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1 hour ago, bsharitt said:

So the GW webstore has been updated with Gloomspite Gitz, which is currently Spiderfang and The Moonclan stuff that's not in the process of being replaced or reboxed along with the old Gitmob Shaman. So the big Grots section is gone, and as are the Gitmob grots are gone, not even listed under All Destruction anymore. Greenskinz are still there and actually have a section. It doesn't seem that they're simply not indexed either, you can't search for them and incoming links from Google go nowhere. Is GW finally getting brave enough to purge models they don't plan on supporting going forward?

That is a very interesting observation.

It sucks to see things go away, but I am confident enough now in the direction they are taking the game in the future that I would like to see them just rip the scab off and discontinue the forces that they don't plan to support as soon as they fully make that decision.

We know that they have plans for a number of new future armies (light & shadow elves for example) and if they keep a lot of the existing ranges, even after bundling them together, that makes for a lot of army books and product lines.  They need to figure out how to effectively consolidate and keep what they plan to save or expand from the past while still making room for the future lines.  I would like to see them make a serious effort to handle the legacy stuff in some fashion and get us out of the WFB/AoS limbo that a lot of stuff is still in.

And I say that as someone who has a very large Gitmob force that I will have to figure out what I want to do with.

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4 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

That is a very interesting observation.

It sucks to see things go away, but I am confident enough now in the direction they are taking the game in the future that I would like to see them just rip the scab off and discontinue the forces that they don't plan to support as soon as they fully make that decision.

We know that they have plans for a number of new future armies (light & shadow elves for example) and if they keep a lot of the existing ranges, even after bundling them together, that makes for a lot of army books and product lines.  They need to figure out how to effectively consolidate and keep what they plan to save or expand from the past while still making room for the future lines.  I would like to see them make a serious effort to handle the legacy stuff in some fashion and get us out of the WFB/AoS limbo that a lot of stuff is still in.

And I say that as someone who has a very large Gitmob force that I will have to figure out what I want to do with.


It wasn’t long ago they produced an article about what an unsung hero the Orruk Warboss was, and he was No Longer Available a few days later.

If GW are going to get rid of old Orcs and Goblins then it’s a shame but understandable, but saying “everything’s fine, keep buying them” when the plan is to axe them shortly is pretty poor.

I think the writing has been on the wall for a while for the Greenskinz and Gitmob for a while, seems like this might be it.

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2 minutes ago, Luke82 said:


It wasn’t long ago they produced an article about what an unsung hero the Orruk Warboss was, and he was No Longer Available a few days later.

If GW are going to get rid of old Orcs and Goblins then it’s a shame but understandable, but saying “everything’s fine, keep buying them” when the plan is to axe them shortly is pretty poor.

I think the writing has been on the wall for a while for the Greenskinz and Gitmob for a while, seems like this might be it.


Warboss is still listed as available on the US site.  But looking at the UK site it does list him as "no longer available".  The opposite is true of the chariot.  That does imply that they may not be keeping the Greenskinz line in the future.

To be fair, if they wanted to update the Greenskinz line they would probably have to redo most of the kits as they are all quite old aside from the Boar Boyz.  The resin Wyvern kit that used to be Azhag the Slaughterer is still a fantastic model so it looks like people should snag that if they want it as he might go away also.

I hope that at some point they return to the idea of standard Orruks as they are mentioned a lot in all of the fluff.  Maybe they can combine them into the next Ironjawz book.

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6 minutes ago, Luke82 said:

I think the writing has been on the wall for a while for the Greenskinz and Gitmob for a while, seems like this might be it.

Are you sure. That’s the way Gw will be going, because For some reason I have a feeling that Gw exactly wants us to think like that just to be surprised by a  gitmob greenskinz update.

they did it with boc why not with green-things

(also the Orruk from the greenskinz we’re heavily mentioned in the short story)

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6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Are you sure. That’s the way Gw will be going, because For some reason I have a feeling that Gw exactly wants us to think like that just to be surprised by a  gitmob greenskinz update.

they did it with boc why not with green-things

(also the Orruk from the greenskinz we’re heavily mentioned in the short story)

I certainly hope I’m wrong, I love my Greenskins! 

