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You know it's slow period when we're openly posting 40k reveals here.

As someone who loves all things Dwarf, I'm not in love with any of the League stuff we've seen so far. It feels like if you slapped them with human proportions they'd be any other third party generic sci-fi range, there's not much that feels very Dwarfy about them except for the odd rune or the Fyreslayer-esq crests.

Kharadron look like they're a unique spin on Dwarfs, but still recognisably fitting the Dwarf archtype. The Leagues look like any other sci-fi army with Dwarf proportions. 

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20 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

You know it's slow period when we're openly posting 40k reveals here.

As someone who loves all things Dwarf, I'm not in love with any of the League stuff we've seen so far. It feels like if you slapped them with human proportions they'd be any other third party generic sci-fi range, there's not much that feels very Dwarfy about them except for the odd rune or the Fyreslayer-esq crests.

Kharadron look like they're a unique spin on Dwarfs, but still recognisably fitting the Dwarf archtype. The Leagues look like any other sci-fi army with Dwarf proportions. 

I keep seeing Starcraft Terran and these have double down on the look. Dont get me wrong they look incredible as minis, just a little uninspired.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

You know it's slow period when we're openly posting 40k reveals here.

As someone who loves all things Dwarf, I'm not in love with any of the League stuff we've seen so far. It feels like if you slapped them with human proportions they'd be any other third party generic sci-fi range, there's not much that feels very Dwarfy about them except for the odd rune or the Fyreslayer-esq crests.

Kharadron look like they're a unique spin on Dwarfs, but still recognisably fitting the Dwarf archtype. The Leagues look like any other sci-fi army with Dwarf proportions. 

I like the Necromunda squats' design better, even though I think the content of the box seems disappointing.

These space marine dwarves aren't my thing, but the heartkin and bikes seem nice

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5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Its so close its almost infringement!!

Well, looks like it‘s very late payback for them stealing so much from 40k…. Erm, I mean taking so much inspiration from it. It‘s kinda fair. I really like Protoss though, way more than Eldar, so they‘ve at least done some cool things with it and I enjoy both 40k and SC.  

I think that they‘ve put a dwarf into that suit‘s design makes it look even more like something from Blizz than if they would‘ve put a GW human in it. 

Anyways, I like the new stuff. It is generic but so are Stormcast for example and yet there are quite a few cool minis in that range. I hope that fans of stunties will find more stuff they like in future reveals. 

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

You know it's slow period when we're openly posting 40k reveals here.

As someone who loves all things Dwarf, I'm not in love with any of the League stuff we've seen so far. It feels like if you slapped them with human proportions they'd be any other third party generic sci-fi range, there's not much that feels very Dwarfy about them except for the odd rune or the Fyreslayer-esq crests.

Kharadron look like they're a unique spin on Dwarfs, but still recognisably fitting the Dwarf archtype. The Leagues look like any other sci-fi army with Dwarf proportions. 

It's funny because there's elements of the Votann I like, but then those elements are ruined by squashing everything down to fit on the squatter more compact frame.

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Just now, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

Ogors didn't get an FAQ? That's odd...I guess there was nothing that needed clarification.

I stared at that 2021 for a long minute trying to decide if it’s worth making any inference as to the fact that the only factions that didn’t get an FAQ are them, tzeentch, s2d, bone reapers, and slaanesh plus the two newest books.

all of which besides OBR and Ogors have had a white dwarf (slaanesh) or have an announced update (tzeentch, s2d,).

maybe the lack of an update is a good sign about the destruction tome

maybe it doesn’t matter and it’s all guesswork

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33 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Well, looks like it‘s very late payback for them stealing so much from 40k…. Erm, I mean taking so much inspiration from it. It‘s kinda fair. I really like Protoss though, way more than Eldar, so they‘ve at least done some cool things with it and I enjoy both 40k and SC.  

I think that they‘ve put a dwarf into that suit‘s design makes it look even more like something from Blizz than if they would‘ve put a GW human in it. 

