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On 6/24/2022 at 3:56 PM, Baron Klatz said:

That’d be a fun change to do something unique with them as Ard Kruleboyz(maybe something a little more neutral like Krule Ironz).

Ardboyz lore is already that they’re on the cusp of growing big enough to become Ironjawz but aren’t nearly as strong yet to bend steel(usually chaos hellsteel) with their bare fists so use forges.

“Ardboys are units of Orruk warriors of the Ironjawz warclans that are composed of tightly packed ranked orruks from other breeds that are not Ironjawz 

Ardboys form their own mobs and fists within the Ironjaw warclans and unlike most Orruks believe in discipline, thus they have banners and drums to fight in ranks or march in lines. Most Ironjawz think Ardboys are a bit funny and do not consider marching to a drum to be relevant to smashing skulls but do admit that they know their stuff when it comes to war. Ardboys are led by by their own bosses who lead their boys into the fray with deafening yells. These bosses embody the both the brashness of the Ardboys and their pride at getting to fight beside the Ironjawz. 

In imitation of the Ironjawz, Ardboys plaster themselves in armour and tote Ardboy Choppas, which can be two-handed or paired with Smashas or large Orruk-forged Shields. While strong enough to break the spine of a man one-handed, they cannot beat iron into shape with their hands like the Ironjawz and instead they forge it from salvaged iron, displaying surprising skill for their race.”

A change to “KruleIronz” would give them both the Kruleboyz-like smarts to fight disciplined and forge their weapons but the Gorky drive to put muscle on their lanky(but tall, Kruleboyz average 7 to 8 feet) frames and swell out to evolve into massive Ironjawz. A breed of orruks yet to choose their path between Ironjawz or Kruleboyz.

would be a nice link between the different breeds of orruks as a shift through Gorkamorka ideology and get rid of the old Black Orc look to be something new like Kruleboyz covered in plate armor that can be a mix of the jagged armor they like(maybe a bog devil motif with horned helms imitating Kragnos) and smoother armor but with visible fist imprint/dents showing they’re practicing using only their fists to shape armor instead of wimpy forges.

I've always thought it was a complete waste to toss the old Black Orcs themes of "orcs with actual soldiering competence, discipline, and smarts", and make the Ironjawz just "Big orcs in big crude armor" instead of a counter-culture movement that survived the age of Chaos by rejecting orruk traditional tactics (or lack thereof). 'Ard Kruelboyz would hit that spot real good for me.

Edited by acr0ssth3p0nd
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4 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

Big orcs in big crappy armor"

Tbf it’s not crappy armor but usually stuff like otherworldly armor forged in hell that they looted and proceeded to beat into shape with nothing but their fists where even cannonballs are challenged by the hellsteel.

Some Ironjawz even taking it a step further by wearing living chaos steel:

Iron is Iron - Ironjaw Brutes of the Dethfist Warclan invaded the Daemon Pits of Gorrmurg, rampaging among its Soul Grinder pens. Tearing iron from the war machines, the Orruks hammered the daemon metal into armour. Even though the living iron continually tried to crush them, the Brutes took great pride in their new armour, as it just proved how 'super killy’ they must be.”


but otherwise yeah, besides Ironjawz being a lesson in making sure you dispose of Orruk bodies properly unlike what chaos did which lead from them dominating Ghur for centuries  to being overthrown almost overnight by the mega orruks all the killings created, there’s plenty of examples of Ardboyz marshaling themselves to the Ironjawz wars which should cause many mobs to be different as they can’t rely on pure brute power yet to stand alongside the actual Brutes so use Krule kunning but armored tactics focused to get by until the growth in becoming Gork’s fists as Mork’s hand closes.

In the Iron Shadow - Impressed by the strength of the Ironjawz, countless warclans gathered, hopeful to join them in their war against Chaos. The meanest of these formed Ardboy mobs, and marched into battle beside the massed armoured ranks of the Ironjaw Brawls”

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Influencers have their hands on the new Contast and shades.

Warning for Nighthaunt players. Looks like Nighthaunt Gloom and Hexwraith Flame will have a different finish to them. If they're going to replace the current 'Technical' version it might be worth grabbing a few while you can.


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22 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Yes, and that same rumor talked about gitz in winter with S2D, so that would check out based upon your hypothesis 

Sorry, but these rumours were fake, the date of these rumours are dated to be the releases during the past winter that were proven wrong as we know now.


I know we want to receive news about our armies buuuuuut we must separate our wishes from our realistic expectations.

Edited by Nezzhil
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36 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Sorry, but these rumours were fake, the date of these rumours are dated to be the releases during the past winter that were proven wrong as we know now.


I know we want to receive news about our armies buuuuuut we must separate our wishes from our realistic expectations.



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Thank goodness. That “no teleport” battle plan would be a nightmare otherwise for the Kharadron.

