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37 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

AoS, necromunda and blood bowl is my guess. 

HH gets shown on Thursdays, to early for warcry and Underworlds and 40k is the focus this week so wouldn't want new 40k reveals taking away from promoting the new releases. 

On reflection, I don't think it's too soon for Underworlds.

Normally next season should be released in April (new season every six months, from October to April). We are right on time. And we probably know one of the two next box's warbands with Tzeentch pink horror revealed recently on twitter. I agree for the HH on Thursday : which leaves room for Underworlds ! (absolutely no doubt for Necro/BB though)

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I know it's likely but I would be pretty disappointed if all 3 of the reveals tomorrow are for specialist games. Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Warhammer: Underworlds and Warcry are all likely to appear tomorrow so we could get skipped over for AoS. 


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I'm not expecting to see anything for Underworlds until Adepticon, when they'll probably show off the new 'six month' starter. Then again, we saw the probably-Underworlds Tzeentch tease last week.

Too soon for War Cry and Kill Team.

Lord of the Rings hasn't seen anything for a while. Interestingly the Iron Hills Warriors set vanished off FW a while ago, but a plasticification of that popular kit feels like something they'd similarly leave for a show like Adepticon. Then again, they've always been weird about when/where they show off MESBG stuff.

I don't think it's impossible we'll see another Seraphon reveal, but I imagine they'd also want to save some gas in the tank for AdeptiCon. 

Blood Bowl/Necromunda/30k are probably the safest bets.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:
  Hide contents

Cawdor riders
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)

Age of Sigmar
Special Darkoath
Blades of Khorne, Vanguard, new Priest
Slaanesh, Vanguard, new Hero
Spring Death Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

Nightmare's Quest


Horus Heresy
Alpha Legion heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
Raven Guard heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)

Traitor Esoterist
Exodus (Forgeworld)
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
Despoilers upgrade kit
Contemptor Dreadnought
Heads 1 & 2
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator

Warhammer 40k
Special Commissar
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Azrael, Dark Angel
Wrath of the Soul Forge King
Brutalis Dreadnought
Desolation Squad
Primaris Lieutenant
Arks of Omen: Vashtorr + Vashtorr
Arks of Omen: Tau + Snikrot, Tau Hero a never remember his name
Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Genestealers, Daemons, Death Guard, Mechanicus, Aeldari, Drukhari, Orks, Tau

 Kill Team 

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo



FYI, the event exclusive Darkoath and Commissar were both available this weekend at the Warhammer World anniversary event so they can probably be taken off the list too.

Also Gallowfall has been confirmed as the name for the next Kill Team box from their roadmap.

Edited by EonChao
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22 hours ago, KingKull said:

Given that I've impulsively ordered the new beastlord even though I don't have my first army sorted yet, does anyone know when the existing gors and other beastmen are from?

I remember they got a massive refresh shortly before I left the hobby as a young teen, but I can't remember what were the things that got updated and what they got.

Another related question, what are the odds of having beasts redone in the relatively near future?

Seeing as we just got a new Tome Id say a while away but with the Narrative going the way it is and the hints in the BOC Tome I wouldnt be surprised for us to get new minis next Edition as Skaven and Beasts are the only Chaos Factions with almost all their minis as holdovers from WHFB!!

Also perhaps we will get a new mini with the next narrative Campaign. MORGHUR PERHAPS!?

Im also hoping that the last Warcry boxed set is BOC though that isnt very likely Im afraid. But hooves crossed!!

3 hours ago, DinoJon said:

C'mon new Seraphon reveal! 

I think its quite likely!! One last Seraphon reveal before Adepticon so maybe an army box of everything shown so far?

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9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Seeing as we just got a new Tome Id say a while away but with the Narrative going the way it is and the hints in the BOC Tome I wouldnt be surprised for us to get new minis next Edition as Skaven and Beasts are the only Chaos Factions with almost all their minis as holdovers from WHFB!!

Also perhaps we will get a new mini with the next narrative Campaign. MORGHUR PERHAPS!?

Im also hoping that the last Warcry boxed set is BOC though that isnt very likely Im afraid. But hooves crossed!!

I think its quite likely!! One last Seraphon reveal before Adepticon so maybe an army box of everything shown so far?

Do we know/have good guesses how many Seraphon reveals are left? I've lost count.

