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6 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:


I know it doesn’t really mean much, but for the shaven players out there at least now you get some additional Clan Eshin sculpts without having to buy a huge box. Here’s hoping that you all get some new plastic kits for AOS or TOW in the near future, as Nehekhara owes you all a great deal.

FYI the box is only marginally cheaper then the full box, judging by the last one they did.

if you didn't buy nethermaze because of the price it probably still not worth it to buy this box either

Edited by novakai
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27 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Well, we know we are gonna get a small peek to the next Underworlds warbans. ;)

Sorry mate where does it say that? I hope its true!!

24 minutes ago, EntMan said:

An underwhelming preview really, though the Seraphon squad looks good.

Next week on WarCom not looking hopeful either.Screenshot_20221016-180709.png.338ca9c3c52c403c3055fbbe0fa501f4.png

Yep, I try to remain positive but 2022 just keeps kicking AOS.

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8 minutes ago, novakai said:

FYI the box is only marginally cheaper then the full box, judging by the last one they did.

if you didn't buy nethermaze because of the price it probably still not worth it to buy this box either

Well….. that is genuinely disappointing. 


7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Sorry mate where does it say that? I hope its true!!

Yep, I try to remain positive but 2022 just keeps kicking AOS.

@KingBrodd, I feel so as well your swoleness, I swear the only thing that keeps me on the fantasy side of the hobby are the fact that when we do get releases they look amazing, and the wonderful lords and ladies on this website such as you, @MitGas, lady @Enoby, @Public Universal Duardin, and too many more to count.

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15 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Well….. that is genuinely disappointing. 


@KingBrodd, I feel so as well your swoleness, I swear the only thing that keeps me on the fantasy side of the hobby are the fact that when we do get releases they look amazing, and the wonderful lords and ladies on this website such as you, @MitGas, lady @Enoby, @Public Universal Duardin, and too many more to count.

Aw thanks mate!! This community is truly something I treasure and without a doubt the hobby wouldnt be as fun as it is without it.


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I was expecting Gnarlwood, I'm just mildly surprised it's only underworlds this week. GW must be seriously behind schedule (as they always are) to have back to back slow weeks like this when they're ostensibly still releasing about a million things before Christmas.

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4 minutes ago, madmac said:

I was expecting Gnarlwood, I'm just mildly surprised it's only underworlds this week. GW must be seriously behind schedule (as they always are) to have back to back slow weeks like this when they're ostensibly still releasing about a million things before Christmas.

We still now have the Mawtribes Tome, Bloodpelt Hunter, Warcry box and STD Army Box to release. I could see Mawtribes being up for Pre Order next week with the Battle Report and Loremasters this week, with Warcry in November and STD late December. 

It just sucks for AOS right now and has done really for 9 or so months.

Necromunda, Horus Heresy and 40K keep on trucking.

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:


I can't wait to add these guys to the Sepulchral Guard to create the dopest looking Skeleton warband known to man!

Oh, and I guess I could try out Underworlds, too.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


Necromunda, Horus Heresy and 40K keep on trucking.

Bits of them do, thanks to the careless way they did the edition change a bunch of HH stuff has been without rules since release, which is increasingly the worst customer treatment we've seen in years. 

I guess it always depends on whats on each individual hobbyists mind, the lack of Skaven/Dwarf releases means ive just kinda checked out of AoS recently, and Ogres are pretty much in the same boat.

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i mean it been a lack of any worthwhile release this year in general that kind of hurting AoS.

like Sylvaneath was the biggest release this year and it wasn't as big the stuff 40K or HH got this year. the release was pretty quick one and done with only a week of marketing and articles at best.

the Slaves release, which is going to be fully release next year, is going to be the biggest AoS release we had post Dominion about a year and a half in the edition.

sure we got a lot of battletomes and battleboxes but i feel people have gotten less excited about these releases since it just not much content.

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1 hour ago, Noserenda said:

Bits of them do, thanks to the careless way they did the edition change a bunch of HH stuff has been without rules since release, which is increasingly the worst customer treatment we've seen in years. 

I guess it always depends on whats on each individual hobbyists mind, the lack of Skaven/Dwarf releases means ive just kinda checked out of AoS recently, and Ogres are pretty much in the same boat.

