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Also I think the team are separate and work on the own thing. There a dedicated AoS team to at does AoS stuff along with Warcry and Underworlds and the specialist team is supposively doing OW along with their other side games like Necromunda and Adeptus titanicus. I don’t believe there much overlap and collaborating between the two given what we know on how GW operates. 

 Though i believe Horus Hersey has their own team in FW, since Andy Hoare is also the lead designer, I am guessing they are going to be busy with that game system for a while

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All that matters is that I can get some form of tray to put my chaos army into regiment formation. I know it would likely lead to a different sized footprint and not be tournment legal but I will only be playing with friends.

Actually I think that my Ogors could also be used in Old World... I am getting more and more excited. Although It will be harder to justify buying an old world beastman army if i have two legal(ish) armies already.

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15 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

All that matters is that I can get some form of tray to put my chaos army into regiment formation. I know it would likely lead to a different sized footprint and not be tournment legal but I will only be playing with friends.

Actually I think that my Ogors could also be used in Old World... I am getting more and more excited. Although It will be harder to justify buying an old world beastman army if i have two legal(ish) armies already.

@Neverchosenbrings up an excellent point: how many of our armies will actually be playable? and how will we transfer said armies from round to square bases?

I'm going to be honest, I haven't played a game years due to school and the pandemic, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to be able to bring my Slaves to Darkness army to an Old World tournament just because they're on round bases. To say nothing of the (hopefully) new models for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!!

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Right now I think the Dawnbringer Crusade rework  will answer a lot of questions right now about their plans for both games. 

My more realistic take is that they remove all the current units in Cities and make them all useable in The Old World. The Old World would get a lot of refugees trying to play their old armies while AoS would have a 100% brand new faction that players would have to start from scratch. They then brand The Old World as the retro game that players can use all their old stuff for and AoS as the newer more extreme/crazy game. They then repeat the patter and make like space Seraphon, etc.

Cities is the perfect test run since that would bring like 7 factions back to The Old World and lot of old models/races do not really work/fit in AoS. Still love the faction tho...

My preferred option would be for GW to try and make it that players could run one army in both games with little to no work and offer conversion kits.

Edited by RyantheFett
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I bougth when i started aos many new dispossesed kits,and then when cos came i bougth more new kits of elfs and some human.


So are you telling me that my around 400€ spents in new age of sigmar boxes(they have the new aos box and not this old fantasy box) must be umplayable after  around 2\3 years of live?

When people say thay cos units must go away think that every cos player are fantasy players using his 20+ years old minis,but we are many people that spent the same(or more because all is only direct sale) money in our new kits of cos than a demon player per example,why our money worth less and must be obsolete in only 3 years on book but per example demons with kits of same age or more domt get anithing deleted and only 9999999 new units?


I really wish only some empire unit be replaced(NOT deleted,replaced by a new kit) but we can use our old unit with no problems and then only add many new units as every demon flavour got and they dont delete any dwarf or elf unit.

If they delete any of my dwarf\elf units.........i got very upset with the removal of city of sigmar but that were fantasy units being updated to aos,so i got it. If now that every city of sigmar unit is a proper aos unit get deleted i only gonna sell my 4 armys and play with printed3d copied models and f..... Gw

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3 minutes ago, Doko said:

So are you telling me that my around 400€ spents in new age of sigmar boxes(they have the new aos box and not this old fantasy box) must be umplayable after  around 2\3 years of live?

Nobody knows at this moment. They talked that it's the begining, and we will see the final result before the new edition (2024? maybe more?)

Before going full gloom&doom, I suggest to wait until we know a bit more of this project. Eddie said that they are going to reveal the army like they did some years ago with Sisters of battle. Expect some renders and a bit of story for about a year (or two). It sucks because that's a lot of time, but at least, you know that you can legally play tournament with your 400€ of miniatures.

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I think it unrealistic for GW to hold old models for so long in their inventory without eventually retiring them and just as unrealistic to refresh every single miniature they retire. You can alway proxy old models for new models and do what you wish with your toys and all and it not hard. but it be like LRL and  HE, where realmlords are spiritual successor of HE but they are also their own different thing at the end of the day.

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48 minutes ago, Doko said:

I bougth when i started aos many new dispossesed kits,and then when cos came i bougth more new kits of elfs and some human.


So are you telling me that my around 400€ spents in new age of sigmar boxes(they have the new aos box and not this old fantasy box) must be umplayable after  around 2\3 years of live?

