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8 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

"the end times are canon!!" yeah pull the other one lads 🙄

I mean even in AoS they're canon, so I don't know what anyone expected. It's far too late for them to ever realistically go back and do "The Real End Times" so they're stuck with it. WHFB dies, AoS is created, the best they can do is soft recon some of the events so they sound slightly less stupid for people that never read the novels.

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11 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

im starting to fear oldwoorld will be only some empire factions versus chaos ( like 99% of 40k lol) and some small atacks of orcs and beastmens.


and elves,dwarfs, lizardsmen vampires etc will appear only on the future if it get famous,..

I’m guessing that only a certain amount lf faction will get an overhaul depending on the models.

at least in the beginning.

what could have happen is that we will see some sort of an index coming out allowing people to be able to play all of the old world faction.

with that said, many people are also hoping that the old sworld starter boxes return, allowing people to add those sets to their army or start playing the old world

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3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I’m guessing that only a certain amount lf faction will get an overhaul depending on the models.

at least in the beginning.

what could have happen is that we will see some sort of an index coming out allowing people to be able to play all of the old world faction.

with that said, many people are also hoping that the old sworld starter boxes return, allowing people to add those sets to their army or start playing the old world

It's simply not possible for them to support every old WHFB army with new models from the start, or even in 10 years. I fully expect they will have a rules index for all armies, a certain selection of old models will be brought back, and the amount of new models rolled out after the first two years or so will depend on sales.

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4 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I’m guessing that only a certain amount lf faction will get an overhaul depending on the models.

at least in the beginning.

what could have happen is that we will see some sort of an index coming out allowing people to be able to play all of the old world faction.

with that said, many people are also hoping that the old sworld starter boxes return, allowing people to add those sets to their army or start playing the old world

I'm being way too hopeful, but they did say "Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World."

And Cathay is the thing I'm most excited for, so I hope we get to see some minis for them in the next 5-10 years 😛 

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1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

Gitz was pretty much bad as soon as it came out. The grot build was decent when you could spam out as many endless spells as you wanted to block off the board.

If the mechanic was random, but the buffs were incredibly impactful offering things like reroll hits & wounds  and extra attacks it would balance out a bit and might've been an interesting mechanic. Instead you got things like reroll 1's to hit, run and charge, mortals on 5s (which you took a banner for anyways), and slightly better but still often disappointing regeneration. 

Totally agree.  I have high hopes for the new Gitz book, though.  My preference would be to see (nearly) all gitz warscrolls as kinda bad.  But under the light of the bad moon, they get really good.  Similar to how Nighthaunt are pretty bad in a vacuum, but the allegiance abilities really make up for it.  

Maybe under the light of the Bad Moon, they don't take battleshock (cuz they're all hopped up on moon fanaticism).  Or they get bonuses to hit and wound.  Or they suddenly do impact hits on the charge.  Or even extra rend.  Or some combination of all of the above.  

And make the moon semi controllable.  So that it isn't just there and gone.  Give the player some method of controlling it.  Maybe you still roll, but the player can add or subtract one from the die roll for every five enemy models killed that round.  The Bad Moon will continue to orbit a battlefield where the grots are celebrating it.  Or maybe it circles the board, but never gets removed entirely.  Or maybe even a heroic action that can be used once per battle to re-set the moon to a location of your choice.  There are a lot of options here.  

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6 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

I'm being way too hopeful, but they did say "Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World."

And Cathay is the thing I'm most excited for, so I hope we get to see some minis for them in the next 5-10 years 😛 

 Cathay is very likely and Kislev is very certainly going to be one of the new faction

6 minutes ago, madmac said:

It's simply not possible for them to support every old WHFB army with new models from the start, or even in 10 years. I fully expect they will have a rules index for all armies, a certain selection of old models will be brought back, and the amount of new models rolled out after the first two years or so will depend on sales.

I mean most of the factions in aos are part of the old world range.

even for dwarfs fyreslayers are pretty much said just slayers without pants.

in theory only one or two or so armies really are in need of the models reappearing.

so old world orks are one of the faction, and technically high elfs so too.

skaven already have models, so do the old world dwarfs, dark elves etc.

So the chance of seeing at least the old models for faction that were considered legend in aos may return at least for a certain time.

it is after all plausible although I could always be wrong 

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Old world will probably follow some of the heresy model, and heresy released 2 "army books" one for traitors and one for loyalists. We might see the same in old world with 1-3 books of loosely affiliated factions with all their rules and stuff inside rather than just 1 big index.