Exactly. I dont play Idoneth, Skaven or Fyreslayers but the fact they basically recieved nothing at all is terrible and not good for the game. Almost all of AOS has recieved zip and honestly Im going to stop giving GW the excuse of the Pandemic because it barely if at all halted things for 40K, it just makes more money so it got priority.

Sons of Behemat recieved more than I really thought they would and am ecstatic about them recieving so much love even if Ive come to not really enjoy the new models so much.

Ogors are in the same boat as the previous Factions as one that deserves a lot of updating and so far recieved 1, though glorious model.

Im really hoping Gloomspite recieves a 2nd Wave this Edition.

1 hour ago, novakai said:

i mean it been a lack of any worthwhile release this year in general that kind of hurting AoS.

like Sylvaneath was the biggest release this year and it wasn't as big the stuff 40K or HH got this year. the release was pretty quick one and done with only a week of marketing and articles at best.

the Slaves release, which is going to be fully release next year, is going to be the biggest AoS release we had post Dominion about a year and a half in the edition.

sure we got a lot of battletomes and battleboxes but i feel people have gotten less excited about these releases since it just not much content.

We need at least SOMETHING to look forward to. We need a new Narrative event to look forward to even if it doesnt come with models we just need something as you said by the time STD releases we will have had a Year and a Half of barely any releases or content.

Single model Tomes just dont build hype or really expand upon a Factions Lore.

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A new narrative event would be great to be honest - more Path to Glory stuff in general would be fantastic. I've found P2G to be much more enjoyable than matched play at the moment, though I do think fewer people are willing to give it a go. Even still, it's still pretty rough around the edges and could do with a bit of a look over with a few new scenarios and generic campaigns. That said, I bet that it's much less profitable than models and books so less likely to come out.


More than that, keeping the setting moving is really important - AoS had great momentum in Broken Realms but that seems to have fallen off in 3rd. 

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49 minutes ago, Enoby said:

A new narrative event would be great to be honest - more Path to Glory stuff in general would be fantastic. I've found P2G to be much more enjoyable than matched play at the moment, though I do think fewer people are willing to give it a go. Even still, it's still pretty rough around the edges and could do with a bit of a look over with a few new scenarios and generic campaigns. That said, I bet that it's much less profitable than models and books so less likely to come out.


More than that, keeping the setting moving is really important - AoS had great momentum in Broken Realms but that seems to have fallen off in 3rd. 

I agree mate. We had such huge monumentous events leading to 3rd and then nothing. Nada. Destructions Era so far has been that the Kruelboyz have started venturing out of their swamps and thats it. Even King Brodd getting a model wasnt narrative related its just a character that deserves one, unless there is some major Lore in the SOB Tome.

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2 hours ago, Enoby said:

A new narrative event would be great to be honest - more Path to Glory stuff in general would be fantastic. I've found P2G to be much more enjoyable than matched play at the moment, though I do think fewer people are willing to give it a go. Even still, it's still pretty rough around the edges and could do with a bit of a look over with a few new scenarios and generic campaigns. That said, I bet that it's much less profitable than models and books so less likely to come out.


More than that, keeping the setting moving is really important - AoS had great momentum in Broken Realms but that seems to have fallen off in 3rd. 

I want something like Malign Portents way back in 1.0 going into 2.0. Remember how fun it was to actively shift the narrative in each alliance’s favor? And the stories that would come with it? Let’s have some of that with new Path to Glory rules (and maybe upgrade sprues for some of the trophies mentioned in each battletome’s personal path).

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I understand all the disappointment about this year's lacklustre selection of AoS releases but I'm not sure why the lack of an Ogor pre-order announcement is suddenly causing so much fuss. 

We are still firmly in the first half of Autumn so the Ogor book isn't late yet. We've got 8 pre-order weeks left this year. I'm counting:

1- warcry.

2/3 Leagues of Votann

4- imperial guard.

5- battleforces.

6- slaves to Darkness

7- Ogor mawtribes.

8- winter rulebooks. 

Plenty of time to fit everything in and no need to panic. 

I think we get week one of Leagues next week as gw usually likes to alternate between 40k and not 40k. 

In two or three weeks time we should see the Ogor book. 

I know everyone is hoping for Maneaters to magically jump out of the shadows but that is a path down which madness lies. 








