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Looks like this page will look like this for a long while longer...


Drekki had a book before his model launched and this entire faction of space dorfs can't even get one? It feels like the LoV exists apart from 40k rather than a part of it.


More marine books, yay i guess for the people who are into it i guess. The Gloomspite one looks very interesting and i do intend to pick that one up, the next chapter of Gotrek looks on par with what has been released and a vampire book, not too shabby of a reveal. But still no new bloodbowl books which is an utter disgrace.





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Bit disappointing was hoping there would be more to do with the gotrek the soulslayer ending. Searching for the ruined kazak and expanding on the actual story.

Seems like this is just to introduce a new felix character and just to highlight the new dawn bringer faction. 

I hope this isn't setting a trend for his books that he is just used to introduce new factions and models. I suppose they'll explain away the end of soulslayer with a loose explanation. 

It's frustrating as so much potential.

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23 minutes ago, Kempak said:

Bit disappointing was hoping there would be more to do with the gotrek the soulslayer ending. Searching for the ruined kazak and expanding on the actual story.

Seems like this is just to introduce a new felix character and just to highlight the new dawn bringer faction. 

I hope this isn't setting a trend for his books that he is just used to introduce new factions and models. I suppose they'll explain away the end of soulslayer with a loose explanation. 

It's frustrating as so much potential.


It is unfortunately the long Gotrek tradition to be a travelogue who introduces new factions and models. I agree with you though, the ending of Soulslayer was interesting on multiple levels that I don't see strong evidence of being carried through with this new book.

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Is the Stormcast thing still an issue? First Forged is the only Stormcast focused book that has been released this year. We've had three Duardin focused books this year. 

Oh not at all mate I just havent found any Stormcast characters too engaging except for Hamilcar.

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:



Releasing at the BL Celebration.

Worth noting that Andy Clark wrote Gloomspite.


THIS IS EPIC. Not only did Andy Clark write one of AOS best novels so far and is returning to Gitz but that title would make it seem like its going to be an ongoing series!!

A Loonboss and Troggoth Buddy Cop adventure series is incredible Im so happy!!

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I'm sad that the new Gotrek book looks like he might not be getting his Witch Aelf companion back :(
And yes I do wish GW kinda did something with Gotrek long term or at least gave him a steady long term goal. His original books he had a direction long term; the current ones he seems to get set on a single major overarching path and then change his mind about it between books. Though rising the Dwarves up has a been a theme for ages. I almost get the feeling like the authors keep getting told "Yeah so after the next book we are going to do a massive load of Dwarf models and releases, to make some noise about that in the story" and then it never happens. 

Also if this really does mean he's lost his Witch Aelf its criminal that we've another marine hero model and no model for Malineth! 



New vampire book is great news! :)

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54 minutes ago, Overread said:

Also if this really does mean he's lost his Witch Aelf its criminal that we've another marine hero model and no model for Malineth! 

I mean it’d make sense for her model to release around the time of the big CoS reboot next year(possibly) anyway. Hopefully with another solo short story of hers.

They could even do a dual-release here of her and the ex-Sigmarite since they both technically left the Order of Azyr but still help the free people so would be good rebel heroes to go along with Gotrek and his ability to mix with other factions(Maleneth would even answer his speed problem while the new priestess could cover his vulnerability vs hordes)


Anyway, love the new books! They feel very new and fresh and show off the Mortal Realms amazing diversity with how different each hero is.

Also nice that these plus the chaos one gives us one novel per Grand Alliance. Been a good year for books! 👍

Edited by Baron Klatz
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12 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I mean it’d make sense for her model to release around the time of the big CoS reboot next year(possibly) anyway. Hopefully with another solo short story of hers.

They could even do a dual-release here of her and the ex-Sigmarite since they both technically left the Order of Azyr but still help the free people so would be good rebel heroes to go along with Gotrek and his ability to mix with other factions(Maleneth would even answer his speed problem while the new priestess could cover his vulnerability vs hordes)


Anyway, love the new books! They feel very new and fresh and show off the Mortal Realms amazing diversity with how different each hero is.

Also nice that these plus the chaos one gives us one novel per Grand Alliance. Been a good year for books! 👍

Would be cool if IDK will give her soul to Marathi and she will ressurect her as her agent and we will see the reunion of her and Gotrek plus his friend from Edassa as SCE.

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3 hours ago, Kempak said:

Bit disappointing was hoping there would be more to do with the gotrek the soulslayer ending. Searching for the ruined kazak and expanding on the actual story.

They’re not brave enough to do it.

I bet he just changes his mind and resumes to attend meaningless brawling and slaying. No matter what wisdom he gained before.

The story will still be fine though, however not as awesome as it could be!

(We still need some good and proper closure to Soulslayer though), a new character will almost certainly stop that from happening and reset the story progress so far.

