indulgent. But you can enter the GW completion to win a bunch of new Nids or Spacecast Eternals even if you didn't buy Leviathan. You just have to email GW with at least 150 words on why you like either Tyranids or Space Marines. I got a bit carried away doing this and thought some of you fine TGA folk might enjoy my musings. Spoiler tagged so not to cause clutter for those not interested 😀 (Mods please feel free to delete this post if it's not appropriate)


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Thanks for mentioning this. I wasn't aware it was an option, so I've just gone ahead and entered.

Also, lol at your submission 😄

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45 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Thanks for mentioning this. I wasn't aware it was an option, so I've just gone ahead and entered.

Also, lol at your submission 😄

Most, probably all, GW comps have a purchase/Warhammer+/etc free way to enter, usually buried in the terms and conditions.

Glad you enjoyed the submission. I have no doubts no one at GW will read it beyond an algorithm counting the words and checking it mentions either Nids or marines. I had fun though.

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15 hours ago, EntMan said:

Completely off topic I'm aware, and self indulgent. But you can enter the GW completion to win a bunch of new Nids or Spacecast Eternals even if you didn't buy Leviathan. You just have to email GW with at least 150 words on why you like either Tyranids or Space Marines. I got a bit carried away doing this and thought some of you fine TGA folk might enjoy my musings. Spoiler tagged so not to cause clutter for those not interested 😀 (Mods please feel free to delete this post if it's not appropriate)


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To what email shall one send those words?

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9 hours ago, EntMan said:

Most, probably all, GW comps have a purchase/Warhammer+/etc free way to enter, usually buried in the terms and conditions.

I suspect it's a legal thing. If you make entry require a purchase, it begins gambling, which is likely subject to a bunch of additional regulation or possibly even illegal in some of the places the competition is held.

Of course GW doesn't advertise it too openly, because, ultimately, they do want you to buy Leviathan to enter.

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4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

To what email shall one send those words?

Details are here under section 4.1.2 - Alternative Method of Entry.

I suspect it's important that you get the subject of the email exactly right, and make sure your entry is over 150 words. Also make sure to include something like "I love the Tyranids/Space Marines" just incase their algorithm checks, though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if the Lorem Ipsum text would pass.

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23 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Details are here under section 4.1.2 - Alternative Method of Entry.

I suspect it's important that you get the subject of the email exactly right, and make sure your entry is over 150 words. Also make sure to include something like "I love the Tyranids/Space Marines" just incase their algorithm checks, though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if the Lorem Ipsum text would pass.

I think you have until 10am UK time today to enter.

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17 hours ago, EntMan said:

"Next week on Warhammer Community we’ll have a cracking reveal of new miniatures for the Cities of Sigmar"

Yay! Plural miniatures 😀

Plural miniatures but singular reveal, my guess is that we are getting a unit previewed. Hope it is multiple reveals but I am expecting only one.

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