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8 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Yeah pretty sure we'll see that model with the books. Probably some "Kharadron Grudge Keeper" or maybe something more dwarfy

Logisticator? Codekeeper?

I can imagine some kind of keeper of the code (and all it's amendments) or simple the guy responsible for keeping notes of how much the ship earned.

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Loving these Mortal Realms Mondays.

44 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Edit: nevermind

I wonder of all 5 Spring books will get models with them or if some might not get anything? Was there a faction in 2nd edition that didn't get any models?

I would hope every Faction gets at least 1 mini. I dont want to go back to the WHFB dark days.

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The one thing I'll say about Warcry is that if they do some sort of 'ruin interior' or 'dungeon crawl' sort of terrain set... I'd be ALL FOR THAT. 

A warband creeping through dungeons and avoiding traps and all the other DnD tropes you could expect in a space-lizard ship interior or something would be epic.

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47 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

I wonder of all 5 Spring books will get models with them or if some might not get anything? Was there a faction in 2nd edition that didn't get any models?


SBGL had a lot of love in 2nd edition so I wouldn't be surprised if they had nothing with the next BT (even if a rumor engine might make you think of a necromancer... to be continued).

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Khorne could use a few things in their updated battletome, but a brand new foot hero isn't really one of them.
They do have three heroes who can only be found on their Start Collecting sprues, along with a unit of Blood Warriors that's below the minimum unit size, so I think there may be separate sculpts for at least one of them along with the new book.

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16 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

The one thing I'll say about Warcry is that if they do some sort of 'ruin interior' or 'dungeon crawl' sort of terrain set... I'd be ALL FOR THAT. 

A warband creeping through dungeons and avoiding traps and all the other DnD tropes you could expect in a space-lizard ship interior or something would be epic.

This kind of makes me wish they did one for Beastgrave. Great idea. I dont think GW will go for the scifi terrain in a game like Warcry, but who knows.

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4 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Is there any art of what the inside of a Seraphon ship might look like?

I dont think there is any direct art of it. Closest we have are some of the art cutscenes from Total Warhammer II. We also had some descriptions from the background fiction prior to AoS II. Malign Portents I think it was. 

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3 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Edit: nevermind

I wonder of all 5 Spring books will get models with them or if some might not get anything? Was there a faction in 2nd edition that didn't get any models?

I believe every release for 3rd ed got at least one model (upgrade sprue in the case of Sons of Behemat but it gave them two new warscrolls) so I would expect the remaining ones to get at least that.

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2 hours ago, EonChao said:

I believe every release for 3rd ed got at least one model (upgrade sprue in the case of Sons of Behemat but it gave them two new warscrolls) so I would expect the remaining ones to get at least that.

Correct. Same for 40K, so it definitely seems to be GW's new release strategy in general. 2E was more of a mixed bag, a handful of armies got a new hero, a bunch of armies got endless spells and/or faction terrain, and a couple got nothing.

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40 minutes ago, madmac said:

Correct. Same for 40K, so it definitely seems to be GW's new release strategy in general. 2E was more of a mixed bag, a handful of armies got a new hero, a bunch of armies got endless spells and/or faction terrain, and a couple got nothing.

Only Orruk warclans and Cities got nothing which was in 2019. Since 2020 every book for either system has had at least one mini accompanying the release. 

It was a surprise to see the guard stuff the same week as Black Library celebration. For the last few years this has been a black library only week. This is another sign that GW is stepping up it's production. Ignoring Black Library was hasn't changed since last year. Gw will have released 90 kits by the next pre-order compared to 46 in the same time frame last year. I wonder if this is a trend going forward or if they are just finally clearing their backlog. 

6 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

That will be too soon. They said that the book is for Spring

There's not much left on your list that isn't scheduled for Spring. At their current rate of progress Cawdor, the Daughters Warband, another Horus Heresy kit and the World Eaters box could all fit in a single week. 

If we wait until the official start of Spring there isn't much to fill the 4 weeks of pre-orders we have left. I wouldn't be surprised to see GW counting any time in March as Spring and putting up the KO book in Spring.



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34 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Since 2020 every book for either system has had at least one mini accompanying the release.

Imperial Knights and Chaos Daemons for 40k didn't have minis last year.

We'll know soon enough if it happens for SBGL (all other armies due out for AoS should have at least one mini).

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56 minutes ago, Draznak said:

Imperial Knights and Chaos Daemons for 40k didn't have minis last year.

We'll know soon enough if it happens for SBGL (all other armies due out for AoS should have at least one mini).