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6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Are you sure. That’s the way Gw will be going, because For some reason I have a feeling that Gw exactly wants us to think like that just to be surprised by a  gitmob greenskinz update.

they did it with boc why not with green-things

(also the Orruk from the greenskinz we’re heavily mentioned in the short story)

I'd be happy with that.  I think there is a place within Destruction for generic orruks still.  It feels to me like Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz don't completely cover the Orruks.  Now, maybe they could rewrite Ironjawz to be a combined battletome that represents a huge Waaagh! and include multiple allegiances.  

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2 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

I'd be happy with that.  I think there is a place within Destruction for generic orruks still.  It feels to me like Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz don't completely cover the Orruks.  Now, maybe they could rewrite Ironjawz to be a combined battletome that represents a huge Waaagh! and include multiple allegiances.  

I have read a view story’s about Gordrakk and his whaaag.

also the malign short story seem to heavily mention Gordraks whaaag consisting of All possible Orruks out their.


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5 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

I'd be happy with that.  I think there is a place within Destruction for generic orruks still.  It feels to me like Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz don't completely cover the Orruks.  Now, maybe they could rewrite Ironjawz to be a combined battletome that represents a huge Waaagh! and include multiple allegiances.  

I think the most important role for generic orruks, same for generic humans, is they give a sense of scale/badassyness. You got an army of the baddest, biggest, fightiest orcs that exist! But without anything to compare to... they are just the regular sized orcs. Last week I was at somebody's place and we put a freeguild model next to a stormcast. It was the first time I truly saw how bad ass and sigmar infused they are. (comparing them to other fantasy races isn't the same)

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Just now, Kramer said:

I think the most important role for generic orruks, same for generic humans, is they give a sense of scale/badassyness. You got an army of the baddest, biggest, fightiest orcs that exist! But without anything to compare to... they are just the regular sized orcs. Last week I was at somebody's place and we put a freeguild model next to a stormcast. It was the first time I truly saw how bad ass and sigmar infused they are. (comparing them to other fantasy races isn't the same)

That's fair.

I feel the same about standard humans as I do Orruks.  I think GW needs to expand and flesh out a force of generic humans for Order.  We have the left-overs from Warhammer Fantasy - but it feels like it is about time that they do something with it.  Whether that means a full reimagining of the older lines similar to the Gloomspite release, or combining them together like Beasts of Chaos and expanding the fluff, or mixing them together with the left-over elves & dwarves and making them into the armies of the Free Cities I don't really care.  I think GW could do something cool with any of those options, but I think the setting would be better off with an updated common human force.  Just as where in 40k Space Marines are cool but the setting and the game is better off with having the Imperial Guard in it (regardless of the rules of any specific edition).

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Just now, Jetengine said:

The easiest option is to merely fuse Gitmob and Greenskinz together.  Add in new/Different mechanics and we're golden.

That was my thought, but Gitmob seems to be entirely gone from the store.  The lone remaining model seems to have been folded into Gloomspite Grots.

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47 minutes ago, Beliman said:


-Nikkit! Nikkit! has something strange. Maybe (AoS 3.0) we will see the return of heroes/champions joining units? Or unit leaders that can equip items? I mean, Select a model and D3 MW to the unit, and if the targeted model has an Artefact (at this moment, only heroes can have Artefacts of Power and they are their own unite...) you can remove it from play with a roll of +10? Yeah, it seems that it is just an arcane bolt for heroes but maybe (one can only hope) is a hint for new mechanics? 

Huh, that's something to think about. It could have just been, "Target an enemy unit."

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Its also odd that none of the stuff that's vanished over the last month or so has been listed as "last chance to buy" before hand. There was a point where they seemed to always list stuff like that before it went out of stock, presumably to persuade people to rush out and get it before it was gone.

I'm not quite sure when they stopped doing this, but I do seem to recall a couple of times when stuff was removed for re-basing, without being listed as gone for good. 

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16 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

Its also odd that none of the stuff that's vanished over the last month or so has been listed as "last chance to buy" before hand. There was a point where they seemed to always list stuff like that before it went out of stock, presumably to persuade people to rush out and get it before it was gone.

