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9 hours ago, Aranthir said:

Some random things I heard  :

- new "Edition" of AoS will introduce new Battleplans 

- there will be a rule that no unit/model can be deployed closer then 9'' from enemy. 

- I heard other things we already know (wh40k alike combat, possibility of rolling for turn going away etc) 


I hope that "wh40k alike combat" is false, if I like 40k system I could be playing 40k; same with rolling for turn, it makes the games more random (good thing for me personally)

Aren't battleplans something like scenarios?


About The Tainted Heart... love in the Mortal Realms? yes please


Edited by Dragobeth
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2 hours ago, Dragobeth said:

I hope that "wh40k alike combat" is false, if I like 40k system I could be playing 40k; same with rolling for turn, it makes the games more random (good thing for me personally)



Same here. I mean I like 40k, but I like AoS more!

WRT new battleplans - isn't that just Generals handbook 2018 content?

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Not setting up within 9" would create some strange rules conflicts and scenarios as well. The units that immediately spring to mind are Horrors (splitting rules), Fanatics and Vanguard Hunter units. Vanguard Hunter units (including the Aquilor's command ability) in particular have a specific rule that says they must be set-up outside 7", as many of their ranged attacks are 9". It's possible that they'll change all of those scrolls, but there's been a general reluctance to do so so far.

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2 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

Not setting up within 9" would create some strange rules conflicts and scenarios as well. The units that immediately spring to mind are Horrors (splitting rules), Fanatics and Vanguard Hunter units. Vanguard Hunter units (including the Aquilor's command ability) in particular have a specific rule that says they must be set-up outside 7", as many of their ranged attacks are 9". It's possible that they'll change all of those scrolls, but there's been a general reluctance to do so so far.

Universal in game changes will affect so much unforeseen stuff I remain very sceptical. Changes to battleplans who starts the game (extra roll off, if you finish setting up first +1 to that roll for example), should be fine. But also suggested stuff like all charging units hit first, will heavily heavily impact the point system. So for my money, change the scenario's, maybe even expand the terrain rules and for that reason take them out of the core rules and leaving the none magical terrain rules, stuff like that are all posibilities but I don't expect more than tweaking to be honest. 

Edited by Kramer
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Although the latest ID content suggests than the priority in combat won't be affected, there are a few things from 40k that works better - rolloff for initiative with +1 to one, who deployed first, you go, I go turns as double turns have to much of an impact. Also the new faq 40k changes for deep striking seem to be good, as alpha strike is not healty for the game.

I really hope for some good rule changes.

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I really hope there are not significant rules changes this year. The state of the game is pretty good. The balance is a handful of tweaks away from being pretty good. We have just had 4 new battletomes tomes which all play significantly differently which will give interesting new challenges for players in the next. 

There are players here and there who are unhappy about certain aspects of the game, but aside from the Balewind Vortex being broken there is no consensus. 

If I was GW I would introduce some more optional rules for people to engage with if they  wish, give Tzeentch  and the Balewind a nerf and and Destruction a buff and then leave the game be for a year while continuing to introduce new battletomes.

If they start changing  rules for the sake if it,  they may find the improving balance of the game set back to zero and they risk upsetting large portions of the playerbase. 

If they do want to change some larger things,  they should offer beta rules for players to test as they are doing with 40k. 


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Rolling for turn order is fine. If you don't like it then just add a house rule. You'll quickly see how static and boring the game becomes when you can predict the flow of the game from deployment...

AOS does not need the same restrictions on deep strike that 40k has. There are far less units capable of doing it and they are far less impactful when they do it.

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3 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

Not setting up within 9" would create some strange rules conflicts and scenarios as well. The units that immediately spring to mind are Horrors (splitting rules), Fanatics and Vanguard Hunter units. Vanguard Hunter units (including the Aquilor's command ability) in particular have a specific rule that says they must be set-up outside 7", as many of their ranged attacks are 9". It's possible that they'll change all of those scrolls, but there's been a general reluctance to do so so far.

On the plus side, not like anybody takes those units except for funsies anyway.

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1 hour ago, PJetski said:

Rolling for turn order is fine. If you don't like it then just add a house rule. You'll quickly see how static and boring the game becomes when you can predict the flow of the game from deployment...

AOS does not need the same restrictions on deep strike that 40k has. There are far less units capable of doing it and they are far less impactful when they do it.

I mostly think that rule will just be in response to stormcast battalions finding new ways to break their shoddy writing all the time. 

That said, half the units in the stormcast book go from 'meh' to 'feel bad for stores that still have stocks of them' if their delivery system gets tanked. Having a 72% chance that that 400pt unit of decimators you brought dies out in the open for free is no bueno.

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4 hours ago, PJetski said:

Rolling for turn order is fine. If you don't like it then just add a house rule. You'll quickly see how static and boring the game becomes when you can predict the flow of the game from deployment...

Yeah, I definitely don't want the roll off for turn to go away, but I wouldn't mind see first to turn become a roll off with +1 for who finished deploying first.  If first to drop doesn't become a 100% first to go, maybe we could also see battalion points go back down since the GHB2017 price jumps  were most likely geared at factoring in the cost of "buying" the first turn.

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4 hours ago, Kramer said:

Universal in game changes will affect so much unforeseen stuff I remain very sceptical. Changes to battleplans who starts the game (extra roll off, if you finish setting up first +1 to that roll for example), should be fine. But also suggested stuff like all charging units hit first, will heavily heavily impact the point system. So for my money, change the scenario's, maybe even expand the terrain rules and for that reason take them out of the core rules and leaving the none magical terrain rules, stuff like that are all posibilities but I don't expect more than tweaking to be honest. 

Agreed, I remain skeptical of 'AOS 2' in general and see a lot of wish-listing rather than solid rumors.

3 hours ago, BURF1 said:

On the plus side, not like anybody takes those units except for funsies anyway.

That's sort of true, but you're talking about arguably the best looking Stormcast models, who've just had a Start Collecting Box created, who're also over-pointed. Not only would it make no sense in terms of invalidating rules scrolls, but it would make no sense in terms of selling models that must have been expensive and time consuming to create. I don't think they need much of a shift in points to become relevant, but if they have to deploy outside of 9" then they'd likely be over-costed if they were the same price as Liberators.

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4 hours ago, Thebiggesthat said:

I'd like a battletome that wasn't full of rules on top of rules on top of rules, that's a good start. Needlessly complicated rules need some streamline treatment

Agreed this would be ideal.    

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11 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

Agreed, I remain skeptical of 'AOS 2' in general and see a lot of wish-listing rather than solid rumors.

That's sort of true, but you're talking about arguably the best looking Stormcast models, who've just had a Start Collecting Box created, who're also over-pointed. Not only would it make no sense in terms of invalidating rules scrolls, but it would make no sense in terms of selling models that must have been expensive and time consuming to create. I don't think they need much of a shift in points to become relevant, but if they have to deploy outside of 9" then they'd likely be over-costed if they were the same price as Liberators.

Vanguard hunters are overcosted NOW at the same price as liberators, at their ridiculous 140 they're easily the worst unit in the battletome armies.

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