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5 minutes ago, Kronos said:

I’m still quite bitter about Cursed City. The hype generated around what was a limited release. A breeding ground for scalpers, and then releasing the same bloody kits at a much much higher price and without the cool tokens. 

I know GW owe me nothing ,even after 25 years (I reckon I could have bought a house were it not for them and Forgeworlds Resin). But it has been quite badly mismanaged. And if the box is released at a much Higher Price it may just be my burnout from them (He says knowing full well how much GW has him under their thumb). I can handle inflation, I can’t handle greed. 

Expansions sound awesome though 😅

I imagine it was a situation where even GW didn't know if it was coming back due to some secret catastrophe with whoever was printing the game materials. If I had to guess there was some kind of major screwup with either a third-party factory itself (possibly files being lost or company facing Covid issues or going out of business) or the work-for-hire contracts on the design work for the printed pieces were screwed up in a way that made that artwork not technically GW's property.

GW probably figured they could cut their losses by selling the parts that they had in hand while the question of if the situation could actually be resolved was still in the air.

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18 minutes ago, Kronos said:

I’m still quite bitter about Cursed City. The hype generated around what was a limited release. A breeding ground for scalpers, and then releasing the same bloody kits at a much much higher price and without the cool tokens. 

I honestly still think Cursed City was always planned to be an unlimited release. All statements made in the lead up to the release indicate that much. There must just have been some kind of serious miscalculation with regards to supply and demand surrounding the game. Whether it was GW under-supplying for what would be a reasonable amount of demand or GW supplying a reasonable number of boxes and demand being hugely higher than anticipated is anyone's guess, though.


13 minutes ago, Sharkbelly said:

That MUST be a witch hunter, right? Stakes and a hammer? With the other Witch Hunters out already (the Ven Densts), will we see a whole expansion for Cities of Sigmar featuring Witch Hunters and Flagellants?

There is already a Witch Hunter in the Cursed City base game, Darrok Jelsen. Would be weird to have an expansion focussing on more witch hunters after that, but not impossible. However, Underworlds is rumoured to get a Witch Hunter warband, too. I suspect the rumour engine might be that.


As a side note, I have been speculating since the start that all the Soulblight models that people are so sure were meant to be expansions to Cursed City (Annika, Kritza, Belladamma, Big Radukar) were always intended as proper Soulblight models from the start. It will be interesting to see whether I was right or wrong on that once the expansions start coming out.

Also, I'm bringing back a prediction I made in February before Cursed City released, when everyone was speculating about possible Cursed City expansions. The Ven Alten Skydocks were a location on the old Cursed City website map. If the expansions are themed around those locations, we might see a ghost ship as one of the expansion models:




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Biggest changes seen to be the change to unleash hell (6" rather than 9"), heroic recovery needing to by 3" away of a enemy and the amulet of destiny going to a 6+ ward.

Archaon, Nagash and kragnos got new warscrolls.

I wonder if they will release a separate points change document with the article talking about the faq or If there will be no points changes this time.

Edited by Arzalyn
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Just now, Arzalyn said:

Biggest changes seen to be the change to unleash hell (6" rather than 9"), heroic recovery needing to by 3" away of a enemy and the amulet of destiny going to a 6+ ward.

Nagash and kragnos got new warscrolls.

I wonder if they will release a separate points change document with the article talking about the faq or If there will be no points changes this time.

There should be points changes considering this FAQ is supposed to be the one changing the Dragon's points?

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4 minutes ago, pixieproxy said:

There should be points changes considering this FAQ is supposed to be the one changing the Dragon's points?

I expect it will be, they said this faq was supposed to focus on under used units, but from what we can see just kragnos and nagash got any changes, unit wise.

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From the Nagash scroll:


If this unit is part
of a Nighthaunt, Flesh-eater Courts,
Ossiarch Bonereapers or Soulblight
Gravelords army
, it knows all of the
spells from the spell lores in that
faction’s allegiance abilities in addition
to the other spells it knows.

So does that mean Nagash can go into all Death armies now? Big if true.

EDIT: Should have read the literally next sentence:


This unit can be
included in a Nighthaunt, Flesh-eater
Courts, Ossiarch Bonereapers or
Soulblight Gravelords army.


Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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10 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

It's bigger than that: "Models in the unit that receives the command that are within 6" of the target unit can shoot in that phase"

Even that quote is still missing the best bit:


...and they can only target the
unit that made the charge move.

Some of the problem point from the core rules seem to have been adressed, at least. Unleash Hell now works like you would expect, Heroic Recovery is now only for heroes out of combat and Amulet of Destiny is just a 6+ ward.

Nothing about save stacking, it seems.

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1 hour ago, The World Tree said:

ah yes if only they'd release more aos. It has been three days since the last army book. Come on, let's be better than this baseless whining.

It'd be much obliged if you could provide feedback to my half-joking opinion in a slightly more constructive or at least polite manner. Thank you. 

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Beasts of Chaos S Tier confirmed:

Page 88 – Ungor Raiders, Baying Anger Change the rule to: ‘Add 1 to wound rolls for shooting attacks made by this unit while it has 10 or more models.’

Page 93 – Dragon Ogors, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’

Meta chasers will be selling their SCE dragons and buying Dragon Ogors and mass Ungor Raiders. Don't worry I can give your Dragons a good home! As I posted this @Neil Arthur Hotep dropped the big reveal. Get on the Beast Train everyone!

Edited by Neverchosen
Neil Arthur Hotep was able to correct me further and point out that this is not a new update meaning Beasts are clearly so top tier they didn't even need the update. More proof that you can get rid of all those overcosted dragons.
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8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Beasts of Chaos S Tier confirmed:

Page 88 – Ungor Raiders, Baying Anger Change the rule to: ‘Add 1 to wound rolls for shooting attacks made by this unit while it has 10 or more models.’

Page 93 – Dragon Ogors, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’

Psst... Those changes were from the last FAQ in August. Beasts didn't get a new FAQ this time around.

Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Psst... Those changes were from the last FAQ in August. Beast didn't get a new FAQ this time around.

So people have been sleeping on this update, all the more reason to give me dragons and get ready for 40k beasts in AOS!

In all seriousness I just want beasts to be good that rumour engine looks great and gives me a creepy Morghur vibe... but the weird 40k looking coiled hoses on the top make me realize it is probably 40k related which makes me sad. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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