The reason made sense, super tight cave confines makes fancy teleports and airship maneuvers near impossible so it’s a straight up brawl in the depths. But this is the Kharadron Overlords, disintegration rays, orbital bombardment gun-satellites and Doctor Who Tardis physics of the airship cabins being noted their dimensions are manipulated so they’re much bigger on the inside than possible.

If anyone can think of a way for metal dirigibles to swim through the ground to deliver troops and firepower to tunnel battles it’s them. 👨‍🔬 🧙‍♂️ 


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1 hour ago, novakai said:

The next one is usually NOVA at the end of August unless there a surprise one coming out In between now and then

That would be most likely then as they can show off the Order and Chaos Tomes and Battle Boxes alongside the last Underworlds Warband and new Warcry set.

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15 hours ago, novakai said:

The next one is usually NOVA at the end of August unless there a surprise one coming out In between now and then

I think Nova is beginning of September while GenCon is beginning of August ( mostly boxed games)

I think new Lumineth hero is a good candidate for new model Monday.


Last year there was also a July on line preview on octarius , maybe warcry this year ?

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We need a preview soon.

Of everything shown, only remains to be released chaos marines miniatures (something must have happened so that at least part of them does not come out with the book), and warcry (which is shown incomplete).  (slaves and astra are leaks so i dont count them)


Well and we have the squats, but little by little they show us everything.


We don't know the next AoS books, and even less the quarterly releases of games like kill team, blood bowl, underworld..


They can fill July with chaos marines, the new paints, some heresy, and maybe the new warcry.. But it would be a little poor month.






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They've said League are still a few months out and I'd expect War Cry around the same slot as Kill-Team was (August).

They could easily fill July with the CSM stuff. August has Mechanicum for 30k and might include new kits, but otherwise there's still plenty of Marine stuff for 30k to fill out July and August.

My guess is they might slip the next two Battletomes either into the end of August or September. They'll presumable have to do a Preview for War Cry at some point soon since I'd imagine they'll want to push it as a big edition change.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I just want to see if this if the Squats Land Train is going to be a thing. I cant imagine how crazy it will look if it is a thing, hopefully they go with tank tracks and not hover plates like the trike

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

I think Nova is beginning of September while GenCon is beginning of August ( mostly boxed games)

I think new Lumineth hero is a good candidate for new model Monday.


Last year there was also a July on line preview on octarius , maybe warcry this year ?

I could see the new Lumineth Hero announced this Monday, the Tzeentch Hero the following and then the dual box the week after for a release sometime late July / early August.

26 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They've said League are still a few months out and I'd expect War Cry around the same slot as Kill-Team was (August).

They could easily fill July with the CSM stuff. August has Mechanicum for 30k and might include new kits, but otherwise there's still plenty of Marine stuff for 30k to fill out July and August.

My guess is they might slip the next two Battletomes either into the end of August or September. They'll presumable have to do a Preview for War Cry at some point soon since I'd imagine they'll want to push it as a big edition change.

Im hoping for a Prevew early July as of right now we dont have much confirmed for AOS or its boxed games.

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I went back and checked. Last year there was an AoS unboxing preview, a launch day preview, a dedicated 40k preview and and Warhammer+ preview all in June and July. That's 4 previews in 2 months. This year we've had one so far. I'd be surprised if we didn't get something in July. There's plenty gw could show off. We haven't seen the next Warhammer+ minis yet. We have 4 autumn battletomes that haven't been shown off yet. Warcry hasn't been fully unveiled and presumably there is going to be an autumn kill team box with some new imperial guard. I'd expect to see a full Leagues of Votann blowout at some point. They had weekly Eldar previews but still did a big thing for Adopticon. They haven't shown the last two warbands for Underworlds which must be coming soon as were due a new season before the end of the year. I'm sure they also have more stuff coming for necromunda, bloodbowl and Horus Heresy. That's at least two previews worth of stuff right there. 

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29 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I went back and checked. Last year there was an AoS unboxing preview, a launch day preview, a dedicated 40k preview and and Warhammer+ preview all in June and July. That's 4 previews in 2 months. This year we've had one so far. I'd be surprised if we didn't get something in July. There's plenty gw could show off. We haven't seen the next Warhammer+ minis yet. We have 4 autumn battletomes that haven't been shown off yet. Warcry hasn't been fully unveiled and presumably there is going to be an autumn kill team box with some new imperial guard. I'd expect to see a full Leagues of Votann blowout at some point. They had weekly Eldar previews but still did a big thing for Adopticon. They haven't shown the last two warbands for Underworlds which must be coming soon as were due a new season before the end of the year. I'm sure they also have more stuff coming for necromunda, bloodbowl and Horus Heresy. That's at least two previews worth of stuff right there. 

Heres hoping we get a July Preview with all that AOS goodness.

They could do another Preview then in October to show off the STD Christmas releases.

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