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25 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

And on the subject of the black coach, possibly a window?


I'm with you on the Black Coach but could be some terrain or even from 40k high gothic stuff.

About Nighthaunt & Stormcast...I don't know why but the cover with the Stormmages makes me think about  Ornstein from Dark Souls.

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33 minutes ago, Jaepic said:

Anything else we can confirm?

The crest is misattributed to the Soulrender (it lack the lantern). However, I think it belongs to the Allopex Crew (if not, then a fangamora rider). It is definitely from one of the Idoneth though, so it matters not.

Other than that I think you have got it.


There really is not much left. A few more that look like we might see them resolved with Knights/Terrain and then a lot of the rest look really like Death and upcoming SC.

The eternal mysterious 1 is still the most puzzling. It really looks like it should have resolved with KO. But since it does not (we have been through this a few times) it is really impossible to place and has been left unresolved for so long I sometimes wonder if they have pulled a KO kit from release at the last minute.

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5 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

TLDR : I'm afraid that now, a new AOS edition (big releases) is less likely than before, because, (in fact), the rumors we had about a new edition were about a new magic supplement and rules changes coming with a FAQ (normal releases - don't get me wrong, still huge and exciting, just less "big" than I expected !).

I don't think a new version release like we are used to seeing in the past will be anything we see for 40k or Age of Sigmar any time soon.  They really do look like they are moving in the direction of living rulebooks.  If you watch the moves that they are doing they seem to be doing pilot iterations of ideas across both games.  Age of Sigmar piloted the idea of a very small and simple set of core rules, moving most of the special rules to units, and eventually the concept of the General's Handbook being used primarily as a vehicle for matched play that they can reissue yearly.  Sure, it appears that it was not something they meant to do from the beginning and rather was something they did in reaction to a lot of the push-back from the playerbase due to launching the game without any mechanism that makes the social contract for arranging a game simpler (without this it is hard to handle simple games against strangers - and can even be annoying with a regular game group sometimes).

They brought those concepts over to 40k, then layered a bit more complexity into the core rules (some of it is good, but some does not add anything to the game IMO), added stratagems, etc.  Now 40k is in a place where they have to rapidly develop the game, in regards to army rules, core rule adjustments, FAQ/Errata policy, etc.  The game had such a huge change to the mechanics and rules, and it is financially such an important game to GW, that it is obvious that they have to work hard to make sure that this edition is successful.  Age of Sigmar was a giant gamble, but given the relatively poor sales position Warhammer Fantasy was in (which was entirely GWs fault given how expensive they pushed the game to be by doubling up on price increases and pushing an edition that increased unit & army size - they priced out huge chunks of the player base) I think it was a gamble that had little downside.  Good that it was successful, but it almost wasn't and they had to work hard at it.  If you look at what they have been doing with 40k it is plainly obvious that they learned a lot from Age of Sigmar and are using those lessons in handling 40k.

So given all of that, I have a strong feeling that they will turn around and apply things they have learned from 40k back into Age of Sigmar.  I think this is a good thing.  It has been a long long time since GW appeared to actually learn from their actions (both good and bad).  Now that both of their core games are relatively stable and in a good place I think we will see them test certain ideas out in each one and apply the most successful ideas to both.  I  have a feeling that this big 40k rules Errata/FAQ, which was not tethered to any sort of physical release, will be similarly applied to Age of Sigmar.  They can adjust the core rules fairly easily without having to worry too much about cost adjustments.  They have a product that allows them to yearly adjust the matched-play costs for the entire game.  This means any period of disturbance from a core rules change will not be too long unless they drop that change simultaneously with a General's Handbook.  It might honestly be better for them to drop a core rules change 3-6 months ahead of a General's Handbook release to get some feedback.  They can always drop an errata and recost a handful of the worst offending units. 

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2 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

The crest is misattributed to the Soulrender (it lack the lantern). However, I think it belongs to the Allopex Crew (if not, then a fangamora rider). It is definitely from one of the Idoneth though, so it matters not.

Other than that I think you have got it.


There really is not much left. A few more that look like we might see them resolved with Knights/Terrain and then a lot of the rest look really like Death and upcoming SC.