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32 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Do we know/have good guesses how many Seraphon reveals are left? I've lost count.

We've had: Slaan, 2x Rapterdon, Saurus Warriors(which adds up to less than half, though not sure if Raptordon counts as 2), Astrolith Bearer, Salamander.

If Raptadon riders counts as 2, which I think it might, then there are at least 9 new things. If not then 7. If the latter is the case then we have at least 1 more reveal, the former then 2 more at least. Though of course nothing says this is a limit, though I doubt it would be too much more than just over double the initial reveal, of course "less than half" may have been used very loosely, but when refering to a reveal of something like one third of the models? I doubt it. Would say 10-12 models at most depending on if alternates count. This is all complete speculation of course!


Kroxigors would seem like a shoe-in, in fact it would be astounding if they weren't being updated. So if 1 more it would be them I think.


I would say Knights and/ or a Old Blood on Cold one has a good chance, but are not guaranteed (though I belive there are REs of a Seraphon looking spear and a sword with patterns on that looks like it may be Seraphon which may be from 1 or both of these). There is also the possibility of a Razordon alternate kit for the Salamander, as well as some sort of Large monster such as a Coatl. Seem to remember that Temple Guard were likely ruled out by Whitefang, who tends to know these things.


So my totally, obviously, completely scientific guess is we have between 1 and 5 reveals left, most likely 2-3. If we have 3, then we could get 1 tomorrow, then another (edit) 2 weeks after, and a reveal at Adepticon. If that is the case maybe Kroxigors tomorrow. Old One/Scar Vet on Cold one 2 weeks after, then Coatl at Adepticon alongside the reveal of the army box? Perhaps Optimistic, but the timeline would make sense.

Edited by Goatforce
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I'm keeping my expectations low. Kroxigors and Cold One Riders and little else.

If we do get more, I'll be delighted, just not counting on it. 

I think the curious thing is that out of all of this so far the only genuinely new thing we've had revealed is the Raptadons. Normally GW prefer to introduce more new things rather than just update old things, so hopefully we do get at least one new thing.

Plus, keep in mind that for the next few editions we'll likely get little more than foot heroes in 4th or 5th, so things like saurus leaders on foot or somesuch will likely come much later XD

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Just now, RileyArlic said:

I'm keeping my expectations low. Kroxigors and Cold One Riders and little else.

If we do get more, I'll be delighted, just not counting on it. 

I think the curious thing is that out of all of this so far the only genuinely new thing we've had revealed is the Raptadons. Normally GW prefer to introduce more new things rather than just update old things, so hopefully we do get at least one new thing.

Plus, keep in mind that for the next few editions we'll likely get little more than foot heroes in 4th or 5th, so things like saurus leaders on foot or somesuch will likely come much later XD

I hope that the foot leader spam will end with 4th edition, and that it was a biproduct of Covid. Not that I think that we will get big updates with every book, but at least we will hopefully get, if many releases still only come with a single new unit, units of models (a new infantry or cav unit for example) or mounted heroes instead.

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37 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

I hope that the foot leader spam will end with 4th edition, and that it was a biproduct of Covid. Not that I think that we will get big updates with every book, but at least we will hopefully get, if many releases still only come with a single new unit, units of models (a new infantry or cav unit for example) or mounted heroes instead.

I think itll continue a little but Covid definitely seemed to make it a bigger impact this Edition.

Im hoping for the following to get more than a Foot Hero in 4.0

Ogor Mawtribes.


Idoneth Deepkin.

Kharadron Overlords.


Beasts of Chaos.

Thats not to say any of Death because we still dont know!!

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1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

I'm keeping my expectations low. Kroxigors and Cold One Riders and little else.

If we do get more, I'll be delighted, just not counting on it. 

I think the curious thing is that out of all of this so far the only genuinely new thing we've had revealed is the Raptadons. Normally GW prefer to introduce more new things rather than just update old things, so hopefully we do get at least one new thing.

Plus, keep in mind that for the next few editions we'll likely get little more than foot heroes in 4th or 5th, so things like saurus leaders on foot or somesuch will likely come much later XD

In regards to the new units vs refresh of old units, it's useful to compare to Soulblight and Slaves to Darkness as they're similarly large scale refreshes of Fantasy armies.