In terms of models they've already stated they're planning to let you play with your existing models, I wouldn't be surprised if most factions just see retired kits returning, possibly on MTO or maybe in a semi-permanent fashion, and flexing some of the aos kits that are still around from WFB.

As an example for Orcs and Goblins the savage orcs, moonclan, and spiderfang are pretty much fully in tact, they could just bring back the greenskinz kits and some of the heroes. Depending on how extensive a gitmob release we get we might have a mostly full line there too.

Then there's a few factions that are pretty much fully in tact like lizardmen, ogors, beastmen, Warriors of Chaos, and vampire counts.

If thats the plan it makes a lot of sense why they seem to be focusing on niche factions that weren't too relevant in wfb, since they won't be resculpting the majority of the wfb line.

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Chaos, beastmen, vampire counts, Skaven, demons, ogres, lizardmen and dark elves are pretty much all ready to be bought and built now to use in the world world, maybe with a few characters re-released. 

Wood elves, dwarves, orcs and goblins all have big holes in their ranges and need a major release or re-release. 

Bretonnia, tomb Kings need a complete release or re-release. 

Empire is a weird one. Will the new cities stuff be usable or will the current free guild stuff be kept available or brand new stuff. 

To me, re-releasing old stuff is a no brainer. Not only will it be bought for use in the old world but you'll have collectors, painters and people buying for nostalgia. 

I'm excited regardless, bring it on!! 

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

I respect this part a lot, glad they said it upfront:


It’s important to remember, though, that even though the setting is returning, these events still happened, and that the Old World was destroyed. The End Times had long been foreshadowed in the background of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. 


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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Old World is a Forgeworld. Horus Heresy, Necromunda or Blood Bowl has a lot of units without models and they release them from time to time. They don't need to publish all armies with full models range at launch

I can't wait for the day we get to replace Necromondays with Old World Mondays. 


Hopefully Forgeworld can crank out characters and unique units for TOW. Would love to get a Mazdamundi and an updated Tenehuain.

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10 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Old World is a Forgeworld. Horus Heresy, Necromunda or Blood Bowl has a lot of units without models and they release them from time to time. They don't need to publish all armies with full models range at launch

But remember you can build 80% of units for at least 18 armies (19 if they release Black Shields). And you can still use over-expensive resin kits to build a lot more apaprt from a few Heroes (Exodus incoming btw).

Hastings said that GW was castin Bretonian units with their old molds, Imo, that's the best thing that GW can do. An option to "buy whatever you want from the past" (or at least the majority of old miniatures from 6th to 8th) and then focus a few factions for  new models. Resin kits for unique heroes and move on from there.

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Just now, Beliman said:

But remember you can build 80% of units for at least 18 armies (19 if they release Black Shields). And you can still use over-expensive resin kits to build a lot more apaprt from a few Heroes (Exodus incoming btw).

Hastings said that GW was castin Bretonian units with their old molds, Imo, that's the best thing that GW can do. An option to "buy whatever you want from the past" (or at least the majority of old miniatures from 6th to 8th) and then focus a few factions for  new models. Resin kits for unique heroes and move on from there.

I doubt that, the best case is a rotation every few months of old kits like it happens with LotR old models. Don't forget that the limitation of stock is a golden rule for this company. We have a lot of kits with only a few months or years that you can only buy via the website because of that limitation or plenty of 40k and Underworlds kits that are forgotten.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

Kind of worrying that all we ever get to see is some art and map elements. 🤷🏼‍♂️

It makes sense. We know Cities of Sigmar are coming this year and we've only seen components for them. The Old World is almost certainly going to be coming in 2024/25 so the minis will still be at the stage of being sculpted. Plus with a setting as massive as the Old World they can't possibly re-release every faction at once. Revealing models now would either tip their hand as to what's coming first (causing sales of older figures to rocket in response and effect demand for the new ones they intend to sell).

We'll see the Old World sculpts but only when we're a few months out from their release.

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36 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I respect this part a lot, glad they said it upfront:


Agreed. "The End Times are Coming, The Old World is Doomed" was the "In the 4st Millennium there is only war" of WHFB, it was right there in the foreword of every fantasy novel. It was always the premise, even if what people imagined was probably a lot cooler than the rushed End Times novels provided.

