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4 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Magnify the image. The new Chaos Warriors have visible eyes - they simply didn’t paint them 🙂

Concerning Valrak: I don’t get why people watch him. All he does is reading WarCom Articles in front of a camera and brainstorming what could be - I wouldn’t even call that content tbh (utterly replaceable by anyone who can read and owns a camera) xD

If that is all it takes I think I just found my new career!

Edited by Neverchosen
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26 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Magnify the image. The new Chaos Warriors have visible eyes - they simply didn’t paint them 🙂

Concerning Valrak: I don’t get why people watch him. All he does is reading WarCom Articles in front of a camera and brainstorming what could be - I wouldn’t even call that content tbh (utterly replaceable by anyone who can read and owns a camera) xD

I will defend him here as he also livestream 40K video game, hobby hangouts and also give out 40K rumor. While in the past he been hit or miss with rumor and He has been more accurate as of late.

rather him and AoS is just a touchy subject and he been vocal about AoS for the most part

(but at least he not like Gamza)

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Valrak just doesn't care about Aos ( He does hate Bloodbowl tho) he even often says that the AoS models are really good, he just don't like the setting ... ( the usual problem of the people who never start to read the lore, but once you're in, it's over haha)

But while he does have really solid sources for 40K (The new named deamon prince-Dark Mechanicus for exemple), his sources doesn't have anything on AoS, or they just don't care

Is it for the better? some surprises are always good, instead of knowing everything that will happen in 2023

AoS rumors are like watching Da Bad Moon for a sign 😎 we can beg to it, sacrifice, pray, only the Shaman Whitefang will hear the voice

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4 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I know it doesn't help with the Warriors, but at least the Chosen have the visible eyes. 

Honestly I never realised how much character something small like this adds to a model. It looks 100% more imposing being able to see that determined gaze beneath a brutal helmet. 

Really excited for the army set, I will definitely be putting some boar heads on those Ogroids if hopefully they are a good size for them. Have some giant Quilboar soldiers!

Kinda funny, the one helmet with the T visor where you can't see the eyes (from the Start Collecting kit) might actually be my favorite (it's proper old school), with the new knight standard bearer being another favorite. 😄 Not that I dislike the visible eyes though. Well, maybe the pupils are too nice. Evil, glowy eyes look meaner to me. 😇

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6 hours ago, Sahrial said:

The more I look at this


the more convinced I become this actually was originally a Bullgor model refresh they shifted to chaos at the last minute of the model design process before it got sent to manufacturing design.

I like the Ogroids (then again it was nice when it was a Tzeentch-exclusive creature) but cool minotaurs would've been much cooler IMO.

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On 11/1/2022 at 12:24 PM, EntMan said:

Too many bloody elves? Now they're giving them away!



(Don't be fooled by the article title, the coin is 40k but the mini is a mortal realm roaming elf)

Didn't they say all the models of the month would be on a single sprue in the future rather than having to hack up a box of minis? I wonder if this is the result of supply chain issues. Sure feels like the most random mini of the month so far.

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7 hours ago, Sahrial said:

The more I look at this


the more convinced I become this actually was originally a Bullgor model refresh they shifted to chaos at the last minute of the model design process before it got sent to manufacturing design.

Kind of. The original Ogroid from Warhammer quest was explicitly designed to be a Tzeentch version of the minotaur at the centre of the labyrinth. The Ogroid design has proved to be immensely popular and so we now have three versions of it. There is no question that this particular kit is based off the existing Ogroid design rather than the original Minotaur concept. 

If gw do new bullgors, I hope go more savage and less martial. The current Bullgor kit was one of the most disappointing for me when it first released. I'm really not a fan of the current aesthetic. 

I do love the new Ogroids though. I actually prefer them to the chosen. 

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I guess the question would be will they ever refresh Bullgors now given that they made Ogroids and gave them almost the same exact model profile as Bullgors, while not a replacement it does seem like they occupy the same design space despite being from different armies.

I am more inclined to believe they just let that kit lavash for a long time given that it is plastic and it functions well enough without a dire need to replace it (given that I heard they are hesitant to replace plastic kits with newer plastic kits unless thye feel like they can sell off the initial manufacturing run)

Edited by novakai
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I have always liked the look of the Chaos armies, they are really diverse and i think Ogroids are a great fit. 

