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6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I have been been thinking about that. If not being playable in Soulbound means new models are on the way, that also bodes well for Dispossessed and Wanderers. Not everything from Cities is out by default, by the way. Darkling Covens and Black Ark Corsairs are playable, for example.


EDIT: Worth noting, this is not total wishful thinking: Legions of Nagash were largely absent from the core book, likely because Gravelords were in the works.

In due time we are absolutely getting new Freeguild, Dispossessed and Dark Aelves (Malerion).

The only problem is these things take time. We may get COS this Edition. Malerions Aelves next and Dispossessed in 5.0.

That could potentially be 6 or 7 years away. Thats a long time for us Mortals.

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3 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

You know what? at first I was upset that we weren't getting an actual new model Monday reveal..... but I've changed my mind. Eternus (and the generic kit he is built from) are wonderful models that have interesting war and serious repercussions for the story. Be'lakor has successfully created his own named champion/"daemon prince" via corrupted Stormiest souls, and is seriously on the way to becoming a proper god in his own right. Will this new character actually advance the storyline in a meaningful way? who knows. Will we, the Warhammer Community, give this guy a better paint job? yes. Will I ask @MitGasand @Neverchosen for their opinion when I inevitably purchase this kit and convert him into a Tzeentchian Chaos Lord? most certainly. 

Well if you are willing to through down the cash money I have seen some people take Gryphcharger heads to make Tzeetnch Cavalry... The Lord Arcanum's Gryph mount is in a similar rearing position. This would look sick with that and maybe toss Ahriman's head and I think you will have one sweet Tzeentch Eternus!!!

As for me Eternus will be the Damned Champion that betrayed his fellow soldiers for the dark gods and will be hunted by his former Lieutenant through the Ogor lands on a mad crusade to awaken the demon presence in the region... In 40k he will just be a generic wingless demon prince if I can convince my self to pick up the Demon Start Collecting... I am down to Slaanesh and Khorne so my twisted tale of two households in love with violence may come to fruition. Still interested in getting Dark Eldar instead to help me stay strong from Malerion's eventual release...

Edited by Neverchosen
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.I absolutely love that Eternus model, think he might push me over the edge to start a new army.

All the new StD stuff we've seen from AoS (including the Varanguard and Archaon) are massive, over the top, their weapons are massive, the ride weird sort of demon-horses. It's ridiculous and I love it.


I know a lot of people are really in to the more grounded stuff, but for me, AoS is at its best when it takes a mad idea and just follows through with reckless abandon.

Edited by mojojojo101
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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

If I were looking to get into the expansion I would snag the Crimson Court Underworlds Warband and use them. 4 Vampires for almost literally the cost of 1!!

I bought that warband last year for my soulblight army :) I held off on Annika and Kriza hoping we'd seen them in a cursed city expansion. Oh well :)


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13 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

.I absolutely love that Eternus model, think he might push me over the edge to start a new army.

All the new StD stuff we've seen from AoS (including the Varanguard and Archaon) are massive, over the top, their weapons are massive, the ride weird sort of demon-horses. It's ridiculous and I love it.


I know a lot of people are really in to the more grounded stuff, but for me, AoS is at its best when it takes a mad idea and just follows through with reckless abandon.

My slaves of darkness miniatures double as a hellknight faction in my tabletop D&D games. They've made a great opposition faction in my games over the years, and the models always look great on the table, especially the mounted knights. 

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So in other news Slaanesh undeniably corrupted one of the GW 3d modellers.

"You're an idiot, Mit Gas" you might say - and you might be right - but when I look at those sprues, my theory is hard to deny.... those waterfall ends look fish  very strange.

I should've looked at how much work this kit is before I bought it. 😤

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2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

the generic kit he is built from

Quick note : do you mean the existing Varanguard kit ? Because Eternus is a stand alone kit (there is a new Mounted Chaos Lord with this release but Eternus is bigger). 

I like the Ian Miller part of the new StD a lot (Eternus, Chaos Legionnaires and Centaur Marshall), but I have too much stuff to finish in Nurgle's Garden to expand my small StD collection now...

And it's a shame about no CoS.

Also, are the Soulbound characters just the Explorers from Cursed Cities BUT in the other gender ? I do not like that art style very much, too "bright" and simply looking quite like the base model as @Clan's Cynic said... But happy to see new content for Soulbound that ties with the current narrative in Sysh and Ghur ü

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4 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Is this pretty much it for the year then for AoS? Trying to think if there’s anything else coming beyond the one-hero releases and the leaked Slaves stuff 

I feel like Warcry will do a bit of lifting in terms of releases and at the very least the various vanguard box releases will be exciting.

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40 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Quick note : do you mean the existing Varanguard kit ? Because Eternus is a stand alone kit (there is a new Mounted Chaos Lord with this release but Eternus is bigger). 