The eternal mysterious 1 is still the most puzzling. It really looks like it should have resolved with KO. But since it does not (we have been through this a few times) it is really impossible to place and has been left unresolved for so long I sometimes wonder if they have pulled a KO kit from release at the last minute.

Number 1 is Kharadron Overlords person. I forget who but it was pointed out to me somewhere. 

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11 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

Number 1 is Kharadron Overlords person. I forget who but it was pointed out to me somewhere. 

Yeah....NOPE! one mght think so, but alle KO sprues have nothing similar to the picture in it and GW didn't update the Rumour engine entry as they use to do, when the model is reveald. So no, 08/02/17 isn't KO.

But I am happy to be proven wrong, thus, to quote Morpheus: "Show me".

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12 hours ago, Jaepic said:


Thanks @HorticulusTGA @Rogue Explorator

Can't find the mortis panel in the kill team video so have to wait for that one.  Thought 3 or 10 might be from the new blood bowl team but not sure.

4 is Stormcast but now I'm not sure if Lord Commander or Stormage.

10 could be Idoneth (some seahorse we have yet to see?)  too.

Isn't 12 from the shadespire's orks or  the knight of shrouds?

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6 minutes ago, Dragobeth said:

4 is Stormcast but now I'm not sure if Lord Commander or Stormage.

10 could be Idoneth (some seahorse we have yet to see?)  too.

Isn't 12 from the shadespire's orks or  the knight of shrouds?

4 is Stormcast, but not yet released (see the Shadespire card and the true cover of Soul Wars.

There won't be yet any new Idoneth releases (than those in the Battletome), according to GW.

12 is close to the Knight of Shourds but isn't (see the 360° view of the model), so probably the coming NIghthaunt release (there was another RE for the Shadespire Orruk's cape). 

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On 4/17/2018 at 11:38 AM, hughwyeth said:

Dude, AoS has had more new models than 40k this year. AoS has 2 new factions this year. 40k hasn't had any new factions. AoS has Malign Portents. 40k just got a new edition, and AoS stil had more models and new factions. GW are putting a lot of effort into AoS, even though it's the smaller game. 

On 4/17/2018 at 11:52 AM, Trayanee said:

I doubt GW could have done more for AoS in recent months. The amount of content since December is through the roof actually...


This is the point, my rant was not about recent releases (shame on me to doubt that) and the amount of new models they added for the armies is insane...recently! In here stand my point. While AoS when it came out had very few updates for the armies now 40k is throwing out 1-2 books per month. I will be veeeeery happy if they keep going like they are doing now because now (from December) they are releasing like they are doing in 40k.

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I think it is not only recently, but overall, AoS has had way more new "shinies" and attention than 40k. And rightly so, since a new game requires massive attention to settle down. If 40k is getting many codex updates, it's due to 7th obsolescence and need to have the armies updated. It is nothing "new", just a mandatory rules update in order to make use in 8th. And I'm quite sure codexes are just a copy-paste of previous ed. fluff and the Index stuff anyway (CSM one is, at least). Other than that, what was really new (model-wise) since 8th... Custodes? Primarines? Death Guard/Tzeentch (that mostly also works for AoS)? 

It pales in comparison with the completely new AoS miniature ranges, army concepts, etc.... I think we should be grateful to GW for the attention they give to AoS despite being the smaller game (they didn't bother doing so for WHFB in like, forever?). So us fantasy folks who are not that much into the sci-fi counter part are quite spoiled, and haven't been so in a loooong time.

If AoS 2 or new Death/Elves/SCE take a few more months than "rumoured", can we really complain?

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1 hour ago, VBS said:

I think it is not only recently, but overall, AoS has had way more new "shinies" and attention than 40k. And rightly so, since a new game requires massive attention to settle down. If 40k is getting many codex updates, it's due to 7th obsolescence and need to have the armies updated. It is nothing "new", just a mandatory rules update in order to make use in 8th. And I'm quite sure codexes are just a copy-paste of previous ed. fluff and the Index stuff anyway (CSM one is, at least). Other than that, what was really new (model-wise) since 8th... Custodes? Primarines? Death Guard/Tzeentch (that mostly also works for AoS)? 

