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The Rumour Thread

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Well FYI the poster seem to know more about leaked rules (GHBs stuff with the hero targeting and anti shooting) and the battletome identity/ tibits over any potential model release that were coming. The person didn’t have any information about Seraphon or Gitz when asked about them.



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5 hours ago, Talas said:

A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord:

  1. GHB rumors about small heroes are true.
  2. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release.
  3. Seraphon in summer.
  4. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.
  5. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong.

Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.

I trust him. He said a lot of things that become true in the past like the aelf year.

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Some actual rumours! Hype! 

I have been expecting GW to give CoS a huge make over/ redesign. Its such a big part of the mortal realms and the models are ancient. I hope its true but i am sad for those already collecting CoS if this is true. I still mourn about half my greenskinz gathering dust sometimes.

The thing i'm struggling with is the part that they are keeping the old SC around. Its not a very likely GW move imho. Its the perfect oppertunity to clear some warehouse space and release new boxes for a much higher price XD.


I hope they will redesign Wanderers because Wood Elves are kind of like the army that got away. But most have been redesigned into Sylvaneth imho so i dont think they are coming back any time soon if they get squated tbh.

Edited by Gitzdee
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These rumours have put me in a doomy gloomy mood.

Whilst some new models are always nice, what I love about Cities is the variety of different races and even amongst the humans lots of different and interesting units.

These rumours make me worried that Cities are going to get less variety and more boring.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I hope they will redesign Wanderers because Wood Elves are kind of like the army that got away. But most have been redesigned into Sylvaneth imho so i dont think they are coming back any time soon if they get squated tbh.

I really want to see Kurnothi. Wild Riders becoming actual centaurs a la the Warband plus a bunch satyr and other partially animal minis (like the horned elf in Cursed City).

Bring back Kurnoth as a centre piece god (or sun-god) tier piece. But Kurnoth's dead I hear you cry? Want Orion's whole schtick in WFB that he died every winter and was reborn in spring. Having Kurnoth be reborn would be a great story beat.

Ideally have the Kurnothi be their own faction rather than part of Sylvaneth, but perhaps have a subfaction like Legion of the First Prince which allowed some souping.

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9 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I really want to see Kurnothi. Wild Riders becoming actual centaurs a la the Warband plus a bunch satyr and other partially animal minis (like the horned elf in Cursed City).

Bring back Kurnoth as a centre piece god (or sun-god) tier piece. But Kurnoth's dead I hear you cry? Want Orion's whole schtick in WFB that he died every winter and was reborn in spring. Having Kurnoth be reborn would be a great story beat.

Ideally have the Kurnothi be their own faction rather than part of Sylvaneth, but perhaps have a subfaction like Legion of the First Prince which allowed some souping.

I would love a something like this. But i would like them to be more like Qulathis the Exile than the warband. Oh and bring back Wardancers and Glade Guard please. 

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35 minutes ago, EntMan said:

These rumours have put me in a doomy gloomy mood.

Whilst some new models are always nice, what I love about Cities is the variety of different races and even amongst the humans lots of different and interesting units.

These rumours make me worried that Cities are going to get less variety and more boring.

  I believe that we will see duardin and ealven wave for new CoS in future. 

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Not to be a naysayer (as I have a substantial phoenix temple army) but AFAIK there's never been a phoenix start collecting box.

The old cities ones were anvilguard - with scourge privateers and kharybdis; and greywater fastness - with dispossed. There was also a hammerhall firestorm box with freeguild.

Also, it'd surprise me deeply if they squatted wanderers because they've just released a novel with a wanderers prince. 

Unless of course Arenai are old wood elves reimagined.


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The wood elves were the Asrai, so its possible. I wouldn't expect them tp have such a dark elvish icon though. That mouth grill is pretty distinctive. 

It's been bugging me that I'm sure the name Arenai is familiar and was one of the old elven nations of the old world...

The I remembered they are the undead elves in Eberron, so not a warhammer thing at all.

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

These rumours have put me in a doomy gloomy mood.

Whilst some new models are always nice, what I love about Cities is the variety of different races and even amongst the humans lots of different and interesting units.

These rumours make me worried that Cities are going to get less variety and more boring.

They are still just rumours, but even if some of the range is squatted (isn't it time to retire that word) we will almost certainly still have the option for 1 in 4 units to be KO, Fyreslayers, Lumineth, Sylvaneth or Stormcast depending on the city. I wonder how many of the decisions depend on the old world. I could see some kits leaving AoS and just hoping back into the old world without ever being discontinued. As for steam tanks, there's no reason we couldn't get a new one reimagined for AoS. 

