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Ye, probably will just DM him later about it. xD

But yeah guys, beware Privateer Press’ snake oil even if it’s 3D printed. ;) 

Anyway looking forward to Vilitch getting replaced by the new Mortal Realms Curseling. 

win-win, GW gets some subtle FOMO with people trying to grab that old model up quick to preserve some history from the game while we get a proper one that actually fits the “cultist leader rising high enough that Tzeentch blesses them with a daemon tumor that can tell when someone in their cult is lying.”

Vilitch’s model was awesome but certainly didn’t fit that new lore as you’d need someone more normal looking to be in charge of hidden cults or even be any gender which the hulking old model did not fit in the slightest as it was both unsubtle and only male.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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7 minutes ago, Still-young said:

Presumably this whole PP thing will be deleted, ya know, being off topic. 

No as it is sort of interesting about what it could mean for the whole industry. Plus it is still about miniature wargaming 

However, you are right about things needing to be nudged back on topic 

+++ Mod Hat On +++
Back to rumours for AOS please. The whole Privateer Press stuff is it’s own topic 😉

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

I don't know what the future for GW is. I love their products, but the price of late has pushed me away from buying much in the way of new stuff. That's been a boon for my pile of shame, I've gotten two 3000pt AoS armies painted in the last year. I'd really like to buy 40 more zombies for my Soulblight army, but at $120 for 230 points of zombies ...well ouch! AND when I compare it to my other options : $10 for 40 from my 3d Printer (8$ multi-pose STL file and $2 in resin), or buying a box of zombies from Mantic Games for $32, I just can't justify the GW price nowadays. If I played at a GW store that would be different, but our local league is all garages and local gaming stores, and 3d printed proxies have become dirt common. 

I dunno man. I have a vivid memory of a mate in the early 00s showing me his brand new colour inkjet desktop printer. He told me that Magic the Gathering would be a dead game by the end of the decade. I think MtG made a billion dollars or something last year.
What is the difference between 3D printing for warhammer and Inkjet printing for card games?

Edited by derpherp
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1 minute ago, derpherp said:

What is the difference between 3D printing for warhammer and Inkjet printing for card games?

Same as saying owning bread makers has put all the bakeries out of business. xD 

It’s definitely nice to have but it’s not touching global official products.

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17 minutes ago, derpherp said:

I dunno man. I have a vivid memory of a mate in the early 00s showing me his brand new colour inkjet desktop printer. He told me that Magic the Gathering would be a dead game by the end of the decade. I think MtG made a billion dollars or something last year.
What is the difference between 3D printing for warhammer and Inkjet printing for card games?

The tournament circuit for MTG coupled with collector value and secondary market are leagues above GW.


NVM that people still will totally play casually with proxy printed cards. 


You can play at most ITC events with fully 3d printed armies and nobody bats an eye because GW is still very hesitant about directly involving itself in the tournament scene. And even the tournaments with restrictions you'd be hard pressed to tell painted 3d printed armies from real ones, specially if you sprinkle bits around .


If you try to show up even to FNM with fake cards in your deck they'll have you drawn and quartered.


Really completely different games and play atmosphere . In MTG the community has a vested interest in their cards retaining value , and the company abides by this, GW has zero interest in letting your army retain resale value . So people are more willing to find ways to circumvent the cost of playing the game 

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Dang I missed taking pot shots at Warmachine before the Mod Hat came out!!!! Maybe next time.

Back on topic discussion! Any idea when that LRL book will leak????? They have some floating around from what we got, but only got a few leaks. Did the other books get leaked early?


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The LRL book will leak on September 30th at 6:57 pm CST, the day before it goes on Preorder.

It will be accompanied by the Tzeentch book, and a hoaxed destruction battletome two days later, featuring rules for a Gargants and Gitz faction merger that will be disproven within the hour by a press release from GW officially updating the roadmap to show the actual destruction tomes, and an unspecified tome that s2d will be paired with in winter.

so says Sahrial, who looks into time, and speaks the visions of What Will Be

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1 minute ago, Enoby said:

Thanks for the write up, it was very detailed but also very interesting to see how quickly something can go downhill when starting so high.