It pales in comparison with the completely new AoS miniature ranges, army concepts, etc.... I think we should be grateful to GW for the attention they give to AoS despite being the smaller game (they didn't bother doing so for WHFB in like, forever?). So us fantasy folks who are not that much into the sci-fi counter part are quite spoiled, and haven't been so in a loooong time.

If AoS 2 or new Death/Elves/SCE take a few more months than "rumoured", can we really complain?

Tau dex had new stuff. Lots of new fluff, but it was fairly mixed reception. If you didn’t like or play (or hate) Tau you probably loved it. If you actually liked Tau it was much more mixed reception to the point I would rather it doesn’t exist. DE had none I could see except Lilith entry being updated kind of a let down. Deathwatch expecting a copy paste job like de. 

I know lots here are jumping the ship to AoS or at lest preparing an army if most of the group shifts to AoS as 40k has been so boring lately. From a lore and model point. 

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It'd surprise me if the Mortis Panel isn't for AoS, just because the hourglass motif has figured so prominently in the Warscryer Citadel, the Knight of Shrouds and it's appeared in the "magic" preview video on some of the art. 

I mean it's certainly not impossible for it to be 40k related cause GW can certainly use similar motifs in multiple games, but the usage of hourglasses just seems so deliberate in the Malign Portents stuff.

Edited by Inqy
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Anyone else think that the Necroquake that has been teased will be a narrative way to explain more older models being removed from the range? I could see the story going "The Necroquake was unleashed, and now all the Lion Rangers are dead!!!" Would certainly be a pretty good excuse  in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Cinncinnatus said:

Anyone else think that the Necroquake that has been teased will be a narrative way to explain more older models being removed from the range? I could see the story going "The Necroquake was unleashed, and now all the Lion Rangers are dead!!!" Would certainly be a pretty good excuse  in my opinion.

I have a feeling that many of the old ranges will be slowly retired in some fashion.  Either by releasing new battletomes that incorporate them or simply by whole new ranges that replace them.  I expect that we will at some point see the legacy stuff quietly retired by removal from the Generals Handbook over a few iterations.  But before that point it is not unlikely to get some sort of Legions of Nagash style book for much of it.

I do think we will see old stuff pruned from the game at some point, but I don’t feel that they will do anything drastic in the fluff like the did with the swap from the old world to Age of Sigmar.  When stuff starts to go away I think it will happen with a whisper rather than a bang.

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3 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

I have a feeling that many of the old ranges will be slowly retired in some fashion.  Either by releasing new battletomes that incorporate them or simply by whole new ranges that replace them.  I expect that we will at some point see the legacy stuff quietly retired by removal from the Generals Handbook over a few iterations.  But before that point it is not unlikely to get some sort of Legions of Nagash style book for much of it.

I do think we will see old stuff pruned from the game at some point, but I don’t feel that they will do anything drastic in the fluff like the did with the swap from the old world to Age of Sigmar.  When stuff starts to go away I think it will happen with a whisper rather than a bang.

Yeah I can see them eventually phasing out any faction that doesn’t have allegiance abilities. 

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I think the less popular legacy factions will always be there in the background, but they will surely slip into obscurity as far as tabletop presence goes.

I am thinking less squats and more 40k beastmen, general Mutants and Genestealer Cults pre-rerelease. Or Fimir in the World-That-Was.They where always there, pretty much from the start, but as their old kits went out of production, simply no new ones dropped. They still played a (sometimes important) part in the lore, but they hardly ever had armies playing an important part in events.

It sort of makes sense, particularly for many of the order ones, as more and more "proper" armies show up, the cults, colleges, messengers, engineers and criminals (heck, even the freeguild comes across more as a militia than a "real" army) of the Free Cities have less and less reason to go to war themselves. They can remain an important part of the free cities, but I suspect the Free Cities/Free Peoples may ultimately get new stuff not connected to any of them as well, slowly but surely pushing the old stuff further and further to the sidelines until by the time it is to discontinue the models, hardly anyone cares to complain.

This is the gentlest way to do it and as a added bonus GW used those old kits to do some worldbuilding for them, without them, we would hardly have by now learned that aelven pirates and sorceresses run some of the organized crime in the free cities or that the best messengers you can get are elves on flying chariots.


And if any prove to develope a cult following asking for their return or GW runs out of ideas, they can always be brought back in force, just as Genestealer Cults where.

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