Excluding the Cursed City related special characters, Soulblight only got 1 new unit (Vengorian Lord) alongside a significant number of updated sculpts for existing units. S2D also saw mostly updated sculpts - just the Ogroid Theridons and the special character alternate build for the mounted lord were new units.

Essentially, I wouldn't be surprised if the Raptordons were the only new unit, with maybe one more surprise new character/monster.

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40 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think a new army is going to be released towards the end of this edition? 

This had been the case for 40k. Maybe it'll be the same for us. I bet on malerion elves instead of chaos duardins. And I do not see what could come instead of these two heavily anticipated forces.

Personnally I miss the 2nd edition army release where you could expect a new army coming up right after a big annoucement during the edition. I remember how I was excited when they annouced Ossiarch and Idoneth (less excited by the others but where still great).

But I understand the frustration one could have waiting for an improved battletome made for the current edition, and the anticipation for a new unit/ character.

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2 hours ago, EntMan said:

Do we know/have good guesses how many Seraphon reveals are left? I've lost count.

From the Rumor Savant Whitefang we should have at least 2 left. 

Most likely Kroxigor and "Cold One" Riders.  Those were at least semi confirmed. 

I'm holding out hope for another hero whether it's mounted or foot I don't care. Also hoping the Spawn of Chotec making a razordon and maybe a new monster/warmachine/big thing. 

Oh and Valrak mentioned something about a spawning pool but as far as his AoS rumors go I wouldn't put much value in that. 

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think a new army is going to be released towards the end of this edition? 

There'd certainly be space for it, with Autumn/Winter/Spring to fill. 

Could also be that Flesh-eater Courts see a big wave in that slot instead, particularly as they'd be the only army without a 3.0 'tome once OBR and SBGL are out (unless I'm missing something?)

Though we did get LRL Wave 2 and Soulblight back in early 2021, so both FEC and a new army isn't out of the question.

War Cry has been alluding to Chaos Dwarfs making their way into Thondia with the Horns of Hashut being the scouting force, which may not be a coincidence. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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One thing I've noticed is that GW loves hero models. A LOT of one model updates that get fed into the game in bits are hero models. Heck the recent 2 for Slaanesh and Khorne are heroes. So potentially we might see fewer heroes as part of the main update of the Seraphon, but followed by a drip of hero models at various other times. 

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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

There'd certainly be space for it, with Autumn/Winter/Spring to fill. 

Could also be that Flesh-eater Courts see a big wave in that slot instead.

Though we did get LRL Wave 2 and Soulblight back in early 2021, so both FEC and a new army (or some other combo) isn't out of the question I suppose.

Personally I'd love to see Flesheaters get a big update or Ossiarchs a solid second wave of models. 

FE getting an update would also cross update Soulblight (zombie dragaon and vargheists) so there's good ground there for two birds with one stone kind of update. 


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3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think a new army is going to be released towards the end of this edition? 

I thought we would considering how we have about a year till 4.0 (supposedly) 

However, I’m wondering if New Cities/Dawnbringers is the last “new thing” and is quite a large release. 

The other interesting faction is Flesh Eater. Pending the spring death Battletome , and rumors of SBGL getting reboxed has been leading to OBR and SBGL getting the new books meaning we are still awaiting Flesh Eater. (Unless they are tossing FEC into the gravelords) but that could mean FEC could be getting a Seraphon/Slaves release and will come later after Seraphon. 

Or they completely blindside us and drop another new army. Going off lore reference, betting odds would have Malerion, Oathbreakers or Silent People.


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4 hours ago, Overread said:

One thing I've noticed is that GW loves hero models. A LOT of one model updates that get fed into the game in bits are hero models. Heck the recent 2 for Slaanesh and Khorne are heroes. So potentially we might see fewer heroes as part of the main update of the Seraphon, but followed by a drip of hero models at various other times. 

One hero models can give a faction a new way to play, thus pushing battletomes with minimal changes every three years.

They are hardly any effort for a design team; monopose single models are a lot easier than a box with options that all have to fit and work.

They are also easy for writers, adding only a single variable to a ruleset upsets balance the least.

For players, they are also the cheapest way to update their faction. Perfect for those players that don't like painting or building models.

And of course, they are priced very close to 20 person infantry sets from companies like Wargames Atlantic or Northstar and over half that of their own 10 person infantry sets (or older 20 sets), they must have the highest percentage markup of anything GW sells bar PDFs.

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