I'm not quite sure when they stopped doing this, but I do seem to recall a couple of times when stuff was removed for re-basing, without being listed as gone for good. 

Would have worked on me, would have snaffled up some goblin wolf riders!

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

-New "nonbold" Keywords: CREW and MOUNT (I love that!!!).

Mount has been there for a bit and crew was already mentioned at least in the Black Coach. I saw some BoC new warscrolls getting the Mount keyword as well. But I believe this is the first time there is a rule that affects them, can someone confirm if it was seen before? That could be an interesting new mechanic once all warscrolls have been updated. And could also justify why it’s impossible to find on the website any old war scrolls cards...

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2 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

Is it just me, or does the Trogboss look way worse than the normal Dankhold Troggoth? Really weird pose IMO 

I thought the pose was really weird too, until I noticed that he’s actually holding his club up to look at a spider hanging off it. I really like it now. 

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13 minutes ago, Still-young said:

I thought the pose was really weird too, until I noticed that he’s actually holding his club up to look at a spider hanging off it. I really like it now. 

I think that'd be a really fun pose for a Grot or a shaman or something, but on such a big, centerpiece model who's supposed to be leading this horde of Troggoths... it just makes him look like a dope. He should be scary! The normal Dankhold Troggoth strikes that balance of goofy and monstrous far better for me... but just my opinion anyway 

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24 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

Mount has been there for a bit and crew was already mentioned at least in the Black Coach. I saw some BoC new warscrolls getting the Mount keyword as well. But I believe this is the first time there is a rule that affects them, can someone confirm if it was seen before? That could be an interesting new mechanic once all warscrolls have been updated. And could also justify why it’s impossible to find on the website any old war scrolls cards...

Try to understand that I'm a KO player.

Anything that hints (even if it's just a keyword) to a possible new "garrison  embark/disembark rules", like being part of the "CREW" of a model, is something that puts a smile on my face ❤️

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3 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

I think that'd be a really fun pose for a Grot or a shaman or something, but on such a big, centerpiece model who's supposed to be leading this horde of Troggoths... it just makes him look like a dope. He should be scary! The normal Dankhold Troggoth strikes that balance of goofy and monstrous far better for me... but just my opinion anyway 

Meh. Trolls are dopes haha. I like it. Just use the other pose for the Trogboss if you prefer it?

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5 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

I think that'd be a really fun pose for a Grot or a shaman or something, but on such a big, centerpiece model who's supposed to be leading this horde of Troggoths... it just makes him look like a dope. He should be scary! 

To be fair - this is a troll we are talking about.  They are the epitome of big giant dopes - and that is one of the reasons I love them.

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1 hour ago, Jetengine said:

The easiest option is to merely fuse Gitmob and Greenskinz together.  Add in new/Different mechanics and we're golden.

Just like good-old OnG? :)


I will miss the Grot mechanical constructions if they go. Chariots, airships and pumpwagons are just too cool to miss 

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2 minutes ago, Still-young said:

Meh. Trolls are dopes haha. I like it. Just use the other pose for the Trogboss if you prefer it?

Yeah, I expect that you will be able to do a fair bit of mix-n-match with the parts of this kit.  I like the doofy "hey look a spider!" pose for the Trogg Boss, but I am still not entirely certain about his face compared to the normal one.  It might be the paint of the two pictures, or maybe I just need to see the pieces unpainted, or maybe I just will prefer the standard head in the kit.  But I think they will be interchangeable and have enough options that I can build a multitude of versions and be happy with the results.

Oh who am I kidding?  I'll end up buying 5 of them and converting every single one and not be able to assemble any of them like a "standard" build...

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Loving the designs in this release. Wishful thinking from the Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: the faceplates for the beasties look very very Ironjawz-y in design, with the bashed-in metal and bolted-on teeth. I'm wary of reading too much into it - we'll see if there's any lore connections between the Gloomspite Gitz and Gordrakk & Co. once the tome is out - but it's an interesting detail. All I want is an expanded Ironjawz release, and seeing the continuation of their design language here is the closest thing to a hint in a while.



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