Edited by JackStreicher
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Gitz warband and rival deck



Cawdor riders
Corpse Harvesting Party (Forgeworld)

Age of Sigmar
Slaves to Darkness Full Release
Beast of Chaos - Battletome, Hero, Cards, Dices
Gloomspite Gitz - Battletome, Snarlfangs, Cards, Dices
Spring Order Battletome
Spring Chaos Battletome
Spring Chaos Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Summer Order Battletome

Nightmare's Quest

Second warband + rival's deck

Horus Heresy
Ultramarines Heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
Thousand Sons + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
Scorpius Missile Tank
Horus Ascendant
Salamander heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)

Warhammer 40k
Astra Militarum Full Release
World Eaters Full Release
Arks of Omen: Abaddon
Arks of Omen: Angron
Arks of Omen: Vashtorr + Vashtorr
Arks of Omen: Unknown

Blood Bowl


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2 hours ago, cofaxest said:

Would be cool if IDK will give her soul to Marathi and she will ressurect her as her agent and we will see the reunion of her and Gotrek plus his friend from Edassa as SCE.

Have we ever had closure on that?
Far as I recall the souls of the Khinerai and Melusai are all from those saved from Slaanesh's belly and given new bodies by Morathi. I think all the current ones who die go to Nagash and the Undead Realm. Because its only Sigmar he really has a beef with and its only Sigmar who steals active souls from the Mortal Realms who die. 


That's why it was such a big thing that Morathi stole more than her fair share and damaged the bindings that held Slaanesh in place and why that spell has to keep going as Slaanesh ate a LOT of elf souls from the Old World. Vast legions of them - thus more than enough to keep Morathi well supplied with melusai and khinerai and the others with their creatures. 

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10 hours ago, Wraith said:

To be fair, the business model for GW and other successful games companies is to sell miniatures. The rules are there to create demand for their models. Another example is Corvus Belli. There is nothing wrong with this in and of itself. If GW didn't make enough money, they would not be able to keep up the pace of rules support and background stuff like novels. In fact, now that I think about it, people like me who buy too many miniatures deserve affirmation for helping to create the wealth needed to further employ the lore creators. :)


If there is something that GW could be criticised for, it would be how their do their IP thing without any acknowledgement of the 1960's and 70's sources that inspired the Warhammer world in the first place. For example: Micheal Moorcock's Storm-bringer series, art by people like Frank Frazzetta, the Heavy Metal magazine and it's European forerunners, and many more. GW build on all these sources of then mainstream fantasy in the late 70's and 80's, but today seek to impose their own copyright on it. The Chaos symbol, for example, was a Michael Moorcock creation. It should be public IP. I think GW failed on their attempt to trademark "Space Marine". It had been used before 40K had even been launched.


Anyway, it is ok by me if GW takes a miniatures centric business model, as they have to remain profitable. I see no reason why they shouldn't trademark any IP that they really did come up with themselves. And it would be to their credit if they would be honest about the cultural sources that inspired Warhammer.

Ironically, the more models has a faction and the better the rules, the more popular is the army (and thus will sell more). But I think that is "relative" to other armies. Thus, they need unpopular armies with poor rules and poor range of models for other armies to "shine".

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28 minutes ago, Overread said:

Have we ever had closure on that?
Far as I recall the souls of the Khinerai and Melusai are all from those saved from Slaanesh's belly and given new bodies by Morathi. I think all the current ones who die go to Nagash and the Undead Realm. Because its only Sigmar he really has a beef with and its only Sigmar who steals active souls from the Mortal Realms who die. 


That's why it was such a big thing that Morathi stole more than her fair share and damaged the bindings that held Slaanesh in place and why that spell has to keep going as Slaanesh ate a LOT of elf souls from the Old World. Vast legions of them - thus more than enough to keep Morathi well supplied with melusai and khinerai and the others with their creatures. 

Idoneth also can grab and collect souls. So I think that she can "reforge" Maleneth. 

Also. Not all souls goes to Nagash. Most duardin souls are collected by Grungni and Grombrindal. 

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Plus, if dead, she might just be at Assassin’s Rest in Shyish.




It’s next to Hallost where the Corebook mentioned Dawncrusades are heading to carve out areas from Chaos territories there as the heroic Hallost ghost companions(spent much of the Age of Chaos protecting the living from Chaos already) are all too happy to help the Dawners as they ride out on their spectral chargers to smite evil.

Could be a case for her return that the Order of Azyr pick her spirit back up from the crusades there and use the Life-flood to bring her back to life and continue her service with the Cities.


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24 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

How long does it usually take for the AoS warscroll to be revealed? Want to try run these guys with Skragrott + Gobbapalooza too bad i dont own Zarbags Gitz.

Tell me about it. I keep looking on eBay on the off chance someone is selling them for a non-ridiculous amount, but it's always £60+. I hope GW bring them back into rotation for the book release, but I'm not expecting it.

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Sorry, I only have the book in spanish. They added new points of interest.

- The top-right bubble is the Seraphon vs Tzeentch campaign

- The left bubble is an unknown new site.

- The Spider Icon (Redes Trepa Espinazo) is finally not a Spiderfang site, it is an uninhabited wildness region.

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