Yeah I forgot those. Chaos Daemons launched alongside new Chaos minis, just not ones for their own book. Imperial Knights are not the easiest faction to put out a new hero for. All the upcoming spring books are perfectly positioned to have a new mini or two. A hero that matches the aesthetic of the warcry warband for Soulblight would be awesome. That faction has already had an Underworlds warband, a warcry warband and a limited edition mini since the book released so I see no reason why they would stop now.  I'm still holding out hope that we get a Nighthaunt style release for one or more of these books. 

As for the rumour list you mentioned earlier, people have been guessing KO for that rumour engine since it appeared. If you make enough educated guesses your bound to get something right eventually. 

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

Only Orruk warclans and Cities got nothing which was in 2019. Since 2020 every book for either system has had at least one mini accompanying the release. 

It was a surprise to see the guard stuff the same week as Black Library celebration. For the last few years this has been a black library only week. This is another sign that GW is stepping up it's production. Ignoring Black Library was hasn't changed since last year. Gw will have released 90 kits by the next pre-order compared to 46 in the same time frame last year. I wonder if this is a trend going forward or if they are just finally clearing their backlog. 

There's not much left on your list that isn't scheduled for Spring. At their current rate of progress Cawdor, the Daughters Warband, another Horus Heresy kit and the World Eaters box could all fit in a single week. 

If we wait until the official start of Spring there isn't much to fill the 4 weeks of pre-orders we have left. I wouldn't be surprised to see GW counting any time in March as Spring and putting up the KO book in Spring.



Let's not forget, they now have increased the number of machines for plastic production to 8 (can't remember if it was 4 or 6 before), do their production capacity has certainly gone up. 

And going by the timeline, it would appear that GW will be using meteorological spring which starts 1st March. 

As there are 5 battletomes to come out in a 12 week period (and maybe a lizard army box) it would make sense to have the first one drop in the first week of March. 

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I'd expect we at least start seeing previews of some of the upcoming Battletomes and (hopefully) accompanying minis in the coming weeks if GW intends to fit them all into spring.

I may have bought a bunch of Hedonites ahead of the coming price rise, and am very excited to see what GW does with their Battletome (please don't be bad).

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31 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I'd expect we at least start seeing previews of some of the upcoming Battletomes and (hopefully) accompanying minis in the coming weeks if GW intends to fit them all into spring.

I may have bought a bunch of Hedonites ahead of the coming price rise, and am very excited to see what GW does with their Battletome (please don't be bad).

You know, it would be kinda  if that chaos battletome would be in fact a new one for the skaven😂.

but truthfully that won’t be the case. And the chances of a new chaos faction in such a short time without any news would definitely hint more towards the last two chaos faction that haven’t gotten a new battletome.

and as for the hedonite battletome.

what’s the worst that could happen.

it’s not like they’ll have the same battletome as before, with an faq sized update of newish stuff that changed only like the battleline if option and removed halve of your spell lore, command trait and artefact, while putting all of those things on 2 pages but in sich a way that you always have to take about halve an hour to get an idea of what boons can be given to what hero, repeating the same misery over every day when writing your list.

and you getting new rules that make the faction something they aren’t in the fluff and never should have been in the game, making it hell on earth trying to play that faction.

but that’s not going to happen…..

again (I hope)


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A bit unrelated to any of the discussions here right now, but there's been one thing bugging me for a while, and I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything at all on the subject.

Monstrous Arcanum, friends. All those FW models that disappeared without even as much as a whimper. When GW retires Citadel kits, they now tend to give us heads up, we get a chance to stock up on things we want for the sake of collecting but we're also forewarned that certain warscrolls will be axed from the game.

I don't think that happened with the FW AoS monsters, they just simply disappeared from the store and have not been folded in into the army battletomes. So what happens now with the Mournguls, Colossal Squigs etc? They haven't even reappeared in Legends as far as I can tell.


Apologies if this actually has been addressed and I'm just having a senior moment.

Edited by Grungnisson
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2 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

A bit unrelated to any of the discussions here right now, but there's been one thing bugging me for a while, and I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything at all on the subject.

Monstrous Arcanum, friends. All those FW models that disappeared without even as much as a whimper. When GW retires Citadel kits, they now tend to give us heads up, we get a chance to stock up on things we want for the sake of collecting but we're also forewarned that certain warscrolls will be axed from the game.

I don't think that happened with the FW AoS monsters, they just simply disappeared from the store and have not been folded in into the army battletomes. So what happens now with the Mournguls, Colossal Squigs etc? They haven't even reappeared in Legends as far as I can tell.


Apologies if this actually has been addressed and I'm just having a senior moment.

All the warscrolls are still on the app. 

While they probably won't be allowed in tournaments, there is nothing stopping you using them at home or club. 

I'll talk to your opponent first but I can't see anyone having an issue with them. 

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