But, i do think that the BoC army essence has been spread thin a bit. They got Tzaangors included in another tome, the Slaangor isnt included at all and they got some some generic leftover chaos models from the whfb era. The bovine theme is also being overused with Hashut and we even have the Aelfs stealing all the Cow thunder. I dont even want to start the Kragnos conversation again XD.

To me BoC feels like how the Daemons tome used to be before it got divided and now again maybe undivided? It makes me sad that an army full of great potential and lore is being tossed aside for so long (same issue with Skaven). I wonder if they are getting some attention this edition but it doesnt feel like it. They have been mentioned a few times in the recent happenings so not all hope is lost i guess.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Sigmarusvult said:

You could also be hearing two months of teasing for one hero + book that might be a copy paste 😆

I truly hope these 1 model armies are finished and were a result of GW needing to space out their big releases and make way for 30K.

I want 2023 to be big range refreshes and Sylvaneth sized releases.

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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I want 2023 to be big range refreshes and Sylvaneth sized releases.

Sylvaneth got 3 new kits I think. (And also lost use of a mini that GW are still selling...) so personally I'd hope ranges like Skaven, Seraphon and Beasts get a much bigger than Sylvaneth sized refresh.

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17 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Is Valrak typically a reliable source? I have tried looking up the veracity of his past claims but found very little information regarding his past rumours. I hope he is accurate for AOS as those sound like some great boxes but the 40k boxes still seem suspiciously similar to last years boxes only with no Xenos. 

Valrak's a tricky one, because he does have reliable sources, but he also has plenty of 'sources' who've turned out to be wrong/spouting nonsense. So it's a 50/50 if something he says turns out to be right or not.

The pattern I've noticed is if we're really close to a reveal event (like a week or two) he's usually reliable. If it's a 'leak' that's meant to be months away, his reliability plummets. 

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20 hours ago, Skoll said:

That last bit feels so whacky . It's always wild to me when people go "AoS is too complex" then jump into 40k with it's burgeoning rules bloat . To play 40k properly you have to know the core rules, your book rules, the basic CP book rules. A dozen CP rules from your own army for situational and bread and butter combos, then the what almost hundreds of possible CP usage combinations from the twenty something factions in addition to all their own gimmicky rules ?


Boy does it feel weird when you learn to play the rulebook and half a dozen armies say "those rules don't apply to me"

I think it's essentially due to the fact that, despite of the current state of 9th ed, their short escapade in AoS did not convince them it was worth the effort to learn a different game system and to invest the proper time and money they would need to enjoy it. They are aware that their favorite wargame will be fixed (perhaps) soon with the 10th ed, which is not far ahead now.

Another observation is that the lore of AoS still feels very uninspiring for most 40k players (again I am only speaking from the perspective of the 40k players in my local club). Even the most- play for the stories- players among them still feel indifferent about AoS although they do enjoy watching mushrooms fighting sharks occasionally - they admit that AoS has a better  model range than 40k.

Sadly I can't said that they are totally wrong about the lore of AoS. The realms are an unfinished project where there is no fixed map and identity (all have jungles, ice lands, desert, mountains,  they just behave differently... I guess ?). The last bit of lore that I found to be worth talking about was the duel between Nagash and Teclis, since then It's just been boring. Finally,  Kragnos and the Slaanesh twins still feel like a non event despite of all the hype GW built around them. 

Edited by Sigmarusvult
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7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I truly hope these 1 model armies are finished and were a result of GW needing to space out their big releases and make way for 30K.

I want 2023 to be big range refreshes and Sylvaneth sized releases.

Unfortunately I think the battle boxes are here to stay. KO, Gloomspite, Slaanesh and Soulblight are all prime candidates for single hero releases. With 9 books to go we definitely aren't getting 9 big updates. Optimistically we could get larger updates for Seraphon, Cities, FEC, BoC, and maybe a new chaos Duardin faction. 


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These make me think Git are getting more than 1 hero. Also if the Scuttleboss gets updated they really need to update the riders too, they look ancient compared to the Scuttleboss, but i guess the Scuttleboss is finecast and they want it replaced asap just like what they have been doing for a while now. 

This looks gitz to me but not really much Scuttlebosslike:


This could be Spiderfang:


This looks like a Moonclan weapon but it is a little different, it could be the Scuttleboss. Its less of a moon shape and more like a spiders leg.


This looks like a generic Fungoid/Madcap Shaman hand but could be a new Webspinner Shaman.


This could also be Spiderfang if they release some of them in a Gnarlwood Warcry box:



Edited by Gitzdee
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