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3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

why would narrative players not care *at all* about internal balance..? I don't plan on playing competitively, but even for casual/narrative games I'd like to see rules that feel good.

Some people ignoring points changes for narrative play doesn't mean those people also want to ignore warscroll/ability balance and it's wild to say certain players can't engage in mechanical-balance discussions

I refer to people who proclaim they don't care about balance, then proceed to complain about others caring.

Obviously narrative players may care anout balance.

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I'm probably being stupid here but I've never seen these artworks before and just thought it was interesting. 

Was just browsing the Age Of Sigmar website after that new timeline article, and I was 'exploring the realms' and this picture is attached to Ghyran:

This pastel style art is seen across each realm section, and the figure to the right of the Stormcast stood out. 

It could very well be artistic freedom but it just stood out to me since it looks humanoid rather than tree like with a red pauldron and a Sylvaneth style banner. Small chance of Wanderers/Kurmothi tease? 

One of the artworks for Azyr also has some rather different looking human foot soldiers. Are these old artworks does anyone know? 


Edited by Black_Templar_Lad
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49 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I'm probably being stupid here but I've never seen these artworks before and just thought it was interesting. 

Was just browsing the Age Of Sigmar website after that new timeline article, and I was 'exploring the realms' and this picture is attached to Ghyran:

This pastel style art is seen across each realm section, and the figure to the right of the Stormcast stood out. 

It could very well be artistic freedom but it just stood out to me since it looks humanoid rather than tree like with a red pauldron and a Sylvaneth style banner. Small chance of Wanderers/Kurmothi tease? 

One of the artworks for Azyr also has some rather different looking human foot soldiers. Are these old artworks does anyone know? 


Do you mean the figure on the far right of the frame?


Looks a bit elfy, with a scythe?!

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18 minutes ago, SentinelGuy said:

Looks like a Wildwood Ranger with a wonky blade.

I was thinking it was probably a Wildwood Ranger with the hood but then they don't usually have pauldrons like that and that's definitely a staff/banner they're holding. 

The only thing I can't tell is if the branches above their head are just of a Sylvaneth Dryad behind or they are attached to them as some decoration or something. 

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1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I'm probably being stupid here but I've never seen these artworks before and just thought it was interesting. 

Was just browsing the Age Of Sigmar website after that new timeline article, and I was 'exploring the realms' and this picture is attached to Ghyran:

This pastel style art is seen across each realm section, and the figure to the right of the Stormcast stood out. 

It could very well be artistic freedom but it just stood out to me since it looks humanoid rather than tree like with a red pauldron and a Sylvaneth style banner. Small chance of Wanderers/Kurmothi tease? 

One of the artworks for Azyr also has some rather different looking human foot soldiers. Are these old artworks does anyone know? 


Great catch and a really cool looking character. It is funny that this is one of the factions/expansions I am most looking forward towards, but I am also not particularly hyped about. Kurnothi feel like a certainty at this point, and I am actually getting frustrated at the wait. Like I loved the Warsong Revenant but they could have just slapped some hooves on him confirming an eventual Kurnothi expansion and called it a day.

I am still hoping that the more elite the unit the more atavistic they become. Waywatchers with largely aelvish features and horns, faun-like wardancers and finally centaur styled cavalry. I would hope for more than just those three units, but that could represent a baseline of potential hybridity. 

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Just now, boyadventurer said:

The Yndrasta article today mentions her people used to ride pegasus. The was rumoured to be a flying SCE cavalry unit coming out, and pegasus knights would certainly make the whole "Bretonnian Stormcast" rumour finally fit.

Just sayin

I would love this to be the case. Are there currently any Pegasus even in the game?

I feel like Yndrasta is making the Celestant Prime feel like a relic so I really hope they have plans to make Sigmar's little friend feel special again. Particularly after getting absolutely wrecked by Lady O. I think either a points reduction or a pretty big warscroll rework are in order.

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14 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I was thinking it was probably a Wildwood Ranger with the hood but then they don't usually have pauldrons like that and that's definitely a staff/banner they're holding. 

The only thing I can't tell is if the branches above their head are just of a Sylvaneth Dryad behind or they are attached to them as some decoration or something. 

they tend to take some liberty when it comes to newer artwork of older units, Flagellants/ Devoted of sigmar look more warrior priest -like in that one Celestant Prime artwork

better looking Mauraders have been in many newer artwork as well 

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5 hours ago, Chikout said:

Ko and Fyreslayers each have their own section on the new homepage. The various Orruk warclans do not. If we're getting soup Duardin, it isn't happening soon. 

Ah, I remember when I said the same thing about Gutbusters and Beastclaw when 2e was launching. To be young again.

Edited by KriticalKhan
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2 hours ago, boyadventurer said:

The Yndrasta article today mentions her people used to ride pegasus. The was rumoured to be a flying SCE cavalry unit coming out, and pegasus knights would certainly make the whole "Bretonnian Stormcast" rumour finally fit.

Just sayin

Ghurish Brets as if they were old world brets she'd be a wizard banging on about the watery tart who sold them down the river.

But yes, would be nice, or there's a whole lot of her and you have Stormcast Birdmen from flash gordon.



Now... *taps finger*  Now.... she fought a champion of khorne - Doombreed, does that not stink of Bull to you?  As in Doombull...  

I'd so love khorne to be able to take minotaurs in their army as a thing - which of course, brings me back to our favourite daemon touched bovine champion of Khorne, Taurox the brass Bull, after all, if mirror boy can come back, why not our favourite wrecking ball?

G'wan GW... G'wan, g'wan, g'wan.

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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27 minutes ago, baronbreakfast said:

Confirmed by Facehammer on YouTube: Slaves battleline units don’t count as such in non slaves armies, they can still be taken but become non-battleline. 

I didn't catch all of that section but I'm now concerned for my Goretide Karkadrak general.

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So for Chaos, it looks like Khorne and Nurgle came through with only moderate rises, whereas Tzeentch basically got nuked into a glowing hole in the ground, while Slaanesh was *already* a glowing hole in the ground and they dropped an extra nuke in just to be sure.

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2 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

So for Chaos, it looks like Khorne and Nurgle came through with only moderate rises, whereas Tzeentch basically got nuked into a glowing hole in the ground, while Slaanesh was *already* a glowing hole in the ground and they dropped an extra nuke in just to be sure.

Be real, just 1 thing : 645 points for 30 pinks = 150 HP = 4.3 points / HP

Be prepared for the swarm of pinks incoming

(And imagine if you could bring back a unit on a 5+ !!!! Basicaly auto win on 1/3 games !)

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