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I’ve just checked the reveals. Very thin on AoS content.

CoS: Manticore is really nice; of course, in a typical AoS manner, the stuff on the top is too busy – but this seems to be the CoS general aesthetic. The Wizard is great and top spot for me. 

Skaven: Very good. Now, please do something with them in the main game.

Kruleboyz: With every release, Kruleboyz solidify their no. 1 spot on my list of never-buy factions. This time, they went with the monkeys (what? why?) and orruks with arms so lanky that they only deserve one question: Do you even lift, bros? 


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3 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Kruleboyz: With every release, Kruleboyz solidify their no. 1 spot on my list of never-buy factions. This time, they went with the monkeys (what? why?) and orruks with arms so lanky that they only deserve one question: Do you even lift, bros? 

Nop, they shout!

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30 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:


Blood Bowl as WarCom forewarned us, but he could probably be converted into something for SBGL without much grief. 

My what a ghoulishly delightful surprise! While I'm somewhat disappointed the only members of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA to make it to the grid iron are those two mummies in the Underworld team, I can appreciate the effort that went into this guy.

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1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

No surprise there, though I'd like to see them repainted to match the new CoS models' colour scheme to get a better idea of how well they look together.

This guy! I've saw him somewhere before in artwork or very close to it

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Seeing the Irondrakes blend really well next to the new Freeguilds, I wonder what the old dark elves would look like next to them. I don't want to be biased, but those DE kits looked always very static (it's because of the head being a part of the body...) apart from the corsairs, so I'm a bit reserved on that.

Same thing can be said for the Disposessed kits though. They are all posed the same, wield their weapons the same and look pretty much exactly the same within a unit. I've never been a fan of them, and even though they don't look horribly out of place, some new Cities style Duardin would look so, so much better, especially next to the much more dynamic and varied Steelhelms.

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

I’ve just checked the reveals. Very thin on AoS content.

CoS: Manticore is really nice; of course, in a typical AoS manner, the stuff on the top is too busy – but this seems to be the CoS general aesthetic. The Wizard is great and top spot for me. 

Skaven: Very good. Now, please do something with them in the main game.

Kruleboyz: With every release, Kruleboyz solidify their no. 1 spot on my list of never-buy factions. This time, they went with the monkeys (what? why?) and orruks with arms so lanky that they only deserve one question: Do you even lift, bros? 


Strongest Mork Fan


Weakest Gork enjoyer


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3 hours ago, Snarff said:

Same thing can be said for the Disposessed kits though. They are all posed the same, wield their weapons the same and look pretty much exactly the same within a unit. I've never been a fan of them, and even though they don't look horribly out of place, some new Cities style Duardin would look so, so much better, especially next to the much more dynamic and varied Steelhelms.

At least the Dispos can turn their heads around because they heads are separate from their trunks, unlike the Dark Elves... Yeah their poses are really similar, but it's more of a "Vanari Warden" type of situation imo, where the samey poses sorta work because the minis are detailed and static but not too static (they look like the're forming a shieldwall). Unlike the DE who just kinda stand there at attention.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see new Cities duardins, but in the meanwhile, I have no problems with Dispos as they are.  

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26 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

At least the Dispos can turn their heads around because they heads are separate from their trunks, unlike the Dark Elves... Yeah their poses are really similar, but it's more of a "Vanari Warden" type of situation imo, where the samey poses sorta work because the minis are detailed and static but not too static (they look like the're forming a shieldwall). Unlike the DE who just kinda stand there at attention.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see new Cities duardins, but in the meanwhile, I have no problems with Dispos as they are.  

Barring Gotrek, chorfs, and sky pirates, the only good dwarf in AOS is a dead dwarf: 


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3 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

So Ironjawz are the average Gym-Rat, Kruleboyz are the high school kids who take up space while “lifting,” does that make the Gitz the kids in the daycare center?

Ogors are the strong men outside flipping tyres and pulling full laden wagons.

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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

so there's another teaser picture of the Steelhelms that is better than the stream preview and preview article?? loving all the axes. i guess this is from instagram?

CDN media

It’s about 2 normal faces the rest looks like the demography of germany: Oooooold and sport is a foreign word; main source of nutrients: Beer. I‘ve rarely seen so many „uncle“ faces. 🤣

Main purpose of the Dawnbringer Crusades: avoiding elderly Care.




Sorry for being so dark guys xD

Edited by JackStreicher
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4 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

so there's another teaser picture of the Steelhelms that is better than the stream preview and preview article?? loving all the axes. i guess this is from instagram?

CDN media


You know, seeing this, I had this utterly heretical thought. What if Cities had been saved for the 4th edition starter, versus Skaven, or one of the other "in need" factions?

I just can't face another "stormcast Vs X" box; whereas having an analogue to the 5th or (especially) the 6th edition WFB box, with a whole new "human" or "human/dwarf/elf" range, would have been lovely. 

Im not sure, but are stormcast really popular enough to be relied on to draw in buyers in the way marines really carry 40k starters? Whereas Cities especially could and should provide AoS with a more solid core faction (hopefully with realm-based variations, as these are Asqhinian, right?)

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20 minutes ago, petitionercity said:


You know, seeing this, I had this utterly heretical thought. What if Cities had been saved for the 4th edition starter, versus Skaven, or one of the other "in need" factions?

I just can't face another "stormcast Vs X" box; whereas having an analogue to the 5th or (especially) the 6th edition WFB box, with a whole new "human" or "human/dwarf/elf" range, would have been lovely. 

Im not sure, but are stormcast really popular enough to be relied on to draw in buyers in the way marines really carry 40k starters? Whereas Cities especially could and should provide AoS with a more solid core faction (hopefully with realm-based variations, as these are Asqhinian, right?)

I think there are times when people already familiar with Warhammer, take for granted that they already understand the settings. Having Sci-Fi Super Soldiers in Marines for 40k and Fantasy Super Soldiers in Stormcast for AoS, make for very digestible, understandable and marketable points of entry into incredibly vast IPs. I am actually really looking forward to where GW takes Stormcast in 4th. The faction has been gradually gaining more depth in lore and I really like the Thunderstrike armor proportions. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I just hope that GW endeavors to keep the range tight and doesn't allow it to become a bloated mess. 



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5 hours ago, petitionercity said:


You know, seeing this, I had this utterly heretical thought. What if Cities had been saved for the 4th edition starter, versus Skaven, or one of the other "in need" factions?

I just can't face another "stormcast Vs X" box; whereas having an analogue to the 5th or (especially) the 6th edition WFB box, with a whole new "human" or "human/dwarf/elf" range, would have been lovely. 

Im not sure, but are stormcast really popular enough to be relied on to draw in buyers in the way marines really carry 40k starters? Whereas Cities especially could and should provide AoS with a more solid core faction (hopefully with realm-based variations, as these are Asqhinian, right?)

I mean most surveys and tournament data do have them at the top.

Even if people feel they have force as the face of the franchise it been said that they are ergonomically design for new beginners and relatively easy to paint then most army. 

none of the CoS design screams easy to paint or even being a beginner friendly army.

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