When people say thay cos units must go away think that every cos player are fantasy players using his 20+ years old minis,but we are many people that spent the same(or more because all is only direct sale) money in our new kits of cos than a demon player per example,why our money worth less and must be obsolete in only 3 years on book but per example demons with kits of same age or more domt get anithing deleted and only 9999999 new units?


I really wish only some empire unit be replaced(NOT deleted,replaced by a new kit) but we can use our old unit with no problems and then only add many new units as every demon flavour got and they dont delete any dwarf or elf unit.

If they delete any of my dwarf\elf units.........i got very upset with the removal of city of sigmar but that were fantasy units being updated to aos,so i got it. If now that every city of sigmar unit is a proper aos unit get deleted i only gonna sell my 4 armys and play with printed3d copied models and f..... Gw

As someone who just spent around $1300 on a Cities army just a few weeks ago I can relate lol. Made worse since my friend wanted me to just stick with LRL since rumors of the crusade was going to happen.

I offered a more extreme example of what could happen. A very safe guess would be the Human units gets replaced and the other races remain in the faction and get reworks down the line. The messaging has been a bit muddled so right now we don't know nothing. 

It is just that GW is in a very interesting spot since so many factions have old units that also could work with The Old World (which also has a lot of unknowns as well). Should be some interesting choices they will have to make and reveal at some point.

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Right now I think the Dawnbringer Crusade rework  will answer a lot of questions right now about their plans for both games. 

My more realistic take is that they remove all the current units in Cities and make them all useable in The Old World. The Old World would get a lot of refugees trying to play their old armies while AoS would have a 100% brand new faction that players would have to start from scratch. They then brand The Old World as the retro game that players can use all their old stuff for and AoS as the newer more extreme/crazy game. They then repeat the patter and make like space Seraphon, etc.

Cities is the perfect test run since that would bring like 7 factions back to The Old World and lot of old models/races do not really work/fit in AoS. Still love the faction tho...

My preferred option would be for GW to try and make it that players could run one army in both games with little to no work and offer conversion kits.

I think that plan would be really bad from a business perspective. IMO the best way to make money out of it is to sell as much to both groups as possible.
What I think would be best from a business perspective:

  • All TOW kits get aos warscrolls, and subfaction rules where appropriate. (i.e "not kislev" could be a city of sigmar in the southern tundras of ghur, and Greenskinz could make a comeback in big waaagh!)
  • Recycle as many plastic kits as possible (both currently in production for aos and ones that were taken out of production). No need to redesign kits that don't need it, and you can generally get factions in a releasable spot faster, speeding up development time. Its also better for their pockets if they release less stuff aos players already own since they can sell to both playerbases. (Recycled out of production kits like boar boyz and a lot of the 8th ed tomb kings stuff, that still holds up pretty well.)

When it comes to dawnbringer crusades I'm pretty sure they're not going to touch any of the non-human stuff from cities of sigmar, but all they showed us so far were bits and doodads. I wouldn't be surprised if the release ends up being a bunch of completely new kits, alongside upgrade sprues similar to what we've seen in 40k a few times like with the cadians. That way the old empire kits can do double duty. Alternatively it wouldn't be a stretch for them to be completely revamped kits with Old World upgrade sprues.

I think we're well past anything in aos getting squatted or shifted to another system, and GW would be fools to not try to sell old world models to aos players.

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Right now I think the Dawnbringer Crusade rework  will answer a lot of questions right now about their plans for both games. 

My more realistic take is that they remove all the current units in Cities and make them all useable in The Old World. The Old World would get a lot of refugees trying to play their old armies while AoS would have a 100% brand new faction that players would have to start from scratch. They then brand The Old World as the retro game that players can use all their old stuff for and AoS as the newer more extreme/crazy game. They then repeat the patter and make like space Seraphon, etc.

Cities is the perfect test run since that would bring like 7 factions back to The Old World and lot of old models/races do not really work/fit in AoS. Still love the faction tho...

My preferred option would be for GW to try and make it that players could run one army in both games with little to no work and offer conversion kits.

I can tell you that GW telling me to use my current Cities models in The Old World and to just buy a bunch of new stuff would probably just result in me quitting both games. I have no real interest in a return to the gameplay of Warhammer Fantasy and that kind of move would just be entirely too hostile towards the player base for me to put up with. I'd rather switch to One Page Rules or another generic rule set than reward GW for this kind of thing if it came to pass.

But I honestly can't really imagine GW doing it. Even with a mortal redesign there are certainly ways to keep the eisting models playable. Just scrapping everything for no reason just does not seem like the way foreward to me, even from a perspective of just wanting to maximize profit.

