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17 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

does he always review the lore bits in these boxes too?? that's awesome, I might have to take a dive through old posts

Yeah! His blog’s big on pointing out the lore and using it for inspiration. 

If a box set or book review is hefty enough they’ll usually do a seperate lore post just for it. My favorite is the NightHaunt lore review and going over how it “fleshed out” so much from their first tome and how the Realm of Death worked. Very good stuff to pull new curious people in to the characters and lore.


Like my favorite bit they highlight really gets the Narrative juices flowing for crafting an AoS scenario unique to it’s setting.

“One thing that this edition of their battletome does more than the last is spend quite a bit of time talking about the nature of ghosts and afterlives in the Mortal Realms in general. Some of this is stuff we would have read before in places like the main rulebook, but it dives a lot more into the minutia of it. In the Mortal Realms there are many afterlives. Essentially, if a culture believed in a specific afterlife enough, it would manifest within Shyish and once they died their souls would go there. After awhile, if that culture died off, or the living stopped believing in that afterlife, it would fade away in Shyish and all of the souls would disappear into oblivion. It also mentions how there are aelf afterlives there, that hover above the rest in the sky, and duardin afterlives that exist beneath the ground. The underworlds also weren't gated communities. It was possible for souls to wander from one to another, creating a blended culture.

All of this first started to change during the Age of Myth, when the living first started to settle in Shyish. They made their homes amongst the underworlds, some of them are direct descendants of the souls who lived there already. This caused a lot of resentment amongst some of the souls, who were offended by the vibrancy of the living, but at the same time a lot of the underworlds lived in harmony with them, as long as they helped protect the lands. This was especially true during the Age of Chaos, when the living and the dead often had to fight together to survive.“

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9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

That or they have 'get-you-by' lists which let people use their old collection, but are then replaced once it's their turn for support - I personally doubt they'll do this, but they did for Necromunda sooo.... teeny tiny maybe?

Def expecting an "index" style situation at launch with big, temporary books so that everyone can play with their existing armies while waiting on their army book.

9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I think it will ultimately just come down to whether or not they plan on reusing WHFB moulds.

Some WFB models from the early-mid 2010s have aged really well, I could see them do that. Why spend much time and energy redoing moulds while the minis made by the old moulds can still hold their own in comparison to your latest releases in the early 2020s ?

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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7 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Some WFB models from the early-mid 2010s have aged really well, I could see them do that. Why spend much time and energy redoing moulds while the minis made by the old moulds can still hold their own in comparison to your latest releases in the early 2020s ?

people should definitely expect older kits to get reused, probably a lot. only thing truly new would be characters since it's a different age. they're also hamstrung by their in-universe tech needing to be earlier/before WHFB.

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Speak of the devil... new The Old World post right on time!



Alongside many new kits (some of which we previewed last month), Warhammer: The Old World will herald the return of some much-missed ranges of Citadel miniatures. Amongst these will be the chivalrous armies of the Kingdom of Bretonnia, one of the most iconic armies of the Old World.

Who at WarCom was watching the last few posts on this thread?


As you can see, our painted models are on square bases – but these are slightly bigger than they were back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The majority of models in Warhammer: The Old World will indeed sit on bigger bases – there are a few reasons for this.



So now, all 20mm bases have been replaced with 25mm bases. Most (but not all) 25mm and 25×50 bases have been replaced with new-sized bases.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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If you look at the Horus Heresy range there are 34 plastic kits so far  of which 4 are old kits and 14 are upgrade sprues. That leaves 16 kits. The old Bretonnian army had somewhere in the region of 20 kits. Even if all the characters are resin that would mean at most two armies worth of plastic in the first year of Warhammer fantasy assuming the same rate of production as Horus Heresy. I think we could see 4 or 5 core units for each faction in plastic and the rest in resin. They could potentially do three armies a year at that rate without massively exceeding the Horus Heresy budget. 


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10 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Speak of the devil...

Who at WarCom was watching the last few posts on this thread?

Well so much for being historically accurate. 

The trebuchet was invented in Louen’s time, not the past. 😛 


Q: Are the models getting bigger?

A: No, the new models will be in the same scale as the returning range from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The base size change has come about because some of those ‘90s and ‘00s models became difficult to rank up, and we’re taking the opportunity to fix the problem. It will mean that newer models joining the range can be more dynamically posed, but proportions remain the same.”