I like the Ian Miller part of the new StD a lot (Eternus, Chaos Legionnaires and Centaur Marshall), but I have too much stuff to finish in Nurgle's Garden to expand my small StD collection now...

And it's a shame about no CoS.

Also, are the Soulbound characters just the Explorers from Cursed Cities BUT in the other gender ? I do not like that art style very much, too "bright" and simply looking quite like the base model as @Clan's Cynic said... But happy to see new content for Soulbound that ties with the current narrative in Sysh and Ghur ü

Oh, I thought the two kits were one and the same, never mind me then. 

I'm also putting Ian Miller's new masterpieces in the pile of shame, as I started too many different projects these past two years thanks to COVID-19 giving me a lot of free time, 

Yeah, the soul bound characters (barring the vampire) are just gender swapped versions of the characters from Cursed Cities. I just want the book for the lore, nothing more nothing less.

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3 minutes ago, Radikus said:

What didn't get updated for the StD range? Looks like marauders and chariots, maybe some random daemon stuff, anything else? I suppose marauders can easily be "proxied" using models from the range anyways.

Marauders have more or less been replaced with the various cultist kits, though the dark oath box can easily be used as a count as unit of them in a pinch.

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11 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

r/Mawtribes - Tease of a new butcher ?


Seen on reddit, apparently from the AoS facebook page.

Potential tease for something butcher related for Ogres? Not sure, haven't seen it posted here yet.

Oh that’s from 40k, guy pointed out it’s from a Xenology book.


1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

But happy to see new content for Soulbound that ties with the current narrative in Sysh and Ghur ü

I actually talked to Emmet about that on Reddit. Seems the Ulfenkarn supplement takes place Before the events of the Cursed City board game. Making it closer to how Anvilgard is historical content now with both being before Broken Realms narrative.

(I was curious about it because the Soulblight update White Dwarf said that despite the Duke being defeated the city still sank into the Shyish Nadir, though the heroes managed to get all the innocents out of the city before that happened. So I was wondering did it take place right before it sank into the black hole of death magic)

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7 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Oh that’s from 40k, guy pointed out it’s from a Xenology book.


I actually talked to Emmet about that on Reddit. Seems the Ulfenkarn supplement takes place Before the events of the Cursed City board game. Making it closer to how Anvilgard is historical content now with both being before Broken Realms narrative.

(I was curious about it because the Soulblight update White Dwarf said that despite the Duke being defeated the city still sank into the Shyish Nadir, though the heroes managed to get all the innocents out of the city before that happened. So I was wondering did it take place right before it sank into the black hole of death magic)

Oh good to know!

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28 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

r/Mawtribes - Tease of a new butcher ?


Seen on reddit, apparently from the AoS facebook page.

Potential tease for something butcher related for Ogres? Not sure, haven't seen it posted here yet.

Maybe they're going to have another go at a soft toy cuddly squig for Christmas, and hope this time it doesn't end up with a product recall?

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Multi-part Warriors and Knights.

New Chaos Lord on foot and mounted.

Aw snap. 

1 hour ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Is this pretty much it for the year then for AoS? Trying to think if there’s anything else coming beyond the one-hero releases and the leaked Slaves stuff 

Yeah this is it for mainline for AOS.

DOT and LRL Battletomes.

Sons of Behemat Battletome and BRODD.

Mawtribes Battletome and Hunter.

Slaves to Darkness Army box with Battletome in 2023.


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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

So in other news Slaanesh undeniably corrupted one of the GW 3d modellers.

"You're an idiot, Mit Gas" you might say - and you might be right - but when I look at those sprues, my theory is hard to deny.... those waterfall ends look fish  very strange.

I should've looked at how much work this kit is before I bought it. 😤

Its a fun build!! Haven't painted yet though. 

Pro tip, sub assemble the two stair sides and top, the whole column area, and the fancy gearworks. It'll make your painting much easier!!

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Marauders have more or less been replaced with the various cultist kits, though the dark oath box can easily be used as a count as unit of them in a pinch.

Pretty tough to make a unit of 30 of them with cultists unfortunately, Warcry is a sad substitute for a proper re-work for a bunch of reasons. They're massively more expensive, the wargear doesn't match in the slightest, they're incredibly difficult to convert, the base and model sizes are wildly inconsistent, and each individual warband has such a distinct look that mixing/matching different cults would just look weird/jarring. Honestly the fact that the marauders aren't getting re-worked is my biggest and only disappointment with the new StD so far. Personally I think the marauders needed an update far, far more than the chaos warriors or knights ever did.

Edited by Grimrock
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1 hour ago, Radikus said:

What didn't get updated for the StD range? Looks like marauders and chariots, maybe some random daemon stuff, anything else? I suppose marauders can easily be "proxied" using models from the range anyways.

Marauders, Marauder Horsemen, Chariots, Warshrine, Spawn, Mutalith Vortex Beast and Lord on Manticore are all the Fantasy leftovers that aren't getting replacements I think.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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