Haha, thank my Ex-Warmahorde friend who never misses a beat to talk about how they crashed themselves like the Hindenburg. xD 

My biggest take away is A Lot of those bad moves are suggested even now by warhammer fans for GW to take (like exclusive beta rules), not out of malice but because they’re all in their own player bubbles(like the 3D printer groups) and can only see from a limited view that may help them but hurt everyone else and inevitably GW because they can’t see the bigger picture and negative domino effects.

Nothing is as simple as it seems. ;) 

26 minutes ago, Fellman said:

God i wich grave guards look anything like this

Man I wish!

Reason I didn’t grab the Deathrattle SC when it was on discount because the new Wight King is the only appealing model in it(not saying the old skelies are bad but they’re dinky now).

Hopefully we’ll get a Deathrattle Kingdoms update with Soulblight’s next big release that either updates or replaced with new armored skeletons & bone beasts meant to hold off the Ossiarchs from claiming their people for parts. (Also Avengorii centaur cavalry and drake-bats please)


18 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

featuring rules for a Gargants and Gitz faction merger that will be disproven within the hour by a press release from GW officially updating the roadmap to show the actual destruction tomes,

The Sons of Behemat only drink beer, not Soup!!

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10 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Is this a known thing, or speculation? 

They said there is going to be a article about the future of warcry this week, so either Thursday or Friday. 

My guess is Friday with the chaos pdf shown Thursday. 

Edited by Ogregut
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2 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Maybe they will tomorrow? After all gw is revealing stuff for Warcry tomorrow…….

I don’t think we got any hints for them(though Belakor’s guys would’ve come out of the blue aether too if not for the leaks so hey there’s always hope)

I think from the Rumor engines the best bets are Flesh-Eater Courts from the fanged tower or Hedonites that are the late arrivals for the Excelsis siege Sigvald and the Glutton were too fashionably late for.

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Has GW said anything about the status of the AoS and 40k apps recently? Any plans for updates? I would really like to see a list builder with more options so i could use it for open play or narrative. Or maybe include a Warcry section.

Edit: I would also like an option to include legend warscrolls in my lists.

Edited by Gitzdee
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9 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Maybe they will tomorrow? After all gw is revealing stuff for Warcry tomorrow…….

I sure hope we see something from Gencon!!

7 hours ago, Ogregut said:

They said there is going to be a article about the future of warcry this week, so either Thursday or Friday. 

My guess is Friday with the chaos pdf shown Thursday. 

Friday would be an excellent way to cap off the week. Im hoping for a Destruction Warband or Seraphon.

6 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

I don’t think we got any hints for them(though Belakor’s guys would’ve come out of the blue aether too if not for the leaks so hey there’s always hope)

I think from the Rumor engines the best bets are Flesh-Eater Courts from the fanged tower or Hedonites that are the late arrivals for the Excelsis siege Sigvald and the Glutton were too fashionably late for.

Really hoping the fur is FEC. Would love to see what a modern model for them would look like.

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38 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I think the last good rumour was about 3 month ago mentioning King Brodd.  What happened? GW shut its door to outsiders or did they all go on holiday at the same time XD?

Guessing it's when they got rid of the playtesters who were leaking all the 40k stuff and presumably the StD stuff. 

In their financial report they said things are starting to get back to normal and AoS was hit with delays due to covid and brexit so hopfully we should start to see things ramp up. 

And as we haven't had any big spoilers other than StD, fingers crossed we get some nice suprises. 

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52 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I think the last good rumour was about 3 month ago mentioning King Brodd.  What happened? GW shut its door to outsiders or did they all go on holiday at the same time XD?

Well, you have the year ramping up to a 40k edition release to squeeze the most out of the last edition, the year after a 40k release to flesh out that edition, and the year of said release with a big hype train.

With a three year turnaround, that's the whole calendar filled.

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20 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Well, you have the year ramping up to a 40k edition release to squeeze the most out of the last edition, the year after a 40k release to flesh out that edition, and the year of said release with a big hype train.

With a three year turnaround, that's the whole calendar filled.

Unfortunately it feels like AOS didnt get that treatment. Hopefully the remainder and beginning of next year is chock a block AOS.

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