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I honestly just want to see how this 40k boarding actions thing turns out and see if we can get an awesome dungeon crawler style narrative for AOS.

I want my Stormcast to be infiltrating the Varanspire and coming into conflict with my Chaos Warband... also the ogors are there to raid The Everpantry!

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I think Age of sigmar really grew during the pandemic. A lot of people stuck at home needed a hobby and got their feet wet. It also happened to be same time Broken Realms was going on, so all these new players were exposed to a game/system that seemed to be actively growing. 

I also think with 3.0 they found their sweet spot with the rules. Not everything is perfect. No game is, but the Battletomes have for most part all been positive. 

However, the game is at a standstill. While underworlds and warcry move along, AOS hasn’t moved since Dominion. Battle boxes and new heros are great. But those should be sprinkled in with larger releases and or narrative/lore pushes. This worry’s me for the fate of the game. I love AOS. Everything about it. But it’s been a slog now. 

Part of me wishes they would have Warcom article and video and just be like, “look we have a lot coming. World sucks and we had to move a lot of stuff around. “ 

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4 hours ago, Enoby said:

A new narrative event would be great to be honest - more Path to Glory stuff in general would be fantastic. I've found P2G to be much more enjoyable than matched play at the moment, though I do think fewer people are willing to give it a go. Even still, it's still pretty rough around the edges and could do with a bit of a look over with a few new scenarios and generic campaigns. That said, I bet that it's much less profitable than models and books so less likely to come out.


More than that, keeping the setting moving is really important - AoS had great momentum in Broken Realms but that seems to have fallen off in 3rd. 

the problem i find with path to glory is that there a lot bookkeeping and the rules are bit convoluted compared to just regular match games at lower points. some battleplans are also built for one side to be underdogs which is not great for many people. like it not really as simple or engaging as just playing the game normally. it probably fun if your into that kind game mode but i do feel it fall flat on many player 

1 hour ago, Chikout said:

I understand all the disappointment about this year's lacklustre selection of AoS releases but I'm not sure why the lack of an Ogor pre-order announcement is suddenly causing so much fuss. 

We are still firmly in the first half of Autumn so the Ogor book isn't late yet. We've got 8 pre-order weeks left this year. I'm counting:

1- warcry.

2/3 Leagues of Votann

4- imperial guard.

5- battleforces.

6- slaves to Darkness

7- Ogor mawtribes.

8- winter rulebooks. 

Plenty of time to fit everything in and no need to panic. 

I think we get week one of Leagues next week as gw usually likes to alternate between 40k and not 40k. 

In two or three weeks time we should see the Ogor book. 

I know everyone is hoping for Maneaters to magically jump out of the shadows but that is a path down which madness lies. 


i don't think people are disappoint that the ogor book is late, really out all those preorders only the Slaves boxset is that exciting (and that if you're playing or planing to play that army). the Warcry box could be exciting but it always seem to wane in popularity compare to Killteam which has been more stable. battleforce are just nice but nothing to write home about.

it not about getting things sooner, but the things we are getting are lacking.

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1 hour ago, novakai said:

the problem i find with path to glory is that there a lot bookkeeping and the rules are bit convoluted compared to just regular match games at lower points. some battleplans are also built for one side to be underdogs which is not great for many people. like it not really as simple or engaging as just playing the game normally. it probably fun if your into that kind game mode but i do feel it fall flat on many player 

i don't think people are disappoint that the ogor book is late, really out all those preorders only the Slaves boxset is that exciting (and that if you're playing or planing to play that army). the Warcry box could be exciting but it always seem to wane in popularity compare to Killteam which has been more stable. battleforce are just nice but nothing to write home about.

it not about getting things sooner, but the things we are getting are lacking.

Yeah I get that and I agree. It's just that this week's pre-order announcement seem to have  kicked off a wave of doom and gloom posts. We've known about the situation for a while.  I'm still optimistic about the future but that future starts after the slaves to Darkness minis are out. 

Also I'm honestly pretty excited about the new Underworlds box. It's the first one I've wanted to pick up for a while. The minis are awesome and I like the path they are taking with the game so that you don't need every set to feel like you can play the game properly. 

Edit- We're also getting the new Grombrindal novel. The white dwarf short stories were genuinely excellent so I'm very happy to see more. 

Edited by Chikout
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