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I am glad Gotrek and probably Felix are back. 


Though appearnlty they are just going to retcon the Dwarf name into Duradin.

Something even their own witters don't really believe. Just saw a video were a GW Rules writer calls the Shadespire Fyreslayer band dwarfs multiple times, before someone points it out and he corrects himself.

Just call a Dwarf a Dwarf. 

Edited by Envyus
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13 hours ago, Skarloc said:

It's a matter of feeding those WH40K guys..

Last week's pre-orders was AoS Malign Portent. This weekend's pre-orders are Shadespire and Necromunda..

It's a matter of balance amongst GW's games..

40k is just getting codexes and single model releases. They'll likely do multiple things in the same week.

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Here's the placeholder cover art and Amazon listing @Killagore Faceslasha's post came from. It doesn't look like it's out until October, though this is just the collected box set of what's probably a serialised audio drama, so expect the first instalment much sooner. Is it too much to hope for a miniature (or miniatures if he finds Felix)? Eisenhorn just got one! :P




4 hours ago, Lousy Beatnik said:

What exactly has been said about Thanquol in AoS, if you don't mind me asking? Where to read it?

Nothing out side of what's on his warscroll, he doesn't even get as much as a namedrop in the Masterclan page in Grand Alliance: Chaos.

Mind you in The Hardest Word (incidentally also written by David Guymer) a Lord-Veritant says this, which is more likely to be a description of Thanquol  than not (I can't imagine too many other skaven having reached such a grand old age):

"I have seen a skaven as old as the world, his paws in the secrets of the gods. His tail is a serpent of probing shadows, and in my visions I see it winding close about Sigmar's neck."

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6 hours ago, Envyus said:

I am glad Gotrek and probably Felix are back. 


Though appearnlty they are just going to retcon the Dwarf name into Duradin.

Something even their own witters don't really believe. Just saw a video were a GW Rules writer calls the Shadespire Fyreslayer band dwarfs multiple times, before someone points it out and he corrects himself.

Just call a Dwarf a Dwarf. 

I do not feel anyone, even at GW, denies that Duradin are Dwarves, Aelves are Elves, Orruks are Orcs etc.

Look at it this way, Duradin are the type of Dwarves specifically populating the Mortal Realms (and so on).


GW is by far not the only one to do this in their worldbuilding, and while IP protecting is an often cited (and certainly not wrong) reason for doing this, I would like to point out that there is a pretty good non-comercial reason for giving "your" version of a standart fantasy creature another name.

It simply helps seperate a world specific version from any preconceived notions the audience brings to a setting. Tell someone a game has Dwarves, and that person  immediatly has a pretty precise idea of what a Dwarf should look and act like (propably something like movie Gimli). Think of Duradin after some time familiarizing yourself with AoS and Fyreslayer and Kharadron pops up in your mind. People are also far more to accept the likes of half naked mercenary lodges and industrialist warriors strapped to a miniblimp when it is not straight out called a dwarf (that is not what dwarves are all about, but a Kharadron Duradin that is just a subset of a subsetof dwarf can be).


It is a neat little trick to help get acceptance, recognition and curiosity for a twist of an known image.

Back when I was still into Magic the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast would often do this whenever they created a new world for a new season, even though they might already have had multiple "ip-able" names at their disposal for differentiation, and it is also something quite a few non-corporate (like indi-RPG developers) or entirely non-comercial creators (like D&D hobbyists with homebrew settings) would do.

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1 hour ago, Rogue Explorator said:

I do not feel anyone, even at GW, denies that Duradin are Dwarves, Aelves are Elves, Orruks are Orcs etc.

Look at it this way, Duradin are the type of Dwarves specifically populating the Mortal Realms (and so on).

GW definitely make no bones about this. Just incase anyone cares, here's the passage from way back in The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz explicitly spelling out that duardin are dwarfs (or at least directly descended from them ;)):


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1 hour ago, chord said:

I wish they would stop this new era of bringing WHFB characters back.  

I don't, I'm only here for the fan service so they'd better lather it on! :P 

Apart from Gotrek, which WFB characters have recently been brought back/reintroduced to the AoS setting? Aborash got an implied not-quite-namedrop in Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows, but Morathi's been known to have survived the End Times and  been around at the start of the AoS timeline since Age of Sigmar: Mighty Battles in an Age of Unending War way back when the game launched. o.O

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6 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

GW definitely make no bones about this. Just incase anyone cares, here's the passage from way back in The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz explicitly spelling out that duardin are dwarfs (or at least directly descended from them ;)):


Descended from yes...   Like domesticated dogs are descended from wolves...but in this case it's the other way around :D

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15 hours ago, Niltzsche said:

Fluffwise, I always considered this renamings as a sort of etymologic succesors. After all language changes over time so in my eyes it makes sense that the names of the species change as well.

Yeah but its also stupid. Call a Dwarf a Dwarf. 

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46 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

Return of slaanesh imminent?

If by imminent you mean end of this year/beginning of 2019, you are probably correct. From all we know, the little pervert gets her turn in this years chaos reiteration. And in a similar way as Tzeentch and Nurgle did. Only the angry  dude on the Brassthrone will miss out on the double release structure due to obvious reasons. 

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So if GW handles the return of Slaanesh like they've done the previous Chaos Gods, we can expect Dec 2018/Jan 2019 releases for 40k and AOS. Where does that leave the Skaven and Beastmen then? Would both races receive similar treatment over the next few years, each set up to be the big bad on the rise?

I could see one or both coming out the same year GW decides to dedicate time to Destruction. Perhaps after the consequences and desecration laid by Nagash and Slaanesh upon the forces of order, the Skaven/Beastmen will try to assert control, but Destruction will rise to meet this threat

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2 hours ago, AthlorianStoners said:

Page 34 of malign portents has a section involving Shadespire. It says a group of Kharadron steak a mirror containing the vainest soul who ever loved. 

Slaanesh’s soul is said to be trapped between the realm of light and shadow, which also happens to be where shadespire is. 

Return of slaanesh imminent?

The vainest Soul to ever have existed. Slaanesh is far bigger in Scope than a single Soul I believe. There have been some speculations it might be Sigvald though.

1 hour ago, Kyriakin said:

Personally, I would like to see unaligned "brown" Beastmen/Warherd just become Destruction.

They are about the personification mindless destruction for the sake of it.

Never. Beastmen are the true children of Chaos and shall forever be part of it.

Besides, Beastmen go beyond pure destruction for its own sake. To just tear something down is not enough for them, they must see it despoiled and desecrated, turned to less than it ever was. Where the hordes of Destruction rampaged, you can come back and rebuild as if it was unsettled, where the Gor-kin succeded, you face a land poisoned and desecrated with the stuff of Chaos.

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5 hours ago, Envyus said:

Yeah but its also stupid. Call a Dwarf a Dwarf. 

Okay, can you define a dwarf? Because I’m willing to bet I can poke a hole in that definition whereas when you invent a word (duardin in this case) you can always go ‘neheh, I invented duardin and you are thinking of dwarfs.’ ;) 

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