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10 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I doubt that, the best case is a rotation every few months of old kits like it happens with LotR old models. Don't forget that the limitation of stock is a golden rule for this company. We have a lot of kits with only a few months or years that you can only buy via the website because of that limitation or plenty of 40k and Underworlds kits that are forgotten.

Yeah, maybe a mix of both worlds?

All old kits for all WHFB armies can still rotate  (big stock during the first few month and then larger rotations after the hype goes down) and one big box of (?) 1100 points (550/550) of Empire with 2 new units and 2 new leaders (one for each army).

A bit too much like Horus Heresy, but I suppose that something like that could work.

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26 minutes ago, Talas said:

Bretonnia and Tomb Kings aren't popular even in TW:W.

In fairness, since the Total War games are split over 3 releases plus rolling DLC, there's no true way to see how popular a faction is. Some factions you'll play over and over again, some have bad or annoying starts so you only play them once to a couple times. If you don't/can't buy DLC then a couple factions, including TK, aren't playable period. Would be much better to see the faction list past the first 5.

edit: I tried finding an older infographic but it doesn't look like one was made for Mortal Empires?

Edited by CommissarRotke
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15 hours ago, MitGas said:

I dunno, I'm not sure putting Tzeentch weapons on them even looks good as the styles are quite different. I've lamented often enough that these warriors are too scratched up (and their armor too barbaric, I miss the sophistication we wear) to look the part of proper Tzeentch warriors (or Slaanesh ones for that matter but unlike us they got properly armored mortals), although I find the minis great if judged on their own.

I might get a box (who am I kidding, I will for sure) but I doubt I'll convert them. Simply not worth the effort. I'd just change great minis but unless I start filling those holes and scratches and start sculpting details and so on, they'll never convey the style I deem right for true Tzeentch warriors. So I'll rather just build (and appreciate) them as they are and say they're hired or newcomers to the whole Tzeentch thing. It's kinda like with the 40k Chaos Space Marines... no reasonable amount of work would've turned them into decent Thousand Sons either, so I'll just accept them for what they are (and in 40k we got lucky with the Rubrics anyways).

Also, I'm unlikely to use them much either. There's not too much reason to use most StD units in a DoT force, although I did get the box with the DP and Chosen (decent price, especially after seeing what they cost on their own). I'll have to take a deeper look into a Cabalist force, that is interesting though as a way to use more of my StD units. 

I also recently bought a box of Tzaangors. I'm perhaps the only dude that didn't have enough Tzaangors (only owned a single unit and the Silver Tower ones).

Sorry @MitGas, it’s truly a shame that the only STD models that truly fit the DoT range are the Cypher Lords and the Mindstealer Sphiranx (imo). If you do end up running a cavalier force, do you mind sending me the pics? I’m just curious. 
Also, one can never have enough Tzaangors. The only way one can have too many Tzaangors is if GW finally decided to give TK-Sons and DoT an entire second wave with new Astartes/Mortals units

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Good to see updates for TOW but I think fans need to manage their hype (I know, funny coming from this bloke!!) when it comes to releases.

Dont expect range refreshes, like, at all.

Maybe a new character here and there and almost all Armies being the exact same models as WHFB.

Cathay and Kislev will probably be the only 'newer' fuller ranges.

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Speaking as a Tomb Kings fan and Total War player, it’s hard to play them when Khorne and Tzeentch are coming after you from both sides. And THEN the bloody bretonnians decide to attack you instead of the daemons…..

Yeah the Thunderdome us tough enough playing as one of the really strong factions. Any time I think of playing tomb kings I just kinda squirm inside and move on to something a little more manageable. The game is a blast though, and if we actually do see Cathay on the table I really hope we see the dragons too. They'd make absolutely stunning kits. Not to mention the celestial guard, artillery, sky junks... Man Cathay would be so freaking cool on the tabletop. 

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58 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Good to see updates for TOW but I think fans need to manage their hype (I know, funny coming from this bloke!!) when it comes to releases.

Dont expect range refreshes, like, at all.

Maybe a new character here and there and almost all Armies being the exact same models as WHFB.

Cathay and Kislev will probably be the only 'newer' fuller ranges.

I'm setting my expectations similar to TW series. Each release will be a campaign gradually adding in new factions as the story and/or campaign dictates.

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