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15 hours ago, novakai said:

I mean did sylvaneath need bug Calvary and more archer and another drycha size

did Lumeneath need to tong tong riders and wind spirit.

did Nighthaunt need crossboos


May I please bring you back to this particular part of my post. I tried to emphasise the comparative originally, but maybe it did not stand out enough, so let me apply a highlight as well. Hope it'll be harder to miss this time.



Also, almost ironic you bring up the crossboos as an example here. After all, their rules are so fabulous, gaming tables are literally swamped with them, so that proved your point big time, I guess?


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8 hours ago, RyantheFett said:


So according to the rumors taken out would be:

  • [...]
  • Flaggellants

Literally the one unit that already got placed in the Dawnbringer Crusades' lore as an indispensable part of it.

I'm not saying it's impossible they'd remove Flagellants, but it would be weird.

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Do you Guys think all the freeguild Units will be reimagined or do we lose Some units completely? Just started to build a full duardin cities Army. E.g. using dwarf quareller and muskets as crossbowmen and handgunner, bought 3 deathroller to Convert them to demigyrph Knights, thorek ironbrow as a Base for my Hurricanum and so on. Took a Lot of my building Motivation, because i dont know which freeguild Units will stay. As an Player who Had TK, bretonia and a full Legion of azgorh Army Im used to getting squatted 😅 and will again face it when the Time comes, but are there any more hints to the human Side of cities?

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12 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

I'm not saying it's impossible they'd remove Flagellants, but it would be weird.

In the Warhammer+ hammer and bolter episode 'Monsters', which has darkoath vs dawnbringers, flaggelants are there. I guess it's possible they redesign them/rename them.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The least believable part of those rumours is GW not squatting the remaining High Elf stuff (Phoenix Temple). 

I'm not saying the person isn't reliable, I'm just genuinely surprised. 

They have a fantastic narrative backstory, and also it would potentially alienate a lot of people - most people who have cities have phoenix guard.

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3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

They have a fantastic narrative backstory, and also it would potentially alienate a lot of people - most people who have cities have phoenix guard.

I don't think risk of alienating people has ever stopped GW before.

Don't forget there's a decent sized number of people with old Wood Elf collections or who just bought Wanderer stuff for CoS too.


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21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I don't think risk of alienating people has ever stopped GW before.

Don't forget there's a decent sized number of people with old Wood Elf collections or who just bought Wanderer stuff for CoS too.


If they're looking to retain the most popular cities units, they'll look at sales. 

Phoenix guard have been the standout battleline choice of the current cities book in terms of rules. Most people who played cities have bought or converted phoenix guard, as well as frostheart phoenixes

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21 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

They have a fantastic narrative backstory, and also it would potentially alienate a lot of people - most people who have cities have phoenix guard.

Their backstory is guarding the Shrine of Asuryan. Anyway, the baffling part is that of all the High Elves of that time (Eldritch Council, Ordo Draconic, Swifthawk Agents, Phoenix Temple) this is the one faction they decided not only to spare, but also (apparently) to keep in the next book. I would have never put my money on that. Like, seriously, these were the worst-looking minis of the High Elves line-up of that time, while some of the squatted ones still look better than the Lumineth.

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8 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Their backstory is guarding the Shrine of Asuryan. Anyway, the baffling part is that of all the High Elves of that time (Eldritch Council, Ordo Draconic, Swifthawk Agents, Phoenix Temple) this is the one faction they decided not only to spare, but also (apparently) to keep in the next book. I would have never put my money on that. Like, seriously, these were the worst-looking minis of the High Elves line-up of that time, while some of the squatted ones still look better than the Lumineth.

I guess it's karma for dunking on fyreslayers, but to me they're the best looking. I mean, a well-painted flamespyre is a work of art.

To me narratively, they play into how diverse the realms are. They're a religious cult that worship a godbeast.



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I do feel like narratively GW painted themselves into a corner with Cities. It was an army born out of necessity. They didn't want to throw all the Old World order stuff into a bin, obviously, but if it wasn't for people's massive collections, it probably would have never emerged in this form. Now they want to move on and introduce new designs and new models that much better fit the new setting, but at the same time, those existing cities are now established in the Mortal Realms' lore so they can't just replace them.

Basically, whatever happens to the Cities in the game will have ramifications for the whole world, that's been already pretty well constructed. They could just ignore CoS as an army I guess and eventually phase them out, but we'd end up with all those big cities we already know of and no way of playing them. 

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