Anyways, I like the new stuff. It is generic but so are Stormcast for example and yet there are quite a few cool minis in that range. I hope that fans of stunties will find more stuff they like in future reveals. 

Oh I know SC took a lot from 40K but this just seems very on the nose.

20 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

Ogors didn't get an FAQ? That's odd...I guess there was nothing that needed clarification.

Im guessing they are one of the Destruction Tomes. Im hoping for Ogors and Gloomspite with Sons just after or before S2D.

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By Grimnir, the Path To Glory event at Warhammer World sold out in seconds for Order and another two minutes for Death/Destruction, then Chaos by 7:05.

Anyone here manage to get one?

Edit: Looks like they're releasing them in waves. All but Order have some more up now.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I still hope Kharadron Overlords are getting a serious second wave sometime in the future that has nothing in common with 40k dwarfs.

And Kharadron Overlords own mechs could be sooo awesome if they kept their current steam punk design.

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24 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I still hope Kharadron Overlords are getting a serious second wave sometime in the future that has nothing in common with 40k dwarfs.

And Kharadron Overlords own mechs could be sooo awesome if they kept their current steam punk design.

Steampunk mechs, yes please.

Mega Gargant sized.

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10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

You know it's slow period when we're openly posting 40k reveals here.

As someone who loves all things Dwarf, I'm not in love with any of the League stuff we've seen so far. It feels like if you slapped them with human proportions they'd be any other third party generic sci-fi range, there's not much that feels very Dwarfy about them except for the odd rune or the Fyreslayer-esq crests.

Kharadron look like they're a unique spin on Dwarfs, but still recognisably fitting the Dwarf archtype. The Leagues look like any other sci-fi army with Dwarf proportions. 

If they went with more generic dwarf there would be people laughing at them and calling them derivative design and bad and lazy so I don't think they can win this battle.

For what its worth the design ethos they seem to be going for is to make the run of the mill soldier less obviously dwarfy, and then make units more dwarfy as they rise in importance, so maybe when we get our first named character or the tank train they will be quite dwarfy. Its kind of like the run of the mill imperial guard only having a few imperial things on them whereas a commisar is dripping in them

There's also that they may be trying to make them a bit like the Eldar, in which they have their own design language that stands out from their cliche trope. The Eldar really aren't that elvish imo, especially when they have helmets on and you cant see their faces. They have found their own style which is a few steps removed from generic elves. 

I think that is probably worth trying to replicate with dwarves, but we will have to see if they can pull it off.

Edited by derpherp
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10 hours ago, Sahrial said:

I stared at that 2021 for a long minute trying to decide if it’s worth making any inference as to the fact that the only factions that didn’t get an FAQ are them, tzeentch, s2d, bone reapers, and slaanesh plus the two newest books.

all of which besides OBR and Ogors have had a white dwarf (slaanesh) or have an announced update (tzeentch, s2d,).

maybe the lack of an update is a good sign about the destruction tome

maybe it doesn’t matter and it’s all guesswork

Gloomspite, lumineth Tzeentch and Ogors never got a White Dwarf tome Celestial update. We’ve already seen Lumineth and Tzeentch. It’s definitely a fair inference that the other two are the next books. 

Followed by S2D in winter and SOB. Based upon the recent trend it appears they like the dual army release approach. I think we will see less battle boxes though and just the release of two books at a time. 

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51 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Gloomspite, lumineth Tzeentch and Ogors never got a White Dwarf tome Celestial update. We’ve already seen Lumineth and Tzeentch. It’s definitely a fair inference that the other two are the next books. 

Gloomspite received like 3 Celestial Tomes? One for each subfaction. I'm sure about Troggoths and Squigs and I own these WD issues. But it didn't help Gloomspite much. They need most of their warscrolls updated on par with allegiance abilities.

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

Gloomspite received like 3 Celestial Tomes? One for each subfaction. I'm sure about Troggoths and Squigs and I own these WD issues. But it didn't help Gloomspite much. They need most of their warscrolls updated on par with allegiance abilities.

They have not received one during 3.0 

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