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9 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

I think that plan would be really bad from a business perspective. IMO the best way to make money out of it is to sell as much to both groups as possible.
What I think would be best from a business perspective:

  • All TOW kits get aos warscrolls, and subfaction rules where appropriate. (i.e "not kislev" could be a city of sigmar in the southern tundras of ghur, and Greenskinz could make a comeback in big waaagh!)
  • Recycle as many plastic kits as possible (both currently in production for aos and ones that were taken out of production). No need to redesign kits that don't need it, and you can generally get factions in a releasable spot faster, speeding up development time. Its also better for their pockets if they release less stuff aos players already own since they can sell to both playerbases. (Recycled out of production kits like boar boyz and a lot of the 8th ed tomb kings stuff, that still holds up pretty well.)

When it comes to dawnbringer crusades I'm pretty sure they're not going to touch any of the non-human stuff from cities of sigmar, but all they showed us so far were bits and doodads. I wouldn't be surprised if the release ends up being a bunch of completely new kits, alongside upgrade sprues similar to what we've seen in 40k a few times like with the cadians. That way the old empire kits can do double duty. Alternatively it wouldn't be a stretch for them to be completely revamped kits with Old World upgrade sprues.

I think we're well past anything in aos getting squatted or shifted to another system, and GW would be fools to not try to sell old world models to aos players.


9 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I can tell you that GW telling me to use my current Cities models in The Old World and to just buy a bunch of new stuff would probably just result in me quitting both games. I have no real interest in a return to the gameplay of Warhammer Fantasy and that kind of move would just be entirely too hostile towards the player base for me to put up with. I'd rather switch to One Page Rules or another generic rule set than reward GW for this kind of thing if it came to pass.

But I honestly can't really imagine GW doing it. Even with a mortal redesign there are certainly ways to keep the eisting models playable. Just scrapping everything for no reason just does not seem like the way foreward to me, even from a perspective of just wanting to maximize profit.

As a refugee from other miniature games I have major PTSD and trust issues. *cough* AMG Star Wars *cough*.

So I just figure every company will just do the worse thing possible and expect the fanbase to defend it and eat it up lol. 

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FW has a bad track record in terms of business decisions though, so I don't trust them not to ****** it up. A perfect example is the fantasy/aos line of models that was nearly completely scrapped. Of the models that stayed, all of them had faction keywords. Of the ones that were removed most (possibly all) didn't have a faction keyword. 
It astounds me that they couldn't be bothered to just slap a faction keyword on those warscrolls, it was literally leaving money on the table.

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Even if they plan to keep CoS as a multi-racial faction it does make some sense to refresh the human models first, they are almost all the worst looking models in the faction and the most tied to TOW's semi historical aesthetic.

From my PoV, as someone completely uninterested in TOW and with next to no interest in Cities/Dawnbringers I kind of hope they don't intend for these new units to be used in both systems, I think it would risk losing out on the biggest advantage of doing g this, to make these kits something that feels like its really a part of the Mortal Realms, a kit that really takes advantage of the freedom and creativity thar the nature of AoS as a setting allows.

Having them end up just standard fantasy humans would be extremely dissapointing.

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Not sure how many here play Magic the Gathering (the other addiction) but they previewed the first of their 40k cards from the upcoming collaboration today but also mentioned that there will be Secret Lairs releasing for Age of Sigmar and Blood Bowl. (And 40k Orks)


For those who don’t follow Magic Secret Lairs are made to order promo cards offered for a limited window of time, some brand new cards, most reskins/alt-arts of existing cards. So something fun to look forward to this summer.


Edited by EonChao
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I mean they outright said CoS and Dawnbringers wont be purely human already, GW does get up to some sketchy nonsense, especially FW but so far they havent, this time :D

Old world looks like a nice simple plan to release a dozen OOP armies kits and a couple of entirely new armies and presumably a whole bunch of bases and base adaptors all at once, nothing can go wrong.

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28 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Do we actually have a timeline beyond the roadmap for any of the WHFest updates? I know people are talking about DoK/NH books next week, but are we expecting summer tomes or any other releases before, I dunno, September?

I hope that we see book releases every other month, meaning that the next two are out by July, but GW said Fall for the next few tomes, so we'll see.

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2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

I mean they outright said CoS and Dawnbringers wont be purely human already, GW does get up to some sketchy nonsense, especially FW but so far they havent, this time :D

Old world looks like a nice simple plan to release a dozen OOP armies kits and a couple of entirely new armies and presumably a whole bunch of bases and base adaptors all at once, nothing can go wrong.


they did not

Eddie didn’t seem to even know answer to the question when ask

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