In their heart of hearts they know it’s because of the pole-arms. Soooo many spearmen & men-at-arms grabbed eachother when being moved or taken off the tray.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Well that's a nice confirmation we will get some news at Warhammer Fest.

I don't want to get excited..


Ah I really hope this will be the main reveal.

Or actually, perhaps it'll be a main teaser for the full reveal on the 40th anniversary, that'll be my guess.

It's so good to know we'll be hearing something at the end of the month, can't wait.

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It's actually the first time TOW has gotten any kind of reveal at a preview event, so that's a very major step. It's incredibly unlikely that they'll preview something that's more than six months out, also, so I'd say TOW release later in the year is also pretty much confirmed.

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Ok, now I'm confused. Were those not knights of the realm in the preview pictures? Why are they showing the old models? Also they were half way to giving a good answer about basing. They are completely ignoring all the people who rebased their army to play AoS. Why not say that they will provide appropriate movement trays for round bases too? That way everyone can play and not just the hardcore that have held onto their armies unchanged for the last 7 years. 

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Alongside many new kits (some of which we previewed last month), Warhammer: The Old World will herald the return of some much-missed ranges of Citadel miniatures. Amongst these will be the chivalrous armies of the Kingdom of Bretonnia, one of the most iconic armies of the Old World.

I'm really confused. Didn't they show 3D renders of upcoming plastic Brettonians in the last Old World update ? Then why are they using the old 2000s minis for the photoshoots ? They don't have access to their own brand new plastic kits ? 

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Might be the new plastics are for Grail/Questing Knights, since those boys were insanely expensive even back when they released.

Or they do the awkward Start Collecting(!) Warriors of Chaos thing, where the boxset gets the fancy new Knights of the Realm for a while.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Ok I was expecting some old models to return....but Bretonnians? Really? Those models are very very old. Yes some of them, mostly metal models, were great...at that time. Now all those models are obviously outdated. I am not sure whether this will be successful return. Let's hope TK skeleton warriors a.k.a. lego skeleton telegraph pole holders won't be returning.

Maybe I am too sensitive but seeing old  discontinued Bretonnian army advertised as a new bright future of Warhammer somehow feels wrong.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Might be the new plastics are for Grail/Questing Knights, since those boys were insanely expensive even back when they released.

Seems really weird even if it's the case. Do you think the 2000s Brettonians can still hold up in 2023 ? Tbf, I expected the old minis to look absolutely atrocious given how dated they are, turns out they still look ok. Not great, but ok, and that's already a lot. 

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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I'm really confused. Didn't they show 3D renders of upcoming plastic Brettonians in the last Old World update ? Then why are they using the old 2000s minis for the photoshoots ? They don't have access to their own brand new plastic kits ? 

Could be that the original plan was to just start with re-releasing older models and that's when this army was painted. Or the new renders could be from new models in a new starter set with older models filling the shelves if you want more.

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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I'm really confused. Didn't they show 3D renders of upcoming plastic Brettonians in the last Old World update ? Then why are they using the old 2000s minis for the photoshoots ? They don't have access to their own brand new plastic kits ? 

….Hastings prediction that those might just be upgrade sprues was probably on point.

From what he said a lot of this is for easy nostalgia money.

Old kits, new stuff largely resin and upgrade plastic sprues.

We’ll see but this is looking accurate.(and now the fun game of imagining modern prices on outdated models. 😅)

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Strangely seeing them show of the old plastic Brets is a bit of a relief for me, as it reduces the temptation to jump in myself. I owned some of those Knights if the Realm lot back in 2003/4 and even then I didn't much like them as there were a bunch of areas where the chainmail texture would go flat due to the limitations of moulding. I have zero interest in picking any up today.

Also they missed the most important TOW announcement, namely that they are also bringing back Mordheim with full new plastic warbands, and twice the support Newcromunda gets. Or at least that's what I'm hoping for. That I would buy (unless it came with the old warbands of course.

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5 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Anyone got any guesses what will be next week's pre-order? This week is 40k, so there's a decent chance it'll be AoS next week. I'd it too much to hire for the Seraphon army?

Hoping strongly for the Seraphon box but it could be Underworlds/Killteam too 

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6 minutes ago, Beardsly said:

If I had to guess they'll be taking the opportunity to replace older metal/finecast units (ie Grail/Questing Knights) with new plastic models, and then using the older kits to keep the range the same size to begin with.

That’s what I’m getting from it. The new range for the factions will be admixture of old kits and brand new kits. 

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