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The Rumour Thread

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3 hours ago, Dez said:

CSM (they suck)

We.. we don't talk... about that book. No. I'm going to go and hug my Bloodbound now.

In all seriousness, I agree, a revamp is exactly what 40k needs. It doesn't have to be stripped right back to AoS levels (that is, 4 pages of rules -- although it could certainly be done), but restructuring would improve it immensely and could really help fix its balance and "meta" problems. A system with multiple ways of playing it similar to what we've just seen with the General's Handbook would be ideal imo.

I'd like to see it be less self-cross-referencing, for one thing. I like the idea of USRs, for example, but in practise gameplay can get crushed under the weight of them as players who haven't memorized them all have to check specifics in the main rulebook for USRs their units have which aren't explained in their sourcebooks, and so on. AoS uses keywords in a way that aids gameplay much better, I find.

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Actually the current rumour situation is quite messy: there is really just one insider source (Sad Panda) and everyone waits for his news. Has not thrown anything on AoS lately. 

There is a second quite reliable source (Atia), who mostly though centralices information that comes from other places, although seems to have some sources of her own. 

These days there is nothing else which is reliable on the rumour front and both of them only have rumours on the near future (1-2 months Atia, up to 4 months Sad Panda with details, although less detailed rumours can go a little bit further away). What is quite interesting is that none of these sources have extensive rumours and only the less reliable sites (Natfka, Bols) seem to have those kinds of rumours. And they have been unexpectedly successful lately: SoW, Ironjaws and some other stuff were rumoured by them at first IIRC. So do not dismiss everything from those sites.

Now, regarding current rumours on 40k:

-This week is Codex Deathwatch + new 40k starter set featuring Harlequin+new Eldrad vs. new Deathwatch. Seems very tempting.

-August should have more Deathwatch releases; Kharn and some chaos. Warzone Fenris II seems unlikely, since Sad Panda hinted at some point that it would come after or along Tzeentch releases and those do not seem to be coming as of yet.

-Near future (say October, maybe even September) should have Horus Heresy II, featuring MK3 marines (SW and TS I think), Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence (Sad Panda source). 

-Warzone Fenris II should come later this year.

-Summer 2017 is the new 8th edition, which will be a major change both on fluff and gameplay.

AoS rumours:

-Jabber Tzeentch has a good summary, I might only add:

-Steamhead Duardin have been hinted but not confirmed by any reliable source. Sources come from both Natfka and BOLS, no Sad Panda. However, remember that most successful AoS rumours have come from those sites lately and you can start trusting them once several of their sources say the same thing. This is the case. Still: we are desperately in need of confirmation and details!

-Tzeentch should be released later this year; this has been repeatedly said by both Atia and Sad Panda (although at this point it feels like Peter and the wolf!). Year of Tzeentch is still very much missing. Maybe Christmas of Tzeentch? 

-We have really no rumour apart from these two. Hints at Shadowkin on several books make for a good guess that they will be released some say, but we have no clue when. Much less regarding light elves. The (lately pretty awesome) battletomes making new factions out of old armies are a given, but we do not know what faction nor when will be released. Good candidates are: Rotbringers (Nurgle mortals), Deathrattle, Malignants, Devoted of Sigmar, Temple of Khaine, Phoenix Temple, Free Guild, Dispossessed, Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, Gutbusters, maybe Skaven Skyre, Skaven Moulder and Skaven Verminus.   

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Devoted of sigmar are going to get a book for sure they appear in the fluff several times and I suspect they are going to get the new "Knights" for the season for war they also note they have been cleansing the realm of life of nurgle's corruption. Phoenix temple I suspect is going to built off into the new light Aelves or be treated like sylvaneth they would not give them a city for no reason. 

Edited by shinros
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Phoenix temple is a rather tiny faction, that is true, but I'am not sure how they fit with the new Tyrion/Teclis aelfs. Very difficult to say anything about these though, because we really have no information at all about them. 

Order is the faction with the less "new old book" factions (just Seraphon, which are also really ALL Lizardmen thrown in a book; sure, both Chaos and Death also have one, but both are completely refashioned factions), so I guess it will come down to order or death for next new old book. Death has a strange organization: Deathlords (or whatever the name is), for instance, are pretty much just special characters and Morghasts; you have a necromancer faction; and an only monsters faction. They therefore only have three viable books for a faction: Malignants, Deathrattle (Skeletons) and Soulblight. Except for Malignants though, making a faction book out of those seems rather hard. They need desperately a new organization, making for example Deathlords applicable to all other factions without affecting allegiance or something like that. 

Order has six or seven interesting choices for a new book: Dispossessed (but it is really all dwarves except for warmachines thrown together, and we have to see how they are affected by Steamhead); Wanderers (once again: all wood elves thrown together); the common dark elf one whose name I forgot (rather boring); Phoenix Temple, Temple of Khaine, Free Guild and Devoted of Sigmar. My personal guess: the most interesting ones, making for a great fluffy faction like Beastclaw Raiders of Flesheather, are Free Guild and Devoted of Sigmar, so it will come to one of those two (if not both) as next mini faction. 

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They need desperately a new organization, making for example Deathlords applicable to all other factions without affecting allegiance or something like that. 

This is a good idea. It's really hard to make a viable 2,000 point list using the Deathlords (whether pure Deathlords or otherwise).

Dark Elves are a bit of a mess at the moment.


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1 hour ago, Turgol said:

-Summer 2017 is the new 8th edition, which will be a major change both on fluff and gameplay.

Would they sneak in an AoS sized rule reconstruction in an edition? OR will they perhaps build to their own 'end times'.

I actually saw a post about the end times in the 40k subreddit and thought I'd don my fire gear and post something https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/4vrhde/are_we_going_to_have_a_40k_end_times_as_well/d60vqbn

What interests me is that they don't need to take such drastic lore measures with 40k (a whole universe has more potential than the old world) to shake it up. It'd be more the rules that they would upend.

Edit/ I was going to paste the text here but left the link as I figure this is for rumours not 40k end time speculation.

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2 minutes ago, Nico said:

This is a good idea. It's really hard to make a viable 2,000 point list using the Deathlords (whether pure Deathlords or otherwise).

Dark Elves are a bit of a mess at the moment.


Actually there is a rather simple way to resolve this: just add a keyword to the respective unit that you want to add. So let's say Neferata becomes the "Malignant Mortarch"; Battletome Malignant just needs to include Neferata with a Malignant keyword. Morghasts will very likely be added to more than one faction. And Arkhan was pretty much made into the Deathrattle Mortarch already. 

This still leaves unsolved the Deathmage and monsters factions. I guess they are no real factions (just like Deathlords), just a couple of models which will be added to the real factions or, like the Ironweld Arsenal, be left with no real faction, meaning that you can choose them for a Death Army but you will lose specific allegiance. AoS... it is all about those small choices. You want artillery? Sure, but you cannot have these nice buffs! 

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5 minutes ago, Turragor said:

Would they sneak in an AoS sized rule reconstruction in an edition? OR will they perhaps build to their own 'end times'.

I actually saw a post about the end times in the 40k subreddit and thought I'd don my fire gear and post something https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/4vrhde/are_we_going_to_have_a_40k_end_times_as_well/d60vqbn

What interests me is that they don't need to take such drastic lore measures with 40k (a whole universe has more potential than the old world) to shake it up. It'd be more the rules that they would upend.

Rumour tends to say something along these lines: "it will go from 5 minutes before midnight to 1 minute before midnight" (and not 2000 years after midnight, like AoS). It is the fluff moving forward, with massive potential changes, but no whole change of the universe. I think if done well this is actually exciting and is also what should have been done with WHFB (although maybe like: 100 years after midnight, but in the same, changed world). So look forward to massive changes but no change of the gaming world. 

Rumoured massive changes: Primarchs coming back and having models; daemon primarchs coming back and having models; important lore zones destroyed or invaded; etc. 

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2 minutes ago, Turgol said:

Rumour tends to say something along these lines: "it will go from 5 minutes before midnight to 1 minute before midnight" (and not 2000 years after midnight, like AoS). It is the fluff moving forward, with massive potential changes, but no whole change of the universe. I think if done well this is actually exciting and is also what should have been done with WHFB (although maybe like: 100 years after midnight, but in the same, changed world). So look forward to massive changes but no change of the gaming world. 

Rumoured massive changes: Primarchs coming back and having models; daemon primarchs coming back and having models; important lore zones destroyed or invaded; etc. 

I would prefer this for 40k. I like AoS's angle now (super high fantasy) but I wasn't so invested in WHFB lore and I can understand how a world is harder to add things to without it feeling mega cluttered (though that's not the only reason as we know).

40k feels like it's just got so much. It's a universe!

I want to see the emperor on the run in a mobile giant arc golden throne ship with marines and surviving humanity in tow. Let's add battlestar galactica to the IP soup that makes 40k so interesting.

Or they can go more Dune-like. I'll never say no to more Dune.

Rules wise, a guy in the 40k subreddit just informed me the rules are perfect (well, robust). I've not played since a very early edition but it all seems a bit obtuse and overbearing. Am I wrong?

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I'am much less of an expert on 40k than fantasy gameplay (I just occasionally play my DA), but I would say you are right. The usual description of current 40k gameplay is "it is a mess". I guess AoS is also a mess because of too many different sources of rules (Rules, General's Handbook, Warscrolls, Battletomes, Time of War, Scenarios, Terrain), but it has a simple pack of rules which makes integrating all of them possible, even if hard and you end up forgetting most stuff. 40k has not only many sources of rules, but also interlocking systems of rules. Given the complexity of the rules and the fact that it is designed to have most rules in the core system, this causes problems. It is also a game which is played more competitively than AoS, so a lot of people get pissed because it is really hard to keep track of all special rules someone else might have (i have this formation + special rules from pack x + special rule specially released for a special occasion), making everything quite uncertain. 

There are no reliable informations about this, but I would guess that 8th edition needs to at least make this dispersion workable. 

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15 minutes ago, Turgol said:

Rumoured massive changes: Primarchs coming back and having models; daemon primarchs coming back and having models;

This was pretty much confirmed during the FW Open Day, there will be daemon primarchs designed outside of FW.  Reading between the lines this means they'll be handled by the main studio (highly likely in plastic) which in turn means they'll have rules for 30k & 40k in the same way that the contents of the Calth boxed set does.

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Changing the subject back to AoS...

with these campaigns, the summer one is in the realm of life, the autumn one is supposedly in aquishy.

that means that the winter/spring one ( so 2017 type time ) would be in another realm following current logic. i think its death? which is followed by a battletome for death ( according to rumours) so there looks to be a pattern forming, with each campaign a battletome for the relevant fraction is released. 

so, if you follow this string logic, when it gets around to slaanesh being re-released (2017 ) i expect it would be in the realm with the Aelfs ( as he is meant to be captured by tyrion an co {i think } ) , so you could expect to see a battletome for them also. which would be the spring campaign 

it makes sense but perhaps that's because i want it to make sense.. lol  



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6 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

Changing the subject back to AoS...

with these campaigns, the summer one is in the realm of life, the autumn one is supposedly in aquishy.

that means that the winter/spring one ( so 2017 type time ) would be in another realm following current logic. i think its death? which is followed by a battletome for death ( according to rumours) so there looks to be a pattern forming, with each campaign a battletome for the relevant fraction is released. 

so, if you follow this string logic, when it gets around to slaanesh being re-released (2017 ) i expect it would be in the realm with the Aelfs ( as he is meant to be captured by tyrion an co {i think } ) , so you could expect to see a battletome for them also. which would be the spring campaign 

it makes sense but perhaps that's because i want it to make sense.. lol  



I don't find this illogical at all. Makes sense. But jumble it all up abit because logic is going to come behind logistics for a company.

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16 hours ago, Rusty said:

Yeah, I'm interested where people are hearing about an Autumn Campaign for AoS... Any links to credible sources?

I would say wishlisting as I think 40K is going to get some love with some Deathwatch Marines and a new boxed set and then backed up with what I see as the 40K End of Times stuff to gear people up for the next edition

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On 8/1/2016 at 10:47 PM, Sleboda said:

Wait.  What?  Warseer is dead? HELL YEAH!  Take that Portent and your ****** child.


F yeah.

So happy.

Couldn'ta happened to a nicer bunch of guys. ;)


Okay, now i'm done dancing on their graves. Sorry